あまり見ることがないBoston Dynamics人型ロボAtlasのずっこけNGシーン、失敗が成功を生む

今回は「あまり見ることがないBoston Dynamics人型ロボAtlasのずっこけNGシーン、失敗が成功を生む」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Atlas、Boston Dynamics、ロボット、二足歩行等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



これまでBoston Dynamics(ボストン・ダイナミクス)の完璧に振り付けされた映像を何十、何百と見てきたが、撮影の合間に起こるであろう、ツルッと足を滑らせての転倒を見ることはほとんどなかった。米国時間8月17日、同社は、人型ロボット「Atlas(アトラス)」をカメラの前で格好良く見せるために何が行われているのか、カーテンを開けて少しだけ明らかにした。


Boston Dynamicsはブログ記事でこう書いている。「撮影中、Atlasは半分くらいの確率で正しく跳躍します。一方他のランでは、Atlasはバリアを越えるものの、バランスを崩して後ろに倒れてしまいます。そこからエンジニアはログを見て、その場で調整できる機会を見つけようとします」。


Boston Dynamicsによるとこの種のビデオは、Atlasが一度にコースを完走できるようにするまでに数カ月かかり得るという。「この最新の試みはほぼ完璧だったが、正確には完璧ではなく、ツメが甘かった」と同社は書いている。「ロボットたちがバク転を終えたあと、大リーグのピッチャーが試合終了間際に三振を取った時のように、ロボットの1台が拳を突き上げガッツポーズするはずでした。Atlasチームはこの動きを『Cha-Ching』と呼んでいます」。

Boston Dynamicsのコンピュータには確実に存在しないであろうハッシュタグ「Atlas最大の失敗ビデオ集」に加えて、足を踏み外すと、人間と同じようにロボットも厄介な怪我になりかねない。時にはロボットのChumbawumba(チャンバワンバ)のように「but I get up again」と立ち上がることもある。そうでない場合もある。このビデオはその両方をチェックできるだけでなく、こうしたビデオを作るためにどのような手間暇がかかっているのか、インサイトを得られるという点で見る価値がある。

・現代自動車がソフトバンクからBoston Dynamicsの支配権取得を完了「歩くクルマ」に向け前進

画像クレジット:Boston Dynamics


I watched a lot of skate videos growing up. At some point, failures became as important a fixture as perfectly executed tricks. The spills and the injuries could be downright gnarly (there’s a reason, after all, that skateboarding culture gave the world “Jackass”), but as an aggressively mediocre skater myself, there was something comforting in seeing the best in the world fall flat on their face and (short of actual injury) dusting themselves off and trying a trick for the fifteenth time.

For the dozens or even hundreds of perfectly choreographed videos we’ve seen from Boston Dynamics, we’ve very rarely gotten a glimpse at the slipped-footed tumbles that happen between takes. Today, the firm is pulling back the curtain a bit on what goes into making its humanoid Atlas robot look good in front of the camera.

There’s a reason, after all, so many of the company’s in-house systems bear scuffs, scratches and discoloration on their middle and lower bodies.

“During filming, Atlas gets the vault right about half of the time,” the company writes in a blog post. “On the other runs, Atlas makes it over the barrier, but loses its balance and falls backward, and the engineers look to the logs to see if they can find opportunities for on-the-fly adjustments.”

The company challenges the robot to run a mini parkour course, noting in an accompanying video, “Parkour is a useful organizing activity for our team, because it highlights several challenges that we believe to be important.” Parkour is a challenge to both short-term and longer-term problem solving for the robot, which must both execute a series of individual moves and, more broadly, determine how to get from point A to point B by stringing them all together.

Boston Dynamics says these sorts of videos can take months to get Atlas to complete in one go. “Although this most recent attempt was nearly perfect, it was not precisely perfect, not quite,” the company writes. “After the robots completed their backflips, one was supposed to pump its arm like a big-league pitcher after a game-ending strikeout — a move that the Atlas team calls the ‘Cha-Ching.’ ”

In addition to the hashtag greatest Atlas fails video compilations that definitely don’t exist on the Boston Dynamics computers, missed footing can result in some pretty nasty injuries for the ‘bots — not unlike their human counterparts. Sometimes it gets back up again, like so many robotic Chumbawumbas. Sometimes not. The video is worth checking out for both of these, as well as some insight into what goes into making one of those videos.

(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Aya Nakazato)

Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid ...

Boston Dynamics, the company known for its robotic dogs, now has a humanoid robot capable of doing gymnastics. The robotics company previously has shown how its robot dogs can go down stairs and open doors. Some police departments have begun using the robot dogs, typically called Spot, to help ...

Boston Dynamics' latest robot video shows its 5-foot ...

Boston Dynamics, the company known for its robotic dogs, now has humanoid robots that can do parkour and synchronized gymnastics moves.

Boston Dynamics spends months training its Atlas robots to ...

Boston Dynamics was founded in 1992 and has switched ownership many times. It started as a spin-off from an academic project at MIT in America before it was acquired by Alphabet in 2013 and passed to Softbank in 2017. Hyundai, the South Korean automobile maker, ...

Boston Dynamics shares an incredible behind-the-scenes ...

Humanoid robot learns parkour, takes some gnarly slams, and gets repaired.

Boston Dynamics releases video of Atlas robot doing ...

New video suggests Boston Dynamics robots would have no issue navigating obstacles while running. But they also crash half the time.

Boston Dynamics have released their latest video pushing ...

Atlas robots from Boston Dynamics have completed a complex obstacle course, backflips and all. The robots completed balance beams, backflips, jumps, vaults, and more backflips in a stunning spectacle of engineering.

Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid ...

Boston Dynamics, the company known for its robotic dogs, now has a humanoid robot capable of doing gymnastics. The robotics company previously has shown how its robot dogs can go down stairs and open doors. Some police departments have begun using the robot dogs, typically called Spot, to help patrol. And Atlas, which the company dubbed "the ...

Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid ...

Boston Dynamics, the company known for its robotic dogs, now has a humanoid robot capable of doing gymnastics. The robotics company previously has shown how its robot dogs can go down stairs and open doors. Some police departments have begun using the robot dogs, typically called Spot, to help patrol.

Boston Dynamics' robots can parkour better than you ...

TodayHeadline Boston Dynamics' robots can parkour better than you –

Boston Dynamics' Atlas humanoid robot now excels in ...

Boston Dynamics. The videos of Boston Dynamics robots dancing or doing parkour are fantastic promotional tools that accumulate millions of views on the web. However, there is a much deeper reason why Atlas and Spot show that they are capable of doing so: that the technology that powers them is evolving by great strides.

Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid ...

Boston Dynamics, the company known for its robotic dogs, now has a humanoid robot capable of doing gymnastics. The robotics company previously has shown how its robot dogs can go down stairs and open doors. Some police departments have begun using the robot dogs, typically called Spot, to help patrol. And Atlas, which the company dubbed "the world's most dynamic humanoid," showed in an ...

Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Shows Off Impressive Parkour ...

Boston Dynamics has just posted a couple of new videos showing their Atlas humanoid robot doing some of the most impressive parkour ...

Boston Dynamics' two-legged robot takes on parkour - TNN.

Leaping around an obstacle course and pulling off backflips, this eerily human-like robot is only too happy to show off its parkour skills. Named Atlas, the humanoid was filmed by…

Boston Dynamics' robots can parkour better than you ...

Boston Dynamics machines flawlessly and soulfully dancing in rhythm. in Swaglett Shams Charania on Twitter: "Boston Celtics guard Marcus Smart has agreed to a four-year, $77.1 million max contract extension with the franchise, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.

Boston Dynamics Parkour Robots | Boston Dynamics | Know ...

Boston Dynamics. - Boston Dynamics Parkour Robots. Like us on Facebook! Pin Tweet Shop the Meme. PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery , 'g' to view the gallery, or 'r' to view a random video. Previous.

Boston Dynamics humanoid robots get a software update ...

Boston Dynamics humanoid robots get a software update. - On one hand, that is extremely impressive. On the other hand, we even have the robots doing CrossFit.

Boston Dynamics' two-legged robot takes on parkour - The ...

Boston Dynamics' two-legged robot takes on parkour

Watch Boston Dynamics' bipedal robots nail this parkour ...

The showcase was accompanied by a behind-the-scenes explanation of the development process for the parkour routine.

Boston Dynamics' robots can parkour better than you ...

Boston Dynamics' robots can parkour better than you. Don't expect an easy getaway if one of Boston Dynamics' Atlas robots ever chases you down. The Hyundai-owned firm has shared a video (below) of the humanoid bots successfully completing a parkour routine in an obstacle course for the first time. The pair of Atlas machines leapt gaps ...

Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Shows Off Impressive Parkour ...

Boston Dynamics stated that Atlas has made a lot of progress since one of its previous videos, which shows Atlas and friends performing a dance routine. In that particular video, engineers were testing Atlas' ability to string together a routine—the robot was not responding to its environment in any way.

Boston Dynamics' Atlas robots perform most complex parkour ...

Boston Dynamics published a new video of its famous Atlas robot performing the most complex parkour routine seen to date.

Boston Dynamics' Latest Video Shows Its Atlas Humanoid ...

The robotics company previously has shown how its robot dogs can go down stairs and open doors. Some police departments have begun using the robot dogs,

Boston Dynamics' two-legged robot takes on parkour - The ...

Boston Dynamics' two-legged robot takes on parkour

Boston Dynamics' two-legged robot takes on parkour ...

Leaping around an obstacle course and pulling off backflips, this eerily human-like robot is only too happy to show off its parkour skills. Named Atlas, the humanoid was filmed by Boston Dynamics — the firm behind the famous robotic dog Spot. The incredible footage shows the two-legged robot impressively maintaining its balance as it takes on a series of jumps, vaults and balance beams. They ...

Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid ...

Boston Dynamics, the company known for its robotic dogs, now has a humanoid robot capable of doing gymnastics. The robotics company previously has shown how its robot dogs can go down stairs and open doors. Some police departments have begun using the robot dogs, typically called Spot, to help patrol. And Atlas, which the company […]

Boston Dynamics' backflipping robot shows off new 'parkour ...

Aug 17- Bosto Dy amics’ huma oid obot, Atlas, has bee showi g off its ew skill, pa kou o f ee u i g atop a d ove obstacles. Aug 17- Bosto Dy amics’ huma oid obot, Atlas, has bee showi g off its ew skill,

Boston Dynamics' backflipping robotic reveals off new ...

Boston Dynamics’ humanoid robotic, Atlas, has been exhibiting off its new talent, parkour or free operating atop and over obstacles.

Boston Dynamics' robots can parkour better than you ...

Don't expect an easy getaway if one of Boston Dynamics' Atlas robots ever chases you down. The Hyundai-owned firm has shared a video (below) of the humanoid bots successfully completing a parkour routine in an obstacle course for the first time. The pair of Atlas machines leapt gaps, vaulted beams and even coordinated a backflip, all without missing a beat — they might be more graceful ...

歩くことについて。糖尿病です。働いているので動いてはいますしワンコの... - Yahoo!知恵袋

歩くことについて。糖尿病です。働いているので動いてはいますしワンコの散歩も2匹別々に行ってます。しかしそれだけではなかなかで先生から歩きなさいと言われています。 正直ワンコの別々の散歩も結構キツく考えた末職場...


ホンダのアシモあれなんで開発止めたんだろうな二足歩行で独壇場だったのに 27: 以下、2ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2021/08/18(水) 10:39:44.965 ID:nPor6+Zba.net

【歩行分析】骨盤の異常運動9つ、原因と歩行のメカニズムに及ぼす影響 | Ayumi Eye

歩行分析において、正常とは違う異常運動を見極め、原因を追求することは大切です。 しかし、「正常とは何か違うけど、それが何なのか漠然としている」「骨盤に異常がある場合、どのような歩行になるのか知りたい」などの悩みを抱える理学療法士さんは多いと思います。

最新 二足歩行ロボの実力 "人間並み"意外な習得法 (2021年8月18日) - エキサイトニュース



1 : 2021/08/18(水) 10:33:54.522 ID:je2VNJZQ0頑張ってるわ 2 : 2021/08/18(水) 10:34:44.519 ID:1msv5rmc0ダメじゃん3 : 2021/08/18(水) 10:

「ダーウィンの進化論は間違い」有名イエール大教授が宣言 遺伝子レベルで有り得ない [512899213]

最近の化石研究によって指摘されている部分がある. サル. ↓ ← ※1ここでいきなり直立二足歩行になることを指摘. 猿人:アウストラロピテクスなど. ↓. 原人:ジャワ・北京原人. ↓. 旧人:ネアンデルタール人. ↓ ← ※2ここの関係性が全く無いことを指摘.

タイトル【就職】 自己の将来を見据えて働く事の意義について考察し、7- 書類選考・エントリーシート | 教えて!goo


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あまり見ることがないBoston Dynamics人型ロボAtlasのずっこけNGシーン、失敗が成功を生む ...

これまでBoston Dynamicsの完璧に振り付けされた映像を何十、何百と見てきたが、撮影の合間に起こるであろう、ツルッと足を滑らせての転倒を見ることはほとんどなかった。米国時間8月17日、同社は、人型ロボット「Atlas」をカメラの前で格好良く見せるために何が行われているのか、カーテンを開けて少しだけ明らかに..

ラッコが"水上バズーカ"持っていたのは…(日テレNEWS24) - goo ニュース


二足歩行/DECO*27 by 夏至 - 音楽コラボアプリ nana

夏至が音楽コラボアプリ nanaに投稿した「二足歩行/DECO*27」のサウンドページです。このエフェクトが好きだってハナシ。 【 歌詞 】 「これは僕の進化の過程の1ページ目です。」 抱きしめたいから 2本足で歩く 一人じゃ寂しいから 君と息するよ 「ねえママ、僕好きな人が出来たんだ。」 "おめでとう" 会いたいよ ねえ君は今頃誰の乳を吸って生きてるの? 言葉はもう覚えたかな? #DECO*27 #二足歩行

二足歩行ロボット「Atlas」が跳んではねて後方宙返りを披露するムービーをボストン・ダイナミクスが公開 - GIGAZINE


【セガ】サクラ革命 その206【ディライトワークス】

>>605 いやそんな設定無いから そんなん言ったらモデルのウマは二足歩行してないぞ ウマ娘化したのに髪型チェンジくらいでウダウダ言ってるのは流石におかしい

生後5ヵ月でタッチ!もうすぐ歩けそうなマンチカン子猫ちゃん | 猫だらけの情報サイト〜動画・おもしろ・癒し・不思議etc



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ホンダのアシモあれなんで開発止めたんだろうな二足歩行で独壇場だったのに 27 : 以下、2ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2021年8月18日 10:39:44 ID: 成功シーン

【セガ】サクラ革命 その206【ディライトワークス】

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二足歩行ロボット「Atlas」が跳んではねて後方宙返りを披露するムービーをボストン・ダイナミクスが公開|au Web ...


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2体の人型ロボットが、人間さながらのパルクールを披露 米Boston Dynamicsが公開 - ITmedia NEWS

犬型ロボット「Spot」で知られる米ロボットメーカーのBoston Dynamicsは、同社が開発する人型の二足歩行ロボット「Atlas」がパルクールを行う動画をYouTubeで公開した。



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#049 AIで窓拭き革命!自動で水拭きしてくれる掃除ロボット「HOBOT388」が凄すぎた|木村ヒデノリ|note

 【木村ヒデノリのTech Magic #049】 窓拭きは年末年始の大掃除のときだけ、という方は多いだろう。気になるほどの汚れないし、水拭きしてから乾拭きする必要があるなど意外と手間もかかるなど、無意識に億劫になってしまうものだが、今回紹介するガジェットを活用すれば手軽に全自動化ができる。  「HOBOT-388(ホボット)」は、洗剤を吹き付けながら拭きムラのない窓掃除を自動で行ってくれる掃除ロボットだ。窓に限らず鏡やお風呂の壁などにも使用でき、放置しておくだけで窓の98%をピカピカにしてくれる。筆者宅で実際に役立ったシチュエーションを踏まえながら紹介していきたい。 説

ヒュンダイ傘下となったBoston Dynamicsが人型ロボット「Atlas」出演の新たなパルクール動画を公開 ...

ヒュンダイ傘下に生まれ変わったBoston Dynamicsが、ヒューマノイドロボット「Atlas」の新たなパルクール動画を公開しています。Atlasロボットはカメラの前でSASUKEよろしく五段跳びを軽くクリアし、平均台の上を走り、華麗なバク転も2連続でキメています。


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ロボット制御したことないなら黙っとくんやでw 48: 以下、2ちゃんねるからVIPがお送りします 2021/08/18(水) 10:47:09.906 ID:WgLEZaQZ0.net すごすぎるな

二足歩行ロボット「Atlas」が跳んではねて後方宙返りを披露するムービーをボストン・ダイナミクスが公開 - GIGAZINE


エリクソンが解説、工場内ロボット制御に向けた5Gの進化とは | 日経クロステック(xTECH)

 2019年以降、世界で本格的に商用化がスタートした5G(第5世代移動通信システム)。その後も標準化団体では5Gの機能強化が続々と進んでいる。そんな5Gの進化(5G Evolution)の動向について、エリクソン・ジャパンが解説する。

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IoT・AIソリューション開発の株式会社SGSTは、レジャー施設、医療機関向けに「ロボットによる人的サービスの非接触化」の展開を進めています。同社はこの度、世界的なロボットメーカーであるPudu Robotics社製の広...

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産業用ロボットサーボモーター市場は2030年までに約百万の収益に達すると予想されています. Arya | 8月 18, 2021. 最新の産業用ロボットサーボモーターの市場分析- 2021-2030. この 産業用ロボットサーボモーターの市場 レポートは説明しています。. ユニークな ...

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最新投稿日時:2021/08/17 18:19 - 「有楽町マルイで自律移動ロボット「HOSPI Signage(ホスピーサイネージ)」による案内サービスの実証実験を実施」(PR TIMES)

Kccs、北海道石狩市で無人自動配送ロボットによる配送サービスの実証実験 | Tech+



1 : 2021/08/18(水) 10:33:54.522 ID:je2VNJZQ0頑張ってるわ 2 : 2021/08/18(水) 10:34:44.519 ID:1msv5rmc0ダメじゃん3 : 2021/08/18(水) 10:


スーパーロボット大戦30. Nintendo Switch / PlayStation4 / Steam. 発売日2021年10月28日. 【超限定版】28600円+税. 【通常版】8600円+税. 【DLC】シーズンパス4000円+税. ボーナスミッションパック1500円+税. プレミアムサウンド&データパック4000円+税. 参戦作品一覧.

スーパーロボット大戦に満場一致で「出なさすぎ」って作品ある? - ゲームまとめ速報

(出典:srw30-thirty.suparobo.jp) 引用元: http://2chspa.com/thread/gamerobo/1629131589 21: ゲームまとめ速報 2021/08/17(火) 08: […]

【Amazonタイムセール祭り】 ハンディにもなるAnkerコードレス掃除機が20%オフで14,240円、吸引 ...

Amazon(アマゾン)では、2021年8月17日9時から8月19日23時59分まで「Amazon タイムセール祭り」を開催中です。人気のアイテムが日替わり・時間ごとに多数セール対象となるタイムセールでは、現在、ハンディにもなるAnkerコードレス掃除機が3,560円オフ、吸引・水拭き両用ロボット掃除機が7,000円オフなど、今すぐ使えるアイテムがお買い得に登場しています。

パナソニック、自律移動ロボット「HOSPI Signage」 有楽町マルイで案内サービス(ITmedia ビジネス ...

パナソニック、自律移動ロボット「HOSPI Signage」 有楽町マルイで案内サービス(ITmedia ビジネスオンライン) パナソニックは有楽町マルイと共同で、同店舗にて8月24日から9月5日まで自律移動ロボット HOSPI Signageを活用した案内サービス…

【日本初】DNP/シャープ/ドルビーら6社が「8K映... - ロボットスタート株式会社(robot start ...

See more of ロボットスタート株式会社(robot start inc.) on Facebook. Log In. or

新しいOS「version 4.0.0」と新たなOSを搭載したソーシャルロボット「Musio S」(ミュージオ エス ...

AKA Corp. 人工知能エンジン及び人工知能ソーシャルロボットを開発しているAKA(アメリカ本社:AKASTUDY LIMITED 米国カリフォルニア州、日本法人:AKA Corp 東京都渋谷区、代表:Raymond Jung、以下AKA)は、ユーザーインターフェイスを大幅にアップデートし、ヘルスケア関連の新機能を追加した新しいOS「version 4.0.0」と新たなOSを搭載したソーシャルロボット「Musio S」(ミュージオ エス)を開発しました。ロボットは、2021年末頃に月額制レン...

2021年8月18日 機械・ロボット・航空機1 | 日刊工業新聞 電子版


Atlas Publishes 2020 Sustainability Report - Aug 18, 2021

Atlas is a leading global asset management company, differentiated by its position as a best-in-class owner and operator with a focus on deploying capital to create sustainable shareholder value. Atlas brings together an experienced asset management team with deep operational and capital allocation experience.

Atlas Awarded $8 Million Construction Engineering and

AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Atlas Technical Consultants, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATCX) (“Atlas” or the “Company”), a leading infrastructure...

Atlas Publishes 2020 Sustainability Report | Markets Insider

LONDON, Aug. 18, 2021 /PRNewswire/ - Atlas Corp. ('Atlas') (NYSE: ATCO) today announced the publication of its 2020 Sustainability Report, which w...

Atlas Publishes 2020 Sustainability Report

Atlas Corp. ("Atlas") (NYSE: ATCO) today announced the publication of its 2020 Sustainability Report, which will be published on an annual basis hereafter.

Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid ...

Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid robot has moves like Simone Biles. Boston Dynamics, the company known for its robotic dogs, now has a humanoid robot capable of doing gymnastics. The robotics company previously has shown how its robot dogs can go down stairs and open doors. Some police departments have begun using the ...

Atlas Awarded $8 Million Construction Engineering and ...

AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 18, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Atlas Technical Consultants, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATCX) (“Atlas” or the “Company”), a leading infrastructure and environmental services provider, announced the award of an $8 million contract from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for Construction Engineering and Inspection (CEI) services. This five-year contract will support the TxDOT’s Odessa District, which includes Andrews, Crane, Ector, Loving, Martin, Midland, Pecos, Reeves, Terrell, U

Watch Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Crush a New Parkour Course

The Atlas robot is equipped with cameras and depth sensors to give it “vision,” providing input to its control system, which is run on three computers.

Atlas Awarded $8 Million Construction Engineering and ...

Atlas has been providing CEI services in the Odessa District since 2016. This is the fifth prime CEI contract for West Texas and the third for the Odessa District. To date, Atlas has managed the ...

Atlas Awarded $8 Million Construction Engineering and ...

Atlas has been providing CEI services in the Odessa District since 2016. This is the fifth prime CEI contract for West Texas and the third for the Odessa District. To date, Atlas has managed the construction engineering, inspection, material testing, or document control for almost $277 million of projects in West Texas, $175 million of which ...

Atlas, a Humanoid Robot Created by Boston Dynamics, Uses ...

The latest Tweet by Reuters states, 'Atlas, a humanoid robot created by Boston Dynamics, uses hydraulics and battery-powered electric motors for movement. Atlas is capable of doing backflips and has been showing off its new skill: parkour ...' ? Atlas, a Humanoid Robot Created by Boston Dynamics, Uses Hydraulics and Battery-powered ... - Latest Tweet by Reuters.

Boston Dynamics spends months training its Atlas robots to ...

Atlas is a research platform and not a commercial product yet, the manufacturer said. Instead of producing machines to perform specific tasks, Boston Dynamics is investing in humanoid robots that can learn to automatically make do in the environment around them.

Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Shows Off Impressive Parkour ...

Boston Dynamics has just posted a couple of new videos showing their Atlas humanoid robot doing some of the most impressive parkour ...

Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid ...

The robotics company previously has shown how its robot dogs can go down stairs and open doors. Some police departments have begun using the robot dogs, typically called Spot, to help patrol. And Atlas, which the company dubbed "the world's most dynamic humanoid," showed in an earlier video how the robot can jog and jump over a log.

Match preview: Santos Laguna vs. Atlas

Two teams in similar situations face off at TSM as Santos hosts Atlas.

Star Atlas Joins AcceleRaytor To Redefine Gaming Experience

Star Atlas, the top-tier blockchain technology-based gaming platform, has launched its two powerful tokens, ATLAS and POLIS, on AcceleRaytor to expand coverage.

world atlas with latitude and longitude

world atlas with latitude and longitude Hello Everyone Are you looking for world atlas with latitude and longitude? If yes then You have landed in the right place world atlas with latitude and

Boston Dynamics robot Atlas has made spectacular progress ...

Boston Dynamics robot Atlas has made spectacular progress. August 18, 2021 by archyde. The American robotics company has unveiled the great progress of its bipedal robot Atlas through a series of impressive figures. Boston Dynamics' bipedal robot, Atlas, performed an impressive sequence of figures in the latest video presented by the company.

What is star atlas? IDO on Apollo X, Raydium and FTX ...

On August twenty sixth, Star Atlas will host an IEO on FTX and IDO on Apollo-X and Raydium launchpad platforms. With the ambition to usher within the

Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid ...

TodayHeadline Boston Dynamics' latest video shows its Atlas humanoid robot has moves like Simone Biles –

Boston Dynamics Atlas robot demonstrates its skills ...

The robotics team at Boston Dynamics have been demonstrating the impressive manoeuvrability of its Atlas robot making it maneuver through complex parkour

Atlas the Robot Works Its Hydraulic Joints, Nails Parkour ...

Boston Dynamics knows how to entertain its audience, with constant videos showcasing its capable machines that can do anything from getting involved in military activities to handling household chores and busting moves on the dancefloor. The latest video posted by the company offers us a parkour demonstration from its Atlas robot.

Atlas Ocean Voyages' World Navigator sparkles in debut ...

The luxury expedition vessel has no helicopters or submarines but is a floating jewel in its own way -- handsome and unpretentious.

2023 Volkswagen Atlas Cross Sport - Release Date ...

The Atlas attacks a business midsection-floor involving simply being simple to pilot, secure more than extended distance, and lighting on its ft without getting exceedingly sporty. In all other elements, the Atlas is a robust contender, even though some may well neglect the sensation of speed given by the Mazda CX-9.

Ship Structure Limit - General Discussion - Official Atlas ...

Hi. I have been looking around, but I cant find the answer to my question. I wanted to know if there is a way to increase the vanilla ships structure limit. I know there are mods out there like atlas shipwright who do a great job adding customizable ship settings. But, I have been having trouble ...

Senex reaches FID for $40m Atlas expansion project in ...

"Atlas is a high-quality development, providing material and reliable supplies of natural gas to Australian manufacturers, supporting the economy and jobs in local communities. "This investment follows strong project execution and natural gas production performance at Atlas, with reservoir performance and well availability continuing to excel.

Watch Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Crush a New Parkour ...

At the end of 2020, Boston Dynamics released a spirits-lifting, can’t-watch-without-smiling video of its robots doing a coordinated dance routine. Atlas, Spot…

Atlas, el robot que fa parkour i piruetes, i cada cop es ...

El robot Atlas de Boston Dynamics torna a demostrar en un vídeo que cada vegada és més capaç d'executar moviments més semblants als dels humans

Watch Boston Dynamics' Atlas Robot Crush a New Parkour ...

At the end of 2020, Boston Dynamics released a spirits-lifting, can’t-watch-without-smiling video of its robots doing a coordinated dance routine. Atlas,



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