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工業用水素を製造する最も一般的な方法(米国で製造される水素の90%以上)は、水蒸気メタン改質(SMR)だ。つまり、メタンガス(CH4)に高圧の水蒸気(H2O)を吹き付けると、化学の神様が働いて大量の水素(ナイス!)とCO2を作り出してくれる。気候変動に関する知識があれば、CO2の排出は避けるべきものであることはご存知だろう。Toyota Mirai(トヨタ・ミライ)、Honda Clarity(ホンダ・クラリティ)、Hyundai Nexo(ヒュンダイ・ネクソ)のようなしゃれたクルマを、テールパイプからCO2の代わりに水を滴らせながら夕日に向かって走らせれば、独善的な気分になるのも無理はない。しかし、問題はある。その水素がどこから来たのかを知らなければ、CO2はクルマのテールパイプから捨てられる代わりに、どこかの大きな工場で排出されていることに気づいていない可能性があるということだ。おっと、それは困った。もちろん、CO2を回収して再利用する方法もあるが、そもそもCO2を出さない方が望ましいはずだ。そう、やはりそう思うだろう。




支援の申し出が殺到し、2500万ドル(約29億円)を調達した今回のラウンドは、TDK Ventures(TDKベンチャー)主導のもと、多くの投資家が参加した。その中には、2021年ベルダジーがスピンアウトしたChemetry(ケメトリー)にも出資していたKhosla Ventures(コースラ・ベンチャー)も含まれる。その他の投資家としては、石油・ガス大手のShell Ventures(シェル・ベンチャー)、エネルギー・気候変動対策投資会社のDoral Energy-Tech Ventures(ドラルエナジー・テックベンチャー)、シンガポール政府系投資会社のTemasek(テマセク)、資材商品大手のBHP(ビー・エイチ・ピー)、石油・ガス・建設・農業大手のMexichem(メキシケム)の前身であるOrbia(オルビア)などがあり、さらに多くの投資家がいるが、そのうちの何社かはTechCrunchへの掲載を控えた。

ベルダジーがスピンアウトを発表してからわずか数カ月で、これほど豪華な戦略的投資家を集めて2500万ドル(約29億円)の資金を調達できたのは、同社が行っていることの重大さとチームの質の高さを物語っている。同社の新CEOであるマーティ・ニーズ氏は、Ballard Power Systems(バラード・パワー・システムズ、PEM燃料電池を製造)の取締役、および家庭用太陽光発電のパイオニアであるSunPower(サンパワー)のCOOを9年間務め、さらにアルミニウムとシリコンのリサイクル会社であるNuvosil(ヌボシル)の創業者であるなど、すばらしい経歴を誇る。

「TDK」は元々、東京電気化学工業株式会社(Tokyo Electric Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.)の日本名の頭文字をとったものだ。TDKベンチャーズの投資ディレクター、Anil Achyuta(アニル・アチュータ)氏は「(ベルダジーのような)電気化学系の企業に投資しないで、何に投資するのか」とジョークを交えて話す。「当社のビジョンは、TDK株式会社の将来の道筋を示す企業に投資することだ。そして、電気分解、特にグリーン水素のための電気分解は、社内で戦略的に推し進めている重要な分野の1つだ。TDKは世界中に110以上の工場を持っており、それぞれの工場を脱炭素化するだけでも、当社のカーボンフットプリントを減らすことができるため、非常にエキサイティングなことだ。これらの大きな石油化学工場施設や工業用化学施設の脱炭素化を考えるということは、世界の未来に投資するということだ」と同氏は語る。




Hydrogen pioneers Verdagy — from “verde” for green, and “agy” for energy — raised $25 million from a fistful of strategic investors in the energy sector in a bid to take a messy, not-that-environmentally-friendly process of making hydrogen and replacing it with an industrially scalable solution with no nasties going into the air.

It turns out that the most common way (more than 90% of hydrogen made in the U.S.) of producing industrial amounts of hydrogen is steam-methane reforming (SMR). In other words: You take methane gas (CH4), and you chuck a load of steam (H2O) at it under high pressure. The chemistry gods do their thing, and you get a bunch of hydrogen (yay!) and a load of CO2. If you’ve been reading about climate change, you might recall that CO2 is something we’re trying to avoid. As you’re cruising your saucy Toyota Mirai, Honda Clarity or Hyundai Nexo into the sunset with a drizzle of water toppling out of the tail pipe, without a trace of CO2 in sight, it’s easy to feel smug. There’s a snag: Unless you know where the hydrogen came from, it’s possible that instead of being thrown out of the tail-pipe of your car, it was instead produced at a big factory somewhere. Whoops. Of course, there’s a chance they capture and repurpose the CO2 at the source, but wouldn’t it be delightful if we didn’t produce it in the first place? Funny you should mention that.

The other major way of making hydrogen is by splitting a water atom. H20 has two hydrogen and one oxygen atom. Wouldn’t it be neat if you could just convince them to part ways peacefully, creating oxygen (in case your high school bio-chemistry is a little out of date: oxygen good) and hydrogen? Well, in a nutshell, that’s what Verdagy is doing. Using a large electrolyzer (ideally) hooked up to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power, the company can create large amounts of hydrogen. They do that with no byproducts, other than the aforementioned bio-hazard of “smug grin” on the faces of the drivers of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. A hazard I am just about willing to tolerate in the name of a cleaner climate.

The company’s core innovation is to incorporate the advantages of alkaline electrolysis (AWE) and proton-exchange membrane (PEM) electrolysis processes, while designing out their inherent disadvantages. Verdagy created a new membrane-based approach, leveraging very large active area cells with the ability to operate at high-current densities and wide dynamic operating ranges. In other words: The cells have a max-efficiency operating range, but if you find yourself with a lot of electricity on your hands (for example because your solar array is producing more power than your industrial applications and/or the power grid can absorb), you can dump it into the electrolysis cells and generate high amounts of hydrogen, which then can be used or stored. 

“If you take a look at something like alkaline water electrolysis (AWE), they’re using a diaphragm, which has a physical limit of how much current density it can use. There may be similar materials and constructions to what we’re doing in terms of cells, that diaphragm limits their ability to run at higher current densities. [Proton-Exchange Membrane] PEM has a limited active area that the cell can use,” explains Marty Neese, CEO at Verdagy, demystifying and outlining the company’s patent-pending technology. “Our cells are very, very large, and it would be very hard to replicate what we do. We have a single-element architecture cell, which means you take an anode, a cathode, and a membrane in the middle. The interior architecture of the cell is what’s proprietary at patent pending. How the cell actually dissipates heat, circulates gas and liquid, and how you can manage the circulatory flow within the cell — that’s the difference in what we do compared to everyone else.”

The over-subscribed $25 million round was led by TDK Ventures, with additional investment by an impressive array of investors. These include Khosla Ventures, who was also an investor in the company Verdagy was spun out from last year — Chemetry. Other investors include oil and gas giant Shell Ventures, energy and climate-tech investors Doral Energy-Tech Ventures, the Singapore government investment company Temasek, material commodities giant BHP Ventures, Orbia ventures (the investment arm of the agriculture, chemicals, water infrastructure, and data communications company formally known as Mexichem) and a number of additional investors, some of whom the company declined to identify to TechCrunch.

The fact that Verdagy was able to round up such an incredible lineup of strategic investors for a $25 million round just a few short months after it announced its spin-out is a testament to the enormity of what the company is doing — and the quality of the team. The company’s new CEO Marty Neese has a hell of a background, including a seat on the Ballard Power Systems board (which, incidentally, makes PEM fuel cells), COO of home solar pathbreakers SunPower for nine years and a founder of aluminium and silicon recycling company Nuvosil.

“TDK” is an initialism of the original Japanese name of the company: Tokyo Denki Kagaku Kōgyō K.K. (Tokyo Electric Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.). “If we don’t invest in electrochemical companies like [Verdagy], what will we invest in,” jokes Anil Achyuta, investment director at TDK Ventures. “Our vision is to invest in companies that will be guiding the future path for TDK Corporation. And electrolysis — specifically for green hydrogen — is one of the key areas for strategic thrust internally. TDK has over 110 factories across the globe and just decarbonizing each of those could be quite exciting, as it will bring our footprint down. For us to be investing into the future of the world means we’re thinking of decarbonizing these big petrochemical or industrial chemical facilities.”

The company points out that — my lame jokes about fuel-cell vehicles aside — its main focus is industrial uses of hydrogen, typically as part of large industrial parks, for large-scale hydrogen applications, including oil refining, producing fertilizers, food processing and creating metal alloys. Making the hydrogen on-premises (or at least in a distance that a short pipeline can supply) is beneficial to all of these industries — and Verdagy promises to do that with a smaller footprint and a far greener eco impact than most of the current solutions.

(文:Haje Jan Kamps、翻訳:Dragonfly)



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