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大学に進学する金銭的余裕がなかった人権活動家でMos(モス)の創業者であるAmira Yahyaoui(アミラ・ヤヒアウイ)氏は、学生と奨学金との橋渡しをするプラットフォームを立ち上げたとき、取り組んでいたイノベーションにひと区切りがついたと感じた。2017年の創業以来、Mosはコミュニティ内の40万人以上の学生に対し、1600億ドル(約18兆5000億円)以上になる学資援助プールへの自由なアクセスを提供している。



この目標は多くの投資家の共感を呼び、Mosの最新の資金調達ラウンドへの参加が競われた。今回のシリーズBでは、評価額が2020年5月時点の5000万ドル(約57億7000万円)から4億ドル(約461億円)に引き上げられ、4000万ドル(約46億1000万円)を調達した。ヤヒアウイ氏によると、このラウンドは、Tiger Global(タイガー・グローバル)の主導のもと、Sequoia(セコイア)、Lux Capital(ラックス・キャピタル)、Emerson Collective(エマーソン・コレクティブ)、Plural VC(プルーラルVC)などが24時間以内に集まり、複数の条件規定書を断ることもあったし、プレゼンのスライドも必要なかったという。



「学生はお金をあまり持っていないため、当座貸越や詐欺など、あらゆる不利な条件に直面している」と同氏はいう。確かに、他のフィンテック企業も、学生の多くが卒業後も銀行を変えないことに着目し、脆弱ではあるものの定着性のある顧客層に同様のサービスを提供する機会があると考えているだろう。Stride Funding(ストライド・ファウンディング)とLeverEdge(レバーエッジ)は学生ローン業界に参入しており、Thrive Cash(スライブ・キャッシュ)は合格通知に基づいて資金を提供し、学生向けの資金援助ツールであるFrank(フランク)はJPMorgan Chase(JPモルガン・チェース)に買収されたばかりだ。




Mosの創業者であるアミラ・ヤヒアウイ氏(写真提供者:Cayce Clifford)

今回のラウンドに参加したラックス・キャピタルのDeena Shakir(ディーナ・シャキール)氏は、銀行事業は常にMosの「ミッシングピース」だったと述べる。もともとMosは、情報公開の他の側面を担ったり、学生に特化した他の金融商品のプラットフォームになったりと、さまざまな方法で拡大できると考えていたという。今では、この最初の数年間に築いたネットワーク効果により、当然のように次のステップに進んでいると同氏は考えている。






Mosの第一期生となった大学生のJulieta Silva(ジュリエッタ・シルバ)さんは、テキサス州の小さな町で育った。彼女が通う500人規模の学校には、大学進学のためのカウンセラーが1人しかいなかったため、進学に関する相談は、ほとんどMosからTikTok(ティックトック)を介して行っていた(実際、Mosのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームのアカウントには、5万2000人以上のフォロワーがいる)。最初にこのプラットフォームに参加したのは2020年8月で、奨学金を申請するためだったが、このプラットフォームは「複雑な銀行システムの簡易版」を目指して成長してきた。現在、ノースイースタン大学の1年生である彼女は、今でもBank of America(バンク・オブ・アメリカ)のカードを使っているが、日々の生活ではMosのカードに頼っている。友達に登録してもらえば、紹介料を得ることもできるという。





画像クレジット:BreakingTheWalls / Getty Images


Human rights activist and Mos founder Amira Yahyaoui couldn’t afford to go to college, so when she first launched a platform to connect students to scholarships, the innovation felt full circle. Since its 2017 inception, Mos has opened access to a pool of over $160 billion in financial aid to the more than 400,000 students within its community.

Now, hoping to tear down yet another financial barrier that she herself faced, Yahyaoui is expanding Mos into a challenger bank. It’s an evolution from Mos as an edtech business built to help students navigate their way through applying and attending college into a fintech that can support the same user base through all of life’s similarly complicated demands.

“We’re pretty radical about why we’re doing what we’re doing,” she said. “We don’t want to be elitist, we don’t want to do this for a very small category of people because we really want to become the incumbent bank in the U.S.,” Yahyaoui said, starting with students. “That’s the goal.”

The goal convinced a slew of investors to compete for a spot in Mos’ newest funding round, a $40 million Series B that values the company at $400 million, up from a $50 million valuation in May 2020. The round, led by Tiger Global with participation from Sequoia, Lux Capital, Emerson Collective, Plural VC and more, came together in less than 24 hours, Yahyaoui noted. She turned down multiple term sheets, and didn’t use a pitch deck.

Mos’ initial debit card has a few key features, including zero overdraft fees, late fees, or in-network ATM fees. There’s also no minimum balance required in order to open a Mos account.

Image Credits: Mos

“Students don’t have a lot of money, so they are at the forefront of all kinds of abuses — overdraft, scams, everything,” she said. Surely, other fintechs have seen a similar opportunity to serve a vulnerable, yet sticky population — given that a solid chunk of students don’t change their bank after graduation. Stride Funding and LeverEdge are taking on the student loan industry, Thrive Cash offers money based on offer letters and Frank, a financial aid tool for students, just got acquired by JPMorgan Chase.

“I see it as JPMorgan, and all the banks, knowing that their future is different from their past,” she said. “Banks are trying to become relevant, but students don’t buy the BS that incumbents are doing.” Mos, meanwhile, has helped students unlock more than $1.5 billion in declared scholarship money as of last year.

Mos has historically built trust with students by making their purchasing power higher through scholarships, a relationship that Yahyaoui thinks will help her team compete with other fintechs. It’s a community-first approach that we’ve seen replicated across other industries: build up a user base of people who trust and recognize you, and then introduce them to products and services using language that resonates.

“We cater to you in those first years of adulthood, and in the future we’ll grow up with you because you will be getting out of college, having apartments, renting and paying for rent,” she added.

Amira Yahyaoui, the founder of Mos. Photo Credits: Cayce Clifford.

Lux Capital’s Deena Shakir, who participated in the round, said that banking was always “the missing piece” of Mos. Originally, she thought Mos could expand in a ton of different ways, taking on other aspects of public information or serving as a platform for other financial instruments focused on students. Now, with the network effects of those first few years, she thinks it is set for the unsurprising natural next step.

“Rather than being a player tangentially on the side of financial access and inclusion, they recognize that they have the unique opportunity to be the primary bank, credit card and home [for] their students,” she said.

Beyond the mission, the startup’s new goal could attract some solid revenue. Mos originally made money through fees for access to its scholarship pool. Now the startup makes money through interchange fees, and that knowledge is free for whoever starts an account. Yahyaoui said that Mos previously made “a few millions” in ARR with its old business model, but did not share current revenue. She did say that the TAM has exploded since it pursued the challenger bank route. “Our market cap is 10 times higher than what we were before,” she said.

In the future Mos will create a suite of products that students can pay to access, such as more hands-on advisor consultations or specific banking features.

One question for all fintechs, as underscored by PayPal’s recent earnings, is the quality of its users long-term. Mos enjoyed a massive spike in growth around November, a few months after it launched its debut debit card. While Yahyaoui declined to share specific growth metrics given the competitive fintech landscape, she did share that over 100,000 students opened accounts with Mos in the first quarter of launch. She estimates that the growth makes Mos the tenth largest neobank in the United States.

Whether or not those referrals are sticky customers, or just students hacking their way through college, is yet to be seen. Giveaways and referral bonuses are exciting, but do they move the needle long-term?

Julieta Silva, a first-generation college student, grew up in a small town in Texas. Her entire 500-person school had one college counselor, so she got most of her higher-ed help on TikTok. (Indeed, the Mos social media platform has over 52,000 followers on its account.) She first joined the platform in August 2020 to unlock scholarship money, but the platform has grown to become a “simpler version of the complicated banking system.” The student, now a freshman at Northeastern University, still uses her Bank of America card, but relies on the Mos card for day to day expenses. She makes referral money if she can get her friends to sign up.

“It’s still not prominently used on campus, but every time I use my card…people ask me [about it],” she said. “So then I tell them all the little perks, and the thing that really captures their attention is the financial advisor, and the help for funding for their college.”

Image Credits: Mos

The founder, meanwhile, has been paying attention to what does attract buzz, such as NFTs or credit cards with fancy branding (and weight!). But, with new venture backing and support, she’s set on building for the masses.

“I wish I had to only convince 1,000 nerds,” Yahyaoui said. “But we need to convince 20 million students.”

(文:Natasha Mascarenhas、翻訳:Dragonfly)



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