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人気の個別指導事業Varsity Tutorsを所有するEdTechスタートアップのNerdy(ナーディ)は特別買収目的会社(SPAC)を通じて上場する予定だ。

Nerdyは、2015年に公開したSPAC、TPG Pace Tech Opportunities(NYSE:PACE)と合併する。取引は2021年第2四半期にクローズする見込みだ。

この取引でNerdyのバリュエーションは17億ドル(約1780億円)となる。合併を通じてNerdyは現金で7億5000万ドル(約785億円)を調達する計画だ。ここにはFranklin Templeton、Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan、Koch Industries、Learn CapitalからのPIPE(私募増資)での1億5000万ドル(約157億円)が含まれる。

Nerdyの基幹ビジネスであるVarsity Tutorsは指導者と学生を大規模、小規模、1:1でマッチングする両面性を持つマーケットプレイスだ。学習プラットフォームは3000以上のテーマをカバーしている。他のEdTech企業と同様、Varsity Tutorsはより良いマッチングになるよう人工知能とデータ分析を使っている。加えて、2020年8月にVarsity Tutorsは従来の学校に代わるものとしてホームスクーリングのサービスを立ち上げた。公立学校やチャータースクールで以前働いていた120人のフルタイム教育者を競争力のある給料で引き抜いた。










同社の事業をよく見ると、SPACブームで見られる共通の疑問が湧く。逆さ合併は、そうでもしなければ上場が果たせなかった短期の成長見通しが芳しくない企業を上場させるために使われているのだろうか。これまでのところSkillsoft、Meten International、そして今Nerdyと、数多くのEdTechスタートアップがSPACの手法を取っている。

EdTechにとって2020年は力強い年となった。この分野のスタートアップの年間経常収支1億ドル(約105億円)を超えるにつれ、今後より多くのエグジットが予想される、とこの部門の投資家は話す。GSVのマネジングパートナーのDeborah Quazzo(デボラ・クアゾ)氏は2020年12月、「キャピタルマーケットの清算がEdTechで起こっています」とTechCrunchに語っている。「未公開企業と公開企業の間を流動的に動けることが厚みのある資本市場をともなうEdTech部門の特徴で、これはエグジットの選択肢がかなり限られていたかつてのEdTechと大きく異なる点です」。


画像クレジット:creatarka / Getty Images


A gig economy-powered consumer edtech platform is heading to the New York Stock Exchange.

Edtech startup Nerdy, which owns the popular tutoring business Varsity Tutors, is seeking to become a public company through a special purpose acquisition vehicle, otherwise known as a SPAC.

Nerdy will merge with TPG Pace Tech Opportunities (NYSE: PACE), a publicly traded SPAC since 2015. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of this year.

The deal will value Nerdy at $1.7 billion. Through the transaction, the business plans to raise up to $750 million in cash, including $150 million in PIPE financing aggregated by Franklin Templeton, Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan, Koch Industries and Learn Capital.

Nerdy’s flagship business, Varsity Tutors, is a two-sided marketplace that matches tutors to students in large, small or 1:1 group environments. The learning platform covers more than 3,000 subjects. Like other edtech companies, Varsity Tutors uses artificial intelligence and data analytics to better match experts to learners. Additionally, in August, Varsity Tutors launched a homeschooling offering meant to replace traditional school. It onboarded 120 full-time educators, who came from public schools and charter schools, with competitive salaries.

Financial performance

TechCrunch reviewed the Nerdy-SPAC investor presentation, which can be read here.

Nerdy is among consumer edtech businesses that saw rapid growth and opportunity due to the demands of remote learning brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. In the second half of 2020, Nerdy’s annualized revenue surpassed $120 million. In the last quarter of 2020, the company saw its online revenue grow 87%, online paid active learners grow 59% and paid online sessions grow 169%, compared to the same time period last year, the business reports.

Drilling into its realized results instead of its more-favorable annualized performance from its third and fourth quarters of 2020, Nerdy saw estimated revenues of $106 million in the year, up just 16% from its 2019 result.

That growth rate is slower than what it managed in 2019, some 26% growth, and is around half of what it anticipates for 2021, namely 31% growth. But Nerdy has even stronger projections for 2022, a year in which it expects to drive revenues of $198 million, up 43% from its 2021 expectation of $138 million.

Whether the company can hit those goals remains to be seen; SPAC-led debuts allow for the company being taken public in the transaction to forecast more than companies that follow traditional IPO paths are allowed.

The company’s growth also failed to stem its losses. Nerdy is not yet profitable. Its 2020 estimates list an anticipated net loss of $23 million, which is more than it lost in 2019 but less than its 2018 deficit. Based on last year’s growth, Nerdy estimates that its net loss will slim to $8 million in 2021, and will achieve profitability by 2023.

How did Nerdy fail to reduce its losses last year as its revenues expanded? The company’s costs showed modest gains and losses, apart from its sales and marketing line item. That particular realm of expense rose from $38 million in 2019 to an estimated $44 million in 2020.

In contrast, while Nerdy’s net losses were largely static in 2020, its estimated net margin did improve from -24% in 2019 to an estimated -22% in 2020. It has a ways to go to reach the black, though its financials do indicate that the company thinks that net income is only a few years away.

To reach profitability, Nerdy anticipates it will require 2023 revenues of $267 million, growth from 2022 of 35% and gross margins five points stronger than its 67% result it estimated it reached last year.

A closer look at Nerdy’s business brings up a common question amid the SPAC boom: Is the reverse-merger being used to bring companies with lackluster near-term growth stories to the public market that otherwise couldn’t have? So far, a number of edtech startups have taken the SPAC route, including Skillsoft, Meten International and now Nerdy.

After edtech had a strong 2020, sector investors say to expect more exits as startups cross the $100 million ARR mark. Deborah Quazzo, managing partner of GSV, told TechCrunch in December that “what’s happening in edtech is that capital markets are liquidating.” The ability to move fluidly between privately held and publicly held companies is a characteristic of tech sectors with deep capital markets, which is different from edtech’s “old days, where the options to exit were very narrow.”

(文:Natasha Mascarenhas、Alex Wilhelm、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

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nerdy — с английского на русский

nerdy — adjective see nerd * * * nerdy [nerdy nerdier nerdiest] ; adjective • He looked kind of nerdy … nerdy — nerd also nurd (nûrd) n. Slang 1) A foolish, inept, or unattractive person. 2) A person who is single minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept. ╂...

Urban Dictionary: Nerdy

Nerdy. Having interests that aren't socially applicable or common. Nerdy is an educational service for students studying in Germany which helps them cope with their college life by providing tutoring sessions, proofreading of their papers, book delivery, and other services related to their education.

NERDY | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

nerdy definition: 1. not attractive and awkward or socially embarrassing: 2. extremely interested in one subject…. Learn more.

Nerd - Wikipedia

Because of the nerd stereotype, many smart people are often thought of as nerdy. This belief can be harmful, as it can cause high-school students to "switch off their lights" out of fear of being branded as a nerd,[19] and cause otherwise appealing people to be considered nerdy simply for their intellect.

Nerdy | Definition of Nerdy by Merriam-Webster

Nerd definition is - an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits. How to use nerd in a sentence. Of nerds, geeks, and dorks

Nerdy - definition of nerdy by The Free Dictionary

Define nerdy. nerdy synonyms, nerdy pronunciation, nerdy translation, English dictionary definition of nerdy. also nurd n. Slang 1. A foolish, inept, or unattractive person. 2. A person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is...

Nerdy Synonyms, Nerdy Antonyms | Thesaurus.com

Another word for nerdy. Find more ways to say nerdy, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Nerd по Русский, перевод, Английский-Русский Словарь - Glosbe

nerd punk. nerdcore. nerdy. nereid.

The Nerdy | News, Reviews & More of All Things Nerdy

The Nerdy has one focus: To embrace the geek lifestyle in all of its forms by offering news, reviews and unique insights.

Amazon.com: Nerdy Shirts

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Nerdy | Definition of Nerdy at Dictionary.com

Nerdy definition, of or like a nerd. See more. SEE SYNONYMS FOR nerdy ON THESAURUS.COM. adjective, nerd·i·er, nerd·i·est. Slang. of or like a nerd.

Transforming the Way People Learn - Nerdy

About Nerdy. Nerdy is the leading direct-to-consumer, curated gig economy platform for live online learning. Led by our flagship business, Varsity Tutors, we leverage technology and AI to deliver personalized live learning at scale.


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Nerdy, a tutoring marketplace startup, is going public via ...

A gig economy-powered consumer edtech platform is heading to the New York Stock Exchange. Edtech startup Nerdy, which owns the popular tutoring business Varsity Tutors, is seeking to become a public company through a special purpose acquisition vehicle, otherwise known as a SPAC. Nerdy will merge with TPG Pace Tech Opportunities (NYSE: PACE), a publicly …

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Nerdy, which operates an online tutoring service, plans to ...

TechCrunch: Nerdy, which operates an online tutoring service, plans to go public via a SPAC merger at a valuation of $1.7B and plans to raise up to $750M with the deal — A gig economy-powered consumer edtech platform is heading to the New York Stock Exchange. — Edtech startup Nerdy … Read More

Nerdy, a tutoring market startup, is going public via SPAC ...

A gig economy-powered consumer edtech platform is heading to the Unique York Stock Substitute. Edtech startup Nerdy, which owns the smartly-liked tutoring alternate Varsity Tutors,…

Nerdy, a tutoring marketplace startup, is going public via ...

A gig economy-powered consumer edtech platform is heading to the New York Stock Exchange. Edtech startup Nerdy, which owns the popular tutoring business Varsity Tutors, is seeking to become a public company through a special purpose acquisition vehicle, otherwise known as a SPAC.. Nerdy will merge with TPG Pace Tech Opportunities (NYSE: PACE), a publicly traded SPAC since 2015.

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