関連ワード (Bitcoin、インド、仮想通貨等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
下院のウェブサイトで公開されたアジェンダでは、同法は「インドにおけるすべての民間仮想通貨を禁止する」ことを目指しているが、「仮想通貨の基礎となる技術(ブロックチェーン)とその利用を促進するための一定の例外を認める」 としている。
また同法案はインドの中央銀行であるReserve Bank of India(RBI、インド準備銀行)が発行する「公式デジタル通貨の作成を促進する枠組みを作る」ことも求めると、アジェンダに記載されている。
「政府は今議会中に法案の導入を検討しており、決定を下す前にすべての利害関係者の意見に耳を傾けると確信しています」と、インドの仮想通貨取引所であるCoinDCXの共同設立者兼最高経営責任者Sumit Gupta(スミット・グプタ)氏は述べている。
画像クレジット:Getty Images
India plans to introduce a law to ban private cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin in the country and provide a framework for the creation of an official digital currency during the current budget session of parliament.
In the agenda (PDF) published on the lower house website, the legislation seeks to “prohibit all private cryptocurrencies in India,” but allow “for certain exceptions to promote the underlying technology [blockchain] of cryptocurrency and its uses.”
The law also seeks to “create a facilitative framework for creation of the official digital currency” that will be issued by the nation’s central bank, Reserve Bank of India, the agenda said.
In 2018, an Indian government panel recommended banning all private cryptocurrencies and proposed up to 10 years of jail time for offenders. The panel also suggested the government to explore a digital version of the fiat currency and ways to implement it.
At the time, RBI said the move was necessary to curb “ring-fencing” of the country’s financial system. It had also argued that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies cannot be treated as currencies as they are not made of metal or exist in physical form, nor were they stamped by the government. The 2018 notice from the central bank sent a panic to several local startups and companies offering services to trade in cryptocurrency. Nearly all of them have either since closed shop, or pivoted to serve other markets.
This proposal was challenged by several exchanges and traders, who filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court. The nation’s apex court ruled in their favor last year. This ruling was seen as “historic” but it did not impact the earlier circular on the policy level.
“Since the government is considering introducing the bill during this session of Parliament, we are sure the government will definitely listen to all the stakeholders before taking any decision,” said Sumit Gupta, co-founder and chief executive of CoinDCX,a cryptocurrency exchange in India.
“We are talking to other stakeholders and will definitely initiate deeper dialogue with the government and showcase how we can actually create a healthy ecosystem in unison,” he said.
(文:Manish Singh、翻訳:塚本直樹 / Twitter)
仮想通貨でも取引制限 ロビンフッド、価格急騰で :日本経済新聞
仮想通貨のニュース一覧 - みんなの株式 (みんかぶ)
2021/02/01 - 最新の仮想通貨一覧です。株式投資やビジネスに役立つ最新の株式ニュースを個人投資家にお届けします。関連ニュース総数:98件
仮想通貨計1600万円分、女性看護師がだまし取られる Lineで投資話、滋賀県警が捜査|社会|地域のニュース|京都新聞
【今さら聞けない】仮想通貨とは?をわかりやすく解説します! | まりのとっておきバイナリー
こんにちは、堀口です。 最近よくニュースでビットコインの話題を耳にしますよね。 2021年年初は、ビットコインを含め「仮想通貨」の価値が上昇しています。 ビットコインが熱いようです? ビットコイン3万 ...
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仮想通貨に慎重なインドで仮想通貨が禁止される可能性が再浮上。29日に始まったインド議会の下院であるLok Sabhaの予算セッションにて法案が検討されることになった。
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インド(ヒンディー語: भारत、英語: India)またはインド共和国(インドきょうわこく、ヒンディー語: भारत गणराज्य、英語: Republic of India)は、南アジアに位置し、インド亜大陸の大半を領してインド洋に面する連邦共和制国家。
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Bitcoin May Be the New Gold by Young Voices Contributors
Editor's note: This column was authored by Emilie Dye. Last January, you could buy a bitcoin for less than $9,000 — that's roughly the downpayment on a 2018 Ford F-150. Today, it
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No matter where you stand on bitcoin, we can agree on one thing: It’s polarizing. Some investors believe it’s the way of the future and others think it’s a scam.
Demand Dips For Bitcoin Are Temporary; But Lack Of Supply ...
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Bitcoin: How Cryptocurrencies Work - Crypto Global Report
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The Indian government may ban cryptocurrencies like bitcoin
Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin are decentralized, while national digital currencies are typically centralized. With a GDP of nearly $2.9 trillion, India is the world's fifth-largest economy, ...
Bitcoin scalability problem - Wikipedia
The bitcoin scalability problem is the limited rate at which the bitcoin network can process transactions. It is related to the fact that records (known as blocks) in the bitcoin blockchain are limited in size and frequency.. Bitcoin's blocks contain the transactions on the bitcoin network.: ch. 2 The on-chain transaction processing capacity of the bitcoin network is limited by the average ...
Ethereum - Wikipedia
Bitcoin is a singular form of digital money where users can send, receive, and hold only bitcoins. Ethereum is a smart contract platform which allows entities to leverage blockchain technology to create numerous different digital ledgers and can be used to create additional cryptocurrencies that run on top of its blockchain.
Personal Finance: What Bitcoin Teaches Us About Risky ...
Bitcoin's volatility offers a greater possibility of meaningful gains, while still only committing the same small, manageable sum. Over the past year, its price has more than quadrupled.
Trading Bitcoin and the Gaming Industry - What Binds Them ...
So far, Bitcoin trading seems pretty straightforward, doesn't it? Well, it is a lot more complex than this. That's because you'll need to make important decisions in various situations.
After Elon Musk Changes Twitter Bio To "#Bitcoin," BTC ...
Bitcoin Magazine is the world's first and foundational digital currency publication, covering the innovative ideas, breaking news and global impact at the cutting-edge intersection of finance ...
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Bitcoin: Mining, Scarcity, And Why The Price May Push To $150,000 Seeking Alpha Source link
Fidelity Optimistic About Bitcoin Regulation Under Biden ...
Fidelity Digital Assets President Tom Jessop has shared his view on the future of bitcoin and cryptocurrency regulation under the Biden administration. He confirms that Fidelity is seeing strong demand for bitcoin from institutional buyers.
Sex Criminals Use Bitcoin. So Do the Police.
Together, they spent two years tracing thousands of Bitcoin addresses, leading to the arrest of 340 men in 38 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Saudi Arabia. At least ...
Hedge Funds Shorting $1.4 Billion Bitcoin - Trustnodes
All the latests news on Crypto, Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tokens, ICOs, Fintech, and more.
Bitcoin 'ascendant' as GameStop saga unfolds, Bitfinex CTO ...
The sudden rise of stocks like GameStop (GME) have shined a positive light on Bitcoin (), as more retail investors look to "rail against" the financial status quo, according to Bitfinex CTO Paolo Ardoino.. Bitcoin's price peaked north of $38,500 on Friday, just as U.S. stocks concluded their worst week of trading since October. The divergence between BTC and stocks was partly due to a ...
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar, and Uniswap - Crypto ...
Bitcoin Bitcoin is up by a cool 20% over the previous week because it at present trades close to the $35,700 deal with. The number one ranked cryptocurrency had been trapped inside a spread for almost all of the week because it oscillated between $33,000 and $30,000. Trying on the bigger image, Bitcoin was buying […]
India plans to introduce law to ban Bitcoin, other private ...
India plans to introduce a law to ban private cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin in the country and provide a framework for the creation of an official digital currency during the current budget session of parliament. In the agenda (PDF) published on the lower house website, the legislation seeks to “prohibit all private cryptocurrencies in India,” […]
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple price analysis for 01/30/2021 ...
Bitcoin price has pierced the upper border of the downtrend, but can buyers break the local a downtrend that has been going on for more than three weeks?. BTC / USD. Yesterday, the market saw a wave of excitement purchases caused by the publication of the usual Bitcoin hashtag in the Twitter header on Elon Musk's page.
Elon Musk Adds "Bitcoin" to Twitter Bio as BTC Posts ...
Elon Musk has long teased his interest in Bitcoin, but his advocacy for the cryptocurrency was solidified today when he added #Bitcoin to his Twitter bio This change coincided with a massive green candle seen by BTC that sent it rocketing up to highs of nearly $39,000 this morning It remains unclear as to whether […]
Elon Musk Adds "Bitcoin" to Twitter Bio as BTC Posts ...
Elon Musk has long teased his interest in Bitcoin, but his advocacy for the cryptocurrency was solidified today when he added #Bitcoin to his Twitter bio; This change coincided with a massive green candle seen by BTC that sent it rocketing up to highs of nearly $39,000 this morning
Elon Musk Adds "Bitcoin" to Twitter Bio as BTC Posts ...
Bitcoin Rockets Higher as Bulls Slaughter Bears . At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading up just under 14% at its current price of $38,200, which marks a massive surge from its pre-rally lows of $32,000.
Bitcoin Jumps 5%, Altcoins Continue To Gain Traction ...
The Coinbazz covers Fintech, Blockchain and Bitcoin bringing you the latest news and analyses on the future of money.
India plans to introduce law to ban Bitcoin, other private ...
India plans to introduce a law to ban private cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin in the country and provide a framework for the creation of an official digital currency during the current budget session of parliament.
Bitcoin + the #4: How can BTC double? 4x4, Institutional ...
#Bitcoin #BitcoinPrice #InstitutionalInvestors #Impact #BitcoinConference #ElonMusk The Number 4 and BITCOIN ?? The info you need to make money & manage risk 0:00 Introduction - The opinions expressed in the video are for general informational purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual or on any specific security
2021-02-02 01:30海老:ゴリラの友達のインド人がやってるカレー屋に行ったんだが、カレーを注文したらスプーンがついてこなくて「あ、本格的な店なのか」とか思って手で食ってたら、半分くらい食ったときに、インド人の店員が奥からすごく申し訳なさそうな顔してスプーン持ってきた。すごく恥ずかしかった。