宇宙開発のFirefly Aerospaceが月面着陸船契約をNASAと98.4億円で結ぶ

今回は「宇宙開発のFirefly Aerospaceが月面着陸船契約をNASAと98.4億円で結ぶ」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Firefly Aerospace、NASA、資金調達等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


NASA(米航空宇宙局)は、実験設備を搭載した月面着陸船モジュールを月面に運ぶために、9330万ドル(約98億4000万円)の契約をFirefly Aerospace(ファイアフライ・エアロスペース)と結んだ。Fireflyは打ち上げ自体は行わないが、2023年に予定されているミッションに対して宇宙船と着陸船「Blue Ghost」(ブルーゴースト)を提供する。

NASAは現在進行中であるCommercial Lunar Payload Services(CLIPS、商用月面ペイロードサービス)の一部としてこの契約を結んだ。このサービスにはBlue Origin(ブルーオリジン)、Astrobotic(アストロボティック)、Masten(マステン)といった、これまで主力ではなかった宇宙企業も選ばれて肩を並べている。


NASAのThomas Zurbuchen(トーマス・ズルブチェン)科学副長官はこの契約を発表したリリースの中で「新しいCLIPSプロバイダーが、初のタスクを勝ち取ったことを喜んでいます」と語っている。ここ数年来、NASAは打ち上げサービスから衛星や宇宙船の製造に至るまでのすべての部門で、民間業者をますます新たに受け入れるようになってきている。

正確にいえば今回のNASAからの注文はFireflyにとっては初めてのものではない。その国家安全保障関連子会社であるFirefly Black(ファイアフライ・ブラック)が、Venture Class Launch Service Demo-2(ベンチャー・クラス・サービス・デモ2)ミッションのために2つのキューブサットを打ち上げることになっているからだ。しかし今回の契約は、比べるとはるかに大規模かつ複雑なものだ(高価なのはいうまでもない)。

これはFireflyのBlue Ghost着陸船にとって、初の月面着陸となる。同社は過去数年にわたり、月に対する新たな関心の下で準備を続けていた。BlueGhostは10個の科学実験装置を搭載する(詳細はNASAがここで説明している)が、その中にはたとえば新しいレーザー反射装置や、実験的な耐放射線コンピューターなどが含まれている。搭載されるものはたくさんあるのだが、BlueGhostはその他、月に運びたいもののために50kg分の場所を残してあるはずだ。

着陸が計画されているのは危難の海(または危機の海、Mare Crisium)である。これは月の「表側」にある盆地の1つだ。ここに送り込まれた機材たちは、将来の訪問や月面への入植に対する情報を提供するために、継続して貴重な観測や実験を行うことが期待されている。



画像クレジット:Firefly Aerospace


NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace a $93.3 million contract to take a lunar lander module loaded with experiments to the surface of the moon. While the company will not be performing the launch itself, it will be providing the spacecraft and “Blue Ghost” lander for the 2023 mission.

The space agency made the award as part of its ongoing Commercial Lunar Payload Services, under which several other non-prime space companies have been selected for similar work: Blue Origin, Astrobotic, Masten and so on.

This particular contract was first publicized to its CLPS partners back in September, which would have submitted bids for the project; Firefly clearly carried the day.

“We’re excited another CLPS provider has won its first task order award,” said NASA associate administrator for science Thomas Zurbuchen in a release announcing the contract. The last few years have seen many such firsts as NASA has increasingly embraced the commercial sector in providing everything from launch services to satellite and spacecraft manufacturing.

It’s not exactly Firefly’s first order from NASA, though: Its national security subsidiary Firefly Black (ominous) will be launching two cubesats for the Venture Class Launch Service Demo-2 mission. But this is larger and more complex by a huge margin (not to mention more expensive).

This will be the maiden lunar voyage for Firefly’s Blue Ghost lander, which it’s been working on for the last few years in anticipation of renewed interest in the moon. It will hold the 10 scientific payloads, which NASA describes here, including a new laser reflector array and an experimental radiation-tolerant computer. There’s a lot to be loaded up, but Blue Ghost should have 50kg of space left over for anyone else who wants a ride to the moon.

Everything is going to Mare Crisium, a basin on the “light” or near side of the moon, where hopefully they will contribute valuable observations and experiments to inform future visits to and habitation on the moon.

Firefly will also be providing the spacecraft that will take the lander into lunar space, and will be responsible for getting it off the Earth in the first place — the company told me they’re evaluating options for that. By the time 2023 rolls around there should be plenty of rides to choose from, and indeed Firefly’s own Alpha launch vehicle may be flying by then, though it’s not ready to commit to a lunar insertion orbit mission today. The company plans to have its first Alpha flight in March.

(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:sako)

Firefly Aerospace - Wikipedia

Firefly Aerospace is an American private aerospace firm based in Austin, Texas, that develops small and medium-sized launch vehicles for commercial launches to orbit.They are proponents of NewSpace: a movement in the aerospace industry whose objective is to increase access to space through innovative technical advances resulting in a reduction of launch cost and the lessening of regulations ...

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Firefly Aerospace announced that it will aim for its first launch in mid-March, try to raise $350 million in capital and attempt a Moon landing on behalf of NASA in 2023.

NASA Selects Firefly Aerospace for Artemis Commercial Moon ...

NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace of Cedar Park, Texas, approximately $93.3 million to deliver a suite of 10 science investigations and technology demonstrations to the Moon in 2023. The delivery, planned for Mare Crisium, a low-lying basin on the Moon’s near side, will investigate a variety of

NASA Selects Firefly Aerospace for Artemis Commercial Moon ...

Firefly Aerospace will be responsible for end-to-end delivery services, including payload integration, launch from Earth, landing on the Moon, and mission operations. This is the sixth award for lunar surface delivery under the CLPS initiative. "We're excited another CLPS provider has won its first task order award.

NASA awards Firefly Aerospace $93.3M to deliver payloads ...

Washington, February 5 NASA has awarded Texas-based Firefly Aerospace approximately $93.3 million to deliver a suite of 10 science investigations and technology demonstrations to the Moon in 2023.

Firefly will light up the moon with $93M lunar lander ...

NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace a $93.3 million contract to take a lunar lander module loaded with experiments to the surface of the moon. While the company will not be performing the launch itself, it will be providing the spacecraft and “Blue Ghost” lander for the 2023 mission. The space agency made the award as […]

NASA Awards Firefly Aerospace $93.3M to Deliver Suite of ...

Firefly Aerospace, Inc., a leading provider of economical and dependable launch vehicles, spacecraft, and in-space services, announced that NASA has awarded Firefly $93.3 million to deliver a ...

NASA Awards Firefly Aerospace $93.3M to Deliver Suite of ...

CEDAR PARK, Texas, February 4, 2021 (Firefly Aerospace PR) - Firefly Aerospace, Inc., a leading provider of economical and dependable launch vehicles, spacecraft, and in-space services, announced that NASA has awarded Firefly $93.3 million to deliver a suite of ten NASA-sponsored science and technology demonstration payloads to Mare Crisium in the Moon's Crisium basin.

Firefly will light up the moon with $93M lunar lander ...

NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace a $93.3 million contract to take a lunar lander module loaded with experiments to the surface of the moon. While the company will not be performing the launch itself, it will be providing the spacecraft and "Blue Ghost" lander for the 2023 mission.. The space agency made the award as part of its ongoing Commercial Lunar Payload Services, under which ...

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NASA selects Cedar Park's Firefly Aerospace for Artemis ...

Firefly Aerospace will be responsible for end-to-end delivery services, including payload integration, launch from Earth, landing on the Moon, and mission operations. This is the sixth award for lunar surface delivery under the CLPS initiative. "We're excited another CLPS provider has won its first task order award.

NASA awards Firefly Aerospace $93.3M to deliver payloads ...

Firefly Aerospace will be responsible for end-to-end delivery services, including payload integration, launch from Earth, landing on the Moon, and mission operations. This is the sixth award for lunar surface delivery under the CLPS initiative. "We're excited another CLPS provider has won its first task order award.

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Firefly Aerospace, Inc., a leading provider of economical and dependable launch vehicles, spacecraft, and in-space services, announced the appointment of Deborah Lee James and Robert Cardillo to ...

NASA Selects Firefly Aerospace for Artemis Business Moon ...

NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace of Cedar Park, Texas, roughly $93.3 million to ship a set of 10 science investigations and know-how demonstrations to the

Firefly will gentle up the Moon with $93M lunar lander ...

NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace with a $93.3 million contract to take a lunar lander module loaded with experiments to the floor of the Moon. Whereas the

NASA Selects Firefly Aerospace for Artemis Commercial Moon ...

NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace of Cedar Park, Texas, approximately $93.3 million to deliver a suite of 10 science investigations and technology demonstrations to the Moon in 2023. Source:: upda…

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Firefly will light up the Moon with $93M lunar lander ...

NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace with a $93.3 million contract to take a lunar lander module loaded with experiments to the surface of the Moon. While the company will not be performing the launch itself, it will be providing the spacecraft and "Blue Ghost" lander for the 2023 mission.

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Firefly Aerospace Inc, a US rocket and space company, with deep Ukrainian roots, plans to raise $350 million to scale up production and work on a medium-class launch vehicle. During an IPO Edge webinar on Jan. 26 about investment in the space industry, Tom Markusic, chief executive of Firefly Aerospace, ...

Firefly wins NASA CLPS lunar lander contract

With the lander, Alpha rocket and SUV, "Firefly is poised to ensure U.S. preeminence in the commercialization of cislunar space." The award is the sixth overall in the CLPS program, but the first to Firefly, which was part of the original group of nine companies selected by NASA in November 2018 to be eligible to compete for CLPS awards.

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Firefly wins NASA CLPS lunar lander contract - All CyberTruck

WASHINGTON — NASA has chosen Firefly Aerospace to ship a set of 10 analysis payloads to the moon in 2023, the newest award in its Industrial Lunar Payload Providers (CLPS) program. The company mentioned it awarded Firefly the CLPS Job Order 19D for sending 10 payloads to Mare Crisium, a...

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NASA Selects Firefly Aerospace for Artemis Commercial Moon ...

NASA has awarded Firefly Aerospace of Cedar Park, Texas, approximately $93.3 million to deliver a suite of 10 science investigations and technology demonstrations to the Moon in 2023. The delivery, planned for Mare Crisium, a low-lying basin on the Moon's near side, will investigate a variety of lunar surface conditions and resources.

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CEDAR PARK, Texas, February 4, 2021 (Firefly Aerospace PR) - Firefly Aerospace, Inc., a leading provider of economical and dependable launch vehicles, spacecraft, and in-space services, announced that NASA has awarded Firefly $93.3 million to deliver a suite of ten NASA-sponsored science and technology demonstration payloads to Mare Crisium in the Moon's Crisium basin.

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ククモオンラインをご存知でしょうか。 従来のファクタリングサービスと違い、WEB完結にする事によって圧倒的にスピードと手

税理士ドットコム - [資金調達]続化給付金 設立日=開業日で困っています - 税理士にはわかりません。給付金事務局 ...


シェアリングエネルギーが資金調達を実施~再生可能エネルギーによる分散電源の普及を推進~ | Ba-ter.News

資金調達の背景 近年、日本のエネルギーを取り巻く環境は、かつてない変化に直面しています。 東日本大震災や北海道・千葉の大規模停電を契機として、従来の中央集中型エネルギーシステムの脆弱性が顕在化。

シェアリングエネルギーが資金調達を実施~再生可能エネルギーによる分散電源の普及を推進~ - Pr Times ...

資金調達の背景 近年、日本のエネルギーを取り巻く環境は、かつてない変化に直面しています。 東日本大震災や北海道・千葉の大規模停電を契機として、従来の中央集中型エネルギーシステムの脆弱性が顕在化。

シャオミも注目するMCUチップメーカー「霊動微電子」が戦略的資金調達(36Kr Japan) - goo ニュース


【INITIAL】最新・資金調達レポート『Japan Startup Finance 2020』リリース~2020年 ...




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