CHIPS Allianceがオープンソースチップエコシステムを次の段階へと進めるため新事務局長を迎える

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そんな中で、2019年3月にCHIPS Allianceが、ハードウェアであるシリコンの世界でエコシステムをオープンにし、オープンソースによる開発を推進するために発足した。この団体はLinux Foundationがメンバーとしてホストし、オープン化によってイノベーションをさらに刺激していくという、Linuxなどと同様の精神を共有している。

CHIPS Allianceは米国時間2月8日、Rob Mains(ロブ・メイン)氏を事務局長に迎えたことを発表した。QualcommやOracle、Sun Microsystems、IBMなどシリコン畑の企業で数十年間キャリアを重ねたメイン氏は2021年1月、ゼネラルマネジャーとして同団体に参加した。

メイン氏はこれまでの体験を、業界の現状を理解するための基盤と考えているが、同時にまた、シリコンの世界は変わらなければならないとも主張している。「シリコン企業の考え方が、以前と大きく違っています。CHIPS Allianceは、いろんな企業や会員が変化に貢献できるプラットフォームになることができます。イノベーションの次の段階に、私たちを橋渡しできるでしょう」とメイン氏はいう。

CHIPS Allianceの新事務局長ロブ・メイン氏(画像クレジット:CHIPS Alliance)


RISC-V Foundationなどのオープンソース団体と比べると、メイン氏の目に映るCHIPS Allianceはもっと全体的にオープンなエコシステムを作ろうと努めている。バスのプロトコルやチップレット間のインタフェイスなど「スタンダードや実例の周知や普及に努めるべき多様な分野がここにはある」と氏は語る。CHIPS Allianceは、Western Digitalが開発したOpenXtendプロトコルをホストしているが、それはプロセッサーのキャッシュとメモリコントローラー間の整合的なインタフェイスを提供する。またIntelで開発された、複数の半導体ダイを接続するためのスタンダードであるAdvanced Interface Bus(AIB)もサポートしている。

メイン氏は過去に、自動化電子設計(electronic design automation、EDA)のツールで経験を積んでいる。それは、チップの設計者がそのモデルを物理的なシリコン上のトランジスタに翻訳する工程を助ける。彼はEDAの世界にもオープンソースのツールを拡張していく真の機会があると見ている。さらに同団体は、GoogleとSkywaterによる最近の実験に見られるような、オープンなPDK(process design kit、工程設計キット)の、今後のインフラストラクチャ探求にも関心がある。


画像クレジット:Matejmo/Getty Images


Over the past two decades, there has been a complete revolution in software engineering driven by the rise of open source. Proprietary tools and libraries have widely given way to open-source libraries and editors shared on sites like GitHub. The result has been an explosion of new software engineers who can both learn from and contribute to the most cutting-edge software in the world.

That open model remains mostly a pipe dream in the silicon world. The pipeline and tooling for designing and engineering chips remains almost entirely proprietary, and while new architectures like RISC-V and new specifications like OpenRAN have made some headway in recent years, the industry is still almost hermetically sealed to open innovation.

CHIPS Alliance was started in March 2019 with the mission to open that ecosystem and encourage the development of open-source practices throughout the hardware silicon world. It’s hosted as a member of the Linux Foundation, and shares a similar ethos of using openness to spur further innovation.

The Alliance announced today that it has hired Rob Mains as its new executive director. Mains joined the organization last month as general manager; he previously had a multi-decade career across the silicon industry at companies like Qualcomm, Oracle, Sun Microsystems and IBM.

Mains sees those experiences as being formative for understanding the current ecosystem, but understands that the silicon world has to change. “Obviously, it’s a very different mindset from silicon companies have had in the past,” Mains said. CHIPS Alliance is “creating a platform that different companies and members can contribute to … and bridge us to the next stage of innovation.”

New CHIPS Alliance executive director Rob Mains. Photo via CHIPS Alliance.

Currently, the organization has more than two dozen corporate and university members, including Intel, Google, Alibaba and RISC-V darling SiFive.

Compared to the RISC-V Foundation and other orgs focused on specific open-source technologies, Mains sees CHIPS Alliance trying to create a more open ecosystem holistically. “There are a number of different areas where we can promote standards and examples,” he said, pointing to examples like bus protocols and interfaces between chiplets. CHIPS Alliance hosts the OpenXtend protocol first developed at Western Digital, which is designed to provide a consistent interface between processor caches and memory controllers, and it is also backing the Advanced Interface Bus (AIB) standard first developed at Intel to connect multiple semiconductor dies.

Mains has a particular background in electronic design automation (EDA) tools, which help chip designers translate their models into actual transistors on physical silicon. He sees a real opportunity to further expand open-source tools in the EDA space. In addition, the organization is interested in further exploring progress on Open PDK (process design kit) infrastructure such as a recent experimental preview offered by Google and Skywater.

Mains hopes that by being a community and a champion for open-source methodologies in hardware, this cloistered industry can open up and expand the range and efforts of innovation happening.

(文:Danny Crichton、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

Chips Alliance - Chips Alliance

CHIPS (Common Hardware for Interfaces, Processors and Systems) Alliance harnesses the energy of open source collaboration to accelerate hardware development.

CHIPS Alliance · GitHub

Common Hardware for Interfaces, Processors and Systems - CHIPS Alliance

CHIPSAlliance (@CHIPSAlliance) | Твиттер

@CHIPSAlliance. CHIPS (Common Hardware for Interfaces, Processors and Systems) Alliance harnesses the energy of open source collaboration to accelerate hardware development.

CHIPS Alliance - An Open Hardware Group - YouTube

Presentation by Ted Marena at the RISC-V Foundation and Western Digital on June 11, 2019 at the RISC-V Workshop Zurich at ETH Zurich in Zurich, Switzerland. ...

CHIPS Alliance — PlatformIO 5.1.0 documentation

CHIPS Alliance¶. Configuration: Platform = chipsalliance. The CHIPS Alliance develops high-quality, open source hardware designs relevant to silicon devices and FPGAs.

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The Linux Foundation welcomes the CHIPS Alliance Project, with its plans to open-source CPU chip and SoC designs for a new day of hardware innovation.

CHIPS Alliance hires new director to push open-source chips...

Over the past two decades, there has been a complete revolution in software engineering driven by the rise of open source. Proprietary tools and libraries have widely given way to open-source libraries and editors shared on sites like GitHub. The result has been an explosion of new software engineers who can both learn from and contribute to the most cutting-edge software in the world.

CHIPS Alliance hires new director to push open-source... |

Over the past two decades, there has been a complete revolution in software engineering driven by the rise of open source. Proprietary tools and libraries have widely given way to open-source libraries and editors shared on sites like GitHub.

CHIPS Alliance · GitHub

Common Hardware for Interfaces, Processors and Systems - CHIPS Alliance

CHIPS Alliance

Company:CHIPS Alliance, Electrical equipment and microelectronics, Google, Western Digital, Internet of Things, DPC, Linux Foundation, Intel, Open hardware (Open Source Hardware, OSHW), Intel x86.

Intel вошла в CHIPS Alliance и подарила миру шину Advanced...

Став членом альянса, компания Intel пожертвовала сообществу созданную в её недрах шину Advanced Interface Bus (AIB).

CHIPS Alliance aims to ease RISC-V design and... - TechRepublic

The Linux Foundation and RISC-V Foundation, alongside industry partners such as Google and Western Digital, are partnering to provide SoC designs and utilities.

CHIPS Alliance - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding

The CHIPS Alliance develops high-quality, open source hardware designs relevant to silicon By creating an open and collaborative environment, CHIPS Alliance shares resources to lower the cost...

CHIPS Alliance Workshop | Linux Foundation Events

September 17, 2020 Virtual Experience CHIPS Alliance, the open source RTL hardware and software development tool organization, is gathering to share milestones…

The Linux Foundation Announces CHIPS Alliance To Open-source...

The Linux Foundation, the non-profit working to support and encourage open source technologies, has announced the CHIPS Alliance.The early backers of the alliance include the likes of SiFive, Esperanto Technologies, Google, and WD.

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The Linux Foundation is forming  the CHIPS Alliance  to deliver open source code for the design of ICs. CHIPS Alliance will foster a collaborative environm

Intel joins CHIPS Alliance to promote... | TechPowerUp Forums

CHIPS Alliance, the leading consortium advancing common and open hardware for interfaces, processors and systems, today announced industry leading chipmaker...

Intel вошла в CHIPS Alliance и подарила миру шину Advanced...

Intel вошла в CHIPS Alliance и подарила миру шину Advanced Interface Bus.

Intel Joins CHIPS Alliance, Contributes Advanced Interface Bus

Now that CHIPS Alliance controls Advanced Interface Bus specification, further development of the technology will be handled by its Interconnects workgroup, which is set to begin its operations shortly.

CHIPSAlliance - @CHIPSAlliance Twitter Profile and... | Twaku

Explore tweets of CHIPSAlliance @CHIPSAlliance on Twitter. CHIPS (Common Hardware for Interfaces, Processors and Systems) Alliance harnesses the energy of open source collaboration to accelerate hardware development. | Twaku

Intel Joins The CHIPS Alliance To Promote AIB As An Open Standard

The CHIPS Alliance has another member, this member is Intel which plans to share the Advanced Interface Bus or AIB.



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