

関連ワード (Square、銀行等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



1年前の2020年3月に条件つきの承認を得たSquareは、米国時間3月1日に同社の興業銀行であるSquare Financial Servicesの営業を開始したと発表した。Square Financial ServicesはFDIC(米連邦預金保険公社)とUtah Department of Financial Institutions(UDFI、ユタ州の金融機関局)の設立認可プロセスを完了し、営業を開始できることになった。

この銀行はユタ州ソルトレイクシティに本社を置き、事業資金融資と預金商品を提供する。まずはSquare Capitalの既存の融資商品に対する引受と事業資金融資のオリジネートから開始する。



SquareのCFO兼Square Financial Servicesの会長であるAmrita Ahuja(アムリタ・アフジャ)氏は発表の中で、銀行機能を社内に有することで「より機敏に動ける」ようになるだろうと述べた。

Square Financial Servicesは引き続き第三者の投資家に対して融資を販売しバランスシートのエクスポージャーを制限する。Squareは、銀行が2021年の連結バランスシート、売上高合計、売上総利益、調整後EBITDAに重大な影響を及ぼす見込みはないとしている。


Lewis Goodwin(ルイス・ゴールドウィン)氏が銀行のCEOに、Brandon Soto(ブランドン・ソト)氏がCFOになる。さらに以下の人事が発表された。


BrexはEmigrant Bankが発行元となっているクレジットカードをスタートアップ向けにアレンジして販売している急成長中の企業で、同社はFDICとUDFIにBrex Bank設立の認可を申請したと発表した。


画像クレジット:Smith Collection/Gado / Getty Images


Known for its innovations in the payments sector, Square is now officially a bank.

Nearly one year after receiving conditional approval , Square said Monday afternoon that its industrial bank, Square Financial Services, has begun operations .  Square Financial Services completed the charter approval process with the FDIC and Utah Department of Financial Institutions, meaning it’s ready for business.

The bank, which is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, will offer business loan and deposit products, starting with underwriting, and originating business loans for Square Capital’s existing lending product.

Historically, Square has been known for its card reader and point-of-sale payment system, used largely by small businesses — but it has also begun facilitating credit for the entrepreneurs and smalls businesses that have used its products in recent years.

Moving forward, Square said its bank will be the “primary provider of financing for Square sellers across the U.S.”

In a statement, Square CFO and executive chairman for Square Financial Services Amrita Ahuja said that bringing banking capability in house will allow the fintech to “operate more nimbly.”

Square Financial Services will continue to sell loans to third-party investors and limit balance sheet exposure. The company said it does not expect the bank to have a material impact on its consolidated balance sheet, total net revenue, gross profit or adjusted EBITDA in 2021.

Opening the bank “deepens Square’s unique ability to expand access to loans and banking tools to underserved populations,” the company said.

Lewis Goodwin had been tapped to serve as the bank’s CEO, and Brandon Soto its CFO. With today’s announcement, Square also announced the following new appointments:

The trend of fintechs becoming banks continues. In February, TechCrunch reported that Brex had applied for a bank charter .

The fast-growing company, which sells a credit card tailored for startups, with Emigrant Bank currently acting as the issuer, said that it had submitted an application with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Utah Department of Financial Institutions (UDFI) to establish Brex Bank.

A number of fintech companies, or those with fintech services, have spun up products typically offered by banks, including deposit and checking accounts as well as credit offerings. Often, these are designed to provide capital to customers who might not be able to get funding on favorable terms from traditional banking institutions, but who might qualify for business-building loans from a provider who knows their company, like Square, inside and out.

(文:Mary Ann Azevedo、翻訳:Kaori Koyama)

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Square's in-house bank kicks off operations - MarketWatch

Shares of Square Inc. were up 3.5% in after-hours trading Monday after the company said that its industrial bank has started operations.

Why Square Stock Just Popped | The Motley Fool

Square Financial Services (SFS), the company said, is its new industrial bank, governed independently from Square and licensed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Utah Department ...

Square's bank arm launches as fintech aims 'to operate ...

Known for its innovations in the payments sector, Square is now officially a bank. Nearly one year after receiving conditional approval, Square said Monday afternoon that its industrial bank, Square Financial Services, has begun operations. Square Financial Services completed the charter approval process with the FDIC and Utah Department of Financial Institutions, meaning it’s ready for […]

William Blair Brokers Cut Earnings Estimates for Square ...

Square, Inc. (NYSE:SQ) – Research analysts at William Blair lowered their Q1 2021 EPS estimates for Square in a report released on Wednesday, February 24th. William Blair analyst R. Napoli now expects that the technology company will post earnings of $0.02 per share for the quarter, down from their previous estimate of $0.06. William Blair […]

Square (NYSE:SQ) Price Target Raised to $320.00 at ...

Square (NYSE:SQ) had its target price hoisted by Barclays from $260.00 to $320.00 in a research report released on Monday, Benzinga reports. They currently have an overweight rating on the technology company's stock. Several other equities analysts have also issued reports on the company. Evercore ISI lifted their target price on Square from $300.00 to […]

Jack Dorsey's Square kickstarts in-house banking services ...

Square Financial Services, the industrial bank based in Utah's Salt Lake City, is now ready for business after receiving conditional approval nearly a year ago. "Moving forward, Square Financial Services will be the primary provider of financing for Square sellers across the US," the company said in a statement.

Square, Inc. Forecasted to Post Q1 2021 Earnings of $0.01 ...

Square, Inc. (NYSE:SQ) – Equities researchers at Piper Sandler cut their Q1 2021 earnings per share estimates for shares of Square in a report issued on Wednesday, February 24th. Piper Sandler analyst C. Donat now expects that the technology company will earn $0.01 per share for the quarter, down from their prior estimate of $0.02. […]

Square Inc. (SQ) Analysis & Opinions from Experts | News RTS

Square Inc. (NYSE: SQ) is 10.73% higher on its value in year-to-date trading and has touched a low of $32.33 and a high of $283.19 in the current 52-week trading range. The question becomes, what are the chances the stock will continue to grow shareholders' wealth in the market.

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Square Financial Services Begins Banking Operations ...

Square Financial Services is an independently governed subsidiary of Square, Inc. Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, its primary purpose will be to offer business loan and deposit products ...

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Square Financial Services, the bank of Square - The ...

In an official statement, Square Financial Services announced that it has kicked off its banking services offering. Square is founded by Jack Dorsey.

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持牌銀行. 在香港,只有持牌銀行可經營往來及儲蓄存款戶口業務,接受公眾任何數額與期限的存款,支付或接受客戶簽發或存入的支票。. 按香港法例,香港的銀行牌照由金管局發出,並必須是香港銀行公會會員。. 香港注册











北海道銀行 | 個人のお客様トップページ




仙台銀行|個人のお客さま - Sendai Bank Ltd/The


日経会社情報digital : 日経電子版




四国銀行 | Just Like Family!


北九州銀行 - The Kitakyushu Bank, Ltd.






青森銀行 - a-bank.jp


北陸銀行 | 個人のお客さまトップページ


北國銀行 - Hokkoku Bank


高知銀行 | あしたを元気に!ビビッドバンク


鹿児島の銀行は「なんぎん」 | 南日本銀行

銀行を装う不審メール等へのご注意について 2020年01月24日 【重要】SMS、電子メールを利用したフィッシング詐欺に関するご注意について 2019年12月03日 不審なメールにご注意ください 2017年10月12日 Windows10のパソコンをご利用のお客様へ 2015年10月26日



住宅ローン | auじぶん銀行


八十二銀行 - 長野県のトップバンクとして、皆さまに愛される銀行へ


千葉銀行のローン一覧 - loandoor.jp



三重銀行の公式サイトです。◆三重県・愛知県を中心に、東京都・大阪府まで充実の75店舗を展開。 ◆店舗外ATMおよび全国のイーネットマークのコンビ二ATMネットワークも強みです。三井住友銀行とのATM相互無料開放により全国の三井住友銀行ATMでもご利用いただけます。また、全国のイーネットマークのコンビ二ATMは朝7時から23時までご利用いただけ便利です。◆普通預金から定期預金、退職金専用定期預金、キャンペーン特別定期預金、仕組預金などの預金商品から、投資信託・インターネット投資信託・個人年金保険・外貨預金・国債・金まで、あなたの資産運用を幅広くカバーする充実のラインアップ! ◆住宅ローン、マイカーローン、リフォームローン、カードローンなど目的に応じたローンラインアップであなたの予算オーバー・資金ニーズをバックアップ! ◎口座を開くなら、安心・便利な三重銀行をお選びください

データ移行で発生したみずほ銀行のシステム障害についてまとめてみた - piyolog

2021年2月28日、みずほ銀行でシステム障害が発生し、全国で同行のATMが利用できなくなる、キャッシュカードが取り込まれたまま戻ってこないなどのトラブルが発生しました。ここでは関連する情報をまとめます。 取り込まれ戻ってこないキャッシュカード みずほ銀行サイト上に掲載されたシステム障害発生の案内障害が発生したのは2021年2月28日11時頃。障害により各地で生じた影響は以下が報じられるなどしている。なお、法人向けに提供されるサービスでは今回のシステム障害による不具合は確認されていない。*1 みずほ銀行の自行ATM5,395台の内、54%にあたる2,956台が停止し(2月28日19時40分頃時…

みずほ銀行、2月28日発生のシステム障害から復旧--ATMでカード返却されず - CNET Japan


関西みらい銀行 - loandoor.jp


おすすめカードローンは安心の一枚|クレディセゾン マネーカード

入会金・年会費無料のカードローン。即日審査のスピード対応で、突然の出費にもおすすめ。全国のコンビニ、銀行ATMでご利用可能。借入限度額は最大300万円。選ぶなら、安心と信頼のクレディセゾンのMONEY CARD(マネーカード)。





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