

関連ワード (SEC、Tesla、Twitter、イーロン・マスク、裁判等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Tesla(テスラ)のCEOであるElon Musk(イーロン・マスク)氏のツイートが、またしても訴訟の対象となっている。


投資家のChase Gharrity(チェイス・ガリティ)氏によるこの訴訟は、米国時間3月8日にデラウェア州の衡平法裁判所に提出され、3月12日に開示された。コメントを求められたテスラは返答していない。






今回の訴訟では、マスク氏のツイートが2019年4月の判決に違反し、自身と取締役会の善管注意義務に背いていると主張。105ページに及ぶ訴状は、マスク氏のアカウントから投稿された複数のツイートを挙げており、その中にはSECの判決から1年以上経った2020年5月1日の「Tesla stock is too high IMO.(私の意見を言わせてもらうと、テスラの株価は高すぎると思う)」というツイートも含まれている。

Tesla stock price is too high imo

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 1, 2020

このツイートによってテスラの株価は急落。マスク氏の株価ツイートから30分後に下落幅は12%近くに達した。このツイートは、同日に矢継ぎ早に発信された数多くのツイートの1つで、さまざまなトピックを取り上げたこれらのツイートの中には「人々に自由を返せ」という要求や、米国国歌の一節、詩人Dylan Thomas(ディラン・トマス)からの引用、そして自分の所有物をすべて売り払うという主張などがあった。その後、マスクはウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル紙に電子メールで、ふざけていたわけではなく、自分のツイートは事前に吟味されたものではないと語っている。



この訴訟は「Gharrity v. Musk, Del. Ch., No. 2021-0199」となる。

画像クレジット:Yichuan Cao/NurPhoto / Getty Images


Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s tweets are the subject of another lawsuit.

A Tesla investor is suing the company board and Musk for continuing to send “erratic tweets” that violate a settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that requires oversight of his social media activities. The lawsuit, which was first reported by Bloomberg, claims Musk is exposing the company to potential fines and penalties from regulators and could drive down its share price. The lawsuit names the board for failing to control Musk’s behavior, which puts the company at risk.

The lawsuit by investor Chase Gharrity, which was filed in Delaware Chancery Court, was unsealed Friday. It was originally filed March 8. Tesla did not respond to a request for comment. 

Tesla, Musk and the SEC reached an agreement in April 2019 that gave the CEO freedom to use Twitter — within certain limitations — without fear of being held in contempt for violating an earlier court order. The agreement allows Musk to tweet as he wishes except when it’s about certain events or financial milestones. In those cases, Musk must seek pre-approval from a securities lawyer, according to the agreement filed with Manhattan federal court.

The April 2019 agreement was the product of a years-long fight between Musk and the SEC that began after his infamous August 7, 2018 tweet in which he stated the company had “funding secured” for a private takeover at $420 per share. The SEC filed a complaint alleging that Musk had committed securities fraud.

Musk and Tesla settled with the SEC without admitting wrongdoing. Tesla agreed to pay a $20 million fine; Musk had to agree to step down as Tesla chairman for a period of at least three years; the company had to appoint two independent directors to the board; and Tesla was also told to put in place a way to monitor Musk’s statements to the public about the company, including via Twitter.

The fight was reignited after Musk sent a tweet on February 19, 2019 that Tesla would produce “around” 500,000 cars that year, correcting himself hours later to clarify that he meant the company would be producing at an annualized rate of 500,000 vehicles by year’s end.

This latest lawsuit alleges that Musk’s tweeting violates the April 2019 judgment and betrays his, and the board’s, fiduciary duty.  The 105-page suit cites several tweets sent from Musk’s account, including a tweet on May 1, 2020 — over a year after the SEC judgment — which stated: “Tesla stock is too high IMO.”

The tweet sent shares into a free fall — nearly 12% in the half-hour following his stock price tweets. The tweet was one of many sent out in rapid fire that day, covering a variety of topics and demands “give people back their freedom” and lines from the U.S. National Anthem to quotes from poet Dylan Thomas and a claim that he will sell all of his possessions. Musk later told the Wall Street Journal in an email that he was not joking and that his tweets were not vetted in advance.

The lawsuit revealed Friday alleges that the Tesla board has also failed to secure a general counsel “who can provide advice untainted by Musk,” the lawsuit. Three general counsels departed from the company in 2019, which the lawsuit points to as evidence that none were able to exercise independent advice that differed from Musk’s “desired outcome.”

Musk’s “erratic” actions have caused the company “substantial damage,” including billions of dollars in lost market capitalization, the lawsuit says. 

The case is Gharrity v. Musk, Del. Ch., No. 2021-0199.

(文:Aria Alamalhodaei、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)



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