

関連ワード (GitHub等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。





同じ月に、GitHubのCOOであるErica Bresica(エリカ・ブレシア)氏は、同社の人事部長が今回起きたことの全責任をとって辞任したと発表している。GitHubは辞任した者の名前を公表しなかったが、GitHubの人事最高責任者がCarrie Olesen(キャリー・オレセン)氏であったことは誰でも知っている。当時GitHubは「社員を解雇する決定を取り消した」と発表し、彼の代理人にも告げた。








1月6日に私たち全員が、米国における最大の脅威がイスラムでも、Black Livesでも、警察の予算不足でもないことを知った。




Black Lives Matter & Black Power



「Y the Last Man(Y:ザ・ラストマン)」
「Sweet Tooth」

「Algorhythm」Childish Gambino(チャイルデイッシュ・ガンビーノ)
「Plegaria a un Labrador」Victor Jara(ビクトル・ハラ)
「Tweakin」Vince Staples(ヴィンス・ステイプルズ)

「Avatar Last Airbender & Legend of Korra」
「Attack on Titan(進撃の巨人)」
「The Wire(ザ・ワイヤー)」

「Gang Leader for a Day」Sudhir Venkatesh(スディール・ベンカテッシュ)
「People & Permaculture」Looby Macnamara(ルービー・マクナマラ)
「The Ways of White Folks」Langston Hughes(ラングストン・ヒューズ)
「Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome」Joy DeGruy(ジョイ・デグルイ)

「Inglorious Basterds(イングロリアス・バスターズ)」
「Attack the Block(アタック・ザ・ブロック)」
「Shawshank Redemption(ショーシャンクの空に)」



GitHub has reached an “amicable resolution” with the person the company fired in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Capitol in January, the former employee told TechCrunch.

On the day a violent mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, a worried GitHub employee warned his co-workers in the D.C. area to be safe. After making a comment in Slack saying, “stay safe homies, Nazis are about,” a fellow employee took offense, saying that type of rhetoric wasn’t good for work, the former employee previously told me. Two days later, he was fired, with a human relations representative citing a “pattern of behavior that is not conducive to company policy” as the rationale for his termination, he previously told me.

Later that month, GitHub COO Erica Brescia said the company’s head of HR took full responsibility for what happened and resigned from the company. GitHub did not disclose the name of the person who resigned, but it’s widely known that Carrie Olesen was the chief human resources officer at GitHub. At that time, GitHub said it also “reversed the decision to separate with the employee” and was talking to his representative.

The fired employee, however, did not take his job back.

Instead, he told me, “Me and the company reached an amicable resolution. I appreciate that they have denounced white supremacy and the dangers it poses to everybody.”

He did not specify the terms of the resolution, but he previously told me he was seeking damages or some other form of reconciliation.

Below is his full statement, which he requested we publish in full:

Me and the company reached an amicable resolution. I appreciate that they have denounced white supremacy and the dangers it poses to everybody.

We all saw on January 6 that the greatest threat to the USA is not Islam, Black Lives, or defunding police.

White supremacy has us all held hostage using feigned civility, bad-faith arguments/negotiations, and amtssprache*, and it does not stop until we are all dead or subjugated. I am glad that the nazi coup was a failure, and we avoided a successful Reichstag fire. That said, nazis do not give up easily.

Keep your families and communities safe. Connect with your neighbors and local stores. Fascism and nazism succeed when we are divided. They demand that you abandon reason, that you acquiesce to power and hierarchy, and that you shun altruism. Love yourself. Support, join or create local unions. Build community. Don’t entertain nazis.

I appreciate those who have supported me and my family. I wish you safety and wellness.

Black Lives Matter & Black Power 


Enjoyment & learning for these times

Graphic novels:
Y the Last Man
Sweet Tooth

“Algorhythm” by Childish Gambino
“Plegaria a un Labrador” by Victor Jara
“Tweakin” by Vince Staples
“Operation: Mindcrime” by Queensrÿche

Avatar Last Airbender & Legend of Korra
Attack on Titan
The Wire

Gang Leader for a Day by Sudhir Venkatesh
People & Permaculture by Looby Macnamara
The Ways of White Folks by Langston Hughes
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Dr. Joy DeGruy

Inglorious Basterds
Attack the Block
Shawshank Redemption

(文:Megan Rose Dickey、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)

GitHub - Wikipedia

GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git.It offers the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git, plus its own features. It provides access control and several collaboration features such as bug tracking, feature requests, task management, continuous integration and wikis for every project.

Fired GitHub employee reaches 'amicable resolution' with ...

GitHub has reached an “amicable resolution” with the person the company fired in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Capitol in January, the former employee told TechCrunch. On the day a violent mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, a worried GitHub employee warned his co-workers in the D.C. area to be […]

GitHub employee fired for saying 'Nazi' in Slack declines ...

A Jewish GitHub employee who was fired for warning co-workers in Slack to stay safe from Nazis during the January 6th attack on the US Capitol has reached an "amicable resolution" with the company, the employee told TechCrunch. GitHub says that he employee declined to take his job back.

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GitHub says the employee who was fired for saying "Nazis ...

GitHub says the employee who was fired for saying "Nazis" on Slack after January 6 Capitol attack declined to take his job back — GitHub has reached an "amicable resolution" with the person the company fired in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Capitol in January, the former employee told TechCrunch.

GitHub employee fired for saying 'Nazi' in Slack refuses ...

A Jewish GitHub employee fired because he warned colleagues in Slack to be safe from Nazis during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol did not want to take back his job after an offer from the company GitHub tells TechCrunch. "We offered the employee his job immediately after reviewing the investigation findings, and he refused," a GitHub spokesman said.

Fired GitHub employee reaches 'amicable resolution' with ...

GitHub has reached an "amicable resolution" with the person the company fired in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Capitol in January, the former employee told TechCrunch.

GitHub employee fired for saying 'Nazi' in Slack declines ...

A Jewish GitHub employee who was fired for warning co-workers in Slack to stay safe from Nazis during the January 6th attack on the US Capitol has declined to take his job back after an offer from the company, GitHub told TechCrunch. “We offered the employee his job back immediately after reviewing the investigation findings,… Read More

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A Jewish GitHub worker that was discharged for advising associates in Slack to remain secure from Nazis throughout the GitHub worker discharged for claiming 'Nazi' in Slack decreases to take his work back - Game Surfer

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Fired GitHub employee reaches 'amicable resolution' with ...

GitHub has reached an "amicable resolution" with the person the company fired in the aftermath of the attack on the U.S. Capitol in January, the former employee told TechCrunch. On the day a violent mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol, a worried GitHub employee warned his co-workers in the D.C. area to be […]

Fired GitHub employee reaches 'amicable resolution' with ...

GitHub did not disclose the name of the person who resigned, but it's widely known that Carrie Olesen was the chief human resources officer at GitHub. At that time, GitHub said it also "reversed the decision to separate with the employee" and was talking to his representative. The fired employee, however, did not take his job back.

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Let go GitHub employee reaches 'amicable resolution' with ...

GitHub couldn't disclose the name of the person who terminated, but it's widely known which often Carrie Olesen was the head human resources officer at GitHub. At that time, GitHub said you'll find it "reversed the decision to separate with all the employee" and was discussing with his representative.

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GitHub -




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