関連ワード (Facebook等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Facebook(フェイスブック)のハードウェア戦略は、外から見るとかなり不透明に見えることが多い。パンデミックによる需要に助けられ、同社のOculus(オキュラス)の売れ行きは極めて好調だ。Echo Show(エコーショー)の競合製品であるPortalも、人々が社会的距離を確保せざるを得なくなったことで売上が伸びている。その一方で、HTCとのスマートフォンにおける提携は8年ほど前に失敗に終わった。
2021年の初めには、同社がApple Watchに対抗する製品を開発しているという報道があった。このスマートウォッチは、オープンソースのAndroidを搭載し、健康に焦点を当てたものになるといわれている。それが事実なら、Google(グーグル)が選択したwearOSに代わる興味深い選択肢となるだろう。
Facebook Reality Labsのこのプロジェクトは、コンピュータの代替インターフェースを提供することに重点を置いている。具体的には、同社のAR(拡張現実)への取り組みに沿ったものだと思われる。
具体的にはこのインターフェースは、筋電図(EMG)センサーを使って運動神経の信号を解釈し、それに応じてインターフェースを操作するように設計されている。興味深いことにこの話題は米国時間3月18日の夜、Mark Zuckerberg(マーク・ザッカーバーグ)氏が参加したClubhouse(クラブハウス)のイベントで持ち出された。Pebbleの創業者でありYCのパートナーでもあるEric Migicovsky(エリック・ミギコフスキー)氏が自身のスマートウォッチのスタートアップのためにApple(アップル)と取引した経験を語った後、FacebookのCEOは次のように述べた。
腕時計を作ろうとしているという話であれば、確かに当社は手首に装着するタイプのものを研究しています。ただこれは腕時計と呼びたくありません。基本的なニューラルインターフェースの仕組みについては、Facebook Reality Labsチームが今日、研究の一部をデモしました。手首を通すニューラルインターフェースでは、携帯電話と何らかのかたちで統合したい場合、iOSよりもAndroidの方がはるかに簡単です。私が思うに、この分野にはもっと力を入れるべきだと思います。また、プライベートAPIは、健全なエコシステムの構築を困難にしているとも思います。
Facebook’s hardware strategy often looks pretty opaque from the outside. The company has done fairly well with Oculus sales amid pandemic demand. Even its Echo Show competitor Portal has seen a bump as people have been forced to socially distance. The company’s smartphone partnership with HTC, meanwhile, fell flat eight or so years back.
Earlier this year, reports surfaced that the company was working on its own Apple Watch competitor. The smartwatch was said to have a health focus, running on an open-source version of Android. That, of course, would mark an interesting alternative from Google’s chosen wearOS.
This week, the company highlighted another wrist-based wearable. The specifics of the project don’t line up super closely with earlier reports, which could well mean two separate projects. Facebook is a big company, after all.
This particular project out of Facebook Reality Labs is more focused on providing an alternative computer interface. Specifically, it seems in line with the company’s augmented reality efforts.
Per yesterday’s blog post:
A separate device you could store in your pocket like a phone or a game controller adds a layer of friction between you and your environment. As we explored the possibilities, placing an input device at the wrist became the clear answer. The wrist is a traditional place to wear a watch, meaning it could reasonably fit into everyday life and social contexts. It’s a comfortable location for all-day wear. It’s located right next to the primary instruments you use to interact with the world — your hands. This proximity would allow us to bring the rich control capabilities of your hands into AR, enabling intuitive, powerful and satisfying interaction.
I will say that, based on the information presented, this seems more conceptual. As in, this could be the key to offering more seamless control for some future augmented reality system. And even still, it’s presented as a step on the way to a more deeply integrated human-computer solution. How deeply you want Facebook to integrate with your neurons is apparently a question we’re all going to have to ask ourselves in the not too distant future.
This interface specifically is designed to use electromyography (EMG) sensors to interpret motor nerve signals and interact with the interface accordingly. The subject interestingly came up during a Clubhouse event featuring Mark Zuckerberg last night. After Pebble founder/YC partner Eric Migicovsky discussed experiences dealing with Apple for his own smartwatch startup, the Facebook CEO said the following:
If you’re trying to build a watch, which we’re exploring as we talked about the wrist thing and I don’t want to call it a watch, but it’s the basic neural interfaces work that our Facebook reality labs team demoed some of our research about today. With the neural interface on the wrist, if you want that to integrate with the phone in any way, it’s just so much easier on Android than iOS. My guess is that this is an area where there probably should be a lot more focus. And I do think the private APIs are just something that makes it really difficult to have a healthy ecosystem.
“Exploring” seems like an operative word here. But it’s always cool/fascinating to see these projects in their early stages. Even if the promises might still seem a tad…overzealous.
EMG will eventually progress to richer controls. In AR, you’ll be able to actually touch and move virtual UIs and objects, as you can see in this demo video. You’ll also be able to control virtual objects at a distance. It’s sort of like having a superpower like the Force.
(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Aya Nakazato)
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Facebook - Wikipedia
Facebook (フェイスブック)は、アメリカのオンライン・ ソーシャルメディア および ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス であり、 カリフォルニア州 メンローパーク に本拠地を置き、その名を冠した Facebook, Inc. の旗艦サービスである。
Facebookの使い方 - Facebook navi[フェイスブックナビ]
Facebookを楽しむには、はじめにアカウントの登録が必要です。Facebook naviのこのページでは、Facebookのアカウント登録を、手順を追って紹介します。
いまさら聞けないFacebook(フェイスブック)の登録とログイ …
Facebook - Google Play のアプリ
Keeping up with friends is faster and easier than ever. Share updates and photos, engage with friends and Pages, and stay connected to communities important to you. Features on the Facebook app include: * Connect with friends and family and meet new people on your social media network * Set status updates & use Facebook emoji to help relay what’s going on in your world * Share photos, videos, and your favorite memories. * Get notifications when friends like and comment on your posts * Find local social events, and make plans to meet up with friends * Play games with any of your Facebook friends * Backup photos by saving them in albums * Follow your favorite artists, websites, and companies to get their latest news * Look up local businesses to see reviews, operation hours, and pictures * Buy and sell locally on Facebook Marketplace * Watch live videos on the go The Facebook app does more than help you stay connected with your friends and interests. It's also your personal organizer for storing, saving and sharing photos. It's easy to share photos straight from your Android camera, and you have full control over your photos and privacy settings. You can choose when to keep individual photos private or even set up a secret photo album to control who sees it. Facebook also helps you keep up with the latest news and current events around the world. Subscribe to your favorite celebrities, brands, news sources, artists, or sports teams to follow their newsfeeds, watch live streaming videos and be caught up on the latest happenings no matter where you are! The most important desktop features of Facebook are also available on the app, such as writing on timelines, liking photos, browsing for people, and editing your profile and groups. Now you can get early access to the next version of Facebook for Android by becoming a beta tester. Learn how to sign up, give feedback and leave the program in our Help Center: http://on.fb.me/133NwuP Sign up directly here: http://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.facebook.katana Problems downloading or installing the app? See http://bit.ly/GPDownload1 Still need help? Please tell us more about the issue. http://bit.ly/invalidpackage Facebook is only available for users age 13 and over. Terms of Service: http://m.facebook.com/terms.php.
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2021-03-21 05:16Twitter・Facebookではチームへの応援メッセージを受け付けております
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