

関連ワード (ByteDance、中国等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




利益が大きい分競争も激しく、ゲーム業界はTencent(テンセント)とNetEase(ネットイース)という2強が長期間市場を支配し、Mihoyo(ミホヨ)やLilith(リリス)のような小さなプレイヤーが躍進しつつある。市場調査会社のAnalysys(アナリシス)の2019年の調査では、Tencentが中国のゲーム市場の半分以上を独占し、NetEaseが約16%、37 Interactive(37インタラクティブ)が約10%を占めており、小規模なライバルたちに残された余地はほぼない。

この中で、ByteDanceは2021年2月、同社のゲーム事業に初めて「Nuversegame」というブランド名を付け、ウェブサイトを開設して邁進している。同社の戦略は、ジャンルを限定しないポートフォリオ、人材の大量採用、実証済みの収益化スキーム、そして国内および海外市場への同時展開である。Kevin Meyer(ケビン・メイヤー)氏は、ByteDanceでの在籍期間は短かったものの、ゲームを含む複数の海外事業を担当した。


ゲームに関しては「ダビデ」という立場のByteDanceではあるが、「ゴリアテ」に屈する気はないようだ。同社ゲーム部門の幹部の1人であるYan Shou(ヤン・シオウ)氏は、1年前にSNSに投稿した記事の中で次のように書いている。「ゲームはコンテンツビジネスだ。辛抱強く投資を続ければ、独占を打ち破ることができる」。





3000人規模のチームとはどのぐらいの規模だろうか。中国第3位のゲーム会社である37 Interactiveは、2021年1月時点で約4000人のゲームスタッフを擁している(同社幹部談)が、この規模になるまでには10年の歳月を要した。ByteDanceがゲーム事業を模索し始めたのはわずか5年ほど前のことだ。


遅れて参入したメリットもある。Tencentをはじめとする先行企業のゲーム市場への取り組みは、ByteDanceの学習の機会となった。ByteDanceは、手軽なモバイルゲームから、変則的なデザインやテーマを持つインディーズタイトルまで、多様なジャンルを同時に手がけている。市場調査会社Niko Partners(ニコパートナーズ)のゲームアナリストであるDaniel Ahmad(ダニエル・アーマド)氏によれば、この取り組み方こそがByteDanceとTencentの違いである。Tencentは、2000年代にボードゲームやカードゲームに参入した後、徐々に他のジャンルにも進出し、世界最大のゲーム会社となった。



ByteDanceは、他のハイテク企業からの人材の引き抜きに加えて、中小企業を飲み込んで労働力を増強している。公開されている情報によると、2018年以降、同社は少なくとも11社のゲーム会社に投資しているが、そのうち6社は完全買収で、買収した資産や人材は、その後、同社のゲームスタジオに組み込まれている。ByteDanceでは買収による雇用も実績のある手法だ。「Douyin」の立ち上げに貢献したプロダクトマネージャーであるKelly Zhang(ケリー・チャン)氏も、自身の写真共有スタートアップがByteDanceに買収された後に同社に移籍している。


ByteDanceがライセンスをもつカジュアルゲームの中には、カーレースゲームの「Drift Race」、音楽ゲームの「Yinyue Qiuqiu」、パズルゲームの「Brain Out」など、これまでに中国のiOS無料ゲームのトップ10にランクインしたものがある。これらのコラボレーションはまだ大きな利益を生んでいるわけではないが、ユーザーを引きつけるという点で、同社のトラフィック戦略の実行可能性を証明している。

2019年、ByteDanceは同社のアプリ全体で15億人の月間ユーザーがいると発表した(アプリ間でユーザーが重複することもある)。ByteDanceがゲームをマーケティングする方法の1つは、ユーザーのコンテンツフィードにネイティブ広告を挿入することだ。「動画はインタラクティブで使いやすく、クリックしやすいため、従来の広告よりもはるかに高いコンバージョンを得ることができます」とNiko Partnersのアーマド氏はいう。




画像クレジット:Games published by ByteDance


For the last few years, ByteDance, the parent company of short video app TikTok, has been working to diversify its revenue streams beyond advertisement and find more ways to monetize its hundreds of millions of users. One area it is targeting is gaming, which has historically been a lucrative business in China’s internet economy.

China is the world’s largest gaming market, generating revenues of $40.85 billion in 2020, according to market research firm Newzoo. The United States trailed behind at $36.92 billion.

But competition is also intense. Giants Tencent and NetEase have long dominated and smaller players like Mihoyo and Lilith are making breakthroughs. According to market research firm Analysys, Tencent occupied over half of the Chinese gaming market in 2019, while NetEase and 37 Interactive respectively commanded around 16% and 10%, leaving little breathing room for smaller rivals.

Regardless, ByteDance is forging ahead, giving a brand name, Nuversegame, and a website to its gaming business for the first time last month. Its strategy consists of a genre-spanning portfolio, a hiring spree, a proven monetization scheme, and a focus on both the domestic and overseas markets. During his short-lived stint with ByteDance, Kevin Meyer was put in charge of multiple overseas businesses, including gaming.

ByteDance, the David when it comes to games, seems undeterred by the Goliaths. As one of the company’s gaming executives Yan Shou wrote in a social media post a year ago: “Gaming is a content business. A monopoly is difficult to maintain [in this industry] as long as there is patience.”

Battle for talent

In recent years, ByteDance has hired a large number of ex-employees from the BAT, the acronym for three of the most prominent tech firms in China: Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent. Yan himself worked on strategy at Tencent for over two years before joining ByteDance in 2015. While poaching and job-hopping are common in China’s fast-changing tech industry, ByteDance is known for doling out generous paychecks and many tech workers are lured by the prospects of receiving employee options before the firm goes public someday.

Ambitious staff may also feel stagnant after a long period at Alibaba and Tencent, which are both over 20 years old and where room for career advancement is limited. ByteDance, in comparison, is merely nine years old and is still in a fast-growth phase, a Beijing-based headhunter for technology firms tells TechCrunch.

“The current stage of ByteDance and the new businesses it is incubating provide the right platform for these people to achieve their ambitions,” the headhunter says.

In gaming, too, ByteDance has gone on a recruiting spree. The company’s gaming headcount numbers nearly 3,000 today, up from only 1,000 last year, according to a person with knowledge. These employees are scattered across China’s major tech hubs, from Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou to Shenzhen, working in various gaming studios under ByteDance.

How big is a 3,000-person team? 37 Interactive, the third-largest gaming firm in China, had around 4,000 gaming staff as of January, according to a company executive. It took the company 10 years to reach this scale. ByteDance began exploring games only around five years ago.

ByteDance declined to comment on the story.

Factory of games

Being late to the game could bring advantages. Having seen how Tencent and other predecessors tackle the gaming market allows ByteDance to learn. For one, ByteDance is working on a diverse range of genres simultaneously, from disposable mobile games to indie titles with unorthodox design or topics. This makes ByteDance different from Tencent, says Daniel Ahmad, a gaming analyst at Niko Partners. Tencent, the world’s largest gaming firm, cut its teeth on board and card games in the 2000s before gradually expanding into other genres.

Of course, only a deep-pocketed upstart like ByteDance could strive for a diverse portfolio from day one. With a well-oiled advertising business built upon its short video app Douyin and news aggregator Toutiao, as well as over $7 billion raised from equity funding over the years, ByteDance has been able to fund its horizontal expansions in not just games but also education and SaaS.

Aside from hunting down talent from other tech giants, ByteDance also relies on swallowing smaller companies to boost its workforce. Since 2018, ByteDance has invested in at least 11 gaming companies, six of which were full acquisitions, according to public disclosures. The acquired assets and talent were subsequently incorporated into ByteDance’s gaming studios. Acqui-hiring is an old and proven formula at ByteDance. Kelly Zhang, the product manager credited for taking Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, off the ground, also joined after her photo-sharing startup was bought by ByteDance.

Like many gaming firms, ByteDance’s monetization scheme is two-pronged: distribution of third-party titles and original creation. Quality games don’t come overnight, so the strategy allows its gaming unit to have some revenue as it bets on one of its own works to be a cash cow. Casual games are great for ads, which are normally placed between levels. More complex games rely on user loyalty and the natural way to make money is through in-app purchases.

A number of ByteDance’s licensed casual games have so far made it into the Top 10 iOS free games in China, including car racing game Drift Race, music game Yinyue Qiuqiu, and puzzle game Brain Out. While these collaborations don’t make big bucks yet, the initial traction proves the viability of ByteDance’s traffic strategy.

ByteDance said in 2019 it had 1.5 billion monthly users across its app family (there can be user overlap between apps). One way ByteDance is marketing games is by inserting native ads into users’ content feeds. Videos, says Niko Partners’ Ahmad, are “interactive, easy to use, easy to click through and can get much higher conversion than traditional ads.”

In some cases, the ad may prompt users to download a standalone gaming app. But like WeChat and most of China’s popular apps,  Douyin and Toutiao support third-party “mini apps” within their own platforms. Users can, for instance, play a lite game on Douyin just as they can on WeChat.

With hundreds of millions of monthly users, ByteDance already has a good grasp of people’s tastes and behavior, so it knows what games to recommend. In theory, the more people see and react, the more accurate its predictions become.

“Through targeted ‘recommendations’, our ‘algorithms’ will automatically show users mini games presented in various forms,” explains ByteDance’s gaming developer handbook. “All games have a fair and equal chance of getting initial exposure.”

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(文:Rita Liao、翻訳:Dragonfly)

ByteDance - Wikipedia

ByteDance Ltd. (Chinese: 字节跳动; pinyin: Zìjié Tiàodòng) is a multinational internet technology company headquartered in Beijing and legally domiciled in the Cayman Islands. It was founded by Zhang Yiming in 2012. ByteDance is reportedly worth over US$100 billion as of May 2020. ByteDance is the developer of the video-sharing social networking services and apps TikTok and Douyin, the ...

ByteDance takes on Tencent with major gaming studio ...

ByteDance's gaming arm Nuverse, founded in 2019, was behind the acquisition. "Moonton is the perfect partner to help expand our gaming strategy in international markets," ByteDance said in a ...

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ByteDance. Ltd.'s Douyin, is trying to establish its place among a generation of mega-startups like food delivery giant Meituan and ride-hailing leader Didi Chuxing. Backed by .

ByteDance Gaming Unit Agrees to Acquire Mobile Legends ...

ByteDance Gaming Unit Agrees to Acquire Mobile Legends Developer

ByteDance acquires gaming studio Moonton at around $4 ...

(Reuters) - ByteDance said on Monday its video games unit Nuverse has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based gaming studio Moonton Technology, as it seeks to further expand into the video games business. The deal values the gaming studio at around $4 billion, two sources told Reuters.

ByteDance buys game developer Moonton to take on Tencent ...

Chinese short video giant ByteDance—via its gaming unit Nuverse—is acquiring the Shanghai-based mobile game developer Moonton, further encroaching onto Tencent's territory.

Bytedance: ByteDance video games unit Nuverse to acquire ...

ByteDance said on Monday its video games unit Nuverse has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based Mooton Technology, as it seeks to further expand into the video games business.

ByteDance acquires gaming studio Moonton at around $4 bln ...

ByteDance said on Monday its video games unit Nuverse has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based gaming studio Moonton Technology, as it ByteDance acquires gaming studio Moonton at around $4 bln valuation - The New York City Daily Post

TikTok creator ByteDance snaps up the maker of the biggest ...

TikTok maker ByteDance announced on Monday its biggest video game acquisition to date with Moonton Technology, which is being bought for an undisclosed amount by the company's Nuverse studio, netting the tech giant one of the biggest mobile games in South-East Asia as it seeks to rival Tencent Holdings as an equal in the industry.

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Nurse, a ByteDance-listed gaming company, has acquired Shanghai-based game developer and publisher Moonton Technology.

Bytedance acquires Shanghai-based game studio Mooton ...

(Reuters) - Bytedance has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based video games studio Mooton Technology, two sources told Reuters Monday. Mooton Technology, f...

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Chinese technology company and TikTok's owner ByteDance has reportedly acquired Mobile Legends: Bang Bang developer and publisher Moonton.The acquisition, which is believed to be valued to be around $4bn, has been made through ByteDance's video games unit Nuverse, according to Reuters. Image credit: Moonton RELATED: JOIDATA enters data-focused partnership with Moonton ByteDance said in a

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TikTok owner ByteDance takes on Tencent after acquiring major mobile gaming studio - CNBC

TikTok Owner ByteDance Will Acquire Mobile Legends ...

, Jakarta - TikTok owner ByteDance said on Monday that video game unit Nuverse had agreed to acquire Shanghai-based Moonton Technology, as part of the company's efforts to further expand its video game business. This acquisition is a major breakthrough in the video game business, putting ByteDance in direct competition with China's Tencent. "Through collaborating […]

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ByteDance acquires gaming studio Moonton Technology ...

BENGALURU: ByteDance said on Monday its video games unit Nuverse has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based gaming studio Moonton Technology, as it seeks to

ByteDance says its video games unit will acquire Mooton ...

ByteDance said on Monday its video games unit Nuverse has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based Mooton Technology, as it seeks to further expand into the video games business. Updates with ByteDance ...

ByteDance acquires gaming studio Moonton Technology ...

ByteDance said on Monday its video games unit Nuverse has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based gaming studio Moonton Technology, as it seeks to further expand into the video games business. The deal values the gaming studio at around $4 billion, two sources said. The acquisition of the video games studio come as ByteDance, the owner of…

ByteDance says its video games unit will acquire Mooton ...

ByteDance said on Monday its video games unit Nuverse has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based Mooton Technology, as it seeks to further expand into the video games business.

ByteDance, Owner of TikTok, Reportedly Acquires Moonton ...

According to him, ByteDance sees gaming as a strategic vertical after establishing itself as the leader in short videos. Update: ByteDance has officially announced that its video gaming unit Nuverse has indeed agreed to acquire Shanghai-based Moonton Technology. In an internal memo, Yuan Jing, CEO ...

ByteDance To Acquire Mobile Legends Maker Moonton - Cibai Kia

ByteDance was not the only company eyeing Moonton for acquisition though. China's gaming giant Tencent previously made a bid for Moonton, but its offer was matched by ByteDance. What makes things even more interesting is the fact that Moonton was founded by a former Tencent employee. The Reuters report also makes mention of Tencent, alongside ...

ByteDance says its video games unit will acquire Mooton ...

(Reuters) - ByteDance said on Monday its video games unit Nuverse has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based Mooton Technology, as it seeks to further expand into the video games business. The acquisition of the video games studio come as ByteDance, the owner of TikTok and the similar Chinese short video platform Douyin, has made sizeable inroads […]

ByteDance says its video games unit will acquire Mooton ...

ByteDance said on Monday its video games unit Nuverse has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based Mooton Technology, as it seeks to further expand into the video games business. The acquisition of the video games studio come as ByteDance, the owner of TikTok and the similar Chinese short video platform Douyin, has made sizeable inroads into the video ...

TikTok owner ByteDance takes on Tencent after acquiring ...

ByteDance's gaming arm Nuverse, founded in 2019, was behind the acquisition. "Moonton is the perfect partner to help expand our gaming strategy in international markets," ByteDance said in a statement. Reuters reported that the deal valued Moonton at $4 billion, citing two unnamed sources. ByteDance declined to comment on the value of the ...

TikTok owner ByteDance acquires Chinese studio Moonton ...

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ByteDance says its video games unit will acquire Mooton ...

The acquisition of the video games studio come as ByteDance, the owner of TikTok and the similar Chinese short video platform Douyin, has made sizeable inroads into the video games business, putting it in direct competition with China's Tencent.

ByteDance acquires Moonton Technology | GamesIndustry.biz

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Bytedance acquires Shanghai-based game studio Mooton ...

(Reuters) - Bytedance has agreed to acquire Shanghai-based video games studio Mooton Technology, two sources told Reuters Monday. Mooton Technology, founded by an ex-Tencent employee, is most famous for its video game Mobile Legends in southeast Asia. (Reporting by Pei Li and Yingzhi Yang; Editing by Tom Hogue) … Read More on Datafloq . Source […]



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  “目前的支付工具,无论是银行卡还是微信、支付宝,都是与银行账户体系绑定的,银行开户是实名制,无法满足匿名诉求。数字人民币与银行账户松耦合,可以在技术上实现小额匿名。”中国人民银行数字货币研究所所长穆长春近日在中国发展高层论坛2021年会经济峰会上表示。  在此次论坛中,对于数字人民币的“可控匿名”特性,穆长春谈了他的思考。他表

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3月20日,中国酒业协会产业创新技术研究院成立大会暨2021年中国酒业创新发展论坛在天津科技大学隆重召开。本次大会由中国酒业协会主办、天津科技大学承办。 中国酒业协会理事长宋书玉,中国酒业协会秘书长何勇,中国 ...

中国男足3月集训首日 众将积极备战世预赛40强赛_高清图集_新浪网

中国男足3月集训首日 众将积极备战世预赛40强赛,2021年3月21日,上海,中国国家男子足球队集训,备战2022年卡塔尔世界杯预选赛。

中国金茂地王后遗症:3000亿负债悬顶 转战三四线城市_上市公司_资本市场_财经网 - Caijing.com.cn

原标题:中国金茂"地王"后遗症3000亿负债悬顶 出售资产回笼资金超70亿转战三四线城市 净利腰斩、3000亿负债压顶,中国金茂(00817.HK)正出售资产、急扩融资解压。 2020年,中国金茂销售额保持高增长,累计取得签约销售 ...





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