

関連ワード (RPA、ServiceNow、買収等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




発表はServiceNowの2021年3月初めのノーコードワークフローの発表に続くもので、同社のクリエイターワークフロープロダクト担当のSVPであるJosh Kahn(ジョッシュ・カーン)氏によると買収は社の広範なワークフロー戦略の一環だという。



「ServiceNowの顧客はAutomation Anywhere、UiPath、Blue PrismといったRPA専門のベンダーのボットを組み込んだワークフローを構築でき、また当社は引き続きそうした企業との提携を続けます。顧客がインテリジェントでエンド・ツー・エンドの自動化作業をNow Platformで構築するとき、当社のパートナーのRPA機能とともに当社ネイティブのRPA機能を使いたいというケースが多く出てくるでしょう」とカーン氏は説明した。


・マイクロソフトがワークフローを自動化するPower Automate DesktopをWindows 10ユーザーに無料で公開

ServiceNowはこの1年ほどで、Element AI、Loom Systems、Passage AI、Sweagleを含む5社を立て続けに買収した。買収はすべて企業が組織内で自動化を構築するのをサポートするサービスだとカーン氏は話す。

「これらすべてのテクノロジーをNow Platformに持ってくることで、当社はより多くの洗練されたユースケースを自動化する能力を向上させます。手書きのものや電子メール、PDFのような書類の非構造化データのより良い取り扱い、そして大きなデータセットやルーティーンでないタスクのようなより弾力性のある自動化などです」とカーン氏は話した。


関連記事:ServiceNowが法人向けAIサービス開発のカナダのスタートアップElement AIを買収

画像クレジット:Smith Collection/Gado / Getty Images


ServiceNow became the latest company to take the robotic process automation (RPA) plunge when it announced it was acquiring Intellibot, an RPA startup based in Hyderabad, India. The companies did not reveal the purchase price.

The purchase comes at a time where companies are looking to automate workflows across the organization. RPA provides a way to automate a set of legacy processes, which often involve humans dealing with mundane repetitive work.

The announcement comes on the heels of the company’s no-code workflow announcements earlier this month and is part of the company’s broader workflow strategy, according to Josh Kahn, SVP of Creator Workflow Products at ServiceNow.

“RPA enhances ServiceNow’s current automation capabilities including low code tools, workflow, playbooks, integrations with over 150 out of the box connectors, machine learning, process mining and predictive analytics,” Kahn explained. He says that the company can now bring RPA natively to the platform with this acquisition, yet still use RPA bots from other vendors if that’s what the customer requires.

“ServiceNow customers can build workflows that incorporate bots from the pure play RPA vendors such as Automation Anywhere, UiPath and Blue Prism, and we will continue to partner with those companies. There will be many instances where customers want to use our native RPA capabilities alongside those from our partners as they build intelligent, end-to-end automation workflows on the Now Platform,” Kahn explained.

The company is making this purchase as other enterprise vendors enter the RPA market. SAP announced a new RPA tool at the end of December and acquired process automation startup Signavio in January. Meanwhile Microsoft announced a free RPA tool earlier this month, as the space is clearly getting the attention of these larger vendors.

ServiceNow has been on a buying spree over the last year or so buying five companies including Element AI, Loom Systems, Passage AI and Sweagle. Kahn says the acquisitions are all in the service of helping companies create automation across the organization.

“As we bring all of these technologies into the Now Platform, we will accelerate our ability to automate more and more sophisticated use cases. Things like better handling of unstructured data from documents such as written forms, emails and PDFs, and more resilient automations such as larger data sets and non-routine tasks,” Kahn said.

Intellibot was founded in 2015 and will provide the added bonus of giving ServiceNow a stronger foothold in India. The companies expect to close the deal no later than June.

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(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

ServiceNow Inks Deal To Acquire Intellibot, Boosts ...

ServiceNow's Creator Workflow Products SVP Josh Kahn said, "ServiceNow is the platform of platforms for the workflow revolution, offering powerful end‑to‑end automation capabilities that ...

ServiceNow to AcquireIntellibotto ...

ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW), the leading digital workflow company making work, work better for people, today announced it has signed an agreement to acquire...

ServiceNow acquires RPA startup Intellibot to bring ...

ServiceNow has acquired Intellibot, an India-based robotic process automation startup, for an undisclosed sum.

ServiceNow buys Intellibot to bring robotic process ...

ServiceNow buys Intellibot to bring robotic process automation into its toolbox - SiliconANGLE

BREAKING NEWS: ServiceNow to Acquire Intellibot

ServiceNow is the latest to enter the RPA arena with today's announcement that it will acquire Intellibot of Hyderabad, India. This comes on the heels of ServiceNow's recent..

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Mar 24, 2021 (Market Insight Reports) -- The Latest Released Software Development Service market study has evaluated the future growth potential of Global...

ServiceNow to buy robotic process automation startup ...

Cloud-based digital workflow technology provider ServiceNow has signed an agreement to acquire Hyderabad-headquartered robotic process automation (RPA) company Intellibot. 

Analysts Are Bullish on These Technology Stocks: Astronics ...

ServiceNow (NOW) Canaccord Genuity analyst David Hynes maintained a Buy rating on ServiceNow yesterday and set a price target of $600.00. The company's shares closed last Tuesday at $478.17. According to TipRanks.com, Hynes is a top 100 analyst with an average return of 33.4% and a 76.2% success rate. Hynes covers the Technology sector ...

ServiceNow Senior Business Analyst | 9 to 12 years ...

Exposure to the follow key modules in ServiceNow is required: Incident/Problem/Change; Must have significant exposure to these application on ServiceNow: Analysis on Service (Request) Catalog - Designer and development, IntegrationHub and Flow Designer

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Quantcha now offering unlimited commission-free options trading.. Quantchabot has detected a promising Bull Put Spread trade opportunity for SERVICENOW for the 1-Apr-2021 expiration period.You can analyze the opportunity in depth over at the Quantcha Options Search Engine.. NOW was recently trading at $476.65 and has an implied volatility of 31.69% for this period.

ServiceNow takes RPA plunge by acquiring India-based ...

ServiceNow became the latest company to take the robotic process automation (RPA) plunge when it announced it was acquiring Intellibot, an RPA startup based in Hyderabad, India. The companies did not reveal the purchase price. The purchase comes at a time where companies are looking to automate workflows across the organization. RPA provides a way […]

ServiceNow Buys Intellibot - Options Call Today

ServiceNow simply introduced it plans to buy Intellibot and add to its integration, and course of functionality. As we

ServiceNow acquires RPA startup Intellibot to bring ...

ServiceNow, which expects to complete the purchase in Q2 2011, says it plans to fold Intellibot's capabilities natively into its platform, enabling ServiceNow customers to bring AI and machine learning to legacy systems. RPA — technology that automates monotonous, repetitive chores traditionally performed by human workers — is big business.

ServiceNow to Acquire Intellibot to Help Businesses ...

ServiceNow to Acquire Intellibot to Help Businesses Automate Any Workflow

SD Times news digest: Rookout Agile Flame Graphs ...

ServiceNow stated that the acquisition supports ServiceNow's commitment to the Indian market and it also plans to develop two new data center facilities by the first quarter of 2022.

ServiceNow takes RPA plunge by acquiring India-based ...

ServiceNow became the latest company to take the robotic process automation (RPA) plunge when it announced it was acquiring Intellibot, an RPA startup based in Hyderabad, India. The companies did not reveal the purchase price. The purchase comes at a time where companies are looking to automate workflows across the organization.

Federos Joins ServiceNow Partner Program

Federos®, a leading provider of cloud-enabled, AI-optimized assurance, analytics, and automation software that monitors and manages the performance of critical networks and services, announced today a major expansion of its solution capabilities and business reach by becoming a member of the ServiceNow (News - Alert) Partner Program. Federos will integrate Assure1®, the company's flagship ...

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ServiceNow takes RPA plunge by acquiring India-based ...

ServiceNow became the latest company to take the robotic process automation (RPA) plunge when it announced it was acquiring Intellibot, an RPA startup based in Hyderabad, India. The companies did not reveal the purchase price. The purchase comes at a time where companies are looking to automate workflows across the organization. RPA provides a way…

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SD Times news digest: Rookout Agile Flame Graphs ...

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河井克行元法相は、なぜ突然買収容疑を全面的に認めたのか、選挙日程を逆算した裏事情とは(大濱崎卓真) - 個人 ...




Lvmhがコロナ禍でティファニー買収、ルイ・ヴィトンと同グループになる意味 | クイズと事例で頭に入る!決算書の読み ...

米国ビジネススクール講師である著者が、グローバル人材のための「決算書の読み方」を伝授する本連載。今回はあの最強ラグジュアリー企業モエ ヘネシー・ルイ ヴィトン(LVMH MOET HENNESSY LOUIS VUITTON以下、LVMH)に焦点を当てて分析してみたいと思います。

河井元法相、一転選挙買収認める 議員辞職を表明―「全ての責任は私に」・東京地裁:時事ドットコム


河井元法相 議員辞職の意向表明 買収事件の裁判 被告人質問で | Nhkニュース


米アプライド、旧日立系買収破談も 中国の承認得られず: 日本経済新聞

【ニューヨーク=白岩ひおな】米半導体製造装置最大手のアプライドマテリアルズは22日、旧日立製作所系のKOKUSAI ELECTRIC(東京・千代田)の買収計画をめぐり、買収完了の期限だった19日までに中国の独禁法当局の承認が得られず「買収契約が解除された可能性がある」と発表した。契約解除料の支払期限である26日までに改めて承認が確認できなければ、買収は破談となる。KOKUSAIは日立国際電気か

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河井克行元法相が買収認める 被告人質問で主張一転 東京地裁 | 毎日新聞


マイクロソフトがディスコード買収で交渉、100億ドル強-関係者 - Bloomberg


河井克行被告が議員辞職を表明 法廷で一転、買収認める:朝日新聞デジタル


自民・世耕氏、党の金で買収「あり得ない」 河井被告裁判で - 産経ニュース


アプライド、旧日立系KOKUSAI買収断念も-中国の承認得られず - Bloomberg

半導体製造装置メーカー大手の米アプライド・マテリアルズは、米投資会社KKR傘下の旧日立系企業KOKUSAI ELECTRICを35億ドル(約3800億円)で買収する計画を中国当局がまだ承認していないとして、同買収を断念する可能性がある。

〈社説〉河井氏辞職表明 買収の経緯を説明せよ | 信毎web - 信濃毎日新聞

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米Microsoftが「Discord」の買収を検討か──提示額は1兆円超 Bloomberg報道 ...


河井克行被告、一転して買収認め議員辞職表明 初の被告人質問

令和元年7月の参院選広島選挙区をめぐる買収事件で、公選法違反の罪に問われた元法相の衆院議員、河井克行被告(58)の公判が23日、東京地裁 ...

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河井克行被告 無罪主張一転"買収"認める|日テレnews24


河井元法相、遅すぎた判断 買収認め議員辞職を表明 - zakzak:夕刊フジ公式サイト


Microsoft、ゲーマー向けボイスチャット「Discord」買収を検討中。1兆円超の規模 | スラド


河井克行被告 無罪主張一転"買収"認める(日テレNEWS24) - goo ニュース


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妻の案里前議員が初当選した選挙をめぐり、地元議員などを買収した罪で起訴されていた元法務大臣の河井克行被告(58)は、一貫して無罪を主張していましたが、23日、一転して、起訴内容の大半を認めました。さらに、議員を辞職する意向を明らかにしました。 河井克行被告:「妻・案里の当選を得たいという気持ちが全くなかったとはいえない。選挙買収罪の事実を争うことは致しません。家族同然の後援者の皆さま方が証言されている姿を拝見し、連日、深く自省をした。私が20年以上ご指導いただいているローマカトリック教会の神父さんから電話をちょうだいした。『最終的には神の前で誠実であることが一番です。自分の内面に誠実に向き合ってください』と。自ら内面を見つめ直し、罪を認めるべきだと考えた」 弁護人から進退について問われました。 河井克行被告:「衆議院議員を辞することとした。自民党に対してもご迷惑をかけてしまった。私は自民党を愛している。自民党への信頼を傷つけてしまった」 自民党・二階幹事長:「本人も大いに反省しているでしょうが、党としても、こうしたことを“他山の石”として、しっかり対応していかなくてはならない」 この発言に対し、野党は批判しました。 共産党・小池書記局長:「“他山”ではなく、紛れもなく自分の山“自山”だ。自民党が1億5000万円もの破格の政治資金を提供して、買収選挙が行われたことの責任のかけらも感じていない態度だ」



河井克行元法相"買収"認める・法廷でいきなり辞職表明も Tbsテレビ【Nスタ】|Jccテレビすべて

河井克行元法相"買収"認める・法廷でいきなり辞職表明も tbsテレビ【Nスタ】|JCCテレビすべて 河井克行元法相はおととしの参院選で、妻・案里を当選させるため地元議員ら100人に現金計2900万円を渡し買収した罪に問われている。初公判で、

買収ラッシュのServiceNowが今度はインドのRPAスタートアップIntellibotを獲得 ...


「妻の当選得たい気持ちが」河井被告"買収"認める- 名古屋テレビ【メ~テレ】


ServiceNow、インドのRPA企業Intellibotを買収へ - ZDNet Japan


The robots are coming for your office - The Verge

NYT’s Kevin Roose on how robotic process automation, or RPA, will impact our future and how to think about it as you design your career.

ServiceNow acquires RPA startup Intellibot to bring ...

ServiceNow has acquired Intellibot, an India-based robotic process automation startup, for an undisclosed sum.

ServiceNow takes RPA plunge by acquiring India-based ...

ServiceNow became the latest company to take the robotic process automation (RPA) plunge when it announced it was acquiring Intellibot, an RPA startup based in Hyderabad, India. The companies did not reveal the purchase price. The purchase comes at a time where companies are looking to automate workflows across the organization. RPA provides a way […]

SAP Intelligent RPA Transfers Charging Data to ...

Hi everyone, together with my colleague I am working on SAP Intelligent RPA. We are trying to identify utility specific use cases. In this blogpost I will give a broad overview about the technology of RPA,

Reminder: Power BI Premium and Power Automate Per User ...

Self-Service purchases of Microsoft 365 products were a controversial addition to Microsoft 365 when it originally launched a few years back. Granting the ability to end users to purchase products outside of admin control or the existing subscription is great from a digital transformation and usability perspective, however, in highly secure and governed environments, presents…

Celonis claims the low-code movement will push process ...

Join Transform 2021 for the most important themes in enterprise AI & Data. Learn more. Process mining technology provider Celonis says its revenues have more than doubled over the last year, and CEO Alexander Rinke says the low-code movement is set to help process mining overtake the more hyped robotic process automation (RPA) market. Process…

YX4953 (RPA4953) Republic Flight Tracking and History 22 ...

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RPA Developer/Architect at Reverside - IT-Online

RPA Architect Role in JHB/CPT - EE/Non-EE position - Local / Any. Reverside is an IT services provider; we are always looking for professional candidates to join our team in Software Development, providing opportunities to work on exciting projects, within our well established client base.

Kryon Becomes First Leading RPA Vendor to Earn ...

/PRNewswire/ -- Kryon®, international innovators in user-friendly enterprise automation, robotic process automation (RPA) and process discovery, today...

RPA in a Day - Happiest Minds Technologies Limited ...

RPA consists of lab exercises that guide you through building a modern end to end business RPA scenario to process incoming invoices. To learn how you can successfully build automation for your business processes, please join us for a virtual RPAIAD workshop to get started on using Power Automate for your business's automation needs.

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ServiceNow takes RPA plunge by acquiring India-based ...

ServiceNow became the latest company to take the robotic process automation (RPA) plunge when it announced it was acquiring Intellibot, an RPA startup based in Hyderabad, India. The companies did not reveal the purchase price. The purchase comes at a time where companies are looking to automate workflows across the organization.

ServiceNow takes RPA plunge by acquiring India-based ...

ServiceNow became the latest company to take the robotic process automation (RPA) plunge when it announced it was acquiring Intellibot, an RPA startup based in Hyderabad, India. The companies did not reveal the purchase price. The purchase comes at a time where companies are looking to automate workflows across the organization. RPA provides a way…

General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon - Wikipedia

The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine multirole fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics for the United States Air Force (USAF). Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft. Over 4,600 aircraft have been built since production was approved in 1976. Although no longer being purchased by the U.S ...

ServiceNow acquires Hyderabad-based RPA company Intellibot ...

ServiceNow acquires Hyderabad-based RPA company Intellibot. Testing; by - March 23, 2021 0. ServiceNow plans to build Intellibot's capabilities natively into the Now Platform. Share on Facebook Share. Share on Twitter Tweet. Share on Pinterest Share. Share on LinkedIn Share. Share on Digg Share.


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RPAやり始めた頃は、業務ヒヤリングを含め在宅でRPA開発なんてできるの?と思っていたけど、リモート開発の会社に入り、普通に出来るんだなぁと驚いてる。 一方デジタル化支援はPC-PCでは見えない紙が相手なワケで、どれぐらいとっ散らかってるか確認す…

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