関連ワード (Microsoft、Nuance Communications、医療、文字起こし、買収、遠隔医療等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Microsoft(マイクロソフト)が米国時間4月12日朝、Nuance Communications(ニュアンス・コミュニケーションズ)を197億ドル(約2兆1600億円)で買収したとの知らせを受け、朝っぱらからこんな数字を見せられて思わず二度見してしまったとしても無理なからぬことだ。
MicrosoftのCEOであるSatya Nadella(サティア・ナデラ)氏は、Nuanceはこの変化の、特にクラウドと人工知能の活用法の中心にあり、だからこそ、大枚を叩いてこの企業を買収したのだと話している。
「AIは、非常に重要な最優先技術であり、その活用を最も緊急に必要としているのが医療です。私たちは力を合わせ、このパートナーエコシステムを活かし、Microsoft Cloud in Healthcare(医療用クラウド)とNuanceの成長を加速させつつ、あらゆる場所の医療専門家が、よりよい意志決定ができるよう、またより有意義なつながりが構築されるよう、高度なAIソリューションを提供していきます」とナディア氏は、今回の契約発表の記事の中で述べている。
Constellation Research(コンステレーション・リサーチ)のアナリストHolger Mueller(ホルガー・ミュラー)氏は、そうかもしれないが、Cortana(コルタナ)のチャンスを逸してしまったMicrosoftは、その極めて重要なテクノロジーに追いつくための一助にこれを利用しようと考えていると話す。「NuanceはMicrosoftに、ニューラルネットワークによる音声認識のための技術的なテコ入れを行うだけでなく、垂直機能、コールセンター機能、音声に関するMSFTのIPポジションを大幅に改善させます」と彼はいう。
CRM Essentials(CRMエッセンシャルズ)の創設者で主任アナリストのBrent Leary(ブレント・リアリー)氏は、この提携により、Microsoftには大量の医療データが提供され、それが同社の根底をなす機械学習モデルにフィードされ、やがてその精度を高めていく可能性があると語っている。
Forrester Research(フォレスター・リサーチ)のKate Leggett(ケイト・レゲット)氏は、医療は第一歩に過ぎず、Nuanceがひとたびそこに足場を作れば、さらに奥深くに進んで行く可能性があると考えている。
関連記事:マイクロソフトが過去2番目規模で文字起こし大手Nuance Communications買収、ヘルスケア分野のクラウドを強化
画像クレジット:nadia_bormotova / Getty Images
When Microsoft announced it was acquiring Nuance Communications this morning for $19.7 billion, you could be excused for doing a Monday morning double take at the hefty price tag.
That’s surely a lot of money for a company on a $1.4 billion run rate, but Microsoft, which has already partnered with the speech-to-text market leader on several products over the last couple of years, saw a company firmly embedded in healthcare and decided to go all in.
And $20 billion is certainly all in, even for a company the size of Microsoft. But 2020 forced us to change the way we do business, from restaurants to retailers to doctors. In fact, the pandemic in particular changed the way we interact with our medical providers. We learned very quickly that you don’t have to drive to an office, wait in waiting room, then in an exam room, all to see the doctor for a few minutes.
Instead, we can get on the line, have a quick chat and be on our way. It won’t work for every condition, of course — there will always be times the physician needs to see you — but for many meetings such as reviewing test results or for talk therapy, telehealth could suffice.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella says that Nuance is at the center of this shift, especially with its use of cloud and artificial intelligence, and that’s why the company was willing to pay the amount it did to get it.
“AI is technology’s most important priority, and healthcare is its most urgent application. Together, with our partner ecosystem, we will put advanced AI solutions into the hands of professionals everywhere to drive better decision-making and create more meaningful connections, as we accelerate growth of Microsoft Cloud in Healthcare and Nuance,” Nadella said in a post announcing the deal.
Holger Mueller, an analyst at Constellation Research, says that may be so, but he believes that Microsoft missed the boat with Cortana and this is about helping the company catch up on a crucial technology. “Nuance will be not only give Microsoft technology help in regards to neural network-based speech recognition, but also a massive improvement from vertical capabilities, call center functionality and the MSFT IP position in speech,” he said.
Microsoft sees this deal doubling what was already a considerable total addressable market to nearly $500 billion. While TAMs always tend to run high, that is still a substantial number.
It also fits with Gartner data, which found that by 2022, 75% of healthcare organizations will have a formal cloud strategy in place. The AI component only adds to that number and Nuance brings 10,000 existing customers to Microsoft, including some of the biggest healthcare organizations in the world.
Brent Leary, founder and principal analyst at CRM Essentials, says the deal could provide Microsoft with a ton of health data to help feed the underlying machine learning models and make them more accurate over time.
“There is going be a ton of health data being captured by the interactions coming through telemedicine interactions, and this could create a whole new level of health intelligence,” Leary told me.
That of course could drive a lot of privacy concerns where health data is involved, and it will be up to Microsoft, which just experienced a major breach on its Exchange email server products last month, to assure the public that their sensitive health data is being protected.
Leary says that ensuring data privacy is going to be absolutely key to the success of the deal. “The potential this move has is pretty powerful, but it will only be realized if the data and insights that could come from it are protected and secure — not only protected from hackers but also from unethical use. Either could derail what could be a game-changing move,” he said.
Microsoft also seemed to recognize that when it wrote, “Nuance and Microsoft will deepen their existing commitments to the extended partner ecosystem, as well as the highest standards of data privacy, security and compliance.”
Kate Leggett, an analyst at Forrester Research, thinks healthcare could be just the first step and once Nuance is in the fold, it could go much deeper than that.
“However, the benefit of this acquisition does not stop [with healthcare]. Nuance also offers market-leading customer engagement technologies, with deep expertise and focus in verticals such as financial services. As MSFT evolves their industry editions into other verticals, this acquisition will pay off for other industries. MSFT may also choose to fill in the gaps within their Dynamics solution with Nuance’s customer engagement technologies,” Leggett said.
We are clearly on the edge of a sea change when it comes to how we interact with our medical providers in the future. COVID pushed medicine deeper into the digital realm in 2020 out of simple necessity. It wasn’t safe to go into the office unless absolutely necessary.
The Nuance acquisition, which is expected to close some time later this year, could help Microsoft shift deeper into the market. It could even bring Teams into it as a meeting tool, but it’s all going to depend on the trust level people have with this approach, and it will be up to the company to make sure that both healthcare providers and the people they serve have that.
(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:金井哲夫)
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医療について紹介しています。 安全で質の高い医療サービスを提供するために けがをしたり病気になった時に、安全で質の高い医療サービスを受けることができる医療提供体制を確立し、赤ちゃんからお年寄りまで全ての国民が、健康で長生きできる社会を目指しています。
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医療とは - コトバンク
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2021-04-15 23:45セブンティーン元から面白さが異常だったのに、年数が増えるにつれて下ネタ、酒ネタ、買収ネタまで持ってくるようになったのもう向かう所敵なしすぎてどうする?wwwwww