米App Storeトップに華々しく登場、作られた完璧さが並ぶInstagramのアンチを謳う新SNS「Poparazzi」

今回は「米App Storeトップに華々しく登場、作られた完璧さが並ぶInstagramのアンチを謳う新SNS「Poparazzi」」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (App Store、Poparazzi、SNS等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Instagram(インスタグラム)の写真タグ付け機能だけで1つのアプリにしたら、バイラルセンセーションを巻き起こした「Poparazzi(ポパラッチ)」が生まれ、今やApp Storeのナンバー1アプリにまで上り詰めた。この新しいソーシャルネットワークアプリはTTYL(ティーティーワイエル)に開発されたもので、友達だけが写真を投稿できるソーシャルプロフィールを作成することができる。つまり友達を自分の「パパラッチ」にすることができるのだ。この新しいアプリは、公開前のTikTok(ティックトック)での宣伝活動によるApp Storeでの予約の促進から、公開後の支持者による好意的なツイートをはじめとするソーシャルバズの活用まで、公開初日からの猛ダッシュを実現するために計画された一連のミッションを完璧に遂行した。しかし、ユーザーのプライバシーと引き換えにネットワーク効果を高め、トップチャートを狙う向きもあり、長く力を維持できるかという点ではリスクの高い手法ともいえる。







comment it! #greenscreen #poparazziapp #positivity #foryoupage

♬ Milkshake – BBY Kodie

同社は、公開前からTikTokを使って需要を喚起し、話題を集めた。TikTokは、モバイルゲーム「High Heels(ハイヒールズ)」などのApp Storeでのヒット作の創出にもひと役買っている。TikTokは、その姉妹アプリである「CapCut(キャップカット)」やeコマースアプリの「Shein(シェイン)」など、いくつかのモバイルビジネスでダウンロード数の引き上げに貢献しているが、TikTokがアプリをトップチャートに送り込む潜在能力はまだ過小評価されがちだ。

・中国ByteDanceの動画編集アプリ「CapCut」が米App Storeランキング1位に

Poparazziは、TikTokで需要を喚起するだけではなく、略歴のページにリンクを置き、ユーザーをApp Storeの予約ページに誘導することで、実際に需要を獲得した。公開日を迎える頃には、Poparazziを試してみたいというZ世代の一団が形成されていた。


@poparazzidotcom ‘s app & website (https://t.co/EGU0K6AVS3) experience is amazing ???? #poparazzi pic.twitter.com/NqJWD5T5Sg

— ?????? ????? (@tanishar0ra) May 25, 2021


まず、電話番号を使ってサインアップし、ユーザーを認証する。Apple(アップル)がApp Storeのポリシーとして、ユーザーが自分の身元を保護するために「Sign In with Apple(Appleでサインイン)」できることを必要としているにもかかわらず、Poparazziには、このプライバシーを守るためのオプションはない。「Appleでサインイン」では、電話番号やアドレス帳によるアクセス方法に比べて、Poparazziの成長の可能性が制限されてしまうからだろう。




They had a killer and engaging intro video complete with gravity falling emoji and well-tuned haptics that built hype and informed proper use

(I feel like a lot of people these days actually download without knowing this stuff now, making onboarding even more important) pic.twitter.com/duUelcDm0H

— Chase Stubblefield ? (@chasestubb) May 25, 2021




— Corey Robison (@thefomosapien) May 25, 2021







More on @poparazzidotcom: they force you to upload your contacts to use it, as well as phone number—and also have this aggressive strategy to pull users from Snapchat. pic.twitter.com/SFx0TdCkaR

— Chase Stubblefield ? (@chasestubb) May 25, 2021



他にも、友人を招待したくなるいくつもの機能から、親友がどんどん投稿を続けるためのインセンティブとなるスナップチャット的な「Top Poparazzi」セクションまで、何十ものグロースハックがアプリ内に散りばめられている。

Looking at someone else’s profile.

The “Top Poparazzi” section is genius. Really incentivizes posting for your friends (which is the biggest friction point). pic.twitter.com/7WjH0S2hQd

— Connor V. (@ConnorVO) May 25, 2021





TechCrunchは、Poparazziチームに連絡を取り、アプリのデザインと成長戦略についての展望を問い合わせたが、回答は得られていない(当面は鳴りを潜めるつもりだろう)。SignalFire(シグナルファイア)のJosh Constine(ジョシュ・コンスチン)氏とTechCrunchの確認により、元TechCrunchの共同編集者Alexia Bonatsos(アレクシア・ボナトソス)氏のDream Machine(ドリームマシン)とWeekend Fund(ウィークエンドファンド)とともに、Floodgate(フラッドゲート)がこのスタートアップに投資していると承知している。

・ジャーナリストから投資家への転身――元TechCrunch社員がたったひとりで立ち上げたVCファンドDream Machine
・ツイッターに月額330円サブスク「Twitter Blue」、間もなく登場か



If Instagram’s photo tagging feature was spun out into its own app, you’d have the viral sensation Poparazzi, now the No. 1 app on the App Store. The new social networking app, from the same folks behind TTYL and others, lets you create a social profile that only your friends can post photos to — in other words, making your friends your own “paparazzi.” To its credit, the new app has perfectly executed on a series of choices designed to fuel day-one growth — from its prelaunch TikTok hype cycle to drive App Store preorders to its postlaunch social buzz, including favorable tweets by its backers. But the app has also traded user privacy in some cases to amplify network effects in its bid for the Top Charts, which is a risky move in terms of its long-term staying power.

The company positions Poparazzi as a sort of anti-Instagram, rebelling against today’s social feeds filled with edited photos, too many selfies and “seemingly effortless perfection.” People’s real lives are made up of many unperfect moments that are worthy of being captured and shared, too, a company blog post explains.

This manifesto hits the right notes at the right time. User demand for less performative social media has been steadily growing for years — particularly as younger, Gen Z users wake up to the manipulations by tech giants. We’ve already seen a number of startups try to siphon users away from Instagram using similar rallying cries, including Minutiae, Vero, Dayflash, Oggl and, more recently, the once-buzzy Dispo and the under-the-radar Herd.

Even Facebook has woken up to consumer demand on this front, with its plan to roll out new features that allow Facebook and Instagram users to remove the Like counts from their posts and their feeds.

Poparazzi hasn’t necessarily innovated in terms of its core idea — after all, tagging users in photos has existed for years. In fact, it was one of the first viral effects introduced by Facebook in its earlier days.

Instead, Poparazzi hit the top of the charts by carefully executing on growth strategies that ensured a rocket ship-style launch.

@poparazziappcomment it! ##greenscreen ##poparazziapp ##positivity ##foryoupage♬ Milkshake – BBY Kodie

The company began gathering prelaunch buzz by driving demand via TikTok — a platform that’s already helped mint App Store hits like the mobile game High Heels. TikTok’s powers are still often underestimated, even though its potential to send apps up the Top Charts have successfully boosted downloads for a number of mobile businesses, including TikTok sister app CapCut and e-commerce app Shein, for example.

And Poparazzi didn’t just build demand on TikTok — it actually captured it by pointing users to its App Store preorders page via the link in its bio. By the time launch day rolled around, it had a gaggle of Gen Z users ready and willing to give Poparazzi a try.

The app launches with a clever onboarding screen that uses haptics to buzz and vibrate your phone while the intro video plays. This is unusual enough that users will talk and post about how cool it was — another potential means of generating organic growth through word-of-mouth.

After getting you riled up with excitement, Poparazzi eases you into its bigger data grab.

First, it signs up and authenticates users through a phone number. There is no privacy-focused option to use “Sign In with Apple,” which allows users to protect their identity. That would have limited Poparazzi’s growth potential versus its phone number and address book access approach.

It then presents you with a screen where it asks for permission to access your Camera (an obvious necessity) and Contacts (wait, all of them?), and permission to send you Notifications. This is where things start to get more dicey. The app, like Clubhouse once did, demands a full address book upload. This is unnecessary in terms of an app’s usability, as there are plenty of other ways to add friends on social media — like by scanning each other’s QR code, typing in a username directly or performing a search.

But gaining access to someone’s full Contacts database lets Poparazzi skip having to build out features for the privacy-minded. It can simply match your stored phone numbers with those it has on file from user signups and create an instant friend graph.

As you complete each permission, Poparazzi rewards you with green checkmarks. In fact, even if you deny the permission being asked, the green check appears. This may confuse users as to whether they’ve accidently given the app access.

While you can “deny” the Address Book upload — a request met with a tsk tsk of a pop-up message — Poparazzi literally only works with friends, it warns you — you can’t avoid being found by other Poparazzi users who have your phone number stored in their phone.

When users sign up, the app matches their address book to the phone number it has on file and then — boom! — new users are instantly following the existing users. And if any other friends have signed up before you, they’ll be following you as soon as you log in the first time.

In other words, there’s no manual curation of a “friend graph” here. The expectation is that your address book is your friend graph, and Poparazzi is just duplicating it.

Of course, this isn’t always an accurate presentation of reality.

Many younger people, and particularly women, have the phone numbers of abusers, stalkers and exes stored in their phone’s Contacts. By doing so, they can leverage the phone’s built-in tools to block the unwanted calls and texts from that person. But because Poparazzi automatically matches people by phone number, abusers could gain immediate access to the user profiles of the people they’re trying to harass or hurt.

Sure, this is an edge case. But it’s a nontrivial one.

It’s a well-documented problem, too — and one that had plagued Clubhouse, which similarly required full address book uploads during its early growth phase. It’s a terrible strategy to become the norm, and one that does not appear to have created a lasting near-term lock-in for Clubhouse. It’s also not a new tactic. Mobile social network Path tried address book uploads nearly a decade ago and almost everyone at the time agreed this was not a good idea.

As carefully designed as Poparazzi is — (it’s even got a blue icon — a color that denotes trustworthiness!) — it’s likely the company intentionally chose the trade-off. It’s forgoing some aspects of user privacy and safety in favor of the network effects that come from having an instant friend graph.

The rest of the app then pushes you to grow that friend graph further and engage with other users. Your profile will remain bare unless you can convince someone to upload photos of you. A SnapKit integration lets you beg for photo tags over on Snapchat. And if you can’t get enough of your friends to tag you in photos, then you may find yourself drawn to the setting “Allow Pops from Everyone,” instead of just “People You Approve.”

There’s no world in which letting “everyone” upload photos to a social media profile doesn’t invite abuse at some point, but Poparazzi is clearly hedging its bets here. It likely knows it won’t have to deal with the fallout of these choices until further down the road — after it’s filled out its network with millions of disgruntled Instagram users, that is.

Dozens of other growth hacks are spread throughout the app, too, from multiple pushes to invite friends scattered throughout the app to a very Snapchatt-y “Top Poparazzi” section that will incentivize best friends to keep up their posting streaks.

It’s a clever bag of tricks. And though the app does not offer comments or followers counts, it isn’t being much of an “anti-Instagram” when it comes to chasing clout. The posts — which can turn into looping GIFs if you snap a few in a row — may be more “authentic” and unedited than those on Instagram; but Poparazzi users react to posts with a range of emojis and how many reactions a post receives is shown publicly.

For beta testers featured on the explore page, reactions can be in the hundreds or thousands — effectively establishing a bar for Pop influence.

Finally, users you follow have permission to post photos, but if you unfollow them — a sure sign that you no longer want them to be in your poparazzi squad — they can still post to your profile. As it turns out, your squad is managed under a separate setting under “Allow Pops From.” That could lead to trouble. At the very least, it would be nice to see the app asking users if they also want to remove the unfollowed account’s permission to post to your profile at the time of the unfollow.

Overall, the app can be fun — especially if you’re in the young, carefree demographic it caters to. Its friend-centric and ironically anti-glam stance is promising as well. But additional privacy controls and the ability to join the service in a way that offers far more granular control of your friend graph in order to boost anti-abuse protections would be welcome additions. 

TechCrunch tried to reach Poparazzi’s team to gain their perspective on the app’s design and growth strategy, but did not hear back. (We understand they’re heads down for the time being.) We understand, per SignalFire’s Josh Constine and our own confirmation, that Floodgate has invested in the startup, as has former TechCrunch co-editor Alexia Bonatsos’ Dream Machine and Weekend Fund.

After publication, a report from Newcomer noted Benchmark led a $20 million Series A for the app, beating out Andreessen Horowitz.

Updated after publication to clarify the app only uses phone number login so it’s not violating the App Store policy which otherwise would require Sign In with Apple, it’s avoiding it. 

(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Dragonfly)

米App Storeトップに華々しく登場、作られた完璧さが並ぶアンチInstagramを謳う新SNS「Poparazzi」

Instagramの写真タグ付け機能だけで1つのアプリにしたら、バイラルセンセーションを巻き起こした「Poparazzi」が生まれ、今やApp Storeのナンバー1アプリにまで上り詰めた。この新しいソーシャルネットワークアプリはTTYLに開発されたもので、友達だけが写真を投稿できるソーシャルプロフィールを作成する..

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Poparazzi 定位于一个熟人+半熟人的社交产品,在登录时,要求用户用手机号注册,并且同步电话薄。 意味着即便 A 不同步电话薄,有 A 电话的 B 也可以 follow A;A 和 B 是朋友,B 和 C 是朋友,如果 B 拍了 C 的照片,A 也可以通过图片流关注到 C。

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高知市(高知県)で2021年6月6日(日)16:00から開催の婚活パーティー《好評!男性満席♪残り女性1枠のみ★ ...

婚活パーティー 【LCafe KOCHI(おびさんロード商店街の中央、中の橋通りとの交差点の角にあるビルの4階)】 《マリッジパーティー♡男性満席♪残り女性1枠のみ★》適齢期の今、出会いたい♪30代中心Premium男性 (【リンクストア】LinkStore)の詳細情報。参加体験談などの口コミ情報も紹介しています。

ティフォニウムお台場【かいじゅうのすみか Vrアドベンチャー】|ローチケ[ローソンチケット] イベントチケット情報 ...

ティフォニウムお台場【かいじゅうのすみか vrアドベンチャー】| チケット情報・販売・予約は、プレイガイド、ローチケ[ローソンチケット]。 コンサート、スポーツ、演劇、クラシック、イベント、レジャー、映画などのチケット情報や ここにしか無いエンタメニュースやインタビュー ...

「漫画 or さくらももこ」の人気イラストやマンガ・画像 | 創作sns Galleria[ギャレリア]

GALLERIA[ギャレリア]には「漫画 OR さくらももこ」の作品が5243件登録されています。GALLERIA[ギャレリア]は創作活動を支援する豊富な機能を揃えた創作SNSです。

久御山FC official - 【 第57回全国社会人サッカー選手権京都大会 】  こんにちは? ...

チームの様子や試合の結果についてはsnsに随時アップしていくのでそちらをご覧下さい。 また観戦可能になりましたら是非会場まで足をお運びいただきたいと思います。 応援の程、宜しくお願い致します ??   # 全国社会人サッカー # 全社

浜松市(静岡県)で2021年6月6日(日)14:00から開催の婚活パーティー【セミナー】【男性限定】6/6(日 ...

婚活パーティー 【入野協働センター 会議室】 【セミナー】【男性限定】6/6(日)【浜松市】婚活、恋活 成功率アップ♪感染症対策済! (えん寿)の詳細情報。参加体験談などの口コミ情報も紹介しています。

新田真剑佑成帅哥收割机 经常在sns上晒合影新田真剑佑吉 新田真剑佑成帅哥收割机 经常在sns上晒合影新田真剑佑吉 ...

新田真剑佑成帅哥收割机 经常在SNS上晒合影新田真剑佑吉 新田真剑佑成帅哥收割机 经常在SNS上晒合影新田真剑佑吉 ,白娘子许仙再聚首 赵雅芝捧场叶童舞台剧微博叶童赵雅芝 白娘子许仙再聚首 赵雅芝捧场叶童舞台剧微博叶童赵雅芝 ,马特达蒙解释言论争议 却被网友叫 ldquo 闭嘴 rdquo 马特 达蒙争议 ...

App Store scam apps make up almost 2% of top-grossing apps ...

Checks run by the Washington Post revealed that App Store scam apps make up almost 2% of the top-grossing apps, despite CEO Tim Cook ...

Apple developers look for App Store changes at annual ...

Apple Inc (AAPL.O) Chief Executive Tim Cook and his team address one of their most important audiences on Monday, kicking off an annual conference for app developers at a time the iPhone maker is defending itself in court over its App Store practices.

What's Up With Apple: App Store Scams, Tense Relations ...

Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) kicks off Monday and its probably a good thing that the meeting is virtual this year.

Report suggests two percent of the top 1,000 App Store ...

A report suggests two percent of the top 1,000 App Store titles were scams, including VPNs, dating apps and QR readers.

Apple App Store's Top-Grossing Applications Contains Scams ...

Apple App Store's most popular apps possibly contain scams that could cost users $48 million. Here's what you need to do.

Apple Developers Look For App Store Changes at Annual WWDC ...

Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook and his team address one of their most important audiences on Monday, kicking off an annual conference for app developers at a time the iPhone maker is defending itself in court over its App Store practices.

Apple Accidentally Leaks Surprise Apple Watch & iPhone Apps

The App Store has suddenly unveils a new iPhone app and hints at new features for Apple Watch.

Exclusive online store for horticulture produce ... - Kalgudi

Order directly from farmers via Kalgudi - The Rural India Store. Buy farm fresh fruits, groceries, vegetables , food products, spices and more at reasonable prices. Order directly from farmers via Kalgudi - The Rural India Store. ... Apps Farmer App FPO App Seller App CBO App Sales Team ConnectX SeedX (+91) 8069107777. hello@kalgudi.com (+91 ...

Uc Browser Install And Download / Download UC Browser for ...

Download this app from microsoft store for windows 10, windows 10 team (surface hub). Download uc browser apk 12.12.1187 for android. It also supports most google chrome extensions and comes with 2 already installed that are specific to uc browser for laptop. Uc browser new version is safe to download and free of viruses.

Is Apple's App Store Teeming With Scams? - Slashdot

"Apple's tightly controlled App Store is teeming with scams," argues a 3,000-word exposé in Sunday's Washington Post "Among the 1.8 million apps on the App Store, scams are hiding in plain sight. Customers for several VPN apps, which allegedly protect users' data, complained in Apple App ...

Apple developers look for App Store changes at annual ...

By Stephen Nellis (Reuters) - Apple Inc Chief Executive Tim Cook and his team address one of their most important audiences on Monday, kicking off an ...

7plus 4.22 by Seven West Media - My App Store

7plus 4.22 by Seven West Media Categories: Releases - APKMirror Publish Date: June 06, 2021 The post 7plus 4.22 by Seven West Media appeared first on APKMirror.. from Releases - APKMirror https://ift.tt/3uUKUhH

Two percent of top 1,000 App Store apps are malicious ...

A new report suggests that two percent of the 1,000 highest-grossing apps on Apple's app store were some form of scam designed to steal users' money.

App Store Scams Have Reportedly Cost Users $48 Million

Despite Apple's strict control of the App Store, a recent report has revealed that almost 2% of the top 1,000 grossing apps are scams.

Save 50% off the SamSaidYes live wedding photo-sharing app

Looking for an easier way to share your wedding photos to friends and family? The SamSaidYes live wedding photo sharing app is the way to do it.

Coding Bootcamps: Costs, Average Length, and Most Popular ...

What does the average bootcamp cost? And what are the most popular technology courses to take at coding bootcamps, and how long are they?

The report suggests that two percent of the first 1,000 ...

The list also included dating apps, QR readers and scam apps claiming to come from big brands like Amazon or Samsung. Some have used fake customer reviews to climb the App Store rankings. It is estimated that the applications may have defrauded users of an estimated $ 48 million Publishestimates, including Apple's drop of up to 30 percent ...

EU plans phone app to store digital info - PressReader

Connecting People through News. All-you-can-read digital newsstand with thousands of the world’s most popular newspapers and magazines. Vast selection of top stories in full-content format available for free.

Philadelphia Dunkin' store manager killed in robbery ...

Philadelphia Police are searching for a robber who shot and killed the manager of a North Philadelphia Dunkin’ store. Police have released surveillance video of the suspect and are looking for the public’s help. Investigators say the manager was getting ready to open the store on the 500 block of W. Lehigh Avenue at 5:23 […]

BOARD STORE - Ad from 2021-06-06 | Furniture Repair ...

The Board Store Home Improvements, Inc.: YOUR start with the finishes PLACE. Styles, finishes, woods, accessories ...

Child accidentally shoots himself in convenience store ...

The incident happened just before noon in the parking lot of a convenience store in the 7900 block of E. 171st St. Police say the child was in the backseat of his parent's vehicle when he ...

Two brothers held after robbery at Rose Hall store ...

Two brothers are currently in police custody after they were caught by police with millions of dollars’ worth of gadgets and cash following a robbery

The Pella Window Store - Ad from 2021-06-06 | Construction ...

The Pella Window Store: Local Family Owned Company SERVICE TECHNICIAN Must have window/door experience, able to work...



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