新世代のエンジェル投資家誕生を支援するHustle Fund
今回は「新世代のエンジェル投資家誕生を支援するHustle Fund」についてご紹介します。
関連ワード (Hustle Fund、インクルーシブ、多様性等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
Kara Penn(カラ・ペン)氏は、4人の娘の母であり、マネジメントおよび戦略コンサルティング会社Mission Spark(ミッションスパーク)を経営している。
そして今、彼女はHustle Fund(ハッスルファンド)のおかげで、エンジェル投資家でもある。
Hustle Fundは2021年5月、コロラド州に拠点を置くペン氏のように、より多くの人々がエンジェル投資を利用できるようにする新しいイニシアチブAngel Squad(エンジェルスクワッド)でステルスから抜け出した。
「当社は、スタートアップのエコシステムで多様性を増すためにしなければならないことは、性別、人種、居場所にかかわらず、エンジェル投資家における多様性を増すことだと信じています」と Hustle Fundの共同創業者兼ゼネラルパートナーのElizabeth Yin(エリザベス・イン)氏は語った。
Hustle FundはAngel Squadを通じて、インクルーシブな投資家コミュニティの構築を特に目指しており、最低投資額を低く、利用しやすいように設定し(最低1000ドル、約10万9000円から)、投資家に「エンジェルの心得」とHustle Fundとともに投資する方法を提供する。
「すばらしい実業家は誰でもなれ、どこにでもいるというHustle Fundの考え方が気に入っています」とペン氏はTechCrunchに話した。「あらゆるレベルの専門知識が揃い、どんな質問にも答えてくれる協力的なコミュニティの一員でいることを楽しんでいます」。
Hustle Fundはエリザベス・イン氏とEric Bahn(エリック・バーン)氏によって創業されたベンチャー企業だ。両者ともにプレシードソフトウェアのスタートアップへの投資を目標に持つ、500 Startups(500スタートアップス)の元パートナーだ。同社は従来、通常は最低限の有望製品を持つ企業に2万5000ドルを投資し、チームと連携して企業の成長を助けている。同社ウェブサイトによると、年間およそ50件の投資を行っている。
最近、新規ファンドに 3360万ドル(約36億8000万円) 調達した。
Hustle FundのベンチャーパートナーBrian Nichols(ブライアン・ニコルス)氏は、AngelList(エンジェルリスト)でLyft(リフト)の元社員のシンジケートを開始した。いくつかの取引を行った後、AngelList以外の人々に対するシンジケートを開いている。
「あらゆるバックグラウンドの世界中の人々が、プライベートマーケットに多様性を求めていることがわかりました」とニコラス氏は話した。「Hustle Fundとは、投資していた企業の趣味が合うので、共同投資という形で関係を築いたのです」。
ニコラス氏は現在、同社のAngel Squadイニシアチブを助けている。これまでに合計で150名以上の投資家を集めたコホートを2回行った。同社のミッションに忠実に、投資家は通常のエンジェルシンジケートよりも多様性に富んでいた。メンバーの46%が女性で9%が過小評価されているマイノリティ、32%が弁護士や医者、アーティストなどのテック以外の専門職であった。シリコンバレーに拠点を置いているのは1/3に過ぎない。
Angel Squadでは毎週、ネットワーキングから、Hustle Fundが投資を検討している機会を密かに伺ったり、創業者とミーティングを行うか否かの理由について話し合ったりするなど、さまざまなイベントを開催している。
ニコラス氏は「ゼロから始めることを考えてみてください。たくさんのステップをスキップできて、スタートアップを評価するプロセスで大金を失う前に、エリザベス(・イン氏)にやり方を教えてもらうことができるのです」とTechCrunchに語った。「Angel Squadはまさに、私が投資に興味を持ち始めた3、4年前に望んでいたものです」。
「嫌なやつ」ではない他、Angel Squadのメンバーになるための他の条件には、価値を高め、公認の投資家になることが含まれる。
画像クレジット:Hustle Fund
Kara Penn is the mother of four daughters and owner of Mission Spark, a management and strategy consulting company.
And now, thanks to Hustle Fund, she is also an angel investor.
Hustle Fund is coming out of stealth today with Angel Squad , a new initiative aimed at making angel investing more accessible to more people, like Colorado-based Penn.
“ We believe that in order to increase diversity in the startup ecosystem, one thing that we must do is increase diversity — whether it be in regard to gender, race or geography — amongst angel investors,” said Hustle Fund co-founder and general partner Elizabeth Yin.
Via Angel Squad, Hustle Fund specifically aims to build an inclusive investor community, make minimum check sizes low and accessible (think as little as $1,000), provide “angel education” and give investors a way to invest alongside Hustle Fund.
“There’s been this misnomer, or at least I had this incorrect assumption that in order to become an angel investor, you have to be super rich and write $25,000 checks,” Yin told TechCrunch. “But the reality is actually in Silicon Valley, there are all these people running around investing $1,000 checks…and that’s something that’s a lot more accessible than most people might think. And, part of the value of having this group is then we can accumulate a bunch of smaller checks to then write one larger check for a company.”
So far, Penn has invested in five startups across a range of sectors, including real estate, food, apparel and finance.
She describes herself as “a complete novice” in angel investing, and so far, she’s loving the experience.
“I love Hustle Fund’s perspective that great hustlers can look like anyone and come from anywhere,” Penn told TechCrunch. “I’ve enjoyed being in a supportive community with differing levels of expertise, but where every question is welcomed.”
The experience is also broadening her exposure to technology and AI, the collection and use of data and the creation of new marketplaces in ways she never would have been exposed to before.
“As someone whose own company focuses exclusively on strategy in social impact organizations, I am also looking for how founders identify and bring to market creative solutions to complex problems, as well as exposure to a network of innovative people looking to solve hard issues in smart ways,” Penn said. “This exposure is helping me begin to think about applications of these approaches to difficult social problems.”
For some context, Hustle Fund is a venture firm founded by Elizabeth Yin and Eric Bahn, two former 500 Startups partners, with the goal of investing in pre-seed software startups. The firm has traditionally operated by investing $25,000 in a company, usually with a minimum-viable product, and then works with the team to help them grow. It does around 50 investments per year, according to its website.
It recently closed on $33.6 million for a new fund.
“One of the things most important to us is this bigger mission of wanting to change the way the startup ecosystem is,” Yin said. “I noticed both as an entrepreneur and while running an accelerator, if you have a certain resume, went to certain schools, or were a certain race or gender, you have advantages in starting a company and getting funding. For many people, if you don’t tick those boxes, it can be very challenging. That’s why we’re investing in a lot of founders from all walks of life.”
Hustle Fund Venture Partner Brian Nichols had started a syndicate of Lyft alumni on AngelList. After doing a few deals, he opened the syndicate to people outside of AngelList.
“I found there was a wide range of people looking to diversify into private markets, from all over the world with all types of backgrounds,” he said. “Hustle Fund and I had similar taste in companies I was investing in and I built a relationship with them in co-investments.”
Today, he’s helping run the fund’s Angel Squad initiative. So far, it has had two cohorts with more than 150 investors total, and, true to the fund’s mission, those investors have been more diverse than typical angel syndicates: 46% of the members are female, 9% are underrepresented minorities and 32% are people who work outside of tech with professional roles such as lawyers, doctors and artists. Just one-third are based in Silicon Valley.
Every week, Angel Squad hosts an event that ranges from networking to a peek behind the curtain at opportunities in which Hustle Fund is considering investing to talking through why or why not to take a meeting with a founder.
“Imagine starting from zero, and if you could skip a bunch of steps and have Elizabeth (Yin) tell you how to do this before you lose a bunch of money in the process of evaluating a startup,” Nichols told TechCrunch. “Angel Squad is exactly what I wish had existed three or four years ago when I became interested in investing.”
Silicon Valley, Yin acknowledges, can be intimidating, but the reality is that no one is an expert in everything.
“We’re trying to cultivate an environment where people are very kind — we have a ‘no asshole’ rule, and that is a safe space where people can learn and feel like they can ask questions, and not have to know everything about angel investing. The reality is most people don’t. And we want to bring new people into this system.”
Besides not being an a-hole, other criteria in becoming a Squad Member includes being able to add value and being an accredited investor.
“With rounds as competitive as they are today, we are looking for people who want to be actively supportive of the portfolio companies we’re investing in,” Nichols said. “Every person who wants to join the program is interviewed by someone from our team, who asks questions such as ‘What can you help a founder with?’ We are not looking for passive capital. That’s not super helpful at this point in the ecosystem.
(文:Mary Ann Azevedo、翻訳:Dragonfly)
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