

関連ワード (CurrencyCloud、Visa、買収、送金等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。







「CurrencyCloudは、小さなスタートアップから多国籍企業まで、すべての人により良い明日を届けるよう常に努力してきました。世界経済で金がどのように動くのか再考することは、Visaに加わる今、さらにエキサイティングなものになりました」とCurrencyCloudのCEO、Mike Laven(マイク・ラヴェン)氏は声明で述べた。「CurrencyCloudのフィンテック専門性とVisaのネットワークの組み合わせにより、国境を超えて金を動かしている企業にさらに大きな顧客バリューを届けることができます」。




「CurrencyCloudの買収は、Visaが世界の金の動きを促進するためのネットワーク戦略のネットワークで実行するもう1つの例です」とVisaのグローバル財務責任者Colleen Ostrowski(コリーン・オストロウスキ)氏は声明で述べた。「顧客や企業は国際送金したり、送金を受け取ったりするときに透明性、スピード、シンプルさをますます期待するようになっています。CurrencyCloudの買収で我々はクロスボーダーの支払いに関する悩みの種を減らして顧客やパートナーをサポートし、クライアントの顧客のためにすばらしいユーザーエクスペリエンスを開発することができます」。

画像クレジット:Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg / Getty Images


A year and a half after Currencycloud raised $80 million in a round that included Visa, the London-based developer of APIs that power remittance and currency exchange services is getting even closer to the financial services giant. Today, Visa announced that it would acquire Currencycloud in a deal valued at $963 million (£700 million).

This price is a very decent leap from that last funding round, when sources told us the startup was valued at around $500 million.

(As Visa already has equity in the company, the amount it will actually pay will be reduced by that amount.)

Currencycloud has some 500 customers in 180 countries that use its APIs to power multicurrency wallets, currency exchange services and account management, including some of the biggest startups around, such as Monzo, Moneze, Starling, Revolut and Dwolla. These will continue, and on top of that Visa will use the startup’s technology to bolster its own currency exchange rails to provide a wider set of services to its own customers, which include financial institutions, fintechs and more, as well as to build new services for consumers, as well.

“At Currencycloud, we’ve always strived to deliver a better tomorrow for all, from the smallest start-up to the global multi-nationals. Re-imagining how money flows around the global economy just got more exciting as we join Visa,” said Mike Laven, CEO, Currencycloud, in a statement. “The combination of Currencycloud’s fintech expertise and Visa’s network will enable us to deliver greater customer value to the businesses moving money across borders.”

Remittance and currency transfers are big business in the world of financial services, and that opportunity is growing. Two of the factors driving this are that e-commerce has extended well outside of our national borders, especially in the past 18 months, and so have supply chains. (Visa notes that some 43% of all small businesses globally carried out some form of international trade in 2020.) And with the rise of cloud-based, mobile services to facilitate transactions, consumers are ever more globalised in their outlooks, too.

At the same time, remittances and currency transfers are two areas ripe for disruption, with incumbent services often costly and inefficient. All of this sets the stage for a company like Currencycloud, which has built a new implementation of currency transfer that can be embedded into other financial services to help them run more smoothly.

The exit is also a classic example of how larger, incumbent financial powerhouses typically find it harder to innovate and jump into new services, so instead they tap smaller and more agile startups that are taking big bets on technology, and pulling it off, to help propel themselves into the next generation of financial services. Whether Visa will be able to successfully integrate and use Currencycloud’s tech and work with its team are two things that were already tested out: the two were strategic partners prior to this deal.

“The acquisition of Currencycloud is another example of Visa executing on our network of networks strategy to facilitate global money movement,” said Colleen Ostrowski, Visa’s Global Treasurer, in a statement. “Consumers and businesses increasingly expect transparency, speed and simplicity when making or receiving international payments. With our acquisition of Currencycloud, we can support our clients and partners to further reduce the pain points of cross-border payments and develop great user experiences for their customers.” 

(文:Ingrid Lunden、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

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US seeks to drop Chinese researcher's visa fraud case

U.S. prosecutors sought Thursday to drop their case against a Chinese researcher accused of concealing her ties to the Chinese military on a visa application so she could work in the U.S. In documents filed in federal court in Sacramento, prosecutors asked a judge to dismiss a charge of visa fraud against Juan Tang but gave no reason why. A message seeking comment from the U.S. Attorney's office in Sacramento was not returned.

U.S. Moves To Drop Visa Fraud Case Against Chinese ...

U.S. prosecutors sought to drop their case against a Chinese researcher accused of concealing her ties to the Chinese military on a visa application so she could work in the U.S.

U.S. moves to drop visa fraud charges against Chinese ...

The U.S. Justice Department moved on Thursday to drop all charges against a Chinese researcher arrested last year over visa fraud in its "China Initiative" that aims to prevent the transfer of U.S. technology.

Meet Visa: Reintroducing the Iconic Visa Brand to Everyone ...

Visa has long stood for trust, security, acceptance and inclusion. These core values, in addition to the goal of enabling access for everyone to participate in the global economy, will be expressed through a modernized, dynamic visual brand identity, built in partnership with leading global brand design firm Mucho. ...

US seeks to drop Chinese researcher's visa fraud case

U.S. prosecutors sought Thursday to drop their case against a Chinese researcher accused of concealing her ties to the Chinese military on a visa application so she could work in the U.S.

Visa embarks on global marketing campaign as part of brand ...

Inviting the world to ‘ Meet Visa,‘ the global payments technology company has unveiled the initial phase of its brand evolution spotlighting the diverse…

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Visa Inc.(NYSE:V) : Consumer financial stocks have outperformed this year in part due to stimulus payments and also due to lower spending in certain categories during the pandemic. 2 of the top consumer financial stocks are Synchrony Financial (SYF) and Visa (V). Which is the better buy?

Visa to acquire Currencycloud |

Visa has announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Currencycloud, a global platform that enables banks and fintechs to provide foreign exchange solutions for cross-border payments. The acquisition builds on an existing strategic partnership between the two companies and values Currencycloud at £700 million, inclusive of cash and retention incentives. The financial…

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Visa Expands Fintech Push With The Acquisition of ...

Visa announced that it would buy Currencycloud for $963 million (£700 million) in a deal. The two were strategic partners prior to this acquisition.

How to get Iceland student visa 2021

A duly filled and signed visa application form. You valid passport (with one photocopy) Letter of enrolment of Icelandic university. 1 passport-size photograph. Proof of medical certificate. Proof of clear criminal record ( Police clearance certificate) Proof of arranged accommodation in Iceland. Proof of paid residence permit fees.

Visa to Acquire Currencycloud

LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO, July 22, 2021--Visa (NYSE: V) today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Currencycloud, a global platform that enables banks and fintechs to provide innovative foreign exchange solutions for cross-border payments. The acquisition builds on an existing strategic partnership between the two companies and values Currencycloud at £700 million, inclusive of cash and retention incentives. The financial consideration will be reduced by the outstanding equity

Visa to Acquire Payments Startup Currencycloud for $700 ...

Visa (NYSE: V) announced on Thursday that it has entered into a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Currencycloud.

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U.S. Bank Cash+ Visa Signature Credit Card Review - Forbes ...

The is unlikely to be the best primary credit card in most wallets. It has a complicated earnings scheme that will take work to maximize and though it does offer in some categories, the category options likely won’t be great for most people. That said, those looking to add a card to their wallet a

Visa to acquire Currencycloud for $700 million

Visa has announced it has signed an agreement to acquire British cross-border payments provider Currencycloud at £700 million. Established in 2012, Currencycloud's offers a broad set of APIs enabling banks and financial services providers to provide currency exchange services, such as real-time notifications on foreign exchange transactions, multi-currency wallets, and virtual account ...

What it's like to apply for a visa to visit India: How ...

In India, visa prices range from $30 to $150 depending on the visa category and duration. For the Indian visa category of IFPV, the fee is about $150, but for shorter stays in other visa categories, the cost of entry is only $25, according to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). According to the MEA, Indian visa fees are paid on the basis of ...

Visa's Currencycloud Acquisition Amplifies Cross-Border ...

Visa signed a definitive agreement to acquire Currencycloud, and both stand to benefit from the acquisition as cross-border payments recover.

Visa agrees to acquire British payments firm Currencycloud

Payment technology firm Visa has agreed to acquire British payments start-up Currencycloud in a deal valuing the UK-based firm at £700m.

New F-1 visa policy to benefit children of H-1B visa ...

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LUZON: Free Online Immigration Orientation - Enhance Visa

Enhance Visa Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Enhance Business Management and Control Corporation, is a visa service provider dedicated to providing reliable and dependable services. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates in Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand Immigration. ...

Essential Skills Visa Online System Temporarily Suspended ...

At a Glance Essential Skills Visa applicants will see several changes to the visa process due to recent amendments and process changes: Applicants must submit their applications by mail or in person until August 30, 2021 due to a temporary online system suspension; Visa renewal applicants no longer need to provide documents they submitted with past applications; and The visa validity period for those earning less than median wage has been increased.

Visa To Acquire Currencycloud Valued At £700 million | The ...

Visa has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Currencycloud, a global platform that enables banks and fintechs to provide foreign exchange services for cross-border payments. The acquisition builds on an existing strategic partnership between the two companies that was struck in 2019 and values Currencycloud at £700 million. The acquisition of Currencycloud is another example of Visa ...

For Visa, APIs — And Acquisitions — Target Cross-Border ...

Visa, which already had a strategic partnership in place with the firm, now takes the Currenclycloud APIs and platform fully into its fold. Currencycloud offers real-time notification on FX and access to multi-currency wallets, as well as virtual accounts. As reported Thursday, Currencycloud has relationships with about 500 banking and ...

Synchrony Financial vs. Visa: Which Consumer Finance Stock ...

(C) Reuters. Synchrony Financial vs. Visa: Which Consumer Finance Stock is a Better Buy? Consumer financial stocks have outperformed this year in part due to stimulus payments and also due to lower spending in certain categories during the pandemic. 2 of the top consumer financial stocks are Synchrony Financial (NYSE:SYF) and Visa (NYSE:V).Which is the better buy?.When the pandemic first hit ...

Visa buys payments fintech Currencycloud for US$962mn

The UK-based fintech Currencycloud has been acquired by Visa following earlier investment funding by the payments giant Visa buys payments fintech Currencycloud for US$962mn

Visa acquires Currencycloud to facilitate global funds ...

Visa acquires Currencycloud to facilitate global funds movement. It should be noted that Visa has already been working closely with Currencycloud and already owns a stake in the company by way of participation in a funding round last year which had valued the company at around $500 million at that time.

【月10万で狂った義実家!物語】ついに通帳とご対面!義母に毎月送金し続けたお金は?<第21話> | Torch

【月10万で狂った義実家!物語】ついに通帳とご対面!義母に毎月送金し続けたお金は?<第21話> Source: ママスタセレクト 【月10万で狂った義実家!物語】ついに通帳とご対面!義母に毎月送金し続けたお金は?<第21話>


現在、国際送金の利便性向上はG20の重要なテーマとなっているが、デジタル技術革新は、国際送金を便利にし得る面と、むしろ複雑にする面の ...

移住労働者の送金コストとは?発生の仕組みや問題を解説 | Kobolog


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【月10万で狂った義実家!物語】ついに通帳とご対面!義母に毎月送金し続けたお金は?<第21話> - Yahoo! JAPAN

大金を手にすると人は良からぬ方向へ暴走することもあるのかもしれません。ママスタコミュニティに投稿されたのは義母に預けた「お金」にまつわる実際のエピソード。明らかになっていく驚きの真実とは……? 【第20話】からの続き。 - Yahoo! JAPAN

国際送金のデジタル化、「便利になる」だけでは済まない理由 ポストコロナのit・未来予想図(第45回)(2/3 ...


Visaが送金や為替のAPIデベロッパーCurrencyCloudを約1060億円で買収 | TechCrunch ...


国際送金のデジタル化、「便利になる」だけでは済まない理由 ポストコロナのit・未来予想図(第45回)|ニフティニュース


【画像】国際送金のデジタル化、「便利になる」だけでは済まない理由 ポストコロナのit・未来予想図(第45回 ...

【画像】 現在、国際送金の利便性向上はG20の重要なテーマとなっているが、デジタル技術革新は、国際送金を便利にし得る面と、むしろ複雑にする面の両面がある。元日銀局長の山岡浩巳氏が解説する。連載「ポストコロナの…

ETH大規模な振替、5975億ドル規模...ビトサム→匿名 | Wisebitcoin

暗号通貨トランザクション追跡サイト「Whale Alert」によると、韓国時間23日午後2時55分ごろ、28,800 ETH(約5975億ドル)がビトサムアドレスから匿名の住所に送金された。

欧州委員会、仮想通貨送金で追加情報収集を義務付ける新提案を提出 執筆: Cointelegraph

欧州委員会は20日、仮想通貨サービスの提供者に対し、仮想通貨を利用した送金で追加情報を収集することを義務付ける新提案を 提出した 。 この提案は、欧州連合内でのマネーロンダリングを防ぐことを目的としている。

Visaが送金や為替のAPIデベロッパーCurrencyCloudを約1060億円で買収 - News Magazines

Visaが送金や為替のAPIデベロッパーCurrencyCloudを約1060億円で買収 - News Magazines

Visaが送金や為替のAPIデベロッパーCurrencyCloudを約1060億円で買収 | 資金調達ニュース.com

Visaが送金や為替のAPIデベロッパーCurrencyCloudを約1060億円で買収. 情報筋によると、直近の 資金調達 でCurrencyCloudは約5億ドル(約550億円)と評価されていた。. (VisaはすでにCurrencyCloudに出資しているため、 ….

国際送金のデジタル化、「便利になる」だけでは済まない理由(JBpress) 現在、国際送金の利便性向上はG20の重要 ...

国際送金のデジタル化、「便利になる」だけでは済まない理由(JBpress)  現在、国際送金の利便性向上はG20の重要なテーマとなっているが、デジタル技術革新は、国際送金を便利にし得る面と、むしろ複…

インターカジノの出金方法!出金時間(日数)、出金条件、限度額、手数料 | オンカジデビュー

インターカジノの銀行送金:1回の手続きで換金が完了する便利な出金方法. 出金時間. 1~2営業日. 出金限度額. 10ドル以上5万ドル以下. 出金手数料. 1.5%. 銀行送金を使うとインターカジノのアカウントからダイレクトに銀行口座に出金することができます。.

英銀行大手NatWest「BINANCEへの法定通貨送金」を停止 | 仮想通貨ニュースメディア ビットタイムズ

財務省は仮想通貨の海外送金に新たなルールを明示する 2018年04月05日 20時55分 Chiliz Exchange:公式ファントークン「APL・CAI・TH」の取引開始

Visaが送金や為替のAPIデベロッパーCurrencyCloudを約1060億円で買収 | ニュースまとめ


国際送金のデジタル化、「便利になる」だけでは済まない理由(JBpress) - goo ニュース


ラズベリーパイ&umbrelでビットコインフルノード建てる [5] | カッペペ? | Spotlight

あと、インバウンドキャパシティが必要とのことだったので、bluewalletに20,000サトシ送金しました。 最後にエイリアスを設定して完了! alias設定についてはこちらを参考にしました。

ecoPayzにVISAカードを登録するとゲームとギャンブル関連取引に使えなくなる | ベラジョンカジノの遊び方


英銀行大手NatWest「BINANCEへの法定通貨送金」を停止 | FXmonster 自己資金0からの投資 ...

イギリス・ロンドンに本拠を構える商業銀行「NatWest(ナショナル・ウエストミンスター銀行)」が、暗号資産取引所「BINANCE(バイナンス)」への支払いをブロックしたことが複数の報告で明らかになりました。 こちらから […]

ステラ開発財団と投資ファンドAdvent International、送金大手MoneyGramの買収検討か ...

ステラ開発財団と投資ファンドAdvent International、送金大手MoneyGramの買収検討か RT @coin_post : ステラ開発財団と投資ファンドAdvent International、送金大手MoneyGramの買収検討か=報道

ステラ開発財団と投資ファンドAdvent International、送金大手MoneyGramの買収検討か | 副業まとめ

ステラ開発財団と投資ファンドAdvent International、送金大手MoneyGramの買収検討か 投稿日: 2021年7月23日 RT @coin_post : ステラ開発財団と投資ファンドAdvent International、送金大手MoneyGramの買収検討か=報道

【仮想通貨News】XLM爆上げ理由|MML ? 年収400万FIRE|note

今のXLM爆上げは 国際送金業者MoneyGramの 買収の噂によるものですね MoneyGramは 過去Rippleが買収する噂ありましたが SECによる捜査で頓挫しています Stellar Lumensが割って入った格好ですね 国際送金の手数料の高さを下げる 元々仮想通貨に期待されていた 基本的、且つ強力な利用に関する話です このNewsが本当だとしても 現在の仮想通貨全般の下降トレンドを XLMが脱却するほどのImpactにはならない と、個人的には感じています Stellar's XLM Up 14% on MoneyGram Takeover

ステラ開発財団と投資ファンドAdvent International、送金大手MoneyGramの買収検討か ...

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元exoクリス、未成年者と性関係後600万ウォン送金…中国で捜査内容を中間発表 | 韓流ニュース | 韓流大好き!


国際送金のデジタル化、「便利になる」だけでは済まない理由 | 早期リタイアを目指す情報サイト

現在、国際送金の利便性向上はG20の重要なテーマとなっているが、デジタル技術革新は、国際送金を便利にし得る面と、むしろ複雑にする面の両面がある。元日銀局長の山岡浩巳氏が解説する。連載「ポストコロナのIT・未来予想図」の第45回。 現在、G2

即実践できる、相場に左右されない積立投資|ドルコスト平均法とは | 仮想通貨アンテナ


Visa to Acquire Currencycloud

LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO, July 22, 2021--Visa (NYSE: V) today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Currencycloud, a global platform that enables banks and fintechs to provide innovative foreign exchange solutions for cross-border payments. The acquisition builds on an existing strategic partnership between the two companies and values Currencycloud at £700 million, inclusive of cash and retention incentives. The financial consideration will be reduced by the outstanding equity

Visa to acquire cross-border payments fintech Currencycloud

Visa officially announced Thursday that it signed a definitive agreement to acquire Currencycloud, a fintech platform supporting about 500 banking and technology clients across more than 180 countries. The new acquisition aims to improve Visa's foreign exchange business and expand them to serve financial institutions, fintechs and partners. The deal will specifically improve Visa's payment …

Visa to acquire Currencycloud for $700 million

Visa has announced it has signed an agreement to acquire British cross-border payments provider Currencycloud at £700 million. Established in 2012, Currencycloud's offers a broad set of APIs enabling banks and financial services providers to provide currency exchange services, such as real-time notifications on foreign exchange transactions, multi-currency wallets, and virtual account ...

Visa to acquire Currencycloud |

Visa has announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Currencycloud, a global platform that enables banks and fintechs to provide foreign exchange solutions for cross-border payments. The acquisition builds on an existing strategic partnership between the two companies and values Currencycloud at £700 million, inclusive of cash and retention incentives. The financial…

Visa to Acquire Payments Startup Currencycloud for $700 ...

Visa (NYSE: V) announced on Thursday that it has entered into a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Currencycloud.

Visa buys payments fintech Currencycloud for US$962mn

The UK-based fintech Currencycloud has been acquired by Visa following earlier investment funding by the payments giant Visa buys payments fintech Currencycloud for US$962mn

Visa to acquire cross-border payments fintech Currencycloud

Visa officially announced on Thursday that it had signed a definitive agreement to acquire Currencycloud, a fintech platform supporting about 500 banking and technology clients across more than 180 countries.. The new acquisition aims to improve Visa's foreign exchange business and expand them to serve financial institutions, fintechs and partners.

Visa to Acquire Currencycloud - The Truth One

The Truth One: True and trustworthy stories on sustainable democracy and sustainable development ...stories that level up your health, wealth and wisdom.

Visa acquires Currencycloud in a $963 mn deal ...

Visa announced recently that they have acquired Currencycloud, the London-based API developers over a deal valued at $963 million to build on an existing strategic partnership.

Visa continues diversifying revenues, to acquire Currencycloud

Currencycloud will maintain its management team and continue to operate from its London headquarters. The transaction is subject to regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.

Visa agrees to acquire British payments firm Currencycloud

Payment technology firm Visa has agreed to acquire British payments start-up Currencycloud in a deal valuing the UK-based firm at £700m.

Currencycloud: Visa acquires fintech firm

Payment giant Visa continues to expand its presence in the crypto space as it announced the acquisition of United Kingdom-based fintech firm Currencycloud.

Visa buys a fintech company called Currencycloud to ...

Visa, the world's largest payment company, has announced the purchase of Currencycloud, a bitcoin fintech startup located in the United Kingdom. Visa announced the acquisition of the fintech startup, stating that it aims to improve its cross-border payments, foreign exchange operations, and platform to deliver premium services to partners. Visa will also reach out to […]

Visa to Acquire Currencycloud | Digital Conqueror

The Currencycloud platform supports nearly 500 banking and technology clients with reach in over 180 countries. Currencycloud will strengthen Visa's existing foreign exchange capabilities by extending them to better serve financial institutions, fintechs and partners while enabling new use cases and payment flows.

Visa to acquire UK-based B2B cross-border payments company ...

Visa to acquire Currencycloud, a company that specialises in a cloud-based platform for B2B cross-border payments.

Visa to Acquire Ripple Customer Currencycloud - Bit-News

Currencycloud provides state-of-the-art solutions to help banks and fintech firms to conduct cross-border payments seamlessly. It has more than 500 clients in the sphere of banking and fintech and operates in more than 180 countries. The two companies have already been working in a partnership, and Visa values Currencycloud at a whopping £700 ...

Visa Bets Big on Fintech With Acquisition of Currencycloud ...

"The combination of Currencycloud's fintech expertise and Visa's network will enable us to deliver greater customer value to the businesses moving money across borders." Following the deal's close, Currencycloud will continue to operate out of its London headquarters and retain its current management team.

Visa To Acquire Currencycloud Valued At £700 million | The ...

Visa has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Currencycloud, a global platform that enables banks and fintechs to provide foreign exchange services for cross-border payments. The acquisition builds on an existing strategic partnership between the two companies that was struck in 2019 and values Currencycloud at £700 million. The acquisition of Currencycloud is another example of Visa ...

Visa to Acquire Currencycloud

Commodity futures news: Visa to Acquire Currencycloud, updated 2021-07-22 05:00:00. Watch for more news articles, provided throughout the day courtesy of TradingCharts

Visa acquires Currencycloud to facilitate global funds ...

Visa acquires Currencycloud to facilitate global funds movement. It should be noted that Visa has already been working closely with Currencycloud and already owns a stake in the company by way of participation in a funding round last year which had valued the company at around $500 million at that time.

Visa to acquire online money transfer provider Currencycloud

Online money transfer provider Currencycloud will be acquired by one of the world’s leading financial services companies. The firm will be bought by Visa as part of a package that sees Currencycloud valued at £700m. Read more about the international payments market with our money transfer news.

Visa to acquire UK payments startup Currencycloud in £700m ...

US-based payment technology firm Visa has agreed to acquire Currencycloud in a deal that values the UK payments start-up at £700m.

Visa is snapping up Currencycloud | FinTech Alliance

Payments giant Visa has agreed to buy global foreign exchange ...

Visa Expands Fintech Push With The Acquisition of ...

Visa announced that it would buy Currencycloud for $963 million (£700 million) in a deal. The two were strategic partners prior to this acquisition.

VISA acquires RippleNet Partner CurrencyCloud for $950 ...

Currencycloud is also a RippleNet partner which means it uses Ripple-made remittance tools to facilitate cross-border transactions. "The acquisition of Currencycloud is another example of Visa executing on they network of networks strategy to facilitate global money movement," said Collen Ostrowski, Visa's Global Treasurer.

Visa buys Currencycloud in cross-border payments push ...

CEO of Currencycloud, Mike Laven explained in a press release how the acquisition will allow it and visa to deliver greater customer value when it comes to cross-border payments, saying: "At Currencycloud, we've always strived to deliver a better tomorrow for all, from the smallest start-up to the global multi-nationals.

Visa inks pact for payments specialist Currencycloud ...

Visa has agreed to acquire Currencycloud, which offers a platform to help banks and fintech companies provide currency exchanges for cross-border payments. The London-based company supports nearly...

Visa to acquire Currencycloud - Realnews Magazine

VISA, ...

Visa acquires Currencycloud, which makes APIs for ...

A year and a half after Currencycloud raised $80 million in a round that included Visa, the London-based developer of APIs that powered remittance and currency exchange services is getting even closer to the financial services giant. Today, Visa...

個人での事業買収を激増させた「M&Aプラットフォーム」とは? 今まで知らなかった「ネットm&A」の世界 | Limo ...

近年、『サラリーマンがオーナー社長になるための企業買収完全ガイド』といった書籍が刊行されるなど、個人によるM&Aが注目を集めています。これまでM&Aといえば、企業と企業の間で行われるのが一般的であったことから、M&Aの世界に大きな変化の波が訪れていると言えるでしょう。私は1990年代にM&Aの世界に足を踏み入れ、M&Aアドバイザーとして、多くの企業同士のM&A案件に携わってきましたが、ここ数年のM&A市場は、まさに革命が起きていると感じています。現在、日本国内におけるM&A件数は年間4000件と言われていますが、そうした統計には表れない「スモールM&A」の新しいマーケットが誕生し、しかもその買い手の約半数ほどは「個人」だからです。これは、これまでのM&Aの世界では考えられなかったことです。この記事では、拙著『マンガ あなたの夢を叶える! ネットでスモールM&A』で述べていることをもとに、なぜ個人によるM&A市場がこれほど伸びているのか、そして大きな変化をもたらした要因の一つである、M&Aプラットフォームの存在について解説していきます。

個人での事業買収を激増させた「M&Aプラットフォーム」とは? (2021年7月23日) - エキサイトニュース



− 今まで知らなかった「ネットM&A」の世界 − 近年、『サラリーマンがオーナー社長になるための企業買収完全ガイド』といった書籍が刊行されるなど、個人によるM&Aが注目を集めています。…

個人での事業買収を激増させた「M&Aプラットフォーム」とは? (2021年7月23日) - エキサイトニュース(2/6)


ビル・ゲイツとジョージ・ソロスが支援する組織がcovid-19試験会社を買収 - News Q Paper

ビル・ゲイツ氏とジョージ・ソロス氏が支援する団体がCOVID-19検査会社を買収 ジョージ・ソロス氏とビル・ゲ…

グーグル、日本の決済ベンチャー買収の狙い | 「金融の先」に描くのは | ニュース最前線 | 週刊東洋経済プラス

米グーグルは7月13日、スマートフォン決済アプリを手がけるベンチャー・pring(プリン)を買収すると明らかにした。. 7月下旬以降に既存株主から全株式を取得。. これによりグーグルは、日本で決済・送金事業に本格参入する。. 同日にはプリンの株主で ...

FINVASIAグループがアクトトレーダーの買収を発表(FINVASIA Group プレスリリース)

FINVASIAグループがアクトトレーダーの買収を発表(ニューヨーク)-(ビジネスワイヤ) -- FINVASIAグループは本日、20年以上にわたり金融技術製品の構築に携わってきた先駆的企業のアクトトレーダー・テクノロジーズ(旧アクトフォレックス)を買収したと発表しました。


今回の買収は、両社の既存の戦略的提携に基づくもので、カレンシークラウドの評価額は現金とリテンション・インセンティブを含めて7億ポンド ...

Uber Freightが事業を増強、物流管理ネットワークTransplaceを約2475億円で買収 ...

規制当局への提出書類によると、2018年にUberからスピンアウトした物流事業のUber Freightは、プライベート・エクイティ・グループのTPG CapitalからTransplaceを約22億5000万ドル(約2475億円)で買収した。

ビザがカレンシークラウドを買収へ | Technology For You


豪カジノ運営スター、クラウン買収案撤回 当局調査の影響懸念

豪カジノ運営スター、クラウン買収案撤回 当局調査の影響懸念 2021/07/23 14:43. 菅首相の妻、真理子氏がジル氏と香袋作り 日本文化で親睦深め ...

ビザがカレンシークラウドを買収へ - ジョルダンソクラニュース


豪カジノ運営スター、クラウン買収案撤回 当局調査の影響懸念(ロイター) - goo ニュース


カナダのマグナ、自動運転車技術のヴィオニア買収へ-4190億円と評価 - Bloomberg



ロンドン & サンフランシスコ--(business wire)--(ビジネスワイヤ) -- ビザ(nyse:v)は本日、銀行やフィンテック企業が越境決済用の革新的な外国為替ソリューションを提供できるようにする世界的プラットフォームのカレンシークラウドを買収する正式契約を締結したと発表しました。

米ウーバー、トラック輸送管理ソフトを買収 2400億円|ナウティスニュース

あなたはどう思う?みんなのコメントからニュースをより深く読み解こう:米ウーバー、トラック輸送管理ソフトを買収 2400億円

Epic Gamesが3Dモデル共有プラットフォームのSketchfabを買収 - TechCrunch Japan ...

Epic Gamesが3Dモデル共有プラットフォームのSketchfabを買収 - TechCrunch Japan. GM is rolling out three major upgrades including automatic lanes changes and towing support to its hands-free driver assistance system Super Cruise and making it available in six vehicles, including t. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey confirmed to investors ...

ボノビア、ドイチェ・ボーネン買収に暗雲 - Nna Europe・ドイツ・建設・不動産


豪カジノ運営スター、クラウン買収案撤回 当局調査の影響懸念 執筆: Reuters

クラウンに対しては、米プライベートエクイティ(PE)のブラックストーン・グループが買収を提案していたが、クラウンは5月に拒否した。 米投資会社オークツリー・キャピタルは、クラウンのジェームズ・パッカー氏の保有する37%分の株式を30億豪ドル ...

米ウーバー、トラック輸送管理ソフトを買収 2400億円: 日本経済新聞



AT PARTNERS株式会社の公式ホームページ。実績のある著名ベンチャーキャピタルのみを選別してファンドオブファンズ投資するスキームにより、従来のCVCに比べ、より少額で質も高く数多くのスタートアップ企業へのアクセスと情報収集が可能になります。1号ファンドは、人工知能、自動運転、センサー/IoT、デジタルヘルス、サイバーセキュリティ等、今後の世界経済を牽引する技術が多く存在するイスラエル市場にフォーカス。またスタートアップの情報を網羅したデータプラットフォームにより、会社概要から競合比較や市場分析まで、事業会社の戦略に沿ったパートナー企業の選定を支援致します。

台泥が仏エネルギー企業買収、蓄エネに参入 - Nna Asia・台湾・電力・ガス・水道


【五輪】韓国紙「韓国サッカー、過去最高のくじ運 メダル獲得で自尊心回復だ」 [動物園φ★]

> 審判の買収もな。昨日の日本の試合は怪しかった。 いつもの下朝鮮人の反応 自分が勝てないと、自分たちがやっている悪事を日本がやったという いつもの下朝鮮人 下朝鮮人は審判買収してオフサイド判定したが VARでばれた もう、審判買収はできない

三和梱包運輸、M&Aで独立支援 犬山エクスを買収 - 物流ニッポン


エネ貯蔵エンジーeps、台湾社が買収 - Nna Europe・フランス・電力・ガス・水道


豪カジノ運営スター、クラウン買収案取り下げ 当局調査の影響懸念 - ロイター


米haah、双竜自買収へ新会社設立 - Nna Asia・韓国・自動車・二輪車

米自動車ディーラーのHAAHオートモーティブ・ホールディングスが、企業再生手続き(会社更生法に相当)を進める双竜自動車の買収に向けて、新会社を設立したことが分かった。聯合ニュースが伝えた。 HAAHオ…

セールスフォースが3日続伸 スラック買収完了に前向きの評価=ダウ採用銘柄 - 2021年07月23日00:20|為替 ...


元ヤンキースのa・ロッド氏がnbaティンバーウルブズを買収(スポニチアネックス) 米プロバスケットボールリーグの ...

元ヤンキースのA・ロッド氏がNBAティンバーウルブズを買収(スポニチアネックス) 米プロバスケットボールリーグのNBAは、元ヤンキースのアレックス・ロドリゲス氏(45)と実業家グループによるミネソタ・ティン…


2021-07-24 20:40

これ仮想通貨業界には後々影響莫大になりそう、それくらいVisaは巨人 / Visaが送金や為替のAPIデベロッパーCurrencyCloudを約1060億円で買収 | TechCrunch Japan

2021-07-24 01:31

前回ラウンドではSBIや世銀などから約88億円調達。為替や送金分野は効率化、手数料低下による人々への貢献は非常に大きい。 Visaが送金や為替のAPIデベロッパーCurrencyCloudを約1060億円で買収 | TechC…


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