

関連ワード (SNS、Twitter、Twitter Spaces、音声ソーシャルネットワーク等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Twitter(ツイッター)は、新たに改定されたAPIに変更を加え、サードパーティーデベロッパーがオーディオチャットルームサービスのTwitterスペース専用のツールやソリューションを開発できるようにする。米国時間8月18日、同社はTwitter API v2にTwitterスペースをサポートする新しいエンドポイントを追加する。初期の目的はライブまたはスケジュールされたスペースを発見できるようにすることだ。後のAP改定によって、スペースのホスト向けツールをさらに開発できるようになるかもしれない。



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Twitterによると、デベロッパーは新たにSpaces lookupとSpaces searchという2つのエンドポイントを使えるようになり、ライブあるいはスケジュールされたスペースをSpaces ID、user IDあるいはキーワードなどの条件を用いて検索できる。Spaces lookupは、スペースに関連付けられた公開のメタデータと属性データを探すこともできる。参加者数、スピーカー数、ホストのプロフィール情報、使用されている言語、開始時刻、予定開始時刻、作成時刻、ステータス、およびスペースにチケットがあるかどうかなどだ、とTwitterがTechCrunchに話した。




何人かのデベロッパーが、TwitterのスペースチームのDaniele Bernardi(ダニエル・バーナーディ)氏が毎週ホストしているスペースに参加しており、すでに今後のアップデートのヒントを得ていた。現在v2 APIを利用できるデベロッパーは、今日から新しいエンドポイントを使った開発を始められるが、今すぐ新しい体験を公開できるデベロッパーはいない。




Twitter is rolling out changes to its newly rebuilt API that will allow third-party developers to build tools and other solutions specifically for its audio chatroom product, Twitter Spaces. The company today announced it’s shipping new endpoints to support Spaces on the Twitter API v2, with the initial focus on enabling discovery of live or scheduled Spaces. This may later be followed by an API update that will make it possible for developers to build out more tools for Spaces’ hosts.

The company first introduced its fully rebuilt API last year, with the goal of modernizing its developer platform while also making it easier to add support for Twitter’s newer features at a faster pace. The new support for Twitter Spaces in the API is one example of that plan now being put into action.

With the current API update, Twitter hopes developers will build new products that enable users — both on and off Twitter — to find Twitter Spaces more easily, the company says. This could potentially broaden the reach of Spaces and introduce its audio chats to more people, which could give Twitter a leg up in the increasingly competitive landscape for audio-based social networking. Today, Twitter Spaces isn’t only taking on Clubhouse, but also the audio chat experiences being offered by Facebook, Discord, Reddit, Public.com, Spotify and smaller social apps.

According to Twitter, developers will gain access to two new endpoints, Spaces lookup and Spaces search, which allow them to lookup live and scheduled Spaces using specific criteria — like the Spaces ID, user ID or keywords. The Spaces lookup endpoint also offers a way to begin to understand the public metadata and metrics associated with a Space, like the participant count, speaker count, host profile information, detected language being used, start time, scheduled start time, creation time, status and whether the Space is ticketed or not, Twitter tells us.

To chose which Spaces functionality to build into its API first, Twitter says it spoke to developers who told the company they wanted functionality that could help people discover Spaces they may find interesting and set reminders for attending. Developers said they also want to build tools that would allow Spaces hosts to better understand how well their audio chats are performing. But most of these options aren’t yet available with today’s API update. Twitter only said it’s “exploring” other functionality — like tools that would allow developers to integrate reminders into their products, as well as those that would be able to surface certain metrics fields available in the API or allow developers to build analytics dashboards.

These ideas for other endpoints haven’t yet gained a spot on Twitter’s Developer Platform Roadmap, either.

Twitter also told us it’s not working on any API endpoints that would allow developers to build standalone client apps for Twitter Spaces, as that’s not something in which its developer community expressed interest.

Several developers have been participating in a weekly Spaces hosted by Daniele Bernardi from Twitter’s Spaces team, and were already clued in to coming updates. Developers with access to the v2 API will be able to begin building with the new endpoints starting today, but none have new experiences ready to launch at this time. Twitter notes Bernardi will also host another Spaces event today at 12 PM PT to talk in more detail about the API update and what’s still to come.

(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

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