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衛星画像技術の最先端を行くカナダのWyvernが、450万ドル(約5億2000万円)を調達した。そのうち225万ドル(約2億6000万円)はシードラウンドで、残る225万ドルはプレシードと政府投資の合計となる。同社はハイパースペクトルイメージング(可視光線を含むさまざまな波長において波長の違いを識別する能力で対象物の反射光を撮影し、可視化する技術)に特化して取り組んでいる。同社はまた、Y Combinatorの2022冬季に参加している。

TechCrunchは過去にも、インキュベーターCreative Destruction Lab(CDL)の2019年に行われた学会のようなデモデーに参加したときなど、同社を取り上げてきた。その後、同社は資金調達以外の面でも急速な成長を遂げ、社員は18名となり、航空宇宙業界のベテランで元Airbus(エアバス)のCTOだったChristine Tovee(クリスティン・トビー)氏を招いている。さらにWyvernは、2022年に同社初となる衛星の打ち上げを行う。

共同創業者でCEOのChristopher Robson(クリストファー・ロブソン)氏は次のように語る。「打ち上げは、私たちが楽しみにしている次の大きな事業です。これは私たちの最初の画像製品になります。これは超高解像度のハイパースペクトルを得るための最初のステップとなります。超高解像度のものはまだ数年先ですが、登場すれば、かなりすばらしいものになり、ゲームを変えるものになるでしょう」。


シードラウンドをリードしたMaC Venture Capitalは、ハイパースペクトルの広大なポテンシャルを認識しており、ロブソン氏によると、同VCとこの度新たにWyvernの取締役会に加わったAdrian Fenty(エイドリアン・フェンティ)氏は、若い同社に完璧にマッチしているという。




Tovee氏はまた、ジェンダーのダイバーシティがおそろしく遅れている業界で、同社の2人目の女性上級管理職として迎えられる。2021年のTechCrunch主催セッションTC Sessions:Spaceに出てくれた、Wyvernの共同創業者でCOOのCallie Lissinna氏は、ダイバーシティは最初から同社のプライオリティであり、そのことは投資家や入社志望者たちとの会話でも良い効果を生んでいるという。

「投資家たちはほとんどみんな、宇宙産業で創業時から50 / 50のダイバーシティ、役員チームでは66%の女性上位を実現していることに言及しとてもユニークだといいます。そしてこのことは雇用や募集にも影響を与えています。学生たちは、私たちの創業チームや社内のダイバーシティがとても気に入った、といってくれます。だからこれは、人材獲得と投資調達の両方の面で、私たちの魅力になっているようです」とトビー氏はいう。



A Canadian startup working at the cutting edge of satellite imaging has raised $4.5 million across a combination of a $2.25 million seed round, and $2.25 million from a combined pre-seed and government funding. Wyvern, which is working specifically on hyperspectral imaging (imaging that captures light across many different wavelengths, including non-visible ones) is also joining Y Combinator’s Winter 2022 cohort.

I’ve covered Wyvern in the past, including when the startup participated in incubator Creative Destruction Lab (CDL)’s academic conference-like demo day back in 2019. Since then, the startup has made some significant moves beyond just the funding, including growing to a total of 18 employees and bringing on aerospace industry veteran and former Airbus CTO Christine Tovee. Wyvern is also set to launch its first satellites to orbit this year.

“Launch is the next big thing we’re looking forward to,” said Christopher Robson, co-founder and CEO of Wyvern. “This is going to be our first set of imagery products. This is the first step that’s going to take us to getting some super high-resolution hyperspectral. We won’t see the super high resolution stuff for another couple of years yet, but when it gets here, it’s going to be pretty great and game changing.”

Making hyperspectral imaging captured from space accessible to commercial customers could unlock major efficiencies in existing industries, including Wyvern’s first target, agriculture, but it’s also likely to open up opportunities for entirely new businesses and industries to emerge. Hyperspectral imaging can provide detail about previously hidden information, including the chemical makeup of the scene it captures.

Seed round lead investor MaC Venture Capital recognized the immense potential for hyperspectral, and Robson told me that it was clear from the start the firm and new Wyvern Board member Adrian Fenty were a perfect match for the young company.

“First, we hit it off right from the first meeting,” he said. “Both of our teams really meshed well together. But the other thing that really appealed to us about MaC is that they’ve had previous space investments, and they were very bullish about the space market. They were very strategic in the sense that there were a lot of different either customers or investors or partners that they could connect us to through those investments in the space, as well as in some of our customer markets.”

Founded by a team of young entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists, Wyvern also added to its strategic advantage with the recent hire of Tovee. Robson told me about how that key leadership team member came onboard.

“Christine had been on our technical board of advisors for quite some time,” he said. “We also built a strong relationship with her through CDL. And I think we just really enjoyed working with one another: There was a lot of mutual respect between Christine and the team. We realized that we need some kind of veteran aerospace industry expertise on our exec team to understand how we can play in that part of the of the space industry, too. So definitely a fantastic addition in terms of tech strategy.”

Tovee also joins the company as yet another female senior leader in an industry where gender diversity is woefully underrepresented. Wyvern co-founder and COO Callie Lissinna (who also joined our recent TC Sessions: Space event) told me that that has been, and remains a priority for the startup, and it has served them well in conversations with investors and potential team members.

“In a lot of our conversations with investors, they would mentioned how unique our team is in the space industry for having a 50/50 gender diverse founding team and around a 66% female exec team as a space startup,” she said. “And that really flows through to our hiring and recruitment: We’ve had students say they really like the diversity on our founding team or in our company. So that seems to be an attractive factor for both talent recruitment and investors.”

(文:Darrell Etherington、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)



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