

関連ワード (人々、歳近、物見高等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Elizabeth Holmes(エリザベス・ホームズ)の詐欺事件の裁判は街中の評判になってきた(Silicon Valleyでも、もちろんTwitterでも)。4カ月にわたる裁判が一般の関心を大いに集めたため、取材するジャーナリストは法廷の席を確保して仕事をするために午前3時に起きる必要があった。物見高い見物人やJohn Carreyrou(ジョン・キャレルー)氏の暴露記事「Bad Blood」のファンが技術の歴史を自分の目で見ようと殺到したのだ。


そうした物見高い見物人の1人が、サンフランシスコに拠点を置くアーティストのDanielle Baskin(ダニエル・バスキン)氏だった。氏はよく、手の込んだ戯れ(Blue Check Homesなど)でテック文化をやゆする。時には、それが実際の会社になることもある(Branded Fruitなど)。氏はSan Jose(サンノゼ)の裁判所にスーツケースを2つ持ってやって来て、ホームズにちなんだ海賊版商品を売った。ブロンドのウィッグや、赤い口紅、黒のタートルネック、血液栄養ドリンクだ。



連邦検事のRobert Leach(ロバート・リーチ)氏は訴訟の冒頭陳述で、どう見ても危険なまでに欠陥のある技術を基にホームズがどうやって評価額100億ドル(約1兆1400億円)の会社を作り上げたかを説明した。連邦検事によれば、ホームズの手口の1つは、セラノスに関する「虚偽の、誤解を招くような」メディア報道を使って資金を投資家から守ることだった。ホームズはFortune(フォーチュン)、Forbes(フォーブス)、Inc. Magazine(インク・マガジン)の表紙に載り、2015年にTIME(タイム)の世界で最も影響力のある100人の1人に選ばれ「技術の先見性がある人」と称賛された。大きな影響力のある非常に多くの人や組織がホームズは第2のSteve Jobs(スティーブ・ジョブズ)だと言っていたのだから、人々がホームズのビジョンを信じたのもっともだった。

「(元国務長官の)George Shultz(ジョージ・シュルツ)氏からエリザベスを紹介されたとき、彼女のプランは学部生の夢のように聞こえました。私は彼女に、見込みは大成功か大失敗、2つに1つだと言いました。その中間は見込めませんでした」。Henry Kissinger(ヘンリー・キッシンジャー)氏はTIME 100(タイム100)の推薦文で、ホームズについてそう書いた。「エリザベスが受け入れた選択肢はただ1つ、状況を変える、ということだけでした」。


ホームズは誇大広告に取り囲まれていて、ジョージ・シュルツ氏のような投資家はホームズをまるで孫のように扱った。だからジョージ・シュルツ氏は、セラノスで働いていた孫のTyler Shultz(タイラー・シュルツ)氏から、ホームズはセラノスの技術の有効性についてうそをついている疑いがあると言われたとき、自分の孫のいうことを信じなかった。

「エリザベスは非常にカリスマ性のある人です」と、タイラー・シュルツ氏は今週CBS News(CBSニュース)に語った。「彼女は話すとき、相手にその瞬間自分は彼女の世界で一番重要な存在なんだと感じさせます。彼女の周りでは現実がゆがんでいるかのようで、吸い込まれそうになります」。

タイラー・シュルツ氏はセラノスの最初の内部告発者になったが、個人的、金銭的に大きな犠牲を払うことになった。自分の音声回想録「Thicker than Water(水よりも濃い)」の中で、David Boies(デビッド・ボイズ)氏のような著名な弁護士から脅され、私立探偵に尾行されたと述べている。しかしシュルツ氏は、回想録の中で短いが当を得た逸話を語った。いつもホームズを招待し、彼女の30歳の誕生パーティーも主催した祖父と一緒に食べた家族の夕食についての逸話だ。


シュルツ氏は続けて、誕生パーティーの出席者について述べている。シュルツ氏とホームズの兄弟だけが30歳未満で、次に若いのはセラノスのCOOであるSunny Balwani(サニー・バルワニ)氏で、50歳近かった。バルワニ氏がホームズに会ったときホームズは18歳、バルワニ氏は37歳だった。2人は10年以上ひそかにデートし、セラノスのほとんどの従業員や投資家には知られなかった。2005年にホームズはバルワニ氏の所に引っ越し、間もなくStanford(スタンフォード)を中退した。














画像クレジット:Michael Kovac / Contributor / Getty Images


Elizabeth Holmes’ fraud trial has been the talk of the town (both in Silicon Valley and, you know, on Twitter). The four-month trial was so popular that the journalists who covered it had to wake up at 3 A.M. to make sure they could get a seat in the courtroom and do their jobs. Too many curious onlookers and fans of John Carreyrou’s tell-all “Bad Blood” wanted to witness tech history for themselves.

One of those curious onlookers was Danielle Baskin, a San Francisco-based artist who often pokes fun at tech culture through elaborate pranks (like Blue Check Homes) that sometimes turn into actual companies (like Branded Fruit). She arrived at the courthouse in San Jose with a suitcase in tow, selling bootleg Holmes merch: blonde wigs, red lipstick, black turtlenecks and blood energy drinks.

It was a joke, mocking the absurdity of the fact that someone on trial for fraud has “stans” who call themselves “Holmies.” But as Baskin watched Holmes’ third day of testimony, she shared a key insight about how Theranos got so out of control.

“Coming out of the Holmes trial, I think one of my biggest pieces of advice to startup founders is to have friends,” Baskin tweeted after court adjourned. “You need people in your life you enjoy hanging out with that say things like ‘lol what are you talking about’ or ‘that’s a bad idea’ when you say weird shit.”

Smoke and mirrors

In his opening statement of the case, federal prosecutor Robert Leach described how Holmes constructed a company with a $10 billion valuation based on technology that was dangerously faulty, at best. He said that one of Holmes’ techniques was to rely on “false and misleading” media coverage of Theranos to secure funding from investors. Holmes was on the cover of Fortune, Forbes and Inc. Magazine, and she was celebrated as one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential People in 2015, lauded as a “tech visionary.” It made sense that people believed her vision when so many powerful people and institutions said she was the next Steve Jobs.

“When I was introduced to Elizabeth by [former Secretary of State] George Shultz, her plan sounded like an undergraduate’s dream. I told her she had only two prospects: total failure or vast success. There would be no middle ground,” Henry Kissinger wrote in the TIME 100 blurb about Holmes. “Elizabeth accepted only one option: making a difference.”

Kissinger went on to call Holmes a “formidable advocate” who was “on the verge of achieving her vision.” But already, a level of uncertainty bubbled around Theranos. “Others will judge the technical aspects of Theranos, but the social implications are vast,” Kissinger wrote in the final line of the blurb.

Holmes was surrounded by hype — investors like George Shultz treated her like another grandchild. So when his grandson Tyler Shultz, who worked at Theranos, told him that he suspected Holmes was lying about the efficacy of Theranos’ technology, the senior Shultz didn’t believe him.

“Elizabeth is a very, very charismatic person,” Tyler Shultz said to CBS News this week. “When she speaks to you, she makes you feel like you are the most important person in her world in that moment. She almost has this reality distortion field around her that people can just get sucked into.”

Isolation and abuse

Tyler Shultz became the first whistleblower for Theranos, but at great personal and financial cost — in his audio-memoir “Thicker than Water,” he discussed being threatened by high-profile lawyers like David Boies and being followed by private investigators. But Shultz told a brief, yet poignant anecdote in his memoir about attending family dinners with his grandfather, who always invited Holmes and even hosted her thirtieth birthday party.

“There was a weird situation where my parents kept telling [Holmes] to invite her parents, and they just kind of assumed that she did, and then my grandparents were talking to Elizabeth’s parents on the phone, and Elizabeth’s parents were completely unaware she was having a thirtieth birthday party, so it didn’t seem she was very close with her parents at all,” Shultz recalled. Throughout the trial, Holmes was usually seen clutching her mom’s hand — but per Shultz’s memory, they weren’t all that close at the time of her crimes.

Shultz goes on to describe the attendees of her birthday party: He says that he and Holmes’ brother were the only people under 30, and the next youngest person was Theranos COO Sunny Balwani, who was almost 50 — he met Holmes when she was 18 and he was 37. They dated in secret for more than 10 years, unbeknownst to most Theranos employees and investors. Holmes moved in with Balwani in 2005, soon after she dropped out of Stanford.

“He impacted everything about who I was and I don’t fully understand that,” Holmes testified.

Holmes tearfully explained in court that Balwani sexually and emotionally abused her throughout their relationship. She said that he controlled what she ate, when she slept and how she behaved.

“He told me that I didn’t know what I was doing in business, that my convictions were wrong, that he was astonished by my mediocrity, and that if I followed my instincts I was going to fail,” Holmes said on the stand.

Her defense submitted as evidence two documents that showed how Holmes was being controlled by Balwani: one was a schedule of her daily routine, while another set instructions for how she behaved. These guidelines would help her “become a new Elizabeth,” Holmes said Balwani told her. One “non-negotiable” in her instructions declared that she would never meet with anyone — especially direct reports — for longer than five minutes unless she had written down a clear agenda for the meeting. According to the documents, her lifestyle was monastic: waking up at 4 A.M., praying, mediating, exercising, only eating certain foods and never doing anything for recreation.

Holmes’ schedule became a bit of a meme, with some journalists even trying out her schedule for clicks — but the reality is much darker than that. It may be difficult to take Holmes’ account of abuse seriously, since she’s famously a liar and was just convicted of criminal fraud — but these documents, if legitimate, show a woman whose every action was being controlled by an older partner and business associate.

“He said I needed to spend all of my time on the business, and that I should only be spending time with people who could help the business to be successful, that I needed to be working seven days a week, and I needed to be only doing things that could contribute to making the company successful,” Holmes testified.

In this context, Shultz’s account of Holmes thirtieth birthday party makes more sense. She was so committed to building Theranos that she didn’t seem to have any friends or hobbies, nor did she communicate enough with her parents to invite them to her birthday party.

“Sunny would get very upset if I was with my family, because he said it was a distraction to the business,” Holmes said in trial. Her defense referenced a text from Balwani from Thanksgiving weekend in 2013, which said: “When ur family is here, I feel lonely bcz u spend a total of 10 seconds with me a day.”

Maybe if Holmes had friends to confide in, someone would have told her that she was going too far by stretching the truth with investors, or that it wasn’t a good idea to deliver unreliable blood test results to patients, even if her boyfriend-slash-COO said to do so. But by design, there was no one for the single-minded entrepreneur to talk to.

Founders need community

This is not to exonerate Holmes of her crimes. It can be true that she was abused by a controlling, manipulative, older partner, yet it can simultaneously be true that she committed fraud. Plus, even though she was not convicted of defrauding patients, her lies caused significant distress to Theranos customers who were given alarmingly false blood test results.

We talk a lot about what the tech industry learned from Theranos, but we gloss over something so simple: Startup founders need to have a life outside of their job.

We valorize founders like Elizabeth Holmes who are so dedicated to their vision that they will make huge sacrifices, abandoning their social lives to build their companies. But this isolating form of hustle culture doesn’t usually breed success — it breeds burnout at best, and millions of dollars of criminal fraud at worst.

If you’re a startup founder, you’re probably not the next Elizabeth Holmes. But if you just do normal things like, I don’t know, see a gosh darn movie with some friends (COVID permitting), maybe you’ll spare yourself from making some short-sighted mistakes.

(文:Amanda Silberling、翻訳:Dragonfly)



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