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Disneyは、Disney+の全世界の加入者数を、米国内と海外のカテゴリー別に分類した。加入者数は、米国とカナダで4290万人、それ以外では4110万人だった。また、Disney+ Hotstarの加入者数は4590万人で、これはDisneyとStar Indiaの既存ストリーミングサービスとの協業で展開されているサービスだ。




DisneyのCEOであるBob Chapek(ボブ・チャペック)氏は決算説明会で投資家に対し、Disney+の同四半期中の成功は、本業の成長と新しいコンテンツの組み合わせによるところが大きいと述べた。同四半期にDisney+は、オスカーにノミネートされた「Encanto(ミラベルと魔法だらけの家)」「Eternals(エターナルズ)」「Hawkeye(ホークアイ)」「The Book of Boba Fett(ボバ・フェット)」などの有名作品をリリースしている。チャペック氏は、毎週1本、新作品をリリースするという目標を達成し、この目標を2倍にする計画だと述べた。


さらにチャペック氏は「Star Wars:Revenge of the Sith(スター・ウォーズ/シスの復讐)」の10年後を描くStar Wars新Disney+シリーズ「Obi-Wan Kenobi(オビ=ワン・ケノービ)」が5月25日に配信されることを明らかにした。このシリーズでは、若き日のオビ=ワンをEwan McGregor(ユアン・マクレガー)氏が再び演じ、その他にHayden Christensen(ヘイデン・クリステンセン)氏、Moses Ingram(モーゼス・イングラム)氏、Joel Edgerton(ジョエル・エドガートン)氏、Kumail Nanjiani(クメイル・ナンジアニ)氏、Indira Varma(インディラ・ヴァルマ)氏、Rupert Friend(ルパート・フレンド)氏らが出演する。

別のStar Wars新Disney+シリーズとして「Andor」が2022年中にスタートする予定だ。このシリーズでは、Diego Luna(ディエゴ・ルナ)氏が「Rogue One(ローグ・ワン)」で演じたCassian Andor(キャシアン・アンドー)役を再び演じる。また、Stellan Skarsgård(ステラン・スカルスゲールド)氏、Adria Arjona(アドリア・アルホナ)氏、Fiona Shaw(フィオナ・ショウ)氏、Denise Gough(デニース・ゴフ)氏、Kyle Soller(カイル・ソラー)氏、Genevieve O’Reilly(ジェネヴィーヴ・オーライリー)氏らが出演する予定だ。

Obi-Wan Kenobi, a limited Original series, starts streaming May 25 on @DisneyPlus. pic.twitter.com/XCV1xQZhDR

— Star Wars (@starwars) February 9, 2022


同社は、2023年会計年度までにDisney+を提供する国を2倍以上の160カ国以上に増やすことも明らかにした。消費者向け直販ストリーミング事業をさらに多くの市場に拡大する計画で、この推進のために新たにInternational Content and Operationsグループを設立する。

Disney+は2019年後半に始まり、過去数年間、Netflix、Amazon Prime Video、その他複数のストリーミングサービスと競合してきた。Disney+は、主にMarvel(マーベル)やStar Warsのコンテンツを有していることで、ストリーミング分野でその名を轟かせることができた。

ESPN+については、チャペック氏はCNBCとのインタビューで、DisneyがNFLの中継Sunday Ticketの放映権に入札するつもりであることを明らかにした。NFLのSunday Ticketの独占プロバイダーとしてのDirecTVの契約は、2022年のNFLシーズン後に切れることになっており、Amazon(アマゾン)やApple(アップル)など多くの企業が契約について初期交渉している。チャペック氏は、スポーツ番組が同社のストリーミング戦略の極めて重要な部分だと概説した。

画像クレジット:Patrick T. Fallon / Bloomberg / Getty Images


Disney+ added 11.8 million new subscribers last quarter to reach 129.8 million subscribers, Disney announced as part of its Q1 2022 earnings release, and said it’s still on track to reach 230 to 260 million subscribers by 2024. The company’s quarter beat projections after only adding 2 million subscribers in the previous quarter.

Disney broke down the streaming service’s global subscriber count by domestic and international categories. Disney+ has 42.9 million subscribers in the U.S. and Canada and has 41.1 million internationally. It also has 45.9 million Disney+ Hotstar subscribers, which is a collaborative service offering between Disney and Star India’s existing streaming service.

The streaming service’s growth topped Wall Street’s expecations of around 7 million new subscribers. It may have also eased investor concerns about the state of the streaming industry after Netflix’s bad quarter, which delivered its lowest subscriber growth since 2015, with just 8.3 million new additions compared with the expected 8.5 million.

As for Disney’s other streaming services, Hulu added 6.6 million new subscribers to reach 45.3 million subscribers and ESPN+ added 4.2 million subscribers to reach 21.3 million. Total subscriptions across Disney’s streaming portfolio reached 196.4 million.

Disney’s stock popped by around 8% on news of the company’s strong earnings, which also saw its parks business bounce back.

Speaking to investors during the company’s earnings call, Disney CEO Bob Chapek said Disney+’s success during the quarter was largely due to a combination of organic growth and new content. Over the past quarter, Disney+ launched several big-name titles, including Oscar-nominated “Encanto,” “Eternals,” “Hawkeye” and “The Book of Boba Fett.” Chapek said the company reached its goal of releasing one new title each week and that it plans to double this content target.

Disney is aiming to spend $33 billion on new content this fiscal year to gain new subscriptions and continue the momentum from the quarter. Chapek also stated that the streaming service is still on track to reach 230 million to 260 million Disney+ subscribers by the end of fiscal 2024. 

In addition, Chapek revealed that the new Star Wars Disney+ series, “Obi-Wan Kenobi,” which picks up a decade after “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith,” will be released on May 25. The series features the return of Ewan McGregor as the younger Obi-Wan and stars Hayden Christensen, Moses Ingram, Joel Edgerton, Kumail Nanjiani, Indira Varma, Rupert Friend and more.

Another Star Wars Disney+ series, “Andor,” is expected the launch sometime this year. The series will see Diego Luna reprise his “Rogue One” role as Cassian Andor. It will also feature Stellan Skarsgård, Adria Arjona, Fiona Shaw, Denise Gough, Kyle Soller, Genevieve O’Reilly and more.

Disney+’s new subscriber numbers come as the streaming service is launching in 42 additional countries and 11 territories in Europe, the Middle East and Africa this summer. Notable new countries include South Africa, Turkey, Poland and the United Arab Emirates. Disney hasn’t specified the exact dates that the service will launch in these new countries and hasn’t shared information regarding regional pricing, but will likely do so in the coming months. Currently, Disney+ is available in 64 countries, including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Disney also revealed that it plans to more than double the number of countries Disney+ is available in to over 160 by its fiscal 2023. The company plans on expanding its direct-to-consumer streaming business to more global markets and is creating a new International Content and Operations group to aid in this push.

Disney+ launched in late 2019 and has spent the past couple of years competing with Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and several other streaming services. The streaming service has been able to make a name for itself in the streaming space, largely due to its Marvel and Star Wars content.

As for ESPN+, Chapek revealed during an interview with CNBC that Disney is going to bid on the rights to be NFL’s Sunday Ticket. DirecTV’s contract as the exclusive provider for NFL Sunday Ticket is set to expire after the 2022 NFL season and many companies, including Amazon and Apple, are in early talks about a deal. Chapek outlined that sports programming is a pivotal part of the company’s streaming strategy.

(文:Aisha Malik、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)



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