

関連ワード (ラギド、建設業界、我慢等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



そして(おそらくは関連する事実として)World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit(世界農業技術イノベーション・サミット)が今週サンフランシスコで始まったことが、少なくとも部分的には、宣伝メールが大気を埋め尽くす大量の花粉のように増えた理由だろ。別に私は腹を立てているわけでもなんでもない(もしそう聞こえたなら、今私の脳内の半分を占めている花粉のせいだ)。事実、それはこの分野の大きなトレンドへの興味深い洞察を与えてくれた。






ここでSkyline Robotics(スカイライン・ロボティクス)について少し話そう。最近の記事に書いたように、私は自動化したい仕事リストの上位にビルの窓掃除を置いている。この仕事が比較的危険であることを考えると、ロボット化はかなり進んでいると思っていたが、私の見た数字はそれを反映していなかった。

統計的にみて、世界で最も危険な職業ではないかもしれないが、路上数百メートルの空中に宙ぶらりんになるのは、最も恐ろしい状態の1つではあるだろう。Skylineは2021年遅くにOzmo(オズモ)システムを披露して、何度かマスコミに登場した。具体的には、ロボティック・アームのKuka(クカ)を2台、吊り下げられたプラットフォームに載せたものだ。3月24日、同社は 650万ドル(約7億9000万円)の資金調達を発表し、総調達額は900万ドル(約10億9000万円)に達した。

「このラウンドと初のOzmo展開の成功は、我々の製品とサービスに対する需要が目に見えて投資家に伝わっているだけでなく、Skylineの前に大きなビジネスチャンスがあることを示しています」とCEOのMichael Brown(マイケル・ブラウン)氏は話した。「私たちのチームの信念は、投資家のみなさんのものと一致しています」。


危険な職業と言えば、先週書いたように、フォークリフトも実はかなり危険だ。当然多くの企業がこの作業の自動化を目指しており、カナダ・オンタリオ州拠点のOTTO(オットー)もその1つだ。今週同社は、新しい自動パレットムーバーであるOTTO Lifter(オットー・リフター)を発表した。

Plotlogicの創業者でCEOのAndrew Job(アンドリュー・ジョブ)氏(画像クレジット:Sarah Keayes/The Photo Pitch)

ちなみに、最近同僚のDevin ColdweyがPlotlogic(プロトロジック)の1800万ドル(約21億8000万円)の資金調達について記事を書いている。オーストラリア、ブリスベーン拠点のスタートアップはハイパースペクトルイメージングと呼ばれる手法を用いて、土壌から検出困難な元素を見つける。

CEOのAndrew Job(アンドリュー・ジョブ)氏は次のように話している。



今週GTC 2022カンファレンスで、NVIDIAはJetson AGX Orin(ジェットソン・エージーエックス・オーリン)を発表してロボット開発分野への参入を印象づけた。2000ドル(約24万円)の開発キットは、先行機種と比べてコンピューティング・パワーが大幅に強化されている。製品版の発売は第4四半期になる。

オートメーションは、10兆ドル(約1218兆円)の建設産業に今後5年以内に革命を起こす態勢にある。そこで、Rugged Robotics(ラギド・ロボティクス)は、さらなる自動化を目指している。同社は、フィールドプリンターを完全自立型にして24時間運転を可能にすることを発表した。同社のシステムは床に建物のレイアウトを印刷し、作業者に正確な建設位置を教える。

今週同社は940万ドル(約11億円)を調達し、資金総額は約1200万ドル(約14億6000万円)になった。「私たちは建設業界の近代化を目指し、建設業者が毎日苦労している痛点を解決するための実用的なソリューションを構築したいと考えています」と、Derrick Morse(デリック・モーズ)CEOは声明で述べている。「レイアウトは理想的なその出発点であると確信しています。レイアウトは、建設の自動化のための足がかりになります。デジタルと物理の世界の交差点に位置し、大きな問題を解決でき、非常に有意義な方法でロボットを現場に配備することが可能です」。

Today is our tenth birthday! ? On this special occasion, we take a look back at all we've accomplished and the community that has made it all possible.https://t.co/DoSJ5plIyx pic.twitter.com/gSF6bXRf21

— Open Robotics (@OpenRoboticsOrg) March 22, 2022

そうそう、今週お別れする前にこれを言っておかなくてはならない。Open Robotics(オープン・ロボティクス)10歳の誕生日おめでとう。私はまだ、何でも持っているこのRobot Operating System(ROS、ロボット・オペレーティング・システム)管理者に何をプレゼントすればよいかわからないので、ちょっとしたコラムのスペースで我慢してもらおう。

画像クレジット:Skyline Robotics


The old Gmail inbox is overflowing with agtech pitches, and frankly I only have myself to blame after bringing it up the last two newsletters (damn, just did it again, didn’t?). As for where this whole thing started? I blame the fact that spring officially sprung at precisely 11:33 AM ET in my home hemisphere. Flowers are blooming, birds and singing and we’re all thinking about how we might employ robots to deal with it all.

There’s also the (possibly related fact) that the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit kicked off in San Francisco this week, which is at least partially to blame for the pitches filling the air like so many pollen grains. Not that I’m annoyed or anything (if I sound it, that’s the literal pollen speaking, which now comprises roughly half my brain). In fact, if anything, it’s offered some interesting insight into the big trends in the category.

I had said early on that agtech robotics thus far haven’t seen the adoption rate many were anticipating, and that still stands. But it’s not for lack of trying. The biggest thing in the category is currently surveying — specifically monitoring crops for potential issues. I frequently cite the statistic that the average age of a farmer in the U.S. is 57.5 years, and about a decade older in Japan. Here in the States, the age has been increasing for around four decades.

I mention that because farming can be extremely difficult work, and at an age when many are (at least theoretically) considering what retirement looks like, they’re out there in the fields at sunrise. Traditional surveying monopolizes a lot of tedious hours during the day. And if not done right, it’s hard to catch problem areas before they become actual problems.

Image Credits: Growmark/Solinftec

Four of the key methods I’ve been seeing pop up are satellite imagery, IoT devices, drone surveillance and robotics, like this unnamed device from Growmark and Solinftec. Surveying is going to be an important first step in introducing robots into farms, though a far more compelling model combines that functionality with other tasks, whether it’s picking fruit, weeding or plowing. Given that many of these devices are effectively rented from companies, I’m guessing farmers will want the most bang for their buck.

All right, enough farm talk this week. Let’s discuss the future of robotic ubiquity for a minute. Toward the end of last year, I spoke with CMU’s new robotics director about his new role. He capped the interview off by telling me, “If you go to a factory floor or a few other places, you can see a robot. Maybe you have a robot vacuum, but I want it to be at a point where you look out your window and see a robot.”

Let’s be super literal here for a minute and discuss Skyline Robotics (not to be confused with the strange regional chili of the same name). As I mentioned in a recent write-up, I’d put window washing high on my list of jobs to automate. Until I looked into it this week, I assumed one could make some great scratch, given the relative hazards of such an occupation, but the figures I’ve seen don’t really reflect that.

Statistically it might not be the most dangerous job in the world, but it’s probably among the most harrowing, just dangling on a platform in the sky, hundreds of feet above street level. Skyline got some ink late last year, showing off its Ozmo system, which effectively features two Kuka robotic arms on a suspended platform. Yesterday, it announced $6.5 million in funding, bringing its total raise up to $9 million.

“This successful funding round and first Ozmo deployment shows that the demand for our product and services are not just tangible and felt by investors, but that there’s a major business opportunity ahead of Skyline,” says CEO Michael Brown. “The conviction of our team is being matched by the investment community.”

Image Credits: OTTO

Speaking of hazardous jobs, as I mentioned last week, forklifts can be deceptively dangerous. Naturally, more firms are looking to automate the process, including Ontario-based OTTO. The Canadian company this week announced the availability of its new autonomous pallet mover, the OTTO Lifter.

Andrew Job, Founder & CEO of Plotlogic. Photo by Sarah Keayes/The Photo Pitch

Meanwhile, Devin had the story about Plotlogic’s $18 million raise. The Brisbane startup uses hyperspectral imagery to find difficult to detect elements in the soil.

Says CEO Andrew Job:

We see three types of benefits: financial, environmental sustainability and safety. The operation can process more ore and less waste, making it more profitable. They can be more precise, leaving more rocks in situ and not expending fuel and greenhouse gases moving waste. And finally, it reduces human exposure hours in the mine.

Image Credits: Nvidia

This week at GTC, Nvidia continued its push into the world of robot development with the launch of the Jetson AGX Orin. The $2,000 developer kit offers a pretty massive computing increase over its predecessor. Production units, meanwhile, are arriving in Q4.

Automation is poised to revolutionize the $10 trillion construction industry over the next few years, so Rugged Robotics is pushing to become more automated. The company announced that it’s pushing to turn its field printers to become fully self-operating for potential 24/7 usage. The systems print building layouts on the floor to give workers a precise idea of where to build.

This week, the company raised $9.4 million, following up on a $2.5 million round back in 2019. “We set out to modernize the construction industry, and to build practical solutions that solve the pain points contractors struggle with every day,” says CEO Derrick Morse. “We believe that layout is the ideal starting point. Layout is the beachhead for construction automation. It sits at the intersection of the digital and physical world, solves a huge problem and unlocks the ability to deploy robotics onto job sites in a very meaningful way.”

Oh, and hey, before I leave you for the week, happy 10th birthday to Open Robotics. I’m still unsure of what to get the Robot Operating System maintainer who has everything, so a little column space will have to do.

Image Credits: Bryce Durbin/TechCrunch

My birthday is coming up in a few months. Why not give me the gift of subscribing to my newsletter?

(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )



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