Human Capital:Instacartが約2000人を解雇へ、GitHubの人事責任者が辞任

今回は「Human Capital:Instacartが約2000人を解雇へ、GitHubの人事責任者が辞任」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (Amazon、GitHub、Google、Instacart等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


1週間の労働、多様性、インクルージョンに関する最新情報をお伝えするHuman Capitalへようこそ。先週は議会議事堂暴動の日にワシントンD.C.の社員にナチスに関する警告を発した社員を解雇したGitHubの公開謝罪で始まった。

その後Google(グーグル)は、AI倫理研究者であるMargaret Mitchell(マーガレット・ミッチェル)氏の会社情報アクセスを停止し、Timnit Gebru(ティムニット・ゲブル)博士に対する扱いを彷彿とさせると一部でささやかれた。一方、Instacart(インスタカート)はプラットフォームの改訂を行い、その結果雇用の喪失が発生した。



GitHub COO(最高執行責任者)のErica Breascia(エリカ・ブレシア)氏は公式ブログで、同社の人事責任者が事態の全責任を負って前日辞任したことを明らかにした。GitHubは退社した人物の名前を公表しなかったが、GitHubの人事部門の長がCarrie Olesen(キャリー・オレセン)氏であることは広く知られている。






最近結成されたAlphabet Workers Union(AWU、アルファベット労働組合)は、ミッチェル氏のアカウント停止を憂慮する声明を発表した。



HBCU(歴史的黒人大学)の代表者5名以上が、Google CEOであるSundar Pichai(サンダー・ピチャイ)氏および多様化最高責任者のMelonie Parker(メロニー・パーカー)氏と2021年1月中に面会し、最近起きた同社における人種などの差別問題について意見を交わす。CNNによる。この会談の目的は、HBCUがGoogleと良好な関係をもち、同社がHBCUの学生や卒業生に対して良い環境を提供することだ。

I'm finna tell yall why @Google fired me- their MOST successful diversity recruiter in the history of their company- with the receipts to support that statement.

— Real Abril? (@RealAbril) December 21, 2020


Amazon(アマゾン)のアラバマ州倉庫労働者が組合結成の是非を問う投票を行うのに先立ち、同社はアンチ組合ウェブサイトを立ち上げた。Do It Without Duesと呼ばれるそのサイトは、社員が組合結成に賛成投票しないよう説得することを目的としている。



Viceの記事によると、影響を受ける社員10名が、イリノイ州ストーキーのUnited Food and Commercial Workers(全米商業食品労働組合)Local 1546を結成した。しかし、彼らはまだInstacartとの契約交渉をしていない、とViceは伝えている。Instacartは同組合に対して変更計画を通知した。Instacartは書簡で、Kroger傘下の店舗(ストーキーのMariano’sストアを含む)で販売員の雇用を中止する計画であり、時期は2021年の第1四半期および第2四半期だが、3月中旬以降であると述べている。


Hey y’all. You’ve just landed on Human Capital, the weekly newsletter that details the latest in labor, diversity and inclusion in tech. The week kicked off with GitHub making a public apology to the person the company terminated for cautioning his employees about Nazis in D.C. on the day of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Later in the week, Google revoked corporate access from AI ethicist Margaret Mitchell in what some are saying is reminiscent of the company’s treatment of Dr. Timnit Gebru. Meanwhile, Instacart is making some changes to its platform that will result in job loss. 

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GitHub’s head of HR resigns; company offers fired Jewish employee his job back

A GitHub internal investigation revealed the company made “significant errors of judgment and procedure” in the firing of the Jewish employee who cautioned his co-workers about the presence of Nazis in the D.C. area on the day of insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

In a blog post, GitHub COO Erica Brescia said the company’s head of HR took full responsibility for what happened and resigned from the company yesterday. GitHub did not disclose the name of the person who resigned, but it’s widely known that Carrie Olesen was the chief human resources officer at GitHub.

GitHub said it has “reversed the decision to separate with the employee” and is talking to his representative.

“To the employee we wish to say publicly: We sincerely apologize,” Brescia said in the blog post. However, the terminated employee previously told me that he did not want his job back but instead some other form of reconciliation.

Google AI ethicist under investigation 

Google is investigating AI ethicist Margaret Mitchell for reportedly using automated scripts to find examples of mistreatment of Dr. Timnit Gebru, according to Axios . Gebru says she was fired from Google while Google has maintained that she resigned. In a statement to Axios, Google said the company had locked Mitchell’s account:

Our security systems automatically lock an employee’s corporate account when they detect that the account is at risk of compromise due to credential problems or when an automated rule involving the handling of sensitive data has been triggered. In this instance, yesterday our systems detected that an account had exfiltrated thousands of files and shared them with multiple external accounts. We explained this to the employee earlier today.

The recently formed Alphabet Workers Union made a statement saying it was concerned by Mitchell’s suspension of corporate access:

“Regardless of the outcome of the company’s investigation, the ongoing targeting of leaders in this organization calls into question Google’s commitment to ethics—in AI and in their business practices. Many members of the Ethical AI team are AWU members and the membership of our union recognizes the crucial work that they do and stands in solidarity with them in this moment.”

Google’s Sundar Pichai to meet with HBCU leaders

At least five HBCU presidents are scheduled to meet with Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Chief Diversity Officer Melonie Parker later this month to discuss recent allegations of racism and discrimination at the company, according to CNN . Additionally, the goal of the meeting is to ensure HBCUs have a good relationship with Google and that the company offers a good environment for its students and graduates.


Amazon launches anti-union website

Ahead of Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama gearing up to vote on whether to form a union, Amazon launched an anti-union website. Called Do It Without Dues, the site aims to dissuade workers from voting to unionize.

Instacart plans to terminate nearly 2,000 jobs 

Instacart plans to lay off nearly 2,000 of its workers , including the 10 workers from the Kroger-owned Mariano’s who unionized early last year, Vice reports . These workers are responsible for in-store shopping and packing of groceries.

According to Vice, 10 of the workers affected unionized with the United Food and Commercial Workers Local 1546 in Skokie, Illinois. However, they have yet to negotiate a contract with Instacart, according to Vice. Instacart notified the union of the planned changes earlier this week. In the letter , Instacart said it planned to stop using in-store shoppers at Kroger-owned stores, which includes the Mariano’s store in Skokie, in Q1 and Q2 of this year, but no earlier than mid-March.

(翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

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GitHub is where people build software. More than 56 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 100 million projects.

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GitHub – Wikipedia

GitHub商用プランおよびオープンソースプロジェクト向けの無料アカウントを提供している。2019年1月より、プライベートリポジトリを無料で提供するようになった [5]。2009年のユーザー調査によると、GitHubは最もポピュラーなGitホスティング [6]

GitHubとは – IT用語辞典 e-Words

GitHubとは、バージョン管理システム「Git」(ギット)で管理するデータをインターネット上で共有・公開することができるネットサービスの一つ。米マイクロソフト(Microsoft)社傘下の同名企業(GitHub Inc.)が運営している。Gitで保管・管理するデータの集積(リポジトリ)を同社の運用するサーバ上に置き、組織内やチーム内で共有したり、広く一般に公開したりすることができる。

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