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Instagramは「縦スワイプのストーリー(Vertical Instagram Stories)」と呼ばれるTikTok的な新機能を開発中だ。現在ユーザーはストーリー内の写真をタップと横スワイプで閲覧している。これはnstagramがSnapchatから借用した方式だが、今やこの表示手法が古びてきた。本家のSnapchatでさえTikTokから新しいアイデアを取り入れている。たとえば最近導入されたスポットライトはTikTokのクローンだ。



縦フィードのストーリーが開発中であることは、Alessandro Paluzzi(アレッサンドロ-パルッツィ)氏が最初に発見してツイートした。

#Instagram is working on Vertical Stories ?
Swipe up and down to browse stories.

— Alessandro Paluzzi (@alex193a) February 2, 2021







Instagramもこの点には気づいているようだ。同部門の責任者、Adam Mosseri(アダム・モッセリ)氏は最近のTheVergeのインタビューで「ほとんどのユーザーはIGTVコンテンツとInstagramに投稿された動画の違いも理解していないでしょう。我々は機能統合し、ユーザーインターフェイスをシンプルにする方法も検討しています」と述べている。




画像:Bryce Durbin


Instagram is developing a new feature that could give its app more of a TikTok-like feel: Vertical Instagram Stories. Today, users browse through Stories through taps and horizontal swipes — a feature Instagram adopted from Snapchat. But now, Stories are passé. Even Snapchat is borrowing ideas from TikTok. Its recent launch of Spotlight, for example, is its own TikTok clone.

In many ways, vertical swiping feels more natural than taps and horizontal flicks. It is, after all, how users navigate much of the mobile web, as well as other key features across a variety of social apps, like Facebook’s News Feed or YouTube’s home page.

That said, turning Instagram Stories into a vertical feed would be a notable change, and one that could potentially set the stage for a shift away from more static content — like the photos and reshared Feed posts that still often fill the Stories section today. In a “Vertical Stories” feed, on the other hand, Instagram would likely prioritize video posts over images to better compete with TikTok, just as it’s currently tweaking its algorithms and overall design to prioritize Reels. (A turn of the dials that has already been leveraged by indie creators to significantly grow their followings, in fact).

The “Vertical Stories” feature was spotted under development by Alessandro Paluzzi who shared the discovery on his Twitter account.

His screenshot shows a simple user interface with text that reads: “Now you can swipe up and down to browse stories“ and then a big, blue button labeled “Vertical Stories.”

Paluzzi tells TechCrunch that the feature is not yet live. Instead, he dug it up from Instagram’s code.

Instagram confirmed to TechCrunch the feature is being built but is not out to the public at this time.

“This is an early prototype and is not currently testing on Instagram,” a company spokesperson told us.

A prototype may never actually make it to a public launch, of course, but its existence does say something about what sort of ideas Instagram is considering as a means of offering a better challenge to TikTok.

Today, the company’s TikTok rival, Reels, has been shoehorned into the platform via the Instagram Explore page, where Reels sits in the top position. When you click on the Reels video here, you’re taken to a new user interface where you then vertically swipe through videos, similar to TikTok.

This doesn’t feel right, and the launch of the new format has added to Instagram’s clutter. Today, the app has all sorts of places users can publish their videos, including in the Feed, as Stories, as longer-form IGTV content, and now Reels. It’s too much.

Instagram knows this arrangement isn’t quite working. As Instagram head Adam Mosseri recently told The Verge, most people probably don’t even understand the difference between IGTV content and videos posted to Instagram, for example. He said the company was looking at ways to simplify and consolidate its ideas, too.

While his comments were focused on the confusion between Instagram’s normal video posts and IGTV, there’s also significant overlap between Instagram’s Stories’ vertical video content and Reels. A “Vertical Stories” feed could allow for an eventual combination of those formats — Stories videos and Reels, perhaps.

It’s not clear that’s at all what Instagram has in mind, though. The social network could just be looking to transition another part of its app to the more modern vertical feed, as the demand for the traditional Stories format declines.

(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:滑川海彦@Facebook)


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Instagramアカウントを作成、またはアカウントにログイン ― クリエイティブな写真や動画を簡単に撮影・編集して、友達や家族とシェアしよう。

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Instagram from Facebookは、大切な人やものを身近な存在にします。 友達とつながったり、近況をシェアしたり、世界各地からの最新投稿をチェックすることができます。自分らしさを表現できるコミュニティで、日常の出来事から一大イベントまで、さまざまなコンテンツをシェアしましょう。

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インスタグラムの使い方ガイド | 初心者でも簡単に登録・投稿 ...

 · Instagram(インスタグラム)の初心者向けに、始め方から投稿や機能の使い方を解説します。基本操作のハッシュタグやストーリーズ、IGTVなどを含めたさまざまな機能について、実際の画面を使ってインスタグラムの入門を解説します。

Instagram - Wikipedia

Instagram (インスタグラム)とは、Facebook, Inc.が提供している無料の写真共有ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス。 インスタ(Insta)、IGの愛称で呼ばれる。スマホ用 モバイルアプリケーションも提供している。 Facebook, Incがとの ...

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Bringing you closer to the people and things you love. — Instagram from Facebook Connect with friends, share what you’re up to, or see what's new from others all over the world. Explore our community where you can feel free to be yourself and share everything from your daily moments to life's highlights. Express Yourself and Connect With Friends * Add photos and videos to your INSTA story that disappear after 24 hours, and bring them to life with fun creative tools. * Message your friends in Direct. Start fun conversations about what you see on Feed and Stories. * Post photos and videos to your feed that you want to show on your profile. Learn More About Your Interests * Check out IGTV for longer videos from your favorite INSTA creators. * Get inspired by photos and videos from new INSTA accounts in Explore. * Discover brands and small businesses, and shop products that are relevant to your personal style.

Instagram写真・動画(インスタグラム) - 芸能人・有名人の ...

Instagrammer News(インスタグラマーニュース)は芸能人・有名人のInstagram(インスタグラム)を紹介するニュースサイトです。日本人・海外・韓国のタレントや歌手、女優、モデルなど著名人の人気写真や動画を毎日お届けします。芸能人や有名人のInstagramをチェック!



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