

関連ワード (Mastodon、Parler、SNS、Twitter、分散型ソーシャルネットワーク等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


2021年1月中旬、Twitter(ツイッター)のCEOであるJack Dorsey(ジャック・ドーシー)氏は、Donald Trump(ドナルド・トランプ)元大統領をプラットフォームから追放するという同社の決定についてついに公式に回答を述べた。同氏は、Twitterは「看過できない異常事態に直面した」のであり、あの決定を「誇らしい」とは思っていないと記している。同氏はその投稿で、Twitterが提言して始めた「Bluesky(ブルースカイ)」と呼ばれる新しい構想について時間をかけて説明した。ブルースカイが目指すのは「ソーシャルメディアのためのオープンな分散型標準」の構築であり、Twitterはその一部となるにすぎないという。



Bitcoin(ビットコイン)に統制のための中央銀行がないように、分散型ソーシャルネットワークプロトコルは中央の統制機構なしで機能する。これはTwitterがブルースカイ上に構築された自社のアプリのみを統制し、プロトコル上の他のアプリは統制しないことを意味する。システムはオープンで独立しているため、アプリケーションはその標準規格全体のコンテンツを表示したり検索したり互いに通信したりできる。Twtitterはこのプロジェクトが既存のTwitter APIの機能を超越することを期待している。目指すのは、さまざまなインターフェイスやキュレーション手法アルゴリズムのアプリケーションを開発者が作成できるようにし、さまざまなモデレーションツールやアイデンティティーネットワークへのプラグアンドプレイアクセスについてTwitterのようなプロトコルを介してエンティティに支払いを行えるようにすることだ。





ブルースカイの初期メンバーは2020年初めにTwitterのCTOであるParag Agrawal(パラッグ・アグラワル)氏によって招へいされた。このグループは後に、セキュアなチャットプラットフォームであるElement(エレメント)上でホストされたワーキンググループの参加者であるMastodon(マストドン)やActivityPub(アクティビティパブ)といった、より認知度の高い分散型ネットワークプロジェクトの代表的な人々とも対話の道を開くことにした。

分散型ソーシャルプラットフォームHappening(ハプニング)の創設者であるJay Graber(ジェイ・グラバー)氏は、「Twitterがエコシステム内の既存のオプションを評価するのを支援」するために、Twitterから報酬をもらって分散型ソーシャルエコシステムのテクニカルレビューを書いたとTechCrunchに語っている。

「もしこれを設計したいと(Twitterが)思っていたなら、社内で人を集めてその仕事を割り当てることもできたはずだ。しかし、このちっぽけなブルースカイのグループがTwitterよりも優れている唯一の点は『Twitterではないこと』だ」と、グループの他のメンバーで、プライバシー中心の市民参加型ソーシャルネットワークシーアイヴィーワークス)の共同創設者であり、Postmates(ポストメイツ)のシニアソフトウェアエンジニアとして働くGolda Velez(ゴルダ・ベレス)氏は話す。




「アルゴリズムの問題の解決策はアルゴリズムを除去することではないと思う。投稿を時系列で並べ替えるのもアルゴリズムの機能だ。解決策は、さまざまなアルゴリズムを試して適合性を確認したりおすすめのものを使用したりできるようにして、つけ外し可能なオープンなシステムにすることである」と、ワーキンググループの別のメンバーであるEvan Henshaw-Plath(エバン・ヘンショープラット)氏は述べている。同氏はTwitter創業初期の従業員の1人で、Planetary(プラネタリー)と呼ばれる独自の分散型ソーシャルプラットフォームを構築してきた。

ヘンショープラット氏のプラットフォームはSecure Scuttlebuttプロトコルがベースとなっており、ユーザーはオフラインでも暗号化された方法でネットワークを閲覧できる。ヘンショープラット氏によると、プラネタリーは当初、企業投資とCEOのジャック・ドーシー氏からの個人投資を取りつけるためにTwitterと交渉していたが、プラットフォームの競争力の高さからTwitterの弁護士の間で懸念が生じ、結局、Twitterの共同創業者であるBiz Stone(ビズ・ストーン)氏のベンチャーファンドであるFuture Positive(フューチャー・ポジティブ)からの投資を受けることになったという。ストーン氏はインタビューの依頼には応じなかった。


ブルースカイを標準に組み入れることを望んでいるグループの開発者の1人にマストドンのクリエイターであるEugen Rochko(オイゲン・ロチコ)氏がいる。彼はTechCrunchに、ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームがグローバルに機能するためには大きな変革が必要だと思っていることを話してくれた。










「ファシストは間違いなくピア・ツー・ピアテクノロジーを利用する。すでにそうしており、その傾向はますます強まる【略】もし主流のインフラストラクチャから追放されたり、人々の綿密な監視を受けたりすれば、そうしようとする動機はますます高まるだろう」と、分散型ネットワーク上での過激派の出現について研究しているEmmi Bevensee(エミ・ベベンシー)氏はいう。「おそらく、極右が悪であると考える人々によって排斥される前に、極右はピア・ツー・ピアで強力な足場を固めることになるだろう」。


「今のところ、ピア・ツー・ピアテクノロジーは、全体的に見れば敷居が高いものだが、一部ではそうではない。たとえば現在Cash AppでBitocoinを買うことができる。これはどちらかといえば、このテクノロジーが今後より主流になって、導入の敷居が下がることを証明している」と、ベベンシー氏はTechCrunchに語った。「この脱Parlerの風潮によって、ParlerはIPFSにあまり乗り気ではない支持者を大量に失いかけている。Scuttlebuttは本当にクールなテクノロジーだが、Twitterのように容易に導入できるものではない」。




画像クレジット:Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch


This week, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey finally responded publicly to the company’s decision to ban President Trump from its platform, writing that Twitter had “faced an extraordinary and untenable circumstance” and that he did not “feel pride” about the decision. In the same thread, he took time to call out a nascent Twitter-sponsored initiative called “bluesky,” which is aiming to build up an “open decentralized standard for social media” that Twitter is just one part of.

Researchers involved with bluesky reveal to TechCrunch an initiative still in its earliest stages that could fundamentally shift the power dynamics of the social web.

Bluesky is aiming to build a “durable” web standard that will ultimately ensure that platforms like Twitter have less centralized responsibility in deciding which users and communities have a voice on the internet. While this could protect speech from marginalized groups, it may also upend modern moderation techniques and efforts to prevent online radicalization.

Jack Dorsey, co-founder and chief executive officer of Twitter Inc., arrives after a break during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2018. Republicans pressed Dorsey for what they said may be the “shadow-banning” of conservatives during the hearing. Photographer: Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

What is bluesky?

Just as Bitcoin lacks a central bank to control it, a decentralized social network protocol operates without central governance, meaning Twitter would only control its own app built on bluesky, not other applications on the protocol. The open and independent system would allow applications to see, search and interact with content across the entire standard. Twitter hopes that the project can go far beyond what the existing Twitter API offers, enabling developers to create applications with different interfaces or methods of algorithmic curation, potentially paying entities across the protocol like Twitter for plug-and-play access to different moderation tools or identity networks.

A widely adopted, decentralized protocol is an opportunity for social networks to “pass the buck” on moderation responsibilities to a broader network, one person involved with the early stages of bluesky suggests, allowing individual applications on the protocol to decide which accounts and networks its users are blocked from accessing.

Social platforms like Parler or Gab could theoretically rebuild their networks on bluesky, benefitting from its stability and the network effects of an open protocol. Researchers involved are also clear that such a system would also provide a meaningful measure against government censorship and protect the speech of marginalized groups across the globe.

Bluesky’s current scope is firmly in the research phase, people involved tell TechCrunch, with about 40-50 active members from different factions of the decentralized tech community surveying the software landscape and putting together proposals for what the protocol should ultimately look like. Twitter has told early members that it hopes to hire a project manager in the coming weeks to build out an independent team that will start crafting the protocol itself.

A Twitter spokesperson declined to comment on the initiative.

Bluesky’s initial members were invited by Twitter CTO Parag Agrawal early last year. It was later determined that the group should open the conversation up to folks representing some of the more recognizable decentralized network projects, including Mastodon and ActivityPub, which joined the working group hosted on the secure chat platform Element.

Jay Graber, founder of decentralized social platform Happening, was paid by Twitter to write up a technical review of the decentralized social ecosystem, an effort to “help Twitter evaluate the existing options in the space,” she tells TechCrunch.

“If [Twitter] wanted to design this thing, they could have just assigned a group of guys to do it, but there’s only one thing that this little tiny group of people could do better than Twitter, and that’s not be Twitter,” said Golda Velez, another member of the group who works as a senior software engineer at Postmates and co-founded, a privacy-centric social  network for civic engagement.

The group has had some back and forth with Twitter executives on the scope of the project, eventually forming a Twitter-approved list of goals for the initiative. They define the challenges that the bluesky protocol should seek to address while also laying out what responsibilities are best left to the application creators building on the standard.

Image: TechCrunch

Who is involved

The pain points enumerated in the document, viewed by TechCrunch, encapsulate some of Twitter’s biggest shortcomings. They include “how to keep controversy and outrage from hijacking virality mechanisms,” as well as a desire to develop “customizable mechanisms” for moderation, though the document notes that the applications, not the overall protocol, are “ultimately liable for compliance, censorship, takedowns etc.”

“I think the solution to the problem of algorithms isn’t getting rid of algorithms — because sorting posts chronologically is an algorithm — the solution is to make it an open pluggable system by which you can go in and try different algorithms and see which one suits you or use the one that your friends like,” says Evan Henshaw-Plath, another member of the working group. He was one of Twitter’s earliest employees and has been building out his own decentralized social platform called Planetary.

His platform is based on the secure scuttlebutt protocol, which allows users to browse networks offline in an encrypted fashion. Early on, Planetary had been in talks with Twitter for a corporate investment as well as a personal investment from CEO Jack Dorsey, Henshaw-Plath says, but the competitive nature of the platform prompted some concern among Twitter’s lawyers and Planetary ended up receiving an investment from Twitter co-founder Biz Stone’s venture fund Future Positive. Stone did not respond to interview requests.

After agreeing on goals, Twitter had initially hoped for the broader team to arrive at some shared consensus, but starkly different viewpoints within the group prompted Twitter to accept individual proposals from members. Some pushed Twitter to outright adopt or evolve an existing standard while others pushed for bluesky to pursue interoperability of standards early on and see what users naturally flock to.

One of the developers in the group hoping to bring bluesky onto their standard was Mastodon creator Eugen Rochko, who tells TechCrunch he sees the need for a major shift in how social media platforms operate globally.

“Banning Trump was the right decision though it came a little bit too late. But at the same time, the nuance of the situation is that maybe it shouldn’t be a single American company that decides these things,” Rochko tells us.

Like several of the other members in the group, Rochko has been skeptical at times about Twitter’s motivation with the bluesky protocol. Shortly after Dorsey’s initial announcement in 2019, Mastodon’s official Twitter account tweeted out a biting critique, writing, “This is not an announcement of reinventing the wheel. This is announcing the building of a protocol that Twitter gets to control, like Google controls Android.”

Today, Mastodon is arguably one of the most mature decentralized social platforms. Rochko claims that the network of decentralized nodes has more than 2.3 million users spread across thousands of servers. In early 2017, the platform had its viral moment on Twitter, prompting an influx of “hundreds of thousands” of new users alongside some inquisitive potential investors whom Rochko has rebuffed in favor of a donation-based model.

Image Credits: TechCrunch

Inherent risks

Not all of the attention Rochko has garnered has been welcome. In 2019, Gab, a social network favored by right-wing extremists, brought its entire platform onto the Mastodon network after integrating the platform’s open-source code, bringing Mastodon its single biggest web of users and its most undesirable liability all at once.

Rochko quickly disavowed the network and aimed to sever its ties to other nodes on the Mastodon platform and convince application creators to do the same. But a central fear of decentralization advocates was quickly realized, as the platform type’s first “success story” was a home for right-wing extremists.

This fear has been echoed in decentralized communities this week as app store owners and networks have taken another right-wing social network, Parler, off the web after violent content surfaced on the site in the lead-up to and aftermath of riots at the U.S. Capitol, leaving some developers fearful that the social network may set up home on their decentralized standard.

“Fascists are 100% going to use peer-to-peer technologies, they already are and they’re going to start using it more… If they get pushed off of mainstream infrastructure or people are surveilling them really closely, they’re going to have added motivation,” said Emmi Bevensee, a researcher studying extremist presences on decentralized networks. “Maybe the far-right gets stronger footholds on peer-to-peer before the people who think the far-right is bad do because they were effectively pushed off.”

A central concern is that commoditizing decentralized platforms through efforts like bluesky will provide a more accessible route for extremists kicked off current platforms to maintain an audience and provide casual internet users a less janky path towards radicalization.

“Peer-to-peer technology is generally not that seamless right now. Some of it is; you can buy Bitcoin in Cash App now, which, if anything, is proof that this technology is going to become much more mainstream and adoption is going to become much more seamless,” Bevensee told TechCrunch. “In the current era of this mass exodus from Parler, they’re obviously going to lose a huge amount of audience that isn’t dedicated enough to get on IPFS. Scuttlebutt is a really cool technology but it’s not as seamless as Twitter.”

Extremists adopting technologies that promote privacy and strong encryption is far from a new phenomenon, encrypted chat apps like Signal and Telegram have been at the center of such controversies in recent years. Bevensee notes the tendency of right-wing extremist networks to adopt decentralized network tech has been “extremely demoralizing” to those early developer communities — though she notes that the same technologies can and do benefit “marginalized people all around the world.”

Though people connected to bluesky’s early moves see a long road ahead for the protocol’s development and adoption, they also see an evolving landscape with Parler and President Trump’s recent deplatforming that they hope will drive other stakeholders to eventually commit to integrating with the standard.

“Right at this moment I think that there’s going to be a lot of incentive to adopt, and I don’t just mean by end users, I mean by platforms, because Twitter is not the only one having these really thorny moderation problems,” Velez says. “I think people understand that this is a critical moment.”

(文:Lucas Matney、翻訳:Dragonfly)


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