犯罪歴のある人にコーディングを教え社会復帰をサポートする無料プログラム「Justice Through Code」

今回は「犯罪歴のある人にコーディングを教え社会復帰をサポートする無料プログラム「Justice Through Code」」についてご紹介します。

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Justice Through Code(ジャスティス・スルー・コード)はコロンビア大学で開催される一学期間にわたるコーディングと対人能力の集中講義で、社会復帰しようとする人たちに新たな道を与えることを目的にしている。

プロクラムを通じて、学生はPython(パイソン)やその他のコンピュータサイエンスの基礎を学ぶ。他にも職業指導、人前で話す訓練、交渉スキル、履歴書の書き方などを学ぶ。修了した学生は、パートナー企業で有給インターンの機会を与えられる。Justice Through Codeは2020年最初の学期を終え、30名強の学生を送り出した。

2020年卒業して仕事またはインターンを希望した学生のうち、80%が6カ月以内に関連する職に就いた、とJustice Through CodeのファウンダーであるAedan Macdonald(エーダン・マクドナルド)氏がTechCrunchに話した。Antwan(アントワン)氏(上の写真)はプログラムの後にインターンシップの機会を得た1人だ。同氏はコロンビア大学のIT部門で2020年12月からフルタイムのインターンとして働いている。

「Facebookで(Justice Though Code)のフライヤーを見つけてから1年以内にコロンビア大学でインターンとして仕事をしていることが信じられません」とアントワン氏がTechCrunchに語った。「とにかくすばらしい。1日1日が勉強の連続です」、

それ以前、アントワン氏はEmergent Worksで過ごした。

「Emergent Worksは、プログラムで学んだ理論を仕事の場で使う最初のチャンスを与えてくれました」とアントワン氏はいう。

Justice Through Codeは、少数のテック企業パートナーからプログラムと学生のサポート協力を得ている。たとえばAmazon Web Service(AWS)は必要とする学生にノートパソコンを提供し、Google(グーグル)、Slack(スラック)、Coursera(コーセラ)の技術者は、テック企業での経験を学生に話している。



現在、Justice Through Codeは3回目のクラスを募集中で、最大60名受け入れる予定だとマクドナルド氏は言っている。Justice Through Codeに応募するためにコーディング経験は必要ないが、コンピューターの使用が苦痛でないことは前提だ。選考過程では、応募者がコーディングを学ぶ上で体験するフラストレーションに対処する能力も試される。


刑事司法制度の対象となった人々を支援するプログラムはJustice Through Codeだけではない。The Last Mile(ザ・ラスト・マイル)は、収監中の人たちにビジネスとコーディングのスキルを教え、社会復帰した人たちが職を探すためにテック企業との提携も行っている。


自身も収監された経験をもつマクドナルド氏は、Justice Through Codeが「犯罪歴者の将来には最低賃金の職しかない、という負の固定観念」を消してくれることを期待している。

画像クレジット:Courtesy of Justice Through Code


People who have spent time in jail or prison often face barriers to accessing stable jobs, housing and financial services. These types of barriers are a key driver of recidivism for the more than 600,000 people who are released from prison each year. Between 2005 and 2014, an estimated 68% of people released in 2005 were arrested again within three years. Within nine years, 83% of those released in 2005 were rearrested, according to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Justice Through Code, a semester-long coding and interpersonal skills intensive that takes place at Columbia University, aims to provide alternative paths for people once they reenter society.

Throughout the semester, students learn the fundamentals of Python and other computer science basics. They also receive career coaching, public speaking training, and learn negotiation skills and how to write a resume. Once students complete the program, Justice Through Code, which held its first cohort last year with just over 30 students, puts them in touch with its partners for paid internships and jobs.

Of the students in the first cohort who were interested in finding jobs or internships after the program, more than 80% of them were placed in relevant roles within six months, Justice Through Code founder Aedan Macdonald told TechCrunch. Antwan (pictured above) is one of the graduates who secured an internship after the program. Antwan has been interning full time at Columbia in the school’s IT department since December.

“It was just amazing that within one year of me coming across that flyer [for Justice Through Code] on Facebook, I’m actually working an internship at Columbia,” Antwan told TechCrunch. “And it’s just been tremendous. I mean, it’s been nonstop learning every single day.”

Before that, Antwan spent time at Emergent Works.

“It really gave me my first opportunity of using the theory that I learned in the program in a work setting,” Antwan said.

Justice Through Code works with a handful of tech partners to support its program and its students. Amazon Web Services, for example, provides laptops to students who need them while technologists from Google, Slack and Coursera speak to students on their experiences in tech.

AWS has yet to hire folks from the program but an AWS spokesperson says the company is excited to present opportunities to graduates.

“It’s definitely our intention to hire individuals from this program,” the spokesperson told TechCrunch.

Justice Through Code is now accepting applications for its third cohort, which Macdonald says he hopes will have a class size of up to 60 people. While Justice Through Code does not require applicants to have any prior coding experience, the program does want participants to be comfortable using computers. The application process also seeks to determine how well someone may be equipped to deal with the frustrations that come with learning how to code.

“So much of learning how to code is being in a kind of state where you don’t know everything,” Macdonald said. “And it can be highly frustrating. And so I think seeing how the process of how people work through problems [is beneficial]. We do a couple logic problems in the interview, and it’s really not a matter of does somebody have the answer to this, but we actually have questions in pairs. So if somebody struggles on one question, we’ll go through in detail how to solve that and then see what their process is of applying that same principle of logic to the subsequent question that utilizes the same principle. So … how people are responding in a learning environment, as well as kind of curiosity about the the industry and just a real drive to succeed if they’re selected to participate in the program.”

Justice Through Code is not the only program that serves folks impacted by the criminal justice system. The Last Mile teaches folks business and coding skills while incarcerated, and similarly has partnerships in place with tech companies to help returned citizens find jobs.

Macdonald, who himself spent time in prison, says he hopes Justice Through Code can help to shift “the negative stereotypes of the formerly incarcerated as not having any future beyond a minimum wage job.”

(文:Megan Rose Dickey、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those ...

People who have spent time in jail or prison often face barriers to accessing stable jobs, housing and financial services. These types of barriers are a key driver of recidivism for the more than 600,000 people who are released from prison each year. Between 2005 and 2014, an estimated 68% of people released in 2005 […]

Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those ...

People who have spent time in jail or prison oftentimes face barriers to accessing stable jobs, housing and financial services. These types of barriers are a key driver of recidivism for the more than 600,000 people who are released from prison each year. Between 2005 and 2014, an estimated 68% of people released in 2005 …

Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those ...

Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those impacted by the criminal justice system r/motivation - The Purpose of Being Real With Yourself Notable Health seeks to improve COVID-19 vaccine administration through intelligent automation r/motivation - "Some people create their own storms, then get upset when it rains."

Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those ...

Justice Through Code is now accepting applications for its third cohort, which Macdonald says he hopes will have a class size of up to 60 people. While Justice Through Code does not require applicants to have any prior coding experience, the program does want participants to be comfortable using computers.

Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those ...

Justice Through Code, a semester-long coding and interpersonal skills intensive that takes place at Columbia University, aims to provide alternative paths for people once they reenter society. Throughout the semester, students learn the fundamentals of Python and other computer science basics.

Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those ...

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Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those ...

Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those impacted by the criminal justice system. February 17, 2021 by lacer2k. TechCrunch is part of Verizon Media. We and our partners will store and/or access information on your device through the use of cookies and similar technologies, to display personalised ads and content, for ad and ...

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Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those impacted by the criminal justice system. How to Use Facebook Ads to Reach Global Markets. Post navigation. Bill Gates and the problem with climate solutionism.

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Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those impacted by the criminal justice system. 9 hours ago. Imagine a better future for social media at TechCrunch Sessions: Justice. 17 hours ago. Ad Practitioners acquires Knoq to move the startup's door-to-door marketing approach online.

Justice Through Code is a free coding program for those ...

People who have spent time in jail or prison oftentimes face barriers to accessing stable jobs, housing and financial services. These types of barriers are a key driver of recidivism for the more than 600,000 people who are released from prison each year. Between 2005 and 2014,

犯罪歴のある人にコーディングを教える社会復帰をサポートする無料プログラム「Justice Through Code ...


犯罪歴のある人にコーディングを教える社会復帰をサポートする無料プログラム「Justice Through Code ...

あなたはどう思う?みんなのコメントからニュースをより深く読み解こう:犯罪歴のある人にコーディングを教える社会復帰をサポートする無料プログラム「Justice Through Code」 | TechCrunch Japan

犯罪歴のある人にコーディングを教え社会復帰をサポートする無料プログラム「Justice Through Code ...

犯罪歴のある人にコーディングを教え社会復帰をサポートする無料プログラム「Justice Through Code」 | TechCrunch Japan. 刑務所や留置所にいたことのある人は、安定職や住居の取得や金融サービスの利用においてしばしば障壁にぶつかる。

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