関連ワード (アイルランド、インタビュー等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
有望だと思う創業者は誰ですか。アイルランドには従来から非常に強力なeラーニング/教育テクノロジーのスタートアップセクターがありました。今後が楽しみな成長企業にはLearnIpon(ラーンアイポン)、Learnosity(ラーノジティ)、Alison(アリソン)、TouchPress(タッチプレス)などがあります。アーリーステージの企業にはAvail Support(アヴェイルサポート)、Zhrum(ズラム)、Robotify(ロボティファイ)などがあります。
私たちは大西洋両岸の創業者のうち、グローバルな展開を目指している創業者をサポートしています。Frontline Seed(フロントラインシード)はヨーロッパ全体のアーリーステージ企業を対象としたファンドであり、ヨーロッパ各地に投資しています。Frontline X(フロントラインエックス)は、成長段階にある企業に対して迅速かつスムーズに米国と欧州に拡大していけるよう支援するファンドです。
とはいえ、地理的要素もまだまだ重要だと考えています。たとえば成長段階にある米国のB2B SaaSビジネスがヨーロッパに進出する場合、法人の重要性はこれまでと変わりませんから、アフターコロナの世界でも拠点をどこに置くかが重要になるでしょう。
ワークヴィヴォはデジタルを利用して企業文化とコミュニケーションを高めるためのサービスを提供しています。同社は大手顧客からの需要に対応するため、このパンデミックのさなかに、米国の投資会社Tiger Global(タイガーグローバル)からシリーズAの資金調達に成功しました。
Signal AI(シグナルエーアイ):メディアのモニタリングは、騒然とした時代の広報・コミュニケーション担当者にとって魅力的なアプローチです。同社は最近、Deloitte(デロイト)をパートナーとして、新型コロナウイルス感染症がサプライチェーン、ビジネス、社会、旅行に対してどのような影響を与えてきたのか、また今後はどのような影響があるのかを調査し、レポートを作成しました。
画像クレジット:Westend61 / Getty Images
Ireland’s technology scene has come in leaps and bounds in the last decade, with a growing VC scene, plenty of startups and tech giants attracted by the nation’s favorable tax incentives and talent pool.
Google, Facebook, Slack, Microsoft and Dropbox each have a European headquarters sited in Dublin. As the EU’s only remaining English-language speaking hub, Ireland is attracting more diversity in its founders than ever before, plus the tech diaspora is returning to its roots as the ecosystem matures.
We surveyed five local VCs to find out if they had any wisdom to share with TechCrunch readers who are considering hiring, investing or founding a company in Ireland this year.
VCs in Ireland don’t stray far from home, but there are plenty of great deals to be had there anyway. A small domestic market means Irish startups think internationally from launch, and there are high-quality seed opportunities. Top-tier American VCs like Sequoia are placing bets on Irish companies, sometimes even at a pre-seed stage.
The coronavirus pandemic has not really impacted many investment strategies — aside from the switch to Zoom calls instead of meet-and-greets — but it has made hiring more challenging, given the competitiveness of the local labor market. Still, top engineering talent is cheaper there than in the U.S., which means entrepreneurs can create great companies with less overhead.
We just launched Extra Crunch in Ireland. Subscribe for access to all of our investor surveys, company profiles and other insider coverage for startups everywhere. Save 25% off the cost of a one-year Extra Crunch membership by entering discount code IRISHCRUNCH.
We spoke with the following investors:
Andrew O’Neill, principal, Act Venture Capital
What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
We are seeing high-quality seed opportunities that are leading with exciting developer-first/bottoms-up go-to-market strategies in both security and enterprise software. The shift left in security is very well-publicized, but we feel the cultural element of developers truly caring about security and implementing it at design phase is still only beginning … and it’s hugely exciting.
What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
It’s a B2B SaaS design tool, in the world of Figma, Sketch and Invision App … and has some very interesting angels. It is only just complete and not announced yet … and we have not talked to any PR agencies yet, but would be happy to pitch an exclusive to you
Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
As a domestic market, Ireland is very small … so by its very nature, we do not see the same level of great B2C as the U.K. The expertise … and second, third-time consumer-tech founders are not as common, but there are still of course huge opportunities in the consumer space and companies like Buymie are proving it can be done in Ireland.
What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
Like every investment: The people that truly understand the pain point, have passion around the product, have the patience and grit to keep going, and finally the potential for this company to become a category creator.
Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
No competition means no market … however there are high volumes of startups empowering remote working, productivity tools and HR tech focused around company culture metrics etc. … but that said, there is a wave of change happening around the future of work that no one has a crystal ball on, and new category winners will still emerge.
How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
Very focused on Ireland and more than 50% … we can invest in Series A and B across Europe, but we invest at seed exclusively in Ireland.
Which industries in your city and region seem well-positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
Enterprise software startups have always been well-positioned for success within Ireland, and that has only increased with the secondary effects now appearing from the result of great talent coming out of large MNCs driven by 20+ years of FDI. Act has invested in over 120 companies and over half is in enterprise software. We are excited about seeing a new emerging amount of repeat founders in our portfolio (and Ireland) like Barry Lunn in Provizio, and Cathal McGloin in ServisBOT.
How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
When we looked at all the data in Ireland recently, there has been a 115% increase from €401 million to €860 million invested per annum over the last four years. So the market size has doubled and we are seeing some very exciting seed companies, which bides very well for the future.
Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
Personally, I do expect to see even more great startups coming out of the south like Cork and Limerick and the west in Galway, but I don’t foresee startup hubs significantly losing people due to the pandemic and remote work.
Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19?
It’s obvious that there are now serious questions around the level of future of business travel, given how people have been forced to rethink and adapt how they do business. This industry shift alone will create both big winners and losers long term.
How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
Not hugely, given the long-term timeframe we consider when investing. The bigger question around changing consumer behaviors, the acceleration of e-commerce adoption and digital transformation is something we are of course taking into account. Our advice is always bespoke and contextual to the individual startup, and only given when asked.
Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Yes, our portfolio has proven itself to be quite robust through COVID and companies like SilverCloud Health, Toothpic and Buymie are experiencing great tailwinds due to the current pandemic environment.
What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
Personally, seeing some incredibly talented founders with deep expertise at seed stage that are repeat founders. They know exactly what they want and need to do to go bigger this time around, and we believe they can get there much quicker than before.
Isabelle O’Keeffe, principal, Sure Valley Ventures
What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
AI/ML, cybersecurity, immersive technologies and gaming infrastructure.
What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
Getvisbility and Volograms.
Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now? What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
Companies that are really creating defensibility using the technology. Companies creating new markets.
Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
Ride-sharing, on-demand delivery, payments and challenger banks.
How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
We invest more than 50% in our local ecosystem versus other startup hubs.
Which industries in your city and region seem well-positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
The industries that will continue to thrive include: financial services, property and construction, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and Big Tech. We’re very excited about some of our portfolio companies including VividQ, Admix, Buymie, Nova Leah and WarDucks.
How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
Dublin and Ireland have a growing and prosperous tech ecosystem and there are plenty of great investment opportunities there.
Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
Yes I would agree that we will see some of this happening. However, I do think that once there is a vaccine that we will see the return of cities and people will naturally be attracted back there.
Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
We have seen limited impact of COVID on some of segments that we invest into. The opportunities exist for companies operating in the future or work including remote working, e-commerce, on-demand grocery delivery, cybersecurity, gaming and immersive technologies.
How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
COVID has not really impacted our investment strategy bar the fact that we have had to get comfortable with a lot of the process being conducted via Zoom. We have not shifted away from certain sectors or industries as we have tended to invest into areas that are relatively unaffected. The biggest worries for founders in our portfolio are around raising their next round of funding, hitting key milestones, achieving a repeatable go-to-market strategy and hiring great talent.
My advice to startups in my portfolio now is to keep a very close eye on burn, ensure that if they are going out to fundraise that they realize it can take at least two months longer than they originally anticipated and to continue to be working on the product and technology at times when sales have slowed down as when they emerge from this period they will be in a much stronger position with their products and technology and the sales will follow.
Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Yes we have “green shoots’ regarding momentum in Buymie, which is an “on-demand grocery delivery” company who have seen a surge in demand for the service due to the pandemic. Getvisibility, which is a cybersecurity company, has also seen a surge in interest from companies in the financial services, and pharmaceutical and defense industries as they adapt to their employees working from home and where there are greater risks of cyberattacks.
What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
I think the moment for everyone recently has been the announcement that we could be closer to a vaccine than we originally thought and that we may be able to resume normal life next year.
Nicola McClafferty, partner, Draper Esprit
What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
Future of work/consumerization of enterprise, machine-learning applications.
What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
Sweepr — automation of customer care for connected homes.
Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
True AI, digital health.
What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
Global ambition.
Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
Which industries in your city and region seem well-positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
Software application, AI, machine learning, life sciences. key companies, WorkVivo, Manna Aero, Open, Sweepr, Roomex and Evervault.
How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
Unfortunately seed stage is dramatically underserved by local players. Hiring can be challenging given competitiveness of labor market with large tech MNCs. However deep entrepreneurship culture, global thinking from day one, incredibly strong pool of technical talent from Irish universities. It’s also a key destination of other European founders. Brexit opens even more opportunity for this.
Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
Startup economy will likely become a bit more distributed around the country but this will be a positive. Cities like Dublin, Cork and Galway will however remain strong hubs.
Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
Travel tech extremely challenged but the best companies will survive and huge winners will emerge in the COVID recovery when travel returns. Big opportunity to accelerate enterprise SaaS adoption and automation as budgets have shifted dramatically to digital infrastructure and cost-cutting and productivity becomes key focus.
How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
Strategy remains largely intact with some further reserves used to support companies. For those businesses very directly impacted (e.g., travel) — concern is visibility and timing of recovery that is largely out of founder control. Other concerns include cash runway in times of uncertainty — how will the market view performance for future fundraise; in big enterprise how to adapt your sales model for a remote world.
Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Most definitely. As tech businesses most have been very adaptable and are responding to customer needs as they change. After a slow Q2 many businesses rebounded very well in Q3 and have returned to strong growth. Early churn has been flushed out already.
What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
Announcement of the vaccine! Path to recovery is nearing.
Michelle Dervan, partner, Rethink Education Management, LLC
What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
I am deeply specialized in education technology investing. Interested in seeing tailored Zoom alternatives for the classroom, tech-enabled vocational training programs, corporate learning solutions for the distributed workforce.
What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
Crehana, an online skills training platform serving Latin America.
Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
Upskilling and reskilling programs for displaced workers.
Shorter, cheaper training programs and credentialing for middle-skills jobs.
Software to help high school students prep for college and career.
Effective remediation programs that can help students catch up on lost learning during COVID.
What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
Outliers in terms of evidence of product market fit, proof of efficacy, impact baked into the business model, team with unique understanding of the problem and ability to execute against it.
Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
K-12 supplemental apps, games, content.
Tech bootcamps.
Corporate LMS.
How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
80% U.S.-focused, 20% outside of the U.S.
Which industries in your city and region seem well-positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
Ireland has traditionally had a very strong e-learning/edtech startup sector. Exciting growth companies include LearnIpon, Learnosity, Alison, Touch Press. Early-stage companies include Avail Support, Zhrum, Robotify.
How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
Dublin is a really vibrant startup ecosystem. Young population. Lots of government supports to encourage entrepreneurship. Excellent experienced talent pool coming out of multinationals and existing startups. English speaking. Great connectivity to rest of Europe/U.S.
Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
I recently relocated to Dublin after 10 years in NYC. There has been a mass exodus from cities like NYC and SF during the pandemic as the economics of living there plus the space constraints, etc. no longer make sense in a prolonged period of WFH and while most amenities are closed. Dublin is also a high-cost location so will likely also see some exodus although I think to a lesser extent.
Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
The COVID environment has caused a mass acceleration in the adoption of education technology across all age groups from K-12, higher education to corporate and workforce learning. This was already a secular trend albeit at a much slower pace of adoption. I believe that the prolonged period of reliance on a tech-enabled learning experience and the potential need to revert to this in the future will have a lasting effect on how we teach and learn.
How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
Our investment strategy has not been impacted by COVID. We are seeing a greater degree of opportunity and interest in our sector. The biggest concerns for founders are unpredictability in the sales funnel, potential delays to purchasing decisions and resultant cashflow implications. Even for companies that have been net beneficiaries of the COVID environment, it has injected a very high degree of unpredictability and that is very stressful for founders.
Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Yes, as mentioned above.
What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
Biden’s election and the list of people that he is evaluating for Education Secretary and for his cabinet.
Will Prendergast, partner, Frontline Ventures
What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
We take an opportunistic approach to investing at Frontline and are open to any number of different trends within the B2B space. Generally, we are excited to back founders working on:
In the current environment, we are also highly interested in startups that are broadly targeting the key trends below brought on by COVID-19:
What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
We recently invested in a German business that aims to become the Moody’s of financial crime.
Since 2008, large banks have become less willing to transact with regional retail banks. They were unfairly deemed “too risky” in their portfolio. This company aims to create a fundamental shift in the industry — from old school box ticking compliance to data-driven ways of determining the risk. We are very excited to increase fairness and transparency between banks, which will inevitably create more value to the end consumer.
Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
B2B payments are undergoing a renaissance at the moment with companies like Bill.com dominating in the public markets. As fintech creeps into more aspects of the product stack, payments is just the first part to produce huge winners. Solving the nuts and bolts of business finance is still a hugely overlooked opportunity for both large and small companies.
We’d also love to see more companies dedicated to reducing the CFO burden at SME and enterprise level. From real-time payroll to treasury and employee pension management, so much of a CFO’s work is manual and time consuming.
We have supported companies that make a significant dent in the specific parts of the funnel (for example, Payslip — a global payroll automation platform), but we feel like there is more room for end-to-end automation in this realm.
What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
We’re looking for challengers who seek out other strong minds; whether you’re a first-time founder building something that matters, or a seasoned entrepreneur that knows how hard it is to “make it.” In all of our investments, we prize self-awareness above all else in our founders; key to building great teams and scaling a global business. Ambition does not require experience. We’re looking to invest in pioneers across Europe from the world of tech, computer science and engineering, due to our own deep knowledge of technology. In return, we use our personal experience in building and scaling business across both sides of the Atlantic to help founders get off the ground — and go global.
Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
Products that are being built specifically with the conditions created by COVID-19 today may find themselves in a wildly different environment in 18 months. We’re looking to speak to founders who see how things are now and have a strong opinion on how they’re going to affect things in the years to come.
How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
We support founders with global ambition across both sides of the Atlantic. Frontline Seed is a pan-European early-stage fund investing all across Europe. Frontline X is a growth-stage fund, for fast and frictionless U.S.-Europe expansion.
When we first started Frontline, the vast majority of our investments came out of Ireland. Since 2012 we have expanded our scope, and for the last few years have been very much pan-European and now invest across Ireland, the U.K., Germany, the Netherlands and Southern Europe.
Which industries in your city and region seem well-positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
U.S. tech companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Zendesk Hubspot (among many others) have a “pied-à-terre” in Ireland.
In most cases, top-class engineering talent is sourced more cheaply there than in the U.S., creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. They upskill great engineers, who then go on to create great companies.
We’ve seen startup developer tools thrive in Ireland as a result; an example of which is Tines.io. This Accel-and-Index-backed company was built by the world-renowned security team in Dublin.
How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
Ireland is a hidden gem — we’ve had the privilege of reaping the rewards. However, I suspect that the likes of Tines.io, Intercom and Stripe are stirring investor curiosity.
We’re already seeing top-tier U.S. VCs like Sequoia placing bets in Irish companies at a pre-seed stage, for example Evervault, one of our portfolio companies.
Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
As a global fund, part of our core belief is that great companies and exceptional founders can come from anywhere in the world. COVID-19 has had a significant and eroding effect on traditional “tech hub” models and we have seen founders of all walks of life realize that companies can not only run, but thrive in a remote world.
That said, we also believe that geography will continue to matter. Where you set up your HQ in Europe as a growth-stage B2B SaaS business expanding from the U.S. (for example) will continue to matter in a post-COVID world — because legal entities will continue to matter.
Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
These are just to name a few.
How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
COVID-19 has not changed our investment strategy but it will have lasting impact on the way businesses are run and built. That said, the pandemic has given us a new filter: “How successful can this product/business model be in a post-COVID world?”
At the moment, our founders are most worried by engagement (maintaining company culture) and talent (team expansion, senior leadership recruitment).
Every company is different and we shy away from blanket statements, but what we do advise is that founders spend time to identify what working format works best for their company and that they listen carefully to their employees. How can you continue to grow your business, whilst maintaining and nurturing an inclusive and engaged company culture?
Also — while you can, shore up your balance sheet. Believe it or not, VC funding was at an all-time high in Europe last quarter. Go fundraise to extend your runway as much as possible. No one really knows what the next 12 months is really going to hold.
Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Three companies in our portfolio stand out as pandemic green shoots:
What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
Seeing how well the many teams in our portfolio focused on employee health, well-being and safety and how hard they have all worked to keep their companies going strong.
(文:Mike Butcher、翻訳:Dragonfly)
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笹川スポーツ財団 「スポーツ 歴史の検証」第98回 インタビュー 「スポーツ・フォー・エブリワン」を推進する笹川スポーツ財団(所在地:東京都港区赤坂 理事長:渡邉一利)では、日本のスポーツの歴史を築かれてきた方々のお話をもとにスポーツの価値や意義を検証し、あるべきスポーツ ...
松岡禎丞インタビュー:変わるきっかけをくれた、先輩の言葉 劇場版『セーラームーンEternal』《後編》公開中 | SPICE - エンタメ特化型情報メディア スパイス
前後編2部作での公開となる劇場版『美少女戦士セーラームーンEternal』。その後編が、2021年2月11日より公開中だ。武内直子による原作漫画の第4期「デッド・ムーン編」を映画化した本作は、夢をテーマに描かれる愛と戦いの物語となっている。 予告編 SPICEでは、ペガサス/エリオスを演じた松岡禎丞にインタビュー! ちびうさとエリオスのドラマやネヘレニアとの戦いなど、見所が満載の後編について語ってもらった。また、松岡が経験した“運命的な出会い”とは――? 初めての出会いは「衝撃」 松岡禎丞 ――『美少女戦士セーラームーン』との出会いを教えてください。 初めて『セーラームーン』に出会ったのは、幼稚園の頃だ...
【インタビュー】シキドロップが示す、『イタンロマン』という生き方 | Barks
注目俳優の押田岳は「迷ったらとりあえず買ってみる」がモットー!? | インタビュー | FINEBOYS Online
【インタビュー】アキレス海野実執行役員シューズ事業部長――独自性や品質と機能性に磨きをかけ、新しい取り組みにも挑戦して事業の健全化はかる | シューズポストオンライン|シューズ専門の総合情報サイト
New! 2021年2月17日. インタビュー 【インタビュー】アキレス海野実執行役員シューズ事業部長――独自性や品質と機能性に磨きをかけ、新しい取り組みにも挑戦して事業の健全化はかる
全6回! ホンダ次期社長三部氏に超ロングインタビュー:日経ビジネス電子版
【ひむかさんロング・インタビュー】第3の目(サード・アイ)を持つ中1女子感動インタビュー宇宙人と妖精を日常的に見る4年間/シックスセンスを開き悪霊を弾く波長同通の法則/Ufo宇宙人チャンネル/及川幸久 - 理想国家日本の条件 自立 ...
神谷浩史&斎藤千和、"新たな音声メディア"で魅せる声優としてのこだわり「<物語>シリーズ×Audible」【インタビュー】 | アニメ!アニメ!
黒岩祐治氏(神奈川県知事)インタビュー 『スポーツを通して"いのち輝く"未来へ』 - CNET Japan
本インタビューでは、この試みの根本にあった意図を伺いながら、黒岩氏が思い描く「いのち輝く」日本の未来像と、そこでスポーツが果たし ...
ハスキッチ /コロナ感染から復活。ストライカーとして不本意な昨季の汚名返上へサポーターに見せたいプレーとは?【インタビューの巻】 : 大宮花伝
ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナに帰国中に新型コロナウイルスに感染したハスキッチ。療養と隔離期間を経て、チームに合流して精力的に汗を流す。点取屋の期待が懸かった昨季は1ゴールにとどまっただけに、今季は元セルビアリーグ得点王の意地を見せたい勝負の年。活躍へ気合十分のハスキッチ がメディアの合同インタビューに答えた。元セルビアL得
【インタビュー・挑む男】西武・中村剛也、逆襲のアーチスト 昨季9発「本当にショボい成績」 (1/3ページ) - 野球 - Sanspo.com(サンスポ)
新「Vaio Z」1万字インタビュー:Vaio最強のpcはいかにして生まれたのか? (1) | マイナビニュース
VAIOから、フラッグシップモバイルPC「VAIO Z」の新モデルがいよいよ登場した。今回の「VAIO Z」は、プロジェクトリーダーの経験がないエンジニアによって開発するという、新たな挑戦によって生まれた製品でもある。新たな「VAIO Z」に携わった5人のエンジニアに、開発に賭けた熱い思いを聞いた。
やくしまるえつこ『わたしは人類』を黒沢清が語る、地上波&YouTubeにてインタビュー映像公開 | Daily News | Billboard JAPAN
やくしまるえつこの作品『わたしは人類』の魅力を黒沢清が語るインタビュー映像が、2021年2月23日にフジテレビ『第3回 世界SF作家会議』で放送される。やくしまるえつこが<人類滅亡後の音楽>をコンセプトにバイオ ...
インタビュー | プログラマカレッジ - Part 4
【就活体験談:クロキさんの声】 受講スクール TechAcademy 受講期間 2ヶ月間 料金 約7万円 就職先 株式会社アウトソーシングテクノロジー TechAcademy卒業生のクロキさん(21歳)にお話しをお伺いしました!
黒岩祐治氏(神奈川県知事)インタビュー 『スポーツを通して"いのち輝く"未来へ』 | Oricon News
新商品情報 No.45185|笹川スポーツ財団 「スポーツ 歴史の検証」第98回 インタビュー 「スポーツ・フォー・エブリワン」を推進する笹川スポーツ財団(所在地:東京都港区赤坂 理事長:渡邉一利)では、日本のスポーツの歴史を築か...
映画『NO CALL NO LIFE』桜井ユキインタビュー | MOVIE Collection [ムビコレ]
春川(井上祐貴)の母・春川愛を演じた桜井ユキのインタビュー映像解禁!役どころの難しさを振り返り「最後まで救いのない役どころだったけれど、それでもリアルに演じることを心掛けました。」と語った。『NO CALL NO LIFE』は2021年3月5日公開。
昨季現役引退 元愛媛fc・西岡大輝さんインタビュー|愛媛fc記事詳細|スポーツ|愛媛新聞online
【やりきった 後悔なし/愛媛に感謝と恩返し】 愛媛FCに2014年から7年間所属し、昨年現役引退した西岡大輝さん(32)。春からは県外で教員として子どもたちの指導に携わる。闘志と前向きさとともに駆け抜……
「20世紀少年」唐沢寿明の幼少期演じた名子役・西山潤、22歳の素顔とは 今後の夢を語る<インタビュー>(2021年2月18日)|ウーマンエキサイト(1/4)
「たまるモール by ふるなび」にて、スペシャルインタビュー特集ページを公開!お客様と専門家をマッチングさせる「パワープランニング株式会社」お金に関する悩みをお持ちの方は必見!|株式会社アイモバイルのプレスリリース
株式会社アイモバイルのプレスリリース(2021年2月17日 12時00分)[たまるモール by ふるなび]にて、スペシャルインタビュー特集ページを公開!お客様と専門家をマッチングさせる[パワープランニング株式会社]お金に関する悩みをお持ちの方は必見!
インタビュー:eディスカバリのAI活用におけるレジェンド 元判事 Andrew Peck 氏 Part 2 前編 | FRONTEO Legal Link Portal
現在DLA Piperで弁護士を務めるペック氏は、裁判官時代に「事案に関連する電子保存情報を、コンピューターを使用したTARレビュー(Technology Assisted Review)で探すことを認める」という歴史的な司法判断を下したことで知られています。ペック氏が下したこの判断により、eディスカバリが現実的なものになったと言えます。今回はFRONTEO USAでSenior Directorを務めるLilith Bat-Leahが、ペック氏にインタビュー形式でお話を伺いました。
安部柊斗選手のインタビュー記事の掲載を、下記のとおりお知らせいたします。 【掲載サイト】 小学館ダイム公式サイト「@dimeアットダイム」 【登場者】 安部柊斗選手 【内容】 球ぎわの強さと結果にこだわるプレーで勝利に導く!
アイルランド王国 - Wikipedia
アイルランド王国(アイルランドおうこく、愛: Ríocht na hÉireann、英: Kingdom of Ireland)は、アイルランド島にあった王国(1541年 - 1649年・1660年 - 1800年)。終始イングランド王国(のちグレートブリテン王国)との同君連合の下にあったが、事実...
アイルランド語 - Wikipedia
アイルランド語(アイルランドご、Gaeilge [ˈɡeːlʲɟə]、英: Irish)は、インド・ヨーロッパ語族ケルト語派に属する言語である。現存するゲール語の一つであり、しばしばアイルランド・ゲール語やアイリッシュ・ゲール、あるいは西ゲール語とも呼ばれる。
スマートフォン向けアプリ「アイドルマスター ミリオンライブ! シアターデイズ」ゲーム内楽曲『きゅんっ!ヴァンパイアガール』のMVを公開!=========「アイドルマスター ミリオンライブ!」の最新作!「アイドルマスター ミリオンライブ! シアターデイズ」765プロライブ劇場(シアター)を舞台に、ミリオンスターズ...
Google 翻訳
すべての言語. checkhistory. アイスランド語.
タイトル アイドルマスター シャイニーカラーズ(THE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS) アイドル育成&ライブ対戦
Ikeaオンラインストア【公式】|家具・インテリア雑貨通販 - Ikea
IKEA 世界中にファンを持つ北欧スウェーデン発のIKEA(イケア)の家具や生活雑貨は、「より快適な毎日を、より多くの方々に」をモットーに、低価格ながら品質の良い素材を使い、機能的に設計されています。オンラインストアなら、日本全国どこからでもお買い物が可能。
LIVEWIREは、あなたのいつもの場所で楽しめるオンライン・ライブハウスです。 Illustrator / Movie writer 2016年第15回グラフィック「1_WALL」グランプリ テーマ自由、のびのびと育ちどこまでも続いていきそうな絵を描きます。
ラブライブ! 虹ヶ咲学園スクールアイドル同好会
カジュアルシャツ (men) | ユニクロ
オンラインストア注文状況. 新規会員の登録. ログイン. ユニクロTOP. MEN. カジュアルシャツ. エクストラファインコットンストライプスタンドカラーシャツ(長袖)-chipgroup. MEN. S-3XL. エクストラファインコットンストライプスタンドカラーシャツ(長袖).
ソ連時代に育った人なら絶対に覚えている、公共食堂で出されていた栄養たっぷりで安価なランチ。 ソ連全土でそのメニューはほぼ同じで、国家基準に基づいて調理されていた。
キャラクター | マイリトルポニー Wiki | Fandom
キャラクターのページでは、主なキャラクターを一覧でまとめています。詳細は該当ページを参照してください。 ほぼ全てのエピソードで登場するレギュラーメンバーです. Main article: Earth ponies. こちらも参照: List of Earth ponies. テンプレート:Indexgallery. テンプレート:Indexgallery.
フィッシング(釣り)のdaiwa:Products 製品情報
H&M Japan オンライン通販 | ベビー服・ホーム他 | H&M JP
H&Mではファッション、ホームアイテム、キッズ・ベビー服などをオンラインでお求めいただけます。ファッションをベストプライスでサステイナブルに。 タイツ - 2点分の金額で3点. 最新トレンド. 最新トレンド. ヤング カジュアル. 春じたく. トレンドセレクション.
ビビッドアーミー | ゲームスタート - G123.jp
戦場を極彩色で染めろ!色鮮やかな戦場を陸・海・空軍&美少女英雄と駆け巡る!大人気オンライン戦略ゲーム【ビビットアーミー】を今すぐプレイ!- G123
アニメやゲームとコラボしたアパレル・グッズ通販 | SuperGroupies...
「お、ねだん以上。 」ニトリ公式アカウント (@nitori_official)...
季節のおすすめ商品を通じ住まいの豊かさをお届けします。 弊社の偽アカウントにご注意下さい。 ハイライトの重要なお知らせをご確認下さい。
チャンピオン. 自分に合った. チャンピオンを選ぼう. 自ら先陣を切って戦いに挑むもよし、チームメイトを支援するもよし、その両者をバランス良く組み合わせたスタイルでもいいでしょう。
人気の「ガンダムビルドファイターズ」動画 1,517本 - ニコニコ動画
「ガンダムビルドファイターズ」動画 1,514本「【高画質】 最終話 ガンダムビルドファイターズ第25話戦闘シーン Part1」「ガンダムビルドシリーズED集」「ガンダムビルドシリーズOP集」
dアニメストア | 初めての方は初月無料のアニメ見放題サイト
アニメを観てdポイントゲット! ランキングをすべて見る.
ログイン - Google アカウント
Google アカウントでログイン. 別のアカウントでログイン アカウントを作成.
TVアニメ「ソードアート・オンライン アリシゼーション War of Underworld」最終章(2ndクール) 2020年7月11日(土)より放送開始.
デスクトップとモバイルのアプリをダウンロード | Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams を今すぐダウンロードしましょう。Windows、Mac、iOS、Android のどのデバイスでもつながることができます。Microsoft Teams アプリで共同作業を効率化しましょう。
オリジナルサウンドトラック配信決定! オンラインショップ、 Amazon、TSUTAYA RECORDS(※一部店舗除く)/TSUTAYA オンライン ※上限数に達し次第、販売終了となります。
World of Tanks — 基本無料オンラインゲーム
モバイルMMO オンラインゲーム登場! 二十世紀中盤に活躍した装甲車両を駆り、モバイルデバイスでいつでもどこでも戦車バトルに挑戦せよ。
テラコヤプラス. 業界最大級の脱毛口コミサイト. 脱毛口コミランキングなび. 知って得するお金のメディア. マネ会. ダイアモンド☆ユカイ.
2021-02-20 21:36街頭インタビューは誤情報かもしれないのね… でも本当ならNEWS3人で番組があるかもだから、それは嬉しいな