Hyzon Motorsは水素燃料電池車への意欲に米国の2つの工場を追加

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水素自動車の動力源として極めて重要な部品とともに燃料電池の生産を予定しているHyzon Motors(ハイゾン・モーターズ)は、米国の2つの工場で商用規模の国内生産を開始する。

水素を動力源とするトラックとバスのメーカーであるHyzon Motorsは、すでにシカゴのボーリングブルック郊外に2万8000平方フィート(約2600平方メートル)の施設を借り受けており、さらに8万平方フィート(約7400平方メートル)を追加して拡張する予定だ。シカゴ工場では、2021年第4四半期からの生産開始が期待されている。この発表が行われたのは、Decarbonization Plus Acquisition Corporation (ディカーボナイゼーション・プラス・アクイジション・コーポレーション)と評価額21億ドル(約2240億円)で合併し公開企業になるという発表から、ちょうど3週間後のことであり、ニューヨーク州モンロー郡の7万8000平方フィート(約7250平方メートル)の工場を改修する計画の発表から1週間と少しのことだった。

Hyzonは、20年近い経験を持つが新しい会社だ。2020年3月に、2003年から燃料電池の商用製品を開発しているシンガポールのHorizon Fuel Cell Technologies(ホライゾン・フュエル・セル・テクノロジーズ)から独立する形で創設された。2021年2月には、2026年までに1500台の燃料電池トラックをニュージーランドに走らせることを目標に、ニュージーランド企業Hiringa Energy(ハイリンガ・エナジー)と提携。現在は、北米の燃料電池自動車市場に視点を定めている。ただし米国内では水素燃料ネットワークが未整備なため、同社は「基地に帰る」ビジネスモデルで運用できる大型車両をターゲットにしている。


「水素は、ドイツやオランダなどの地域ではずっと身近です」とHyzonのCEOであるCraig Knight(クレイグ・ナイト)氏はTechCrunchのインタビューに答えた。「現代の米国でガソリンを補給するのと同じように、クルマを停めて補給できる民間の水素ステーションがいくつもあります。(米国が)そうなるまで、それほど時間はかからないでしょうが、それまでは、基地に戻る運用モデルを採用している顧客に的を絞ることで、水素ステーションネットワークの依存度を限定できます。それなら、水素インフラ1つで、特定地域の数十台から、さらには数百台の車両に対応できます」。


シカゴの工場では、膜 / 電極接合体(MEA)の設計、開発、生産が行われる。これは、電力を生み出すために欠かせない、電気化学反応を起こすための燃料電池の部品だ。同社ではこの新工場で、年間1万2000台の燃料電池トラック生産に十分な量のMEAを作ることにしている。

完成したMEAは、先日発表された燃料電池スタックとシステムを組み立てるモンロー郡の工場に送られ、部品が燃料電池の完成品に組み上げられる。そこから燃料電池は、提携トラックメーカーに送られ、商用大型車両に組み込まれることになる。同社の米国での主な提携先には、Berkshire Hathaway(バークシャー・ハザウェイ)の子会社Fontaine Modification(フォンティーン・モディフィケーション)がある。






画像クレジット:Hyzon Motors


Hyzon Motors plans to produce fuel cells, including a critical component required to power hydrogen vehicles, at two U.S. factories in a move aimed at kickstarting domestic production at a commercial scale.

The hydrogen-powered truck and bus manufacturer has already leased a 28,000-square-foot facility in the Chicago suburb of Bolingbrook and plans to expand it by an additional 80,000 square feet. Production at the Chicago facility is expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2021. The announcement comes just three weeks after Hyzon announced it would become a publicly traded company through a merger with Decarbonization Plus Acquisition Corporation in a deal valued at $2.1 billion, and a little over one week after revealing plans to renovate a 78,000-square-foot factory in Monroe County, New York.

Hyzon is a new name with a nearly two decades of experience. The company was established in March of last year after spinning off from Singapore’s Horizon Fuel Cell Technologies, which has been developing commercial applications for fuel cells since 2003. Hyzon inked a deal in February with the New Zealand company Hiringa Energy for up to 1,500 fuel cell trucks on New Zealand’s roads by 2026. Now it is setting its sights on the North American hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market. Due to the lack of an established domestic hydrogen fueling network, the company is targeting heavy-duty vehicle customers that have a “back-to-base” business model.

Hyzon’s decision to build factories in the United States is noteworthy because production of fuel cell materials in the country lags far behind Europe and Asia. The U.S. also lacks the kind of national hydrogen refueling and infrastructure network found abroad.

“Hydrogen is much more available in places like Germany or The Netherlands,” Hyzon CEO Craig Knight said in an interview with TechCrunch. “There’s already a number of commercial vehicle stations where you can just pull up and pay to fill up like you do with gasoline today in the U.S. It won’t be long before that is a reality, but for the moment we limit the dependence on networks of hydrogen stations by focusing on the customers that use back-to-base operating models, where you only need one piece of hydrogen infrastructure to fuel dozens or even sometimes hundreds of vehicles in a given area.”

Much of the hydrogen that’s produced in the U.S. is so-called “grey hydrogen,” or hydrogen that’s produced from natural gas. An increasing number of companies are pursuing “green hydrogen,” or hydrogen produced via electrolysis powered by renewable energy. Hyzon sources both types for its operations. Hydrogen production remains one of the main factors determining the rate of scale for fuel cell producers.

The Chicago facility will design, develop and produce the membrane electrode assembly, the fuel cell component that helps trigger the electrochemical reaction required to produce power. The company anticipates the new facility will be able to produce enough MEAs for up to 12,000 fuel cell-powered trucks annually.

Finished MEAs will be sent to the company’s recently announced fuel cell stack and system assembly plant in Monroe County, where the components will be assembled into complete fuel cells. From there, the fuel cells will be delivered to a partner truck manufacturer to be assembled into commercial heavy-duty vehicles. The company’s main assembly partner in the United States is Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary Fontaine Modification.

Hydrogen fuel cell technology is finding use cases in heavy-duty vehicles because trucking companies are frequently paid by how much weight they can transport, and how quickly they can do it. The time investment of battery charging and the loss of carrying capacity makes fuel cells an attractive alternative for companies looking to decarbonize their vehicle fleets.

Hyzon sees positive network effects and economies of scale associated with hydrogen fuel cell adoption — and increasing marginal costs of electric battery adoption. Although the company has not announced plans to dive into the light-duty vehicle market, it remains bullish on the value proposition of hydrogen fuel cells.

“We think at some point it becomes an increasing marginal cost of adoption for battery electric, because you run into infrastructure limitations around the electricity grid, around the size of depots and the capacity to build the charging infrastructure,” Knight said. “We believe there’s a dis-economy of scale attached to going battery electric when you’ve got really high utilization. We believe that some of the lighter vehicles will also start to move onto hydrogen. We’re not totally dependent on that for our model, but that’s our belief.”

Hyzon, which expects to be listed on the Nasdaq in late May or early June, will be listed under the ticker HYZN.

(文:Aria Alamalhodaei、翻訳:金井哲夫)



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