Snapがマッピング・位置情報スタートアップのStreetCredを買収、Snap Map関連機能強化か

今回は「Snapがマッピング・位置情報スタートアップのStreetCredを買収、Snap Map関連機能強化か」についてご紹介します。

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TechCrunchの取材に対してSnapはこのニュースを確認するとともに、今回の買収により、共同創業者のRandy Meech(ランディ・ミーチ)氏とDiana Shkolnikov(ダイアナ・シュコリニコフ)氏を含む4人のStreetCredチームメンバーがSnapに入社し、マッピング・位置情報関連の製品に携わることになると述べている。

その戦略の大きな要素となるのがSnap Mapで、ユーザーは指定したエリアの公開スナップを閲覧したり、自分の位置情報を友達と共有したりすることができる。2020年夏、SnapchatのメインナビゲーションバーにSnap Mapが追加され、同社はこの機能が毎月2億人のユーザーにリーチしていると発表した。

同時にSnapchatはユーザーの位置情報と連動する他の機能も追加しており、その中にはたとえばデベロッパーが実際の場所と連動する、地域に特化したAR(拡張現実)レンズを作成することができるLocal Lensesなどがある。

ミーチ氏とシュコリニコフ氏は、豊富なマッピングの経験をSnapにもたらしてくれるはずだ。ミーチ氏は以前、サムスンのオープンマッピング子会社MapzenでCEOを務め、それ以前はTechCrunchの親会社であるAOL(後にVerizon Mediaにリブランド)でローカルおよびマッピング製品のシニアバイスプレジデントを務めていた人物だ。一方、シュコリニコフ氏はMapzenの元エンジニアリングディレクターである。

StreetCredは、Bowery CapitalとNotation Capitalから100万ドル(約1億400万円)のシード資金を調達していた。2018年にミーチ氏に取材をした際、彼の目標はユーザーがそのデータ収集に協力したことで報酬を得るブロックチェーンベースのマーケットプレイスを構築することで、位置情報データを「開放し、分散化」することだと語っていた。




Snapchat’s parent company Snap has acquired StreetCred, a New York City startup building a platform for location data.

Snap confirmed the news to TechCrunch and said the acquisition will result in four StreetCred team members — including co-founders Randy Meech and Diana Shkolnikov — joining the company, where they’ll be working on map and location-related products.

A big component of that strategy is the Snap Map, which allows users to view public snaps from a given area and to share their location with friends. Last summer, the Snap Map was added to Snapchat’s main navigation bar, and the company announced that the product was reaching 200 million users every month.

At the same time, Snapchat has been adding other products that tie into a user’s locations, such as Local Lenses, which allow developers to create geography-specific augmented reality lenses that interact with physical locations.

Meech and Shkolnikov should be bringing plenty of mapping experience to Snap — Meech was formerly CEO at Samsung’s open mapping subsidiary Mapzen, and before that the senior vice president of local and mapping products at TechCrunch’s parent company AOL (subsequently rebranded as Verizon Media). Shkolnikov, meanwhile, is the former engineering director at Mapzen.

StreetCred had raised $1 million in seed funding from Bowery Capital and Notation Capital. When I spoke to Meech in 2018, he said his goal was to “open up and decentralize” location data by building a blockchain-based marketplace where users are rewarded for helping to collect that data.

While the financial terms of the acquisition were not disclosed, the existing StreetCred platform will be shut down as part of the deal.


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英語「Snap」の意味・使い方・読み方 | Weblio英和辞書

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snapの意味 – goo辞書 英和和英

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Snap Inc.

Snap Inc.はカメラ会社です。私たちの製品は、人々が自己表現をし、その瞬間を生き、世界を学び、お互いに楽しむ場を提供します。

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スナップとは – コトバンク

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Log In • Snapchat

Log In • Snapchat

Snapchat – The fastest way to share a moment!

Snapchat lets you easily talk with friends, view Live Stories from around the world, and explore news in Discover. Life’s more fun when you live in the moment!

Snapchat – Google Play のアプリ

Snapchat is a fast and fun way to share the moment with friends and family ? Snapchat opens right to the camera, so you can send a Snap in seconds! Just take a photo or video, add a caption, and send it to your best friends and family. Express yourself with Filters, Lenses, Bitmojis, and all kinds of fun effects. SNAP ? • Snapchat opens right to the camera. Tap to take a photo, or press and hold for video. • Add a Lens or Filter to your photo — new ones are added every day! Change the way you look, dance with your 3D Bitmoji, and discover games you can play with your face. • Create your own Filters to add to photos and videos — or try out Lenses made by our community! CHAT ? • Stay in touch and Chat with friends with live messaging, or share your day with Group Stories. • Video Chat with up to 16 friends at once. You can even use Filters and Lenses! • Express yourself with Friendmojis — exclusive Bitmojis made just for you and a friend. STORIES • Watch friends' Stories to see their day unfold. • Watch Stories from the Snapchat community, based on your interests. • Explore new perspectives from top creators. DISCOVER ? • Watch breaking news and exclusive Original Shows. • Keep up to date with Stories from top publishers. • Enjoy a curated feed — made to fit your phone. SNAP MAP ? • See where your friends are hanging out, if they’ve shared their location with you. • Share your location with your best friends, or go off the grid with Ghost Mode. • Discover live Stories from the community nearby, or across the world! MEMORIES ?️ • Look back on Snaps you’ve saved with free cloud storage. • Edit and send old moments to friends, or save them to your Camera Roll. • Create Stories from your favorite memories to share with friends and family. FRIENDSHIP PROFILE ? • Every friendship has its own special profile to see the moments you’ve saved together. • Discover new things you have in common with Charms. See how long you’ve been friends, your astrological compatibility, your Bitmojis’ fashion sense, and more! • Friendship Profiles are just between you and a friend, so you can bond over what makes your friendship special. Happy Snapping! • • • Please note: Snapchatters can always capture or save your messages by taking a screenshot, using a camera, or otherwise. Be mindful of what you Snap!

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‎「Snapchat」をApp Storeで

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Snapchat – Apps on Google Play

Snapchat is a fast and fun way to share the moment with friends and family ? Snapchat opens right to the camera, so you can send a Snap in seconds! Just take a photo or video, add a caption, and send it to your best friends and family. Express yourself with Filters, Lenses, Bitmojis, and all kinds of fun effects. SNAP ? • Snapchat opens right to the camera. Tap to take a photo, or press and hold for video. • Add a Lens or Filter to your photo — new ones are added every day! Change the way you look, dance with your 3D Bitmoji, and discover games you can play with your face. • Create your own Filters to add to photos and videos — or try out Lenses made by our community! CHAT ? • Stay in touch and Chat with friends with live messaging, or share your day with Group Stories. • Video Chat with up to 16 friends at once. You can even use Filters and Lenses! • Express yourself with Friendmojis — exclusive Bitmojis made just for you and a friend. STORIES • Watch friends' Stories to see their day unfold. • Watch Stories from the Snapchat community, based on your interests. • Explore new perspectives from top creators. DISCOVER ? • Watch breaking news and exclusive Original Shows. • Keep up to date with Stories from top publishers. • Enjoy a curated feed — made to fit your phone. SNAP MAP ? • See where your friends are hanging out, if they’ve shared their location with you. • Share your location with your best friends, or go off the grid with Ghost Mode. • Discover live Stories from the community nearby, or across the world! MEMORIES ?️ • Look back on Snaps you’ve saved with free cloud storage. • Edit and send old moments to friends, or save them to your Camera Roll. • Create Stories from your favorite memories to share with friends and family. FRIENDSHIP PROFILE ? • Every friendship has its own special profile to see the moments you’ve saved together. • Discover new things you have in common with Charms. See how long you’ve been friends, your astrological compatibility, your Bitmojis’ fashion sense, and more! • Friendship Profiles are just between you and a friend, so you can bond over what makes your friendship special. Happy Snapping! • • • Please note: Snapchatters can always capture or save your messages by taking a screenshot, using a camera, or otherwise. Be mindful of what you Snap!

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Snapchat(スナップチャット)とは?いよいよ日本でも盛り上が …


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買収(ばいしゅう)とは。意味や解説、類語。[名](スル)1 買い取ること。買いおさえること。「会社を買収する」「用地買収」2 ひそかに利益を与えて、自分の有利になるように人を動かすこと。「選挙民を買収する」 – goo国語辞書は30万3千件語以上を収録。政治・経済・医学・ITなど、最新用語の追加も定期的に行っています。

買収とは – Weblio辞書

「買収」の意味は 買い取ること。Weblio国語辞典では「買収」の意味や使い方、用例、類似表現などを解説しています。

買収とは – コトバンク

デジタル大辞泉 – 買収の用語解説 – [名](スル)1 買い取ること。買いおさえること。「会社を買収する」「用地買収」2 ひそかに利益を与えて、自分の有利になるように人を動かすこと。「選挙民を買収する」

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会社の買収とは | 企業買収の意味と仕組み | 山田 …

日本企業による企業買収は、年々、増加の一途をたどっています。 その背景には、少子高齢化の進展による人口減少によって、国内市場の成長が頭打ちになっているという現状があります。 国内の需要に依存してきた企業が成長し続けていくためには、グローバル

買収 – Wikipedia

買収 (ばいしゅう)

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