CES 2021の人気カテゴリーは「ホームフィットネス」

今回は「CES 2021の人気カテゴリーは「ホームフィットネス」」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (CES 2021、Samsung、Ultrahuman、フィットネス等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


2021年初めて、すべてがバーチャルになったCESでは、当然のようにジムもバーチャルだ。過去12カ月で私たちのフィットネスの日課のほとんどが、完全に変わってしまった。私についていうなら、Apple Watchのウォーキングの歩数に2020年3月と4月に大きな谷がある。



これまでのところ、CES 2021においてこの市場に参入してきた最大のビッグネームはおそらくSamsung(サムスン)だろう。このエレクトロニクス大手は、Smart Trainerを発表した。同社がこれまで次々と出してきたフィットネスアプリの一員だ。このシステムはSamsungのSmartTV専用で、ウェブカメラでエクササイズを追跡する。少なくともこの分野において、加速度計と心拍計だけをフィードバックに利用するApple Watchのフィットネストラッキングよりも機能が充実しているようだ。SamsungのSmart Trainerは、AppleのFitness+と同様にトレーナーがエクササイズを指導する。その中にはセレブのJillian Michaels(ジリアン・マイケルズ)氏のワークアウトもある。

フィットネスビデオにおけるもう1つのメジャークラスが、今週デビューしたUltrahumanだ。同社は最近、800万ドル(約8億3000万円)のラウンドを完了した。Fitness+と同じく、同社のバイオトラッキングもApple Watchを利用し、心拍や燃焼カロリーなどを表示する。Ultrahumanによると同社サービスは「上級クラス」のフィットネスだという。

UltrahumanはクロスフィットのチャンピオンKara Saunders(カラ・サンダース)氏や、フィットネスのセレブAmanda Cerny(アマンダ・チェルニー)氏、コーチのJohannes Bartl(ヨハネス・バルトル)氏、アスリートでコーチのKris Gethin(クリス・ゲシン)氏、MindSizeのCEOであるChristian Straka(クリスチャン・ストラカ)氏といったら人気のアスリートやセレブたちと提携している。アプリはiOSとAndroidの両方があり、Apple Watchと統合してメディテーションやワークアウトの効果を測定し改善できる。CalmやHeadspaceなどのセレブ重視のサービスと違いUltrahumanは、テクノロジープラットフォームとして体験の改善と長期的な結果を狙っている。



・Apple Fitness+はジムの代わりにはならないが汗を流すには十分



The year of the first-ever all-virtual CES is, unsurprisingly, the year of the virtual gym. The past 12 months have seen most of our fitness routines completely transformed — speaking for myself, my Apple Watch step count shows two big empty spots where March and April are.

Fitness startups have seen unexpected windfall in all of this. In June, Lululemon announced plans to acquire Mirror for $500 million, while competitors like Tonal saw a 7x increase in sales for the year. In December, Apple launched Fitness+, its own on-demand service designed to take on the Pelotons of the world.

It’s hard to shake the feeling that we’re starting to see a streaming service-style land rush on the fitness side of things. It’s a massive industry, of course, and odds are things will never return exactly to “normal” in the wake of all of this, but unlike movie services, it’s hard to imagine people subscribing to more than one at a time.

Perhaps the biggest name to enter the market thus far at CES is Samsung. The electronics giant announced Smart Trainer, an addition to its growing line of fitness-focused apps. The system is designed specially for Samsung’s Smart TVs, using a webcam to track exercises. On that front, at least, it seems to be a bit more in-depth than Apple’s Watch-only tracking, which relies on an accelerometer and heart-rate monitor for feedback. Like Fitness+, it will employ trainers to lead exercises, including workout celebrity Jillian Michaels.

Ultrahuman is another major fitness video platform making its debut this week. The startup recently closed an $8 million round. Like Fitness+, its biotracking is built around the Apple Watch, showcasing heart rate and calories burned, among other metrics. The service compares its offering to a “masterclass” for fitness.

Partners include leading athletes and celebrities like Crossfit champion Kara Saunders, fitness celebrity Amanda Cerny, coach Johannes Bartl, hybrid athlete and coach Kris Gethin and MindSize CEO Christian Straka to name a few. Available on iOS and Android devices, the app also integrates biofeedback via its Apple Watch integration to measure and improve the efficacy of meditation and workouts. Compared to Calm and Headspace’s celebrity content approach, Ultrahuman uses a technology platform-based approach to improve experience and long-term results.

These services set themselves apart from the likes of Mirror, Peloton and new offerings from the likes of NordicTrack, in that these technologies ditch the heavy exercise equipment, lowering the barrier of entry (though I suppose Samsung’s does require a big, expensive TV). The fact is that demand will decrease when people feel more comfortable going to the gym. That will certainly shake out the industry to a certain extent.

For many people, however, once the secrets of home fitness have been unlocked, they may never want to visit the gym again.

(翻訳:iwatani、a.k.a. hiwa)

CES International Attendees – CES 2021

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Ultrahuman | The Most Amazing Fitness Subscription Ever

Ultrahuman helps people achieve their true potential. Our vision is to help people transform themselves by giving them access to content and programs that work on aspects of mind and sleep.The platform combines cutting edge science and art, which is driven by the knowledge and experience of the world’s top musicians, neuroscientists, and psychologists.

Ultrahuman: Workouts & Sleep – Apps on Google Play

*Featured in leading publications globally, including, AP, Financial Times, MSN, CNet, Tech Crunch, Business insider and more. ** Your Secret Santa gift: Subscribe before Jan 2, 2021 and get an all-inclusive 2-week free trial! *Now track your run with our all-new running module.* *Learn which series works best for you: Track your heart rate and calories burned in real-time with our biofeedback technology.* *Try our all-new video home workouts. Designed and taught by the world’s best athletes.* *Join renowned experts on a series of guided meditations and breathing exercises that help you manage stress & anxiety, improving your mental health and sleep patterns.* *Fall asleep naturally with our carefully crafted bedtime stories and wake up more relaxed and refreshed every day.* *Listen to comprehensive playlists of relaxing music that aids mindfulness, productivity & focus, curated by Grammy-winning artists.* Ultrahuman offers tools designed for both beginners and advanced practitioners. The platform combines cutting-edge science and art for our workouts, yoga, meditation & bedtime stories, which is driven by the knowledge and experience of the world’s top neuroscientists, psychologists, musicians, authors, yoga experts, fitness & workout trainers. Ultrahuman is the complete guide that helps you stay fit, with its unique workout series, meditation and mindfulness courses and bedtime stories. Our all-new video workout series by world-renowned athletes and fitness trainers will help you improve your strength, mobility, agility, muscle strength and flexibility. Train for a marathon with one of the most followed wellness enthusiasts in the world, Amanda Cerny! Train like a UFC athlete with celebrity fitness trainer Kris Gethin or try David Morin’s home workout series. Try Ashtanga yoga by Laruga Glaser or learn how to align your mind and body with Bharath Shetty’s yoga series. Some of the home workouts and yoga programs include: * Marathon Training by Amanda Cerny and Johannes Bartl * Home Body Workout by David Morin * Body Transformation by Kris Gethin * Flow with Ashtanga by Laruga Glaser * Sound meditation by Avery Whitmore * Align With Yoga by Bharath Shetty Choose from a wide range of mindfulness content, including guided meditations, bedtime stories, soothing music to help improve sleep, calming nature sounds and soundscapes to enhance your overall performance: * Body Scan For Awareness * Flowing With The Breath * Cultivating Gratitude * Detaching From Fear Fall into a deep sleep while listening to these classic bedtime stories and many more: * A Whale Song * Voyager 1 * Alice in Wonderland * Riposo Ultrahuman also features: * Calming meditation music * Nature & sleep sounds * Relaxing soundscapes * Meditation and bedtime stories for kids * Breathing exercises If you choose to subscribe, payment will be charged to your Google Account, at the confirmation of purchase. Read more about our terms and conditions here: Terms of service: https://ultrahuman.com/termsAndCondition Privacy policy: https://ultrahuman.com/privacyPolicy


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Ultrahuman Launches At CES – Cerebral-Overload

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Global health and fitness platform Ultrahuman officially launched today, ahead of its debut at CES 2021 next week. Ultrahuman is a fitness platform that helps people meditate, workout efficiently, and optimize their sleep with the help of athletes, neuroscientists, artists, and psychologists—all in one place. Ultrahuman recently closed a $8mn series A round backed by top tier […] LOS ANGELES, Jan. 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Global health and fitness platform Ultrahuman officially launched today, ahead of its debut at CES 2021 next week. Ultrahuman is a fitness platform that helps people meditate, workout efficiently, and optimize their sleep with the help of athletes, neuroscientists, artists, and psychologists—all in one place. Ultrahuman recently closed a $8mn series A round backed by top tier […]

Ultrahuman Launches At CES

/PRNewswire/ — Global health and fitness platform Ultrahuman officially launched today, ahead of its debut at CES 2021 next week. Ultrahuman is a fitness…

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Ultrahuman Launches At CES

Global health and fitness platform Ultrahuman officially launched today, ahead of its debut at CES 2021 next week. Ultrahuman is a fitness platform that helps people meditate, workout efficiently, and optimize their sleep with the help of athletes, neuroscientists, artists, and psychologists—all in one place. Ultrahuman recently closed a $8mn series A round backed by top tier VCs like Nexus and Blume.

CES 2021の人気カテゴリーは「ホームフィットネス …

2021年初めて、すべてがバーチャルになったCESでは、当然のようにジムもバーチャルだ。過去12カ月で私たちのフィットネスの日課のほとんどが、完全に変わってしまった。私についていうなら、Apple Watchのウォーキングの歩数に2020年3月と4月に大きな谷がある。

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