

関連ワード (IndieBio、アクセラレータープログラム等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。





創設者のArvind Gupta(アルビンド・グプタ)氏は2020年このアクセラレーターを去り、ベンチャー投資企業Mayfield(メイフィールド)に移ったのをきっかけに、MayfieldとIndieBioは共同でGenesis Consortium(ジェネシス・コンソーシアム)を結成し、IndieBio参加企業に、オプション投資としてさらに25万ドルを提供している。

当初、IndieBioはサンフランシスコだけで運営されていたが、2020年にニューヨークでもコホートを募集するまでに拡大し、現在は並行して運営されている。サンフランシスコは執行取締役Po Bronson(ポー・ブロンソン)氏が、ニューヨークは執行取締役Stephen Chambers(スティーブン・チャンバー)氏が率いている。




Brickbuilt Therapeutics(ブリックビルト・セラピュティクス):歯周病や口腔ガンジダなどの予防と治療を助ける生物療法のど飴。

Bucha Leather(ブシャ・レザー):バクテリア・ナノセルロースから培養される動物由来ではない合成皮革。同社の製造方法なら、数週間で「分厚いマット」素材を作れるという。

Free To Feed(フリー・トゥー・フィード):赤ちゃんに母乳アレルギーが出たとき、どの成分に反応しているかを探し当てるのは、大変な時間と根気のいる作業だ。Free to Feedは、母乳に含まれる食品タンパク質の種類を特定する試験紙を開発している。これにより母乳を赤ちゃんに与えている母親は、どのタンパク質がアレルギー反応を起こしているかを理解しやすくなる。

Gypsy Basin Genomics(ジプシー・ベイジン・ジェノミクス):HIVが原因の早期口腔ガンを、歯医者でうがいをするだけで簡単に検査できる方法を開発している。

Harmony Baby Nutrition(ハーモニー・ベイビー・ニュートリション):「乳成分不使用の、アレルギーを起こさない、環境に優しい唯一の乳児用粉ミルク」を謳うHarmonyは「ヒトの母乳にほぼ近い」乳児用粉ミルクを作っている。


Nyoka Design Labs(ナイヨカ・デザイン・ラブズ):生物発光を利用した、毒性のない、生分解性の、リサイクル可能なグロースティック。

Sequential Skin(シーケンシャル・スキン):同社の肌の検査キットで顔を拭い同研究所に送ると、その人の肌の微生物に適した製品に関する詳細なレポートを受け取ることができる。


Aja Labs(アジャ・ラブズ):「ヘアエクステのビヨンドミート」を売り言葉に、見た目も感触もヒトの髪の毛とよく似た繊維を植物から育てる。化学薬品を大量に使用する合成技術も人毛も使わずに、ヘアエクステンションを作れる可能性がある。


California Cultured(カリフォルニア・カルチャード):実験室で育つカカオ。苦みが少ないため、少量の砂糖でもおいしく加工できるカカオを栽培できるという。


Capra Biosciences(キャプラ・バイオサイエンセズ):発酵過程で発生し、通常は邪魔者となる生物膜を、エンジンオイルや化粧品用のレチノールなどの製品に変換する方法を探る。



Ozone Bio(オゾン・バイオ):死細胞培養(ゾンビザイム)を使い、グリーンな方法でナイロンを作り出す。

Panacea Longevity(パナシア・ロンジェビティー):断食せずに断食と同じ健康効果を再現する方法を探る。「断食時の体の自然な反応を模倣」する栄養素を特定し、サプリの開発を目指す。

Prolific Machines(プロリフィック・マシーンズ):細胞分化を高精度でコントロールする。たとえば培養肉では、この技術を使えば、ステーキ肉の赤身と脂身をそれぞれどこに作るかを決められる。


Sundial Foods(サンダイヤル・フーズ):植物由来のチキンに「皮」を付ける。まずはそれをコーティングすることで、植物由来の鶏の手羽を作る。

Vertical Oceans(バーティカル・オーシャンズ):垂直農法の考え方をシーフードに応用し、積み重ねが可能なタワーで、高効率、低廃棄物、持続可能なエビの養殖を可能にする。



Ultra-precise cancer therapies! Human-like hair grown from plants! A way to potentially save the bees!

The spectrum of companies coming out of IndieBio has always been pretty wild, and its latest batch definitely doesn’t disappoint.

As the early-stage, biology-focused accelerator arm of SOSV, IndieBio gives the companies in its program $250,000+, mentorship and full access to a biology lab to bring their ideas to life.

When founder Arvind Gupta left the accelerator last year to join the venture capital fund Mayfield, Mayfield and IndieBio partnered to form the Genesis Consortium, which offers IndieBio companies an additional $250,000 in optional funding.

IndieBio initially operated solely out of San Francisco, with the accelerator expanding just last year to include a New York cohort that runs in parallel. The SF program is led by Managing Director Po Bronson, while the New York program is led by Managing Director Stephen Chambers.

With its Demo Day still a ways out, IndieBio gave us a peek at the teams currently going through the program. It’s worth noting that IndieBio deliberately invests very early — in many cases, even before it’s entirely clear whether or not the scientific concepts behind a company are fully feasible. “Our program is our diligence,” Bronson tells me. The goal is to prove out concepts — and figure out how to turn them into big businesses — for hundreds of thousands of dollars, rather than millions. “We’re biting off the risk, and de-risking it for the next investors in line.”

Here are the companies currently in each program, alphabetically:

New York

Beemmunity: Humans need bees in order to survive, but bee populations are plummeting, with one of the main causes believed to be exposure to neurotoxic pesticides. Pitched as “pesticide protection for bees,” Beemmunity is working on a “micro-sponge” that, after being ingested by a bee, captures these neurotoxins and eliminates them as waste. Expected to enter field trials soon.

Brickbuilt Therapeutics: A biotherapeutic lozenge meant to help prevent and treat things like gum disease and thrush.

Bucha Leather Synthetic, animal-free leather grown from bacterial nanocellulose. Their process allows them to make “massive mats” of material that can be produced in weeks.

Free to Feed: If an infant proves allergic to something in their mother’s breastmilk, determining exactly what they’re allergic to can be a long and incredibly frustrating process. Free to Feed is developing test strips that identify different food proteins in breast milk, helping breastfeeding mothers better determine what proteins are leading to an allergic reaction.

Gypsy Basin Genomics: Developing a test, simple enough to be administered as a gargle-and-a-spit during a dentist visit, that can detect at an early stage the oral cancers caused by HPV.

Harmony Baby Nutrition: Pitched as “the only dairy-free, allergy-free, and environmentally friendly baby formula,” Harmony is producing infant formulas that “closely mirror human breast milk.”

MicroTERRA: Using duckweed water lentils to convert fish-farm wastewater into protein. The duckweed helps to purify the fish waste water as it grows; once grown, this “lemna protein concentrate” can be used as a source of protein in animal feed.

Nyoka Design Labs: Non-toxic, biodegradable and recyclable glowsticks powered by bioluminescence.

Sequential Skin: Wipe your face with their skin test kit, send it to their lab, and get a full report on the products that should work well with your skin’s microbiome.

Stembionix: With personal stem cell banking in mind, Stembionix is developing a “mailable bioreactor system” that would allow for the transporting of stem cells without the freezing/thawing that complicates things and can negatively impact viability.

San Francisco

Aja Labs: Pitched as the “beyond meat of hair extensions,” Aja Labs wants to use plants to grow fibers that look and feel like human hair, potentially eliminating the need for chemical-heavy synthetics or human hair in the production of hair extensions.

Avalo.ai: Using interpretable machine learning to identify genes (and what said genes do) in plants at a much faster pace to help develop better crops.

California Cultured: Lab-grown cocoa. The company says it can grow cocoa that is less bitter, and as such requires far less sugar to be tasty.

Canaery: Aiming to “do for scent what machine vision has done for sight,” Canaery is building a neural interface for analyzing an object’s “scent fingerprint” to identify dangerous compounds at places like ports and inspection points without (or in addition to) x-rays or cameras.

Capra Biosciences: Finding ways to turn the otherwise detrimental biofilms that can develop during fermentation into products like motor oil or retinol for cosmetics.

Lypid: Developing vegan oils that behave like animal fats, melting at the same temperature and providing the same mouthfeel, to further improve plant-based meats.

OncoPrecision: Building a faster way to help oncologists determine which cancer drugs (of hundreds) will work best for a patient by applying drugs to patient-derived cells, with the goal of finding the best drug within 7-14 days.

Ozone Bio: Using dead cell fermentation (or “Zombiezymes”) to produce nylon in a greener way.

Panacea Longevity: Aiming to replicate the health benefits of fasting… without fasting. Identifying dietary compounds that can “mimic the body’s natural response to fasting” and develop them into a supplement.

Prolific Machines: High-resolution control of cell differentiation. In lab-grown meat, for example, one could use their tech to determine what bits of a steak are muscle tissue, fat, etc.

Proteinea: Using fly larva to grow “pharma-grade proteins” for use in medicine cheaper and more quickly.

Sundial Foods: Bringing “skin” to plant-based chicken, beginning with a coating that will allow for plant-based chicken wings.

Vertical Oceans: Taking the concept of vertical farming and applying it to seafood, Vertical Oceans is working on efficient, low-waste, stackable towers to make the production of shrimp more sustainable.

(文:Greg Kumparak、翻訳:金井哲夫)

From improving cancer treatments to saving the bees, these ...

Ultra-precise cancer therapies! Human-like hair grown from plants! A way to potentially save the bees! The spectrum of companies coming out of IndieBio has always been pretty wild, and its latest batch definitely doesn’t disappoint. As the early-stage, biology-focused accelerator arm of SOSV, IndieBio gives the companies in its program $250,000+, mentorship and full access […]

Credit-and-collect fintech start-up Diem raises $5.5M Seed ...

Diem, a London, U.K.-based fintech startup, has raised a seed round of $5.5 million led by Fasanara Capital, and angel investor Chris Adelsbach, founder of Outrun Ventures. Additional investors include Andrea Molteni (early investor in Farfetch), Ben Demiri (co-chairman at fashion tech PlatformE) and Nicholas Kirkwood (founder of the eponymous brand). Diem is a debit card with an app affording instant cash access, traditional banking service benefits (debit card, domestic and international bank transfers), but also allowing consumers to dispose of goods for eventual resale.

From improving cancer treatments to saving the bees, these ...

Ultra precise cancer therapies! Human-like hair grown from plants! A way to potentially save the bees! The spectrum of companies coming out of IndieBio has always been pretty wild, and its latest batch definitely doesn't disappoint. As the early stage, biology-focused accelerator arm of SOSV, IndieBio gives the companies in its program $250,000+, mentorship, and […]

From improving cancer treatments to rescuing bees, these ...

Ultra precise cancer therapies! Human-like hair grown from plants! A way to save the bees possibly! The spectrum of companies coming out IndieBio has always been pretty wild, and his latest series certainly does not disappoint. In its early stages, the biology-oriented accelerator arm of SOSV, IndieBio gives the businesses in its $ 250,000 + […]

From bettering most cancers remedies to saving the bees ...

IndieBio offers companies over $ 250,000 in their program, mentoring, and full access to a biology lab to bring their ideas to life. When founder Arvind Gupta left the Accelerator last year to join the Mayfield venture capital fund, Mayfield and IndieBio merged to form the Genesis Consortium, which offers IndieBio companies additional optional ...

From improving cancer treatments to saving the bees, these ...

Ultra precise cancer therapies! Human-like hair grown from plants! A way to potentially save the bees! The spectrum of companies coming out of IndieBio has always been pretty wild, and its latest batch definitely doesn't disappoint.IndieBio has always been pretty wild, and its latest batch definitely doesn't disappoint.

From improving cancer treatments to saving the bees, these ...

From improving cancer treatments to saving the bees, these are the companies in IndieBio's latest class. By. admin - March 17, 2021. 0. 1. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Ultra precise cancer therapies! Human-like hair grown from plants! A way to potentially save the bees!

From making improvements to cancer therapies to saving the ...

Extremely-proper cancer therapies! Human-admire hair grown from crops! A plan to doubtlessly put the bees! The spectrum of companies popping out of IndieBio has consistently…

From improving cancer treatments to saving the bees, these ...

Ultra precise cancer therapies! Human-like hair grown from plants! A way to potentially save the bees! The spectrum of companies coming out of IndieBio

Cymbio raises $7M to abet brands broaden to more e ...

From making improvements to cancer therapies to saving the bees, these are the companies in IndieBio's most modern class. Extremely-proper cancer therapies! Human-admire hair grown from crops! A plan to doubtlessly put the bees! The spectrum of companies popping out of IndieBio has consistently...

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March 17, 2021

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ガン治療の改良からミツバチの保護、髪に似た植物由来の繊維までIndieBio最新クラスの参加企業を紹介 ...



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ガン治療の改良からミツバチの保護、髪に似た植物由来の繊維までIndieBio最新クラスの参加企業を紹介 ...

ガン治療の改良からミツバチの保護、髪に似た植物由来の繊維までIndieBio最新クラスの参加企業を紹介 - TechCrunch Japan | 製薬オンラインニュース



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来自Indiebio的公司的谱一直很狂野,最新批量绝对不会让人失望。 作为早期阶段,SOSV的生物学促进者臂,IndieBio为公司提供了250,000美元的计划,委员会,并充分访问生物学实验室,将他们的想法带到生命中。

ガン治療の改良からミツバチの保護、髪に似た植物由来の繊維までIndieBio最新クラスの参加企業を紹介 ...

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統合型アクセラレータープログラム「Tribus 2020」の成果発表 ...

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ピーチ | ネタフル

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Pitch ピッチ / 世界を変える提案のメソッド | 本の要約サイト ...



NTT東日本に関するニュース・速報一覧。NTT東日本の話題や最新情報を写真、画像、動画でまとめてお届けします。2021/03/16 - freeeがNTT東日本に人事労務freee・会計freeeなどのOEM提供を開始 - テレワーク対応によるスモールビジネスの課題にも対応freee株式会社(本社:東京都品川区、CEO:佐々木大輔、以下「freee」)は東日本電信電話株式会社(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役社長:井上福造…

biima sports|早稲田大学教授陣と開発した21世紀型総合キッズ ...

①総合スポーツプログラム、 ②非認知能力プログラムです。 ①総合スポーツプログラム biima sportsでは 早稲田大学教授陣 と共同開発した 最新のスポーツ科学 に基づき、 サッカー、野球、スプリント、体操、テニス などを総合的に実施

西村創一朗×菅原弘暁×寺口浩大「『採用〇〇! イエーイ ...

福岡市が実施するスタートアップ企業向けアクセラレータープログラムのメディアメンターも務める。2018年11月27日に、Public Relationsをテーマにした国内初の大規模カンファレンスを実施予定。

News Catcher (2021年03月17日分) - poipoiServe

Clubhouseがクリエイター向けアクセラレータープログラム開始、スポンサー紹介もしくは月54.6万円の収入を保証 Nobuo Takahashi 決済サービスStripeが評価額10兆円超で約655億円調達、欧州事業の拡大に注力 Ingrid Lunden

働く男性の悩み第1位は「子育て」!健康や子育てに関する相談 ...

株式会社WithMidwife3月19日15時、いままでの相談データを読み解く、オンラインセミナー開催株式会社With Midwife(本社:大阪市、代表取締役:岸畑聖月)は、株式会社リコーが運営するアクセラレータープログラム「TRIBUS 2020」に参加しており、その活動の一環として、リコーグループ社員の方に向けて…

新cm「三菱地所と次にいこう。」 シリーズ第1弾「協創」篇3 ...

~新たな企業広告を通じて、三菱地所グループがめざす街の未来を発信~ 三菱地所株式会社(以下、 「当社」)は、 当社グループがめざす「街の未来」を語る新たな企業広告として「三菱地所と次にいこう。 」シリ

静岡経済同友会×Inspireによる静岡創生アクセラレータ ...


Nigeria's Plentywaka gets backing from Techstars, plans ...

Plentywaka, a Nigerian bus-booking platform, today announced that it has been accepted into the Techstars Toronto accelerator program. It will join nine other startups in the class of 2021 and secure funding from the accelerator as it sets its sights on global expansion. The Lagos-based company, founded by Onyeka Akumah, Johnny Ena, John Shaibu and […]



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