

関連ワード (時期、生活費、身体的等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。




スウェーデンの新型コロナウイルス感染症対策は当初、緩やかなものだった。そのため、テックエコシステムはこの不安な時期を乗り切ることができたようだ。「スウェーデンは開放的な政策を採用しており、パンデミックの推移の先を見越して策を講じています。そのため、入国者数が出国者数を上回っています」とLuminar Ventures(ルミナー・ベンチャーズ)の創業パートナーJacob Key(ヤコブ・キー)氏はいう。


サステナビリティ、レスポンシブル・ショッピング(社会的責任を考慮したショッピング)、環境に優しい旅行、植物由来の代替食品を要望する消費者が増えるにつれて「そうした分野の企業が急成長することになるだろう」とIndex Ventures(インデックス・ベンチャーズ)のSofia Dolfe(ソフィア・ドルフェ)氏は説明する。

飽和状態の分野は、メディア / アドテックと健康 / フィットネスアプリだ。

インタビューに応じてくれた投資家たちが大きな期待を寄せているトレンドには、ディープテック、AI、機械学習、ヘルスケア / メドテック、産業IoT、エネルギー保存、高エネルギー効率発電、ロボティクス、知的生産、付加製造などがある。

「ストックホルムからはたくさんの興味深いモノが登場しており、最近のサクセスストーリーとともにその数も急増している」とVNV Global(VNVグローバル)のBjorn von Sivers(ビヨルン・フォン・シルバーズ)氏はいう。



AIオートメーション、民主化、SMB SaaS。












ゲーム産業、フィンテック、応用AI、セキュリティ、eヘルスなどは長期的に繁栄する業界だと思います。Mindler(マインドラー)、Insurello(インシュレロ)、Hiberworld(ハイバーワールド)、Greenely(グリーネリー)、Normative(ノーマティブ)、Marcus Janback(マーカス・ジャンバック)、Tanmoy Bari(タンモイ・バリ)などの企業に期待しています。






観光、モビリティ「あれば便利」程度のSaaS、人材採用などの分野は対応に苦慮するでしょう。スタートアップは、ビジネス、イベント、Travel 2.0、セキュリティ、サステナビリティ、eヘルス、エンターテインメントといった分野に注力する必要があります。










SWVL、Babylon Health(バビロン・ヘルス)、Voi Technology(ヴォイ・テクノロジー)。






当社はグローバルな投資委託案件を扱っています。ポートフォリオのうちスウェーデン / ストックホルム本拠の企業は10%程度です。


ストックホルムのエコシステムから輩出されたすべての消費者向けサービスは長期的に繁栄すると思います。当社のポートフォリオ企業では、Estelle Westling(エステレ・ウェストリング)氏によって創業されたVoi Technology(ヴォイ・テクノロジー)、Fredrik Hjelm(フレドリック・イェルム、マイクロモビリティ)、Grace Health(グレース・ヘルス)、および新興市場で女性向けのデジタルヘルスクリニックを構築しているThérèse Mannheimer(テレース・マンハイマー)に期待しています。
























北欧諸国には優れた消費者向け製品を提供している企業が多数あります。具体的には、ストックホルムのフィンテック企業であるTink(ティンク)、Anyfin(エニーフィン)、Brite(ブライト)、フィンランドのゲーム企業であるSmall Giant Games(スモール・ジャイアント・ゲーム)、Reworks(リワークス)、Traplight(トラップライト)、コペンハーゲンのEdTech企業であるEduflow(エデュフロー)や、同じくコペンハーゲンのヘルステック企業であるCorti(コーティ)です。また、北欧地域の優れたエンジニアリング系の人材は、信じられないくらい強力なテックチームを作り出しています。例えばフィンランドのVarjo(ヴァルジョ)、Speechly(スピーチリー)、Robocorp(ロボコープ)などです。また、北欧では量子コンピューティングの分野でも興味深い企業(IQMなど)が登場しています。さらには、当社が長期にわたり大きな期待を寄せている北欧発のムーンショット企業もいくつかあります。Solein(ソレイン)、Einride(アインライド)、Heart Aerospace(ハート・エアロスペース)、Northvolt(ノースヴォルト)などの企業がその例です。
















画像クレジット:Everste / Getty Images


In the realm of European startup ecosystems, Sweden — largely Stockholm — ranks very close to the behemoths of London, Paris and Berlin. And with 10 million people, the nation certainly punches above its weight, having produced unicorns such as Spotify and Klarna, to name only two.

As a result, the eight investors we surveyed are characteristically bullish about the future, despite a pandemic strategy that became more restrictive in the second half of last year.

Sweden’s initially laissez-faire approach to controlling COVID-19 might have helped its tech ecosystem ride out the uncertainty. “Sweden is more open and is ahead of the pandemic curve, so more people are coming here than the other way around,” said Jacob Key, founding partner with Luminar Ventures.

Several people we spoke to said they saw green shoots regarding revenue growth and retention in their portfolio companies as founders adapted to the pandemic. Areas that are benefitting include digital health and remote work for obvious reasons, but given Sweden’s strength in fintech and gaming, those sectors are both well positioned to thrive.

As consumers become more desirous of sustainability, responsible shopping, green travel and plant-based food alternatives “will likely contribute to a surge in companies in this space,” said Sofia Dolfe of Index Ventures.

Oversaturated areas are media/adtech and wellness/fitness apps.

Some of the trends these investors are excited about include deep tech, AI, machine learning, healthcare/medtech, industrial IoT, energy storage and energy-efficient power generation, robotics, intelligent production and additive manufacturing.

“I think there is a lot of interesting stuff coming out of Stockholm and accelerating with all recent success stories,” said VNV Global’s Bjorn von Sivers.

Here’s who we spoke to:

Use discount code SWEDISHCRUNCH to save 25% off a 1-year Extra Crunch membership
This offer is only available to readers in Europe and expires on April 30, 2021

Jacob Key, founding partner, Luminar Ventures

What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
AI automation, democratization, SMB SaaS.

What’s your latest, most exciting investment?

Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
Real-time sustainability health trackers for both consumers and businesses.

What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
Super dedicated and talented team going after major problems.

Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
Adtech companies, consumer lending companies, e-commerce retail, niche problems.

How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
100% in the broader Swedish ecosystem.

Which industries in your city and region seem well positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
Gaming, fintech, applied AI, security, e-health. Mindler, Insurello, Hiberworld, Greenely, Normative, Marcus Janback, Tanmoy Bari.

How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
Strong momentum, more and more serial founders and experienced founders, strong broader ecosystem, product and tech-led founders with a global view.

Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
Sweden is more open and is ahead of the pandemic curve so more people coming here than the other way around.

Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
Travel, mobility, nice-to-have SaaS, recruiting. They should focus on work, event, travel 2.0 security, sustainability, e-health and entertainment.

How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
Not really. Focus on resourceful execution, digital-first sales, extend runway. Biggest worry is a much cooler investment climate.

Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
E-health, gaming, remote work, fintech.

What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
Founders seem even more dedicated, digital transformation happens much faster.

Bjorn von Sivers, partner, VNV Global

What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
Business models with strong network effects. Mobility and micromobility services, Digital health, online marketplaces.

What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
SWVL, Babylon Health, Voi Technology.

Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
Startups addressing climate change, either indirect or direct. I think it will grow immensely over the coming years.

What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
Business models with strong network effects.

How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
VNV Global has a global mandate. Approximately 10% of the portfolio is Sweden/Stockholm based.

Which industries in your city and region seem well positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
Any consumer service coming out of Stockholm eco system. In the portfolio I would highlight Voi Technology and Fredrik Hjelm (micromobility) and Grace Health founded by Estelle Westling and Thérèse Mannheimer that is building a digital health clinic for women in emerging markets.

How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
I think there is a lot of interesting stuff coming out of Stockholm and accelerating with all recent success stories. Spotify, iZettle, etc.

Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
It will probably increase a bit, but not significantly.

Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
International travel still has a lot of uncertainty and low visibility. Digital health and micromobility is defiantly seeing unprecedented demand.

How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
Not really impacted our strategy. I would say founders think a lot about the funding climate and how to best plan in this lower visibility environment.

Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Yes, all across the portfolio.

What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
The fast recovery in our mobility businesses, which essentially saw activity drop significantly in late March/early April and has rebounded strongly since May

Ashley Lundström, partner, EQT Ventures

What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
I’m personally excited about investing in teams solving important problems — the ones that affect disadvantaged populations, society at large, the environment, etc. And the exciting part is that we’re seeing more and more of this — especially from serial entrepreneurs who have built companies, maybe even had good exits and now want to dedicate their skills to meaningful journeys.

What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
It actually hasn’t been announced yet as we literally closed a few days ago and it’s one that our AI platform Motherbrain pointed us to. It’s one of those companies that when you hear about what they’re building you just say, “Oh of course, that’s a no-brainer.” It’s a great example of a product-led company seeing strong organic growth from a global user base and we’re chomping at the bit to start working together. Prior to this, my latest most exciting investment is Anyfin. Anyfin is a prime example of the potential of Stockholm’s second generation teams, coming out of the Swedish unicorns iZettle, Klarna and Spotify. They’re a fintech building financial wellness products for users who need it the most. They’ve started with targeting interest rates head-on via a refinancing product and are launching more products and markets with the Series B funding raising they secured this spring.

Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now? What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
I’m keen to see teams who combine market experience with startup experience. All too often teams are either one or the other and I’d love to see a team come together where one co-founder says, “I know this problem inside-out because I’ve lived it” and another co-founder who says, “I know how to build and bring ideas to life.” This combo would be really powerful. Over and above that, I’m generally focused on investing in teams solving problems that are shared by huge bases — either consumers or the long tail of B2B. One must in my book is that the product has to be consumer grade. This is obvious for consumer (although not always a given), but it’s something that we’ve become religious about in B2B too.

Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
We’re in the business of exceptions so I find it hard to rule out a category altogether due to competition. That being said, there are always sectors where it’s tricky to envision a winner-takes-all or winner-takes-most, for structural reasons, such as some types of recruiting or staffing, D2Cs or digital health services.

How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
Our strategy is to be local with locals and we invest broadly across Europe and, in specific cases, in the U.S. So, while personally my time’s spent somewhat weighted toward the Nordics, more than 50% of the companies I work with are outside the Nordic countries. Motherbrain has helped us flatten geographies further, discovering great startups regardless of where they’re located, and we regularly invest in great teams outside our local ecosystems.

Which industries in your city and region seem well positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
There’s a lot of talent for consumer products coming out of the Nordics — particularly fintech in Stockholm (Tink, Anyfin, Brite), gaming in Finland (Small Giant Games, Reworks, Traplight), and a range of products out of Copenhagen including edtech and health tech (Eduflow, Corti). The great engineering talent we have in this region is also producing incredibly strong tech teams — particularly in Finland, such as Varjo, Speechly and Robocorp. We’re even starting to see some interesting activity in quantum computing (e.g., IQM) in the region. There are also some moonshot companies coming out of the Nordics that we’re excited about long term, such as Solein, Einride, Heart Aerospace and Northvolt.

How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
The Nordic countries continue to punch above their weight and I am confident that this trend will continue — meaning the investment opportunities will be many. As the ecosystems mature, the quality will continue to improve, which also speaks to this trend over time. Historically, downturns have produced strong tech companies, so I wouldn’t be surprised if investors are keeping a close eye on the region to make sure they get the chance to back some of the most seasoned entrepreneurs who will most certainly be looking for ways to make the most of the current climate.

Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
I believe we’ll see more remote teams, absolutely. However, I still think the hubs will be strong and important pieces of the ecosystem and I don’t think we’ll see these cities shrinking by material numbers. Though if people leave the most expensive cities, who could blame them? I do, however, think we’ll see a more sharp trend of teams that were fairly local in the past, expanding to new geographies. And what may happen is that in itself will reveal new talent pools, which over the long term could create more hubs.

Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
Tech is in a great position overall because businesses are generally either working on digitization, which is seeing acceleration out of COVID-19 … so tech falls clearly on the right side of that line, or green field modern or even futuristic ideas. Of the latter, of course, some of these ideas are nice-to-haves, which struggle when consumers are facing tough financial situations, but plenty are services that we believe we’ll see working out long term. Of course anything physical, where the team isn’t able to adapt the product quickly, like events or exercise services, will face temporary dips, but if these companies were originally betting on long-term trends, we believe that they’ll still be in good positions going forward.

How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
COVID-19 hasn’t affected our strategy, but it has helped us keep our eye on the ball in terms of making sure we stick to our strategy and stay mindful of our own runway — funds have that too! The advice to our founders has been the following: (1) Extend the runway so you keep your options open, and then (2) be as aggressive as you possibly can. We’re encouraging teams to act quickly — both in terms of making internal decisions and in getting products to market to test them out. Our founders’ biggest worries are uncertainties around how long “this” will all last — and our advice here is that they should operate as they always do and not wait for things to change, rather be ultrarelevant in the market you’re in.

Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Yes! We’ve got a couple companies who are really well positioned — particularly Wolt (food delivery) and the mobile games companies we’ve backed (Popcore, Reworks, Traplight, etc.). The current climate is especially favorable for these types of companies, and we’ve got great founders at the wheels who have been able to take advantage of the opportunities presented and who have seen tremendous growth as a result.

What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
The efforts by the public sector, including healthcare providers, to accelerate digitization has been refreshing. Sectors who have all too often had plenty of excuses for being slow and conservative have suddenly made big leaps — and they’re proud of themselves for having done so! This gives me hope that there will be new or renewed appetites even as things go back to normal.

Any other thoughts you want to share with TechCrunch readers?
The Nordic countries have many great examples of digital tools used by the general public to conduct their everyday lives digitally. I would encourage founders and business leaders to look to these examples and see if there are opportunities to build for other geographies. Scandinavian trendsetting isn’t just for fashion and interior design!

Ted Persson, partner, EQT Ventures

What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
My main passion lies in backing ambitious teams solving real problems with real technology. So, pretty deep tech sometimes — the anti-thesis of “yet another B2B SaaS company solving almost the same problem in almost the same way.” I’m also interested in product and design-centric teams using superior UX to democratize something that previously was limited to a privileged few. Currently, I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about and doing research into the future of the creative industries, marketing, product design, etc.

What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
This spring, I’ve led or been involved in four investments across quantum computing, group collaboration and two in the design and development tooling space. None of these have been announced yet though. The last announced investments were Sonantic and Frontify — both very cool companies.

Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
Edtech is certainly one.

What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
As we’re looking for outliers, it’s hard to generalize. But I get more excited about companies tying to solve hard problems rather than just piecing together a few APIs (which anyone can do).

How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
I personally don’t have a geographical focus and enjoy working with our teams across Europe and the world, but since I live in Sweden, my network is slightly stronger here. Our proprietary AI platform Motherbrain also ensures we find rapidly growing or under-the-radar startups outside of our local ecosystems and networks.

Which industries in your city and region seem well positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
We’re pretty good at gaming, entertainment, music and fintech in the Nordics. It’s also easier to find really great designers here than in other parts of Europe.

Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
Yes, for sure. It’s too early to tell, but a couple of portfolio companies have given up on their physical offices and a lot of startup people I know are working from across the country. I for sure think this will lead to a more international climate.

Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
A lot has been written about this already and, just like every other investor, we’ve spent a fair share of the spring mapping this out. All in all, tech is in a good position.

How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
There’s been no change in our strategy. There was some initial confusion for obvious reasons and we took a short break to make sure our portfolio was in a good position to endure. Now, we’re back to normal and have made our first investments where we haven’t met the teams physically.

Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Yes, certainly in a couple of areas, such as food delivery, gaming, remote working and collaboration.

What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
When people around myself, parents, older relatives, all of a sudden embrace digital tools and ways of working fully.

Sofia Dolfe, principal, Index Ventures

What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
I love products that give people a strong feeling of community, of belonging to a group of like-minded people, and a sense of being invested in its success. Users are so passionate about the product that they can’t stop themselves from recommending it to their friends, and their affinity with the brand grows over time. Search for these types of businesses often leads me to consumer businesses and marketplaces that are customer-centric and bring communities together.

Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
I am interested to hear about new takes on education in a post-COVID world in which people may be more open to challenge the traditional ways of learning.

What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
I am looking for founders who are inspiring storytellers. So much of building a business is about getting everyone to come along for the ride, from the senior execs joining you, to the customers taking a chance on a young yet unproven business, to investors taking a leap of faith and sharing in your ambition. Founders who are great storytellers, are hungry and dream big from the get-go, and have the humility to know what they don’t know, will be in my view those who have the best chance at making it big.

Which industries in your city and region seem well positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
Stockholm has historically been at the forefront of both fintech and gaming, and I do think these sectors are well positioned to thrive. Financial services will continue to be transformed, and the modern banking infrastructure in the Nordics makes this an attractive place to start a fintech business. As for gaming, the region has a strong track record and a high concentration of both studios and developer talent, making it a particularly fertile ground for breakout successes. A newer, fast-growing theme in the region is conscious consumption. Stockholm has a long history of eco-friendliness, and the maturity of CSR, responsible shopping, green travel and plant-based food alternatives will likely contribute to a surge in companies in this space. I’m excited to meet with founders who care deeply about this endeavor.

How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
Stockholm has proven itself to be a strong tech hub, and it has many of the necessary ingredients for continued successes. For one, founders think big and global from the start. Sweden has a population of 10 million, and founders creating category-defining companies know that they must enter other markets to dominate. The scale of companies such as King, Spotify and iZettle has also shown that success is within reach and cultivated a sense of courage among aspiring entrepreneurs. Sometimes the world risks underestimating the Swedes because they tend to be understated but as the track record of Sweden shows, they overdeliver.

What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
A few weeks ago I saw a handwritten note in the entrance of an apartment building in Stockholm. One of the residents was offering to purchase groceries, medication and other essential items to those unwell or at risk in the building. I’m hopeful that in times of difficulty, we are reminded of the importance of our local communities, of taking responsibility for others, and of how valuable a simple act of kindness can be to building relationships.

Staffan Helgesson, partner, Creandum

What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
Transformation of old and large industries such as transportation, construction, real estate, etc. Digital health — we will need to transform current health industry.

What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
Mavenoid. Automating tech support globally. Ex-Palantir founders.

Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
Insurance markets have not yet seen the wave of startups that the general fintech industry has seen.

What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
Crazy ambitious entrepreneurs with their eyes set on disrupting a global market.

Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
Many consumer verticals are tough to penetrate given big tech and related oligopoly. But every time I say that new phenomenal companies emerge. Such as Creandum’s portfolio company Kahoot that just listed in Oslo for $1.5 billion.

How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
Creandum invests all across EU. No set targets — we just want to find the best entrepreneurs.

Which industries in your city and region seem well positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
If picking one industry we’re very excited about digital health with Stockholm-based Firstvet and Kry/Livi. (telemedicine for humans and pet owners).

How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
Stockholm/Nordics is a very sophisticated ecosystem that consistently keep producing global winners on a regular basis.

Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
Great companies will increasingly be built anywhere and we as an industry need to adapt. Those venture firms adapting best and fastest will be the winners going forward. I foresee a second green wave, like in the 70s, where people will move out from cities and/or have a dual-home setup.

Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
Travel and entertainment obviously. But even in these industries there will be winners going forward if they can ride the wave of digitizing (for example, tickets and events).

How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
It’s all about access to long-term capital and track record. Creandum’s strategy has not changed at all.

Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Yes, especially in digital health.

What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
Closing a fully remote investment. Company called Meditopia — in Turkey of all places :-).

Tanya Horowitz, partner, Butterfly Ventures

What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
Deep tech, AI, machine learning, healthcare/medtech, industrial IoT and related cloud services and communication solutions, Energy storage and energy-efficient power generation, robotics, intelligent production, and additive manufacturing.

What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
Uute Scientific has created a natural product containing a specific mixture of microbes, which can be applied to various consumer products. These products decrease the probability of getting immune-mediated diseases, like asthma or Type 1 diabetes and consequently improve quality of life.

Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
In the region (Nordics), would like to see more in energy storage, power generation and energy/carbon reduction technologies. Food tech and agtech are an area to look toward given the world’s increasing population. Edtech due to the COVID crisis.

What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
We are looking for a strong team with unique tech aimed toward a global market.

Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
Media/adtech unless truly unique seem to be oversaturated; also wellness/fitness apps, etc.

How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
Finland 40%-50%, Sweden 30%+, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Baltics remaining 20%.

Which industries in your city and region seem well positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
Industries: Health/medical.

How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
I think in Finland and the entire Nordics there is ample opportunities to invest in stellar teams and technologies that have a global market. The talent pool and support of the startup ecosystems are top notch.

Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
I do not see startup hubs losing people in the Nordics. I do however see founders coming from geographies outside major cities.

Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
Obvious is retail, restaurants, service industry. Also education (edtech) should be an area to really look into. Online entertainment (OTT), logistics (food, goods delivery), etc.

How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
It has only affected it slightly, we were lucky that we were almost at the end of our investment period and our portfolio of companies are set for this current fund vintage. We are the leading seed-stage deep tech investor in the Nordics and therefore most of our companies have fared OK.

Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Yes, some of our portfolio has benefited from the pandemic, while others suffered with customers initially but seem to be recovered now.

What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
We are raising Butterfly Ventures Fund IV and started before the pandemic hit. While this has slowed us down slightly, our anchor and other LPs are rock solid and we as a team are committed to getting the first close done ASAP to capitalize with that dry powder in early 2021. While my heart goes out to those who have not been so lucky, personally we have been blessed to not have had direct tragedies related to the pandemic … and my son is happy and healthy and that alone gives me hope everyday.

Any other thoughts you want to share with TechCrunch readers?
Global LPs should really explore Europe more, especially the Nordics!

Sanna Westman, principal, Creandum

What trends are you most excited about investing in, generally?
Well, we typically say that if you invest in trends you’re late to the party … but of course there are some macro movements that are exciting and we monitor closely. For me personally digital health is one of those areas, it’s not new but constantly developing and has of course been further accelerated the past year. Another area that is really interesting are products that help you be a better leader/manager/company. I’m not sure how to productize this but there’s a huge opportunity in amplifying leadership. We’ve seen success with companies giving the individual user superpowers (no-code tools, productivity tools, etc.) but how about helping people scaling themselves and their teams? Remote work has a lot of benefits, but puts new challenges on managers. I also believe we’ll see more quality companies battling climate change in different ways.

What’s your latest, most exciting investment?
SafetyWing — on the intersection of social security and remote work.

Are there startups that you wish you would see in the industry but don’t? What are some overlooked opportunities right now?
There’s plenty more to do within B2B commerce: marketplaces, e-commerce enablers, new ways of financing, etc. Sure there are companies, but no way near as many (good) ones as it should be.

What are you looking for in your next investment, in general?
A short time to “Wow.” Solutions that can give the user an instant value and then continue to add to that value they more they use the product

Which areas are either oversaturated or would be too hard to compete in at this point for a new startup? What other types of products/services are you wary or concerned about?
Mobility and delivery in general is quite crowded. Also open-banking payment solutions has seen a huge surge.

How much are you focused on investing in your local ecosystem versus other startup hubs (or everywhere) in general? More than 50%? Less?
The Nordics is along with DACH one of the key focus markets for Creandum, though there’s no set allocation for any certain geography. We strive to back the best companies regardless of where they’re located.

Which industries in your city and region seem well positioned to thrive, or not, long term? What are companies you are excited about (your portfolio or not), which founders?
Compared to other hubs there is a very high product focus in general, and given that Sweden is a small market the mindset is also international from day one. I think that makes more of a difference than a certain vertical. In terms of exciting companies Kive and Depict are worth keeping eyes on for the very early stages. For the more mature startups Kry and Firstvet are doing great as early enablers of digital health.

How should investors in other cities think about the overall investment climate and opportunities in your city?
Increasingly competitive but also a lot of strong talent.

Do you expect to see a surge in more founders coming from geographies outside major cities in the years to come, with startup hubs losing people due to the pandemic and lingering concerns, plus the attraction of remote work?
Even before the pandemic very few startups in Stockholm had 100% of their workforce in one location anyway, a hybrid setup was and continue to be very common.

Which industry segments that you invest in look weaker or more exposed to potential shifts in consumer and business behavior because of COVID-19? What are the opportunities startups may be able to tap into during these unprecedented times?
As the fund invests with a very long time horizon, +10 years, the short-term impact is not a key concern but of course we think about the long-term effects on e.g., business travel. We tend to look for the opportunities more than the drawbacks though, and there will be opportunities for new companies in industries that have been heavily impacted. It might actually prove to be good timing to disrupt.

How has COVID-19 impacted your investment strategy? What are the biggest worries of the founders in your portfolio? What is your advice to startups in your portfolio right now?
Initially we were cautious around runway and worked closely with the portfolio to make sure they could survive for a longer time should revenues decline and funding not be available. Summing up 2020 though, we were fortunate to look back on a year where many companies had overperformed and were able to raise significant up rounds. Great companies are created in all times and were committed to find the best seed and Series A companies.

Are you seeing “green shoots” regarding revenue growth, retention or other momentum in your portfolio as they adapt to the pandemic?
Definitely. We’ve seen several examples of V-shaped recovery, with revenues bumping back above pre-COVID levels and continuing on that trajectory.

What is a moment that has given you hope in the last month or so? This can be professional, personal or a mix of the two.
The hustle and optimism among entrepreneurs we meet. The “impossible is nothing” attitude is really inspiring.

Who are key startup people you see creating success locally?
I’d say some of the active “stay in the background” angels/mentors that are supporting a new generation such as Joachim Hedenius (Kry, CTO) or Johan Crona. And Susanna Campbell/Cristina Stenbeck who have been very active in their joint investments, often finding opportunities the VCs miss.

(文:Mike Butcher、翻訳:Dragonfly)

春一番 - Wikipedia

春一番(はるいちばん)は、北日本(北海道・東北)と沖縄を除く地域で春先に吹く南寄り(東南東から西南西)の強風 。 春一番が吹いた日は気温が上昇し、その後は寒さが戻ることが多い

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Yahoo! JAPAN


シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 - Wikipedia

7月19日、この日劇場公開された『 天気の子 』の上映前の予告映像にて特報2が事前告知なしで解禁され、公開時期が2020年6月であることが発表された 。. 8月9日、特報2.5が解禁され、エヴァンゲリオン改8号機γの新規カットやルビ(=振り仮名)が振られたテロップが発表された 。. 8月28日、「シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版 AVANT1(冒頭10分40秒00コマ)0706版」の劇伴曲4 ...

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大豆の最適な収穫時期や目安は? さらに収量をアップさせる新技術も紹介! | minorasu(ミノラス) - 農業 ...


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ジュニアシートはいつまで使えるの?切り替え時期や種類について | Domani


河野行革相、高齢者接種は「4月開始」全対象者終了時期は未定/芸能/デイリースポーツ online

 河野太郎行政改革担当相は16日の記者会見で、米ファイザー社製の新型コロナウイルスワクチン接種について、65歳以上の高齢者には「4月から接種を開始することを見込んでいる」と明らかにした。接種期間は2カ月と3週間を想定。全ての対象者への接種がほぼ終了する時期については「まだ定かではない」と明言を避けた。 高齢者向け接種開始時期は「(ワクチンの)供給量を確保した上でお知らせしたい。4月1日より前に接種を始めることはない」と指摘。接種を管理する国の新たなシステムに関し、17日に自治体への説明会を実施し、高齢者接種の開始に合わせて稼働させる意向。

みんなの家庭菜園「[14]追肥のポイント 種類、時期、量、位置に注意」|山形新聞

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結婚しやすい時期を解説してみました。 自分の宿命と年運や大運を把握しておくことで,良い結婚へ少しでも結び付けられたら良いと思います。 自分にとっての干合相手は誰なのか、自分にとっての配偶者の星は何なのか、などを確認しておくと良いですね。

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中途採用は繁忙期・閑散期どちらがよい?時期に合わせた採用ポイント | 採用成功ガイド | 管理部門(バックオフィス ...

中途採用は繁忙期・閑散期どちらがよい?時期に合わせた採用ポイント - 採用成功ガイドに関するページ。転職するなら管理部門・士業特化型エージェント転職決定率No.1のMS-Japan。経理・財務、人事・総務、法務などのバックオフィス系職種や、会計事務所・監査法人、税理士、公認会計士 ...

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那覇地裁は憲法判断せず 召集時期、政府主導続く:時事ドットコム





【健康解码】各种身体“噪音”预示疾病 ---磨牙、打鼾、打嗝、关节响……人体有时会发出一些不该有的“噪音”,它们常常是因为健康亮起“红灯”。




对于跑者来说,跑步后适度的疲劳感可以让我们睡眠更具质量,而足够有效的睡眠也能让你的身体在运动后获得更好的休养,许多跑友以为夜跑流汗有益晚上睡觉更好眠。 最近的一项研究表明:跑者在早上7点之前锻炼…

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晚睡晚起算不算熬夜 熬夜给身体的4大伤害-生活资讯_华商生活



早上起床后伸个大大的懒腰,在日出后到户外散散步,身体动起来,阳气也就被鼓动了起来。 少酸加辛,助阳养肝。中医认为,酸性收敛,入肝经,不利于阳气的生发和肝气的疏泄,因此,立春饮食应少吃酸性食物,多吃辛甘发散之品。


国家卫生健康委疾控局一级巡视员贺青华指出,目前部分地区在充分评估健康状况的情况下和被感染风险的前提下,已经开始为60岁以上身体条件 ...





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Error404生活日常_第六卷 身体的掌控权。_起点中文网_小说下载

Error404生活日常最新章节阅读,Error404生活日常是一部奇幻小说,由错误404创作,起点提供首发更新。第七卷 感染者(2021.03.20)


现在很多人由于长时间的熬夜以及工作生活压力大,加上平时不规律饮食,导致身体发胖后体质越来越差,还特别容易生病,这种类型属于虚胖,身体出现 ...

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人身体里的丹田在什么位置? - : 肚脐以下两寸的位置 人体中的丹田在人体什么位置上? - : 多指人体脐下三寸处之关元穴. 丹田的概念原是道教内丹派修炼精气神的术语,现在已被各派气功广为引用.《东医宝鉴》引《仙经》之文,不仅指出丹田的所在,而且还阐述了丹田的功能:"脑为髓海,上丹田;心为 ...



适合夏天的身体乳 - douban.com

身体乳用过好多. 要么不好推开,要么搓泥. 这款真的太惊艳了. 抹上去像水一样,很好推开. 而且一会就干了,不搓泥,不粘腻. 味道也很好闻. 还便宜大碗. 我买的青柠檬(还有别的果香) 是清新的柠檬味. 不是女孩子身上香香的味道哦. 对味道有要求的慎入

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进行力量素质训练时应注意什么问题 - paihangbang

进行力量素质训练时应注意什么问题 - —— 1、全面发展,突出重点 在发展力量素质的过程中,一方面要使胸、腹、臀及四肢部位的大肌肉群得到锻炼,另一方面也要注意发展那些小肌肉群的力量,如脚掌肌等,使之全面发展,在全面发展的基础上,又可针对项目的特点而有所侧重.2...



戒掉手淫后,身体可以恢复吗 - duanku.pai-hang ...

戒掉手淫后,身体可以恢复吗. 一旦上瘾了就很难控制了,最好戒除,症状是手淫引起的,病因消除了,症状自然会消除的,记得晚上按时睡觉,那段时间是身体修复的最佳时段,必需熟睡。. 虽然说手淫是一种正常的自慰行为,手淫过度对健康也会造成危害。. 由于手淫会产生与性交一样的生理反应,手淫过频就如同性交过频一样,对性功能有不利的影响。. 对于男子来说 ...


原标题:英国开通奥运投诉热线,运动员如受身体或心理上的虐待可举报 【环球时报记者 西山】据路透社21日报道,英国奥委会为参加今年东京奥运 ...


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熟悉张云雷的粉丝朋友就知道,张云雷是差点去找阎王爷报道的一个人, 南京站台事件让张云雷遭了不少罪,即使现在站在台上说着相声但是身体里还是有着不少的钢钉,那么张云雷身体能结婚吗?张云雷身体能和正常人一样吗?下面就跟见闻坊小编来详细了解一下吧!

半岛叨叨 | "睡个好觉"成3亿人难题!年纪轻轻的,咋就失眠了?-半岛网

3月21日,世界睡眠日来临之际,“如何睡个好觉”再次成为公众关心的话题。据《健康中国行动(2019-2030)》的数据,中国成人的每日平均睡眠时间为6.中国睡眠研究会调查显示,中国成年人失眠发生率高达38.  熬夜是指到了夜晚该睡觉的...





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やりくりななえ.com | 結婚30年を目前に熟年離婚!心豊かな幸せ老後を目指しWワーク奮闘中に足の激痛で休職⇒退職 ...

結婚30年を目前に熟年離婚!心豊かな幸せ老後を目指しWワーク奮闘中に足の激痛で休職⇒退職予定。50代一人暮らしの生活 ...

失業了 夠退休嗎? - 上班一族 - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk - 香討.香港 No.1

也許 50多歲的夫婦!男士尚只有1-2年工作機會,而 女 士剛被裁了! 拿着幾百球!!帶仔移居英國!聯名物業繼續放租,用作收留英的生活費! 50歲!好年輕!在英國先入學堂一兩年后,再找工作! 香港討論區

賃貸派って老後はどうするの? 放浪?:日経ビジネス電子版


欣賞樊亦敏有情有義 65歲劉家輝近況精神飽滿 - 無綫電視 TVB - 香港討論區 Discuss.com.hk ...

慶幸好友樊亦敏為他仗義出頭尋找律師,又連日奔走尋找這位前女助手,並親手遞上法庭傳票,拍攝作實。. 樊亦敏之後還代表劉家輝上庭。. 最終亦成功追討回120萬多的財產,他才能應付晚年的的生活費及醫藥費,並安排劉家輝到療養院生活。. 自從2011年之後,現時65歲的劉家輝便絕跡幕前,一直在療養院生活,近日樊亦敏就在IG分享了一張劉師傅的近照,並寫道:「師傅 ...

卒婚・あたらしい夫婦のかたち - にほんブログ村


フィレンツェ掲示板 | フィレンツェ生活の情報・無料広告・クラシファイド


隠退教師を支える運動 - 日本基督教団公式サイト


医療ニュース - 朝日新聞アピタル(医療・健康・介護):朝日新聞デジタル


【別居婚】のメリット・デメリットとは?事前に決めておきたいことや法律についても紹介 | Domani


「弱者に優しい社会」は日本人全員を弱者にする WEDGE Infinity(ウェッジ)


【プチ配当金生活】配当金で生活費の固定費部分を賄いたいこれだけの理由 - こびと株.com

こんにちは、こびと株(kobito_kabu)です。 見える世界が変わるだろうなと思っております。 配当金で固定費を賄えるようになると、どんな世界になるのかイメージしてみました。 ...

柏木由紀子 - Wikipedia

柏木 由紀子(かしわぎ ゆきこ、1947年 12月24日 - )は、日本の女優、タレント。 本名、大島 由紀子(おおしま ゆきこ)旧姓、柏木。 東京都 世田谷区生まれ。 坂本九音楽事務所所属。玉川学園女子短期大学卒業。夫は坂本九、長女は大島花子、次女は元宝塚歌劇団の舞坂ゆき子





家庭内別居の定義・方法まとめ!生活費や子供への影響、離婚しない事情を紹介 | 大人女子のライフマガジンPinky[ピンキー]




システムメンテナンスのお知らせ - Nissay


Penthouse (電視劇) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

當婆家人極盡一切骯髒卑鄙行為後享福的同時,對於尚雅則是要求簡樸、節制、清廉。勒緊荷包的婆婆將生活費控制在200萬元,如果沒有她的允許,連100公克的豆芽都別想買,而丈夫的薪水也是從未碰過。 李泰彬: 李旼赫

臺灣省 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

台湾省(臺灣話: Tâi-oân-séng ,臺羅: Tâi-uân-síng ),簡稱「臺」,為中華民國已虛級化的省份,全省劃分為11縣、3市,範圍為臺灣本島去除直轄市 (因為直轄市與省同級)以外的地區、澎湖群島,以及鄰近臺灣本島之離島。 全省面積佔中華民國實際控制國土面積的69.38%,而人口則佔總人口的30 ...

辛苦半年的的Android APP,google play 已經上架了,請幫忙下載並給五星好評 - PCDVD數位科技討論區

PCDVD數位科技討論區 > 其他群組 > 七嘴八舌異言堂: 辛苦半年的的Android APP,google play 已經上架了,請幫忙下載並給五星好評



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