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AWSのCEOであるAndy Jassy(アンディ・ジャシー)氏が米国時間3月23日、Tableau(タブロー)のCEOであるAdam Selipsky(アダム・セリプスキー)氏がAWSのトップとして復帰することを社員へのメールで発表したとき、それはおそらく多くの人が考えた選択肢ではなかっただろう。しかし、この2、3日の間に話を聞いた業界ウォッチャーにとっては、考えてみれば完全に納得のいく動きだった。
Gartner(ガートナー)のアナリストであるEd Anderson(エド・アンダーソン)氏は、ジャシー氏にとって組織カルチャーとの相性は見逃せない適性だったのだろう、と語る。セリプスキー氏は11年間、この部門の構築に貢献した。彼はジャシー氏がよく知る人物であり、10年以上一緒に仕事をしてきた仲間だ。彼なら新しい役割に難なくステップアップして、収益性の高い事業を構築し続けることを任せられるだろう、とも。
「この役割で成功するには、AWSの将来の成長に対するビジョンに加えて、Amazon(アマゾン) / AWSの文化を深く理解することが必要です。アダム(・セリプスキー)は、以前AWSにいたことから、すでにAWSの文化を知っています。確かに、彼が辞めた時にはAWSは今より小規模なビジネスでしたが、基本的な構造や戦略は整っていましたし、文化も当時から目立って進化したわけではありません」とアンダーソン氏は筆者に話してくれた。
Madrona Venture GroupのマネージングディレクターであるMatt McIlwain(マット・マキルウェイン)氏は、セリプスキー氏がAWSを離れた後に得た経験は、戻ってきたときに貴重なものになるだろう、と述べている。
Constellation ResearchのアナリストであるHolger Mueller(ホルガー・ミューラー)氏は、セリプスキー氏のビジネス経験が他の候補者よりも有利に働いたという。「(内部候補である)Matt Garman(マット・ガーマン)氏やPeter DeSantis(ピーター・デサンティス)氏よりも、彼のビジネス感覚が勝っていた。また、Salesforceがどのように機能しているかについての見識も役に立ち、評価されているかもしれません」とミューラー氏は指摘している。
Tableauとそれを2019年に157億ドル(約1兆7000億円)で買収したSalesforceから離れることについて、CRM Essentialsの創設者兼主席アナリストであるBrent Leary(ブレント・リアリー)氏は、このように買収された企業のCEOが他のことをするために離れるのは時間の問題だったと考えている。実際、それがもっと早く起こらなかったことに驚いているという。
画像クレジット:Bloomberg / Getty Images
When AWS CEO Andy Jassy announced in an email to employees yesterday that Tableau CEO Adam Selipsky was returning to run AWS, it was probably not the choice most considered. But to the industry watchers we spoke to over the last couple of days, it was a move that made absolute sense once you thought about it.
Gartner analyst Ed Anderson says that the cultural fit was probably too good for Jassy to pass up. Selipsky spent 11 years helping build the division. It was someone he knew well and had worked side by side with for over a decade. He could slide into the new role and be trusted to continue building the lucrative division.
Anderson says that even though the size and scope of AWS has changed dramatically since Selipsky left in 2016 when the company closed the year on a $16 billion run rate, he says that the organization’s cultural dynamics haven’t changed all that much.
“Success in this role requires a deep understanding of the Amazon/AWS culture in addition to a vision for AWS’s future growth. Adam already knows the AWS culture from his previous time at AWS. Yes, AWS was a smaller business when he left, but the fundamental structure and strategy was in place and the culture hasn’t notably evolved since then,” Anderson told me.
Matt McIlwain, managing director at Madrona Venture Group, says the experience Selipsky had after he left AWS will prove invaluable when he returns.
“Adam transformed Tableau from a desktop, licensed software company to a cloud, subscription software company that thrived. As the leader of AWS, Adam is returning to a culture he helped grow as the sales and marketing leader that brought AWS to prominence and broke through from startup customers to become the leading enterprise solution for public cloud,” he said.
Holger Mueller, an analyst with Constellation Research, says that Selipsky’s business experience gave him the edge over other candidates. “His business acumen won out over [internal candidates] Matt Garmin and Peter DeSantis. Insight on how Salesforce works may be helpful and valued as well,” Mueller pointed out.
As for leaving Tableau and with it Salesforce, the company that purchased it for $15.7 billion in 2019, Brent Leary, founder and principal analyst at CRM Essentials, believes that it was only a matter of time before some of these acquired company CEOs left to do other things. In fact, he’s surprised it didn’t happen sooner.
“Given Salesforce’s growing stable of top notch CEOs accumulated by way of a slew of high-profile acquisitions, you really can’t expect them all to stay forever, and given Adam Selipsky’s tenure at AWS before becoming Tableau’s CEO, this move makes a whole lot of sense. Amazon brings back one of their own, and he is also a wildly successful CEO in his own right,” Leary said.
While the consensus is that Selipsky is a good choice, he is going to have awfully big shoes to fill. The fact is that division is continuing to grow like a large company currently on a run rate of over $50 billion. With a track record like that to follow, and Jassy still close at hand, Selipsky has to simply continue letting the unit do its thing while putting his own unique stamp on it.
Any kind of change is disconcerting though, and it will be up to him to put customers and employees at ease and plow ahead into the future. Same mission. New boss.
(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:Aya Nakazato)
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