関連ワード (Alsid、Copper、Paw、RapidAPI、Sherlock、Tenable、買収等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。
2018年に株式を公開したネットワークセキュリティ企業のTenable(テナブル)は、Active Directory(アクティブディレクトリ)のセキュリティを専門とするフランスのスタートアップ企業Alsid(アルシド)を9800万ドル(約103億円)で買収した。ユーザー情報管理ツールとして人気が高いマイクロソフトのActive Directoryは、ハッカーの標的にもなりやすい。ユーザーの資格情報を手に入れることができれば、ネットワークに侵入するのは簡単になる。Alsidの製品はそれを防ぐために開発された。
「Alsidの買収は、ユーザーアクセスとパーミッションに向けた自然な拡張であると、我々は考えています。契約が完了すれば、この買収は当社の『Cyber Exposure(サイバー上のリスク変動資産管理)』のビジョンを戦略的に補完することになり、企業が攻撃の全体像を理解してサイバーリスクを低減するために役立つでしょう」と、Tenableの投資家向けFAQには書かれている。
AlsidのCEO兼共同創業者であるEmmanuel Gras(エマニュエル・グラス)氏は、この種の攻撃を防ぐために会社を立ち上げたと語る。「Alsidを設立したのは、企業が直面するセキュリティ上の最大の課題の1つであり、脅威行為者が企業のシステムを横断するために用いる最も一般的な方法であるActive Directoryの脆弱性という問題の解決を支援するためです」と、グラス氏は声明で述べている。
Google Workspace上に構築されるCRMツールのCopper(カッパー)は、顧客体験プラットフォームのSherlock(シャーロック)を買収したと発表した。金額については明らかにしなかった。
「Sherlockは革新的なエンゲージメント分析とスコアリングのプラットフォームであり、見込み客や顧客の意図を表面化させ、営業、アカウント管理、カスタマーサクセスの専門家に行動を促します」と、CopperのDennis Fois(デニス・フォイス)CEOは、この取引を発表するブログ記事で書いている。
2015年に設立されたRapidAPIは、Crunchbaseのデータによると6700万ドル(約70億3000万円)以上の資金調達を行っている。同社の直近の資金調達は2020年5月に行われたもので、Andreessen Horowitz(アンドリーセン・ホロウィッツ)、DNS Capital(DNSキャピタル)、Green Bay Ventures(グリーン・ベイ・ベンチャーズ)、Microsoft(マイクロソフト)のベンチャーファンドであるM12、Grove(グローブ)から2500万ドル(約26億2000万円)を調達したラウンドだった。
画像クレジット:courtneyk / Getty Images
Since the start of the year, I’ve covered nine M&A deals already, the largest being Citrix buying Wrike for $2.25 billion. But not every deal involves a huge price tag. Today we are going to look at three smaller deals that show there is plenty of activity at the lower-end of the acquisition spectrum.
As companies look for ways to enhance their offerings, and bring in some talent at the same time, smaller acquisitions can provide a way to fill in the product road map without having to build everything in-house.
This gives acquiring companies additional functionality for a modest amount of cash. In smaller deals, we often don’t even get the dollar amount, although in one case today we did. If the deal isn’t large enough to have a material financial impact on a publicly traded company, they don’t have to share the price.
Let’s have a look at three such deals that came through in recent days.
Tenable buys Alsid
For starters, Tenable, a network security company that went public in 2018, bought French Active Directory security startup Alsid for $98 million. Active Directory, Microsoft’s popular user management tool, is also a target of hackers. If they can get a user’s credentials, it’s an easy way to get on the network and Alsid is designed to prevent that.
Security companies tend to enhance the breadth of their offerings over time and Alsid gives Tenable another tool and broader coverage across their security platform. “We view the acquisition of Alsid as a natural extension into user access and permissioning. Once completed, this acquisition will be a strategic complement to our Cyber Exposure vision to help organizations understand and reduce cyber risk across the entire attack surface,” according to the investor FAQ on this acquisition.
Emmanuel Gras, CEO and co-founder, Alsid says he started the company to prevent this kind of attack. “We started Alsid to help organizations solve one of the biggest security challenges, an unprotected Active Directory, which is one of the most common ways for threat actors to move laterally across enterprise systems,” Gras said in a statement.
Alsid is based in Paris and was founded in 2014. It raised a modest amount, approximately $15,000, according to Crunchbase data.
Copper acquires Sherlock
Copper, a CRM tool built on top of the Google Workspace, announced it has purchased Sherlock, a customer experience platform. They did not share the purchase price.
The pandemic pushed many shoppers online and providing a more customized experience by understanding more about your customer can contribute to and drive more engagement and sales. With Sherlock, the company is getting a tool that can help Copper users understand their customers better.
“Sherlock is an innovative engagement analytics and scoring platform, and surfaces your prospects’ and customers’ intentions in a way that drives action for sales, account management and customer success professionals,” Copper CEO Dennis Fois wrote in a blog post announcing the deal.
He added, “Relationships are based on engagement, and with Sherlock we are going to create CRM that is focused on action and momentum.”
RapidAPI snags Paw
It’s clear that APIs have changed the way we think about software development, but they have also created a management problem of their own as they proliferate across large organizations. RapidAPI, an API management platform, announced today that it has acquired Paw.
With Paw, RapidAPI adds the ability to design your own APIs, essentially giving customers a one-stop shop for everything related to creating and managing the API environment inside a company. “The acquisition enables RapidAPI to extend its open API platform across the entire API development lifecycle, creating a connected experience for developers from API development to consumption, across multiple clouds and gateways,” the company explained in a statement.
RapidAPI was founded in 2015 and has raised over $67 million, according to Crunchbase data. Its most recent funding came last May, a $25 million round from Andreessen Horowitz, DNS Capital, Green Bay Ventures, M12 (Microsoft’s Venture Fund) and Grove.
Each of these purchases fills an important need for the acquiring company and expands the abilities of the existing platform to offer more functionality to customers without putting out a ton of cash to do it.
(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)
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合併と買収の違いやメリット・デメリット!企業のM&Aの意 …
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公開買い付けは買収提案者が条件を公表しつつ広く一般株主から買い付けを行うものであり、それに現在の経営陣が同意する場合には上場企業の場合には 適時開示 の一環としてその旨を買収先企業も公表することが必要とされることから、少なくともこの時点で買収の取り組みは公然のものとなりその枠組みがいわゆる敵対的買収なのか友好的買収なのかが明らかになる。
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2021-02-15 10:20最近の企業買収に見られる「少額の投資で速やかに自社製品の拡張を図る」3つの例 | TechCrunch Japan RapidAPIがPawを獲得と。 なんか意外。