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米国でRon Wyden(ロン・ワイデン)上院議員(民主党)が、ハイテク企業が国外で売買できる情報の種類と、その情報を合法的に販売できる国を制限する法案を提出した。この法案は想像力に富んでおり、具体性に乏しいものの、国際的なデータ取引に対する連邦レベルでの懸念が高まっていることを示している。
この「Protecting Americans’ Data From Foreign Surveillance Act(米国人のデータを外国の監視から保護する法律)」は、消費者のデータをグローバル市場で取引される商品として分類し、保護するための第一歩となるだろう。現状では、個人に固有のデータ(購買習慣、行動、支持政党など)が外国で販売されることについて、ほとんど規制されていない。
画像クレジット:Blue Planet Studio / Getty Images
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has proposed a draft bill that would limit the types of information that could be bought and sold by tech companies abroad, and the countries it could be legally sold in. The legislation is imaginative and not highly specific, but it indicates growing concern at the federal level over the international data trade.
“Shady data brokers shouldn’t get rich selling Americans’ private data to foreign countries that could use it to threaten our national security,” said Sen. Wyden in a statement accompanying the bill. They probably shouldn’t get rich selling Americans’ private data at all, but national security is a good way to grease the wheels.
The Protecting Americans’ Data From Foreign Surveillance Act would be a first step toward categorizing and protecting consumer data as a commodity that’s traded on the global market. Right now there are few if any controls over what data specific to a person — buying habits, movements, political party — can be sold abroad.
This means that, for instance, an American data broker could sell the preferred brands and home addresses of millions of Americans to, say, a Chinese bank doing investment research. Some of this trade is perfectly innocuous, even desirable in order to promote global commerce, but at what point does it become dangerous or exploitative?
There isn’t any official definition of what should and shouldn’t be sold to whom, the way we limit sales of certain intellectual property or weapons. The proposed law would first direct the secretary of Commerce to identify the data we should be protecting and to whom it should be protected against.
The general shape of protected data would be that which “if exported by third parties, could harm U.S. national security.” The countries that would be barred from receiving it would be those with inadequate data protection and export controls, recent intelligence operations against the U.S. or laws that allow the government to compel such information to be handed over to them. Obviously this is aimed at the likes of China and Russia, though ironically the U.S. fits the bill pretty well itself.
There would be exceptions for journalism and First Amendment-protected speech, and for encrypted data — for example storing encrypted messages on servers in one of the targeted countries. The law would also create penalties for executives “who knew or should have known” that their company was illegally exporting data, and creates pathways for people harmed or detained in a foreign country owing to illegally exported data. That might be if, say, another country used an American facial recognition service to spot, stop and arrest someone before they left.
If this all sounds a little woolly, it is — but that’s more or less on purpose. It is not for Congress to invent such definitions as are necessary for a law like this one; that duty falls to expert agencies, which must conduct studies and produce reports that Congress can refer to. This law represents the first handful of steps along those lines: getting the general shape of things straight and giving fair warning that certain classes of undesirable data commerce will soon be illegal — with an emphasis on executive responsibility, something that should make tech companies take notice.
The legislation would need to be sensitive to existing arrangements by which companies spread out data storage and processing for various economic and legal reasons. Free movement of data is to a certain extent necessary for globe-spanning businesses that must interact with one another constantly, and to hobble those established processes with red tape or fees might be disastrous to certain locales or businesses. Presumably this would all come up during the studies, but it serves to demonstrate that this is a very complex, not to say delicate, digital ecosystem the law would attempt to modify.
We’re in the early stages of this type of regulation, and this bill is just getting started in the legislative process, so expect a few months at the very least before we hear anything more on this one.
(文:Devin Coldewey、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)
アメリカ合衆国 - Wikipedia
United States of America. アメリカ合衆国 (アメリカがっしゅうこく、 英語: United States of America )、通称 アメリカ (英語: America )は、 北アメリカ 、 太平洋 および 大西洋 に位置する 連邦 共和制国家 。. 首都 は コロンビア特別区 (通称・ ワシントンD.C. )。. 50の 州 および 連邦区 などから構成される 。. うち アメリカ本土の48 …
371.8万平方マイル(962.8万平方キロメートル、50州・日本の約25倍)(内水面18.1万平方マイル) 2 人口 3億3,006万人(2021年1月 米国国勢調査局) 3 首都
· 日本国とアメリカ合衆国との間の相互防衛援助協定に基づくホステッド・ペイロード協力に関する書簡の交換(令和2年12月5日) 日米交流の促進・相互理解の増進のためのプロジェクトの実施(結果)(令和2年12月7日) 経済
アメリカ合衆国の州 - Wikipedia
出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』. アメリカ合衆国の州 (アメリカがっしゅうこくのしゅう、 英: U.S. state )は、 連邦 共和国 である アメリカ合衆国 を構成する「 国家 」で、現在50州ある。. 各州と連邦は 国家主権 を共有している。. なお、首都 ワシントンD.C. のみ 海外領土 を除いて唯一の連邦政府直轄地区であって、どの州にも属さない。.
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