

関連ワード (HOLI、Microsoft、Nintendo Switch、PlayStation、Sony、Xbox、アクセシビリティ、インクルーシブ、コラム、任天堂等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


編集注:本稿の著者Williesha Morris(ウィリーシャ・モリス)氏は10年以上のキャリアを持つ、フリーランスのジャーナリスト。執筆していないときは、本を読んだり、ビデオゲームをしたり、マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバースについてしゃべったりしている。


2011年、プロダクト開発者Fred Davison(フレッド・デイヴィソン)氏は、発明家のKen Yankelevitz(ケン・ヤンケレヴィッツ)氏と同氏が開発した四肢麻痺患者向けのビデオゲームコントローラー「QuadControl」に関する記事を読んだ。当時、ヤンケレヴィッツ氏はリタイアを目前にしていた。デイヴィソン氏はゲーマーではなかったが、母親が進行性の神経変性疾患であるALSにかかっていたことから、ヤンケレヴィッツ氏が手を離そうとしていたことに意識が向いたという。



デンバーのCraig Hospital(クレイグ病院)で作業療法士を務めるErin Muston-Firsch(エリン・マスタン・ファーシュ)氏は、QuadStickのようなアダプティブゲーミングのツールは同病院のセラピーチームに革命をもたらすものだったと語る。

同氏は6年前、脊髄損傷で来院した大学生のためのリハビリ療法を考案した。その青年はテレビゲームをするのが好きだったが、けがのために手が使えなくなっていたという。そこで、リハビリ療法にデイヴィソンの発明が取り入れられ、患者はWorld of Warcraft and Destinyをプレイできるようになった。


Jackson “Pitbull” Reece(ジャクソン・「ピットブル」・リース)氏は、QuadStickとXAC(Xboxアダプティブコントローラー)の操作に口を使うことで有名なFacebookのストリーマーだ。XACはMicrosoft(マイクロソフト)ソフトが障害者向けに設計したコントローラーで、ビデオゲームのユーザーインプットを容易にする。




マイクロソフトでインクルーシブリードを務めるBryce Johnson(ブライス・ジョンソン)氏は2015年のハッカソンで、障害を持つ退役軍人の支援団体Warfighter Engagedと面会した。



Warfighter Engaged以外にも、マイクロソフトはAbleGamers(障害のあるゲーマーのための最も有名な慈善団体)、クレイグ病院、Cerebral Palsy Foundation、および英国に拠点を置く障害のある若いゲーマーのための慈善団体Special Effectと協力している。




他にも協力する人たちがいた。多くの発明がそうであるように、Freedom Wingの誕生は偶然の産物だった。

ATMakersのBill Binko(ビル・ビンコ)氏は、支援技術(Assistive Technology:AT)カンファレンスのブースで、ATMakersのJoystickという電動車イス向けデバイスを使用した人形「Ella」を展示した。カンファレンスにはAbleGamersを支えるブレーントラストの一員であるSteven Spohn(スティーブン・スポーン)氏も出席していた。


ATMakers Freedom Wing 2









「PS5とDualSenseのコントローラーの暗号化は今のところクラックできないため、ConsoleTunerのTitan Twoのようなアダプターデバイスは、非公式な『中間者』攻撃のような他の弱点を見つけなければなりません」とデイヴィソン氏は述べている。




日本のコントローラー会社HOLIは2021年11月、Nintendo Switch(ニンテンドースイッチ)用に正式にライセンスされたアクセシビリティコントローラーをリリースした。現時点では米国内では販売されていないが、オンラインで購入可能な地域の制限はない。任天堂はまだこの技術を完全には採用していないが、今回の開発は、アクセシビリティを重視した任天堂の方向性を示している。




・Twitter Spacesがウェブでも利用可能に、アクセシビリティ機能も搭載
・Apple Watchに検知した手の動きで操作する「AssistiveTouch」機能が追加


In 2011, a product developer named Fred Davison

Launched in 2014, Davison’s QuadStick represents the latest iteration of the Yankelevitz controller — one that has garnered interest across a broad range of industries. 

“The QuadStick’s been the most rewarding thing I’ve ever been involved in,” Davison told TechCrunch. “And I get a lot of feedback as to what it means for [disabled gamers] to be able to be involved in these games.”

Laying the groundwork

Erin Muston-Firsch, an occupational therapist at Craig Hospital in Denver, says adaptive gaming tools like the QuadStick have revolutionized the hospital’s therapy team. 

Six years ago, she devised a rehabilitation solution for a college student who came in with a spinal cord injury. She says he liked playing video games, but as a result of his injury could no longer use his hands. So the rehab regimen incorporated Davison’s invention, which enabled the patient to play World of Warcraft and Destiny. 


Jackson “Pitbull” Reece is a successful Facebook streamer who uses his mouth to operate the QuadStick, as well as the XAC, (the Xbox Adaptive Controller), a controller designed by Microsoft for use by people with disabilities to make user input for video games more accessible. 

Reece lost the use of his legs in a motorcycle accident in 2007 and later, due to an infection, his hands and legs were amputated. He says he remembers able-bodied life as one filled with mostly sports video games. He says being a part of the gaming community is an important part of his mental health.

Fortunately there is an atmosphere of collaboration, not competition, around the creation of hardware for gamers within the assistive technology community. 

But while not every major tech company has been proactive about accessibility, after-market devices are available to create customized gaming experiences for disabled gamers.

Enter Microsoft

At its Hackathon in 2015, Microsoft’s Inclusive Lead Bryce Johnson met with disabled veterans’ advocacy group Warfighter Engaged . 

“We were at the same time developing our views on inclusive design,” Johnson said. Indeed, e ight generations of gaming consoles created barriers for disabled gamers.

“Controllers have been optimized around a primary use case that made assumptions,” Johnson said. Indeed, the buttons and triggers of a traditional controller are for able-bodied people with the endurance to operate them. 

Besides Warfighter Engaged, Microsoft worked with AbleGamers (the most recognized charity for gamers with disabilities), Craig Hospital, the Cerebral Palsy Foundation and Special Effect, a U.K.-based charity for disabled young gamers. 

Xbox Adaptive Controller

The finished XAC, released in 2018, is intended for a gamer with limited mobility to seamlessly play with other gamers. One of the details gamers commented on was that the XAC looks like a consumer device, not a medical device.

“We knew that we couldn’t design this product for this community,” Johnson told TechCrunch. “We had to design this product with this community. We believe in ‘nothing about us without us.’ Our principles of inclusive design urge us to include communities from the very beginning.”

Taking on the giants

There were others getting involved. Like many inventions, the creation of the Freedom Wing was a bit of serendipity.

At his booth at an assistive technology (AT) conference, ATMakers‘ Bill Binko showcased a doll named “Ella” using the ATMakers Joystick, a power-chair device. Also in attendance was Steven Spohn, who is part of the brain trust behind AbleGamers.

Spohn saw the Joystick and told Binko he wanted a similar device to work with the XAC. The Freedom Wing was ready within six weeks. It was a matter of manipulating the sensors to control a game controller instead of a chair. This device didn’t require months of R&D and testing because it had already been road tested as a power-chair device. 

ATMakers Freedom Wing 2

Binko said mom-and-pop companies are leading the way in changing the face of accessible gaming technology. Companies like Microsoft and Logitech have only recently found their footing.

ATMakers, QuadStick and other smaller creators, meanwhile, have been busy disrupting the industry. 

“Everybody gets [gaming] and it opens up the ability for people to engage with their community,” Binko said. “Gaming is something that people can wrap their heads around and they can join in.” 

Barriers of entry

As the technology evolves, so do the obstacles to accessibility. These challenges include lack of support teams, security, licensing and VR. 

Binko said managing support teams for these devices with the increase in demand is a new hurdle. More people with the technological skills are needed to join the AT industry to assist with the creation, installation and maintenance of devices. 

Security and licensing is out of the hands of small creators like Davison because of financial and other resources needed to work with different hardware companies. For example, Sony’s licensing enforcement technology has become increasingly complex with each new console generation. 

With Davison’s background in tech, he understands the restrictions to protect proprietary information.  “They spend huge amounts of money developing a product and they want to control every aspect of it,” Davison said. “Just makes it tough for the little guy to work with.”

And while PlayStation led the way in button mapping, according to Davison, the security process is stringent. He doesn’t understand how it benefits the console company to prevent people from using whichever controller they want. 

“The cryptography for the PS5 and DualSense controller is uncrackable so far, so adapter devices like the ConsoleTuner Titan Two have to find other weaknesses, like the informal ‘man in the middle’ attack,” Davison said. 

The technique allows devices to utilize older-gen PlayStation controllers as a go-between from the QuadStick to the latest-gen console, so disabled gamers can play the PS5. TechCrunch reached out to Sony’s accessibility division, whose representative said there are no immediate plans for an adaptable PlayStation or controller. However, they stated their department works with advocates and gaming devs to consider accessibility from day one.  

In contrast, Microsoft’s licensing system is more forgiving, especially with the XAC and the ability to use older-generation controllers with newer systems. 

“Compare the PC industry to the Mac,” Davison said. “You can put together a PC system from a dozen different manufacturers, but not for the Mac. One is an open standard and the other is closed.”

A more accessible future

In November, Japanese controller company HORI released an officially licensed accessibility controller for the Nintendo Switch. It’s not available for sale in the United States currently, but there are no region restrictions to purchase one online. This latest development points toward a more accessibility-friendly Nintendo, though the company has yet to fully embrace the technology. 

Nintendo’s accessibility department declined a full interview but sent a statement to TechCrunch. “Nintendo endeavors to provide products and services that can be enjoyed by everyone. Our products offer a range of accessibility features, such as button-mapping, motion controls, a zoom feature, grayscale and inverted colors, haptic and audio feedback, and other innovative gameplay options. In addition, Nintendo’s software and hardware developers continue to evaluate different technologies to expand this accessibility in current and future products.”

The push for more accessible hardware for disabled gamers hasn’t been smooth. Many of these devices were created by small business owners with little capital. In a few cases corporations with a determination for inclusivity at the earliest stages of development became involved. 

Slowly but surely, however, assistive technology is moving forward in ways that can make the experience much more accessible for gamers with disabilities.




(文:Williesha Morris、翻訳:Dragonfly)

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