

関連ワード (Apple、iCloud、iOS 15、macOS Monterey、プライバシー、個人情報、児童ポルノ対策、子ども、警察等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。






Appleの取り組みのニュースは、米国時間8月4日、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大学の暗号学専門のMatthew Green(マシュー・グリーン)教授が新技術の存在を一連のツイートで公開したことで明らかになった。このニュースには、一部のセキュリティ専門家とプライバシー擁護者だけでなく、ほとんどの他社にないAppleのセキュリティとプライバシーへのアプローチに馴染んでいるユーザーも抵抗を示した


NeuralHashは、1、2カ月後に公開が予定されているiOS 15およびmacOS Montereyに搭載される予定で、ユーザーのiPhoneまたはMac上にある写真を文字と数字の独特な並び(ハッシュと呼ばれる)に変換する。画像がわずかに変更されるとハッシュが変更されてマッチングが阻止される。Appleによると、NeuralHashは同一あるいは外観の似た画像(たとえば切り抜きや編集を施された画像)から同じハッシュが作られるように動作する。

・iOS 15ではさらにセキュリティとプライバシー保護機能が充実

画像がiCloud写真にアップロードされる前にハッシュは、全米行方不明・被搾取児童センター(NCMEC)などの児童保護組織から提供された児童虐待画像から得たの既知のハッシュのデータベースと端末上で比較される。NeuralHashはPrivate Set Intersection(プライベート・セット・インターセクション)と呼ばれる暗号化技術を用いて、画像の内容を明かすこともユーザーに警告することもなくハッシュの一致を検出する。

結果はAppleにアップロードされるが、そのままでは内容を見ることはできない。AppleはThreshold Secret Sharing(しきい値秘密分散法)と呼ばれる別の暗号化原理を用いることで、ユーザーのiCloud写真中の既知の児童虐待画像が一定のしきい値を越えた場合にのみコンテンツを解読できる。しきい値が何であるかについてAppleは明らかにしていないが、こんな例を示した。ある秘密が1000ピースに分割され、しきい値が児童虐待画像10枚だったとすると、その秘密は10枚の画像のどの1つからでも再構築できる。








画像クレジット:Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch / Getty Images


Later this year , Apple will roll out a technology that will allow the company to detect and report known child sexual abuse material to law enforcement in a way it says will preserve user privacy.

Apple told TechCrunch that the detection of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) is one of several new features aimed at better protecting the children who use its services from online harm, including filters to block potentially sexually explicit photos sent and received through a child’s iMessage account. Another feature will intervene when a user tries to search for CSAM-related terms through Siri and Search.

Most cloud services — Dropbox, Google, and Microsoft to name a few — already scan user files for content that might violate their terms of service or be potentially illegal, like CSAM. But Apple has long resisted scanning users’ files in the cloud by giving users the option to encrypt their data before it ever reaches Apple’s iCloud servers.

Apple said its new CSAM detection technology — NeuralHash — instead works on a user’s device, and can identify if a user uploads known child abuse imagery to iCloud without decrypting the images until a threshold is met and a sequence of checks to verify the content are cleared.

News of Apple’s effort leaked Wednesday when Matthew Green, a cryptography professor at Johns Hopkins University, revealed the existence of the new technology in a series of tweets. The news was met with some resistance from some security experts and privacy advocates, but also users who are accustomed to Apple’s approach to security and privacy that most other companies don’t have.

Apple is trying to calm fears by baking in privacy through multiple layers of encryption, fashioned in a way that requires multiple steps before it ever makes it into the hands of Apple’s final manual review.

NeuralHash will land in iOS 15 and macOS Monterey, slated to be released in the next month or two, and works by converting the photos on a user’s iPhone or Mac into a unique string of letters and numbers, known as a hash. Any time you modify an image slightly, it changes the hash and can prevent matching. Apple says NeuralHash tries to ensure that identical and visually similar images — such as cropped or edited images — result in the same hash.

Read more on TechCrunch New Apple technology will warn parents and children about sexually explicit photos in Messages Apple unveils new iOS 15 privacy features at WWDC Apple’s latest accessibility features are for those with limb and vocal differences Why Apple is right to resist the FBI

Before an image is uploaded to iCloud Photos, those hashes are matched on the device against a database of known hashes of child abuse imagery, provided by child protection organizations like the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and others. NeuralHash uses a cryptographic technique called private set intersection to detect a hash match without revealing what the image is or alerting the user.

The results are uploaded to Apple but cannot be read on their own. Apple uses another cryptographic principle called threshold secret sharing that allows it only to decrypt the contents if a user crosses a threshold of known child abuse imagery in their iCloud Photos. Apple would not say what that threshold was, but said — for example — that if a secret is split into a thousand pieces and the threshold is ten images of child abuse content, the secret can be reconstructed from any of those ten images.

It’s at that point Apple can decrypt the matching images, manually verify the contents, disable a user’s account and report the imagery to NCMEC, which is then passed to law enforcement. Apple says this process is more privacy mindful than scanning files in the cloud as NeuralHash only searches for known and not new child abuse imagery. Apple said that there is a one in one trillion chance of a false positive, but there is an appeals process in place in the event an account is mistakenly flagged.

Apple has published technical details on its website about how NeuralHash works, which was reviewed by cryptography experts and praised by child protection organizations.

But despite the wide support of efforts to combat child sexual abuse, there is still a component of surveillance that many would feel uncomfortable handing over to an algorithm, and some security experts are calling for more public discussion before Apple rolls the technology out to users.

A big question is why now and not sooner. Apple said its privacy-preserving CSAM detection did not exist until now. But companies like Apple have also faced considerable pressure from the U.S. government and its allies to weaken or backdoor the encryption used to protect their users’ data to allow law enforcement to investigate serious crime.

Tech giants have refused efforts to backdoor their systems, but have faced resistance against efforts to further shut out government access. Although data stored in iCloud is encrypted in a way that even Apple cannot access it, Reuters reported last year that Apple dropped a plan for encrypting users’ full phone backups to iCloud after the FBI complained that it would harm investigations.

The news about Apple’s new CSAM detection tool, without public discussion, also sparked concerns that the technology could be abused to flood victims with child abuse imagery that could result in their account getting flagged and shuttered, but Apple downplayed the concerns and said a manual review would review the evidence for possible misuse.

Apple said NeuralHash will roll out in the U.S. at first, but would not say if, or when, it would be rolled out internationally. Until recently, companies like Facebook were forced to switch off their child abuse detection tools across the European Union after the practice was inadvertently banned. Apple said the feature is technically optional in that you don’t have to use iCloud Photos, but will be a requirement if users do. After all, your device belongs to you but Apple’s cloud does not.

(文:Zack Whittaker、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )


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