

関連ワード (Leafly、NASDAQ、SPAC、大麻等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Leafly(リーフィー)は公開企業となるのにMerdia Merger Corp. IとのSPAC合併に目を向けている。Leaflyを約5億3200万ドル(約590億円)と評価し、上場で1億6150万ドル(約180億円)の調達を見込んでいるこの取引には、同社がMerida Capital Holdingsなどの投資家からこのほど調達した3150万ドル(約35億円)も含まれる。



成功しているにもかかわらず、同社は解雇や経営陣の交代など不安定な2020年を送った。2020年8月にYoko Miyashita(ミヤシタ・ヨウコ)氏がCEOに就任し、より良いオンラインショッピング体験の構築に注力してきた。2021年2月に同社はeコマースツールを改善すべくJaneと提携した。


・大麻関連企業に融資を行うBespoke Financialが約8.7億円調達
・デザイナーズカンナビスをより多くの州で展開、Connected Cannabisが約33億円調達



Leafly is turning to a SPAC with Merida Merger Corp. I to go public. The deal, valued at about $532 million and expected to generate proceeds of up to $161.5 million, includes Leafly’s recent capital raise of $31.5 million from investors, including Merida Capital Holdings.

The company is expected to list on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol of LFLY as Merida will adopt the Leafly name. Existing Leafly shareholders will own about 72% of the merged company. The deal is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2021.

Leafly was founded in 2010 and has grown into a leading marketplace and resource. The company offers a deep library of content for consumers, including detailed information about strains, retailers and current events. For retailers, Leafly offers a subscription-based platform that 7,800 brands and 4,600 retail subscribers use. According to a report, the company is expected to see revenue hit $43 million in 2021 and $65 million in 2022.

Despite the successes, Leafly experienced a turbulent 2020, with layoffs and leadership changes. Yoko Miyashita took over as the company’s CEO in August 2020 and has been focused on Leafly, leaning heavily into building a better online shopping experience. In February 2021, the company partnered with Jane to improve Leafly’s e-commerce tools.

By going public through a SPAC, Leafly is signaling it’s entering a growth phase just in time for the U.S. government to loosen cannabis restrictions.

(文:Matt Burns、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)

The power of Beyoncé's CBD reveal | Leafly

Beyoncé has spoken and she likes CBD. Will we ever be able to taste her honey or try her hemp? Only time will tell.

Leafly Goes Public | Cannabis Stock News 2021 - YouTube

US weed is making its way to Mexico with some brands selling at a 200% markup, Leafly is going public through a SPAC merger, the South Park team is launching...

Seattle-based online cannabis marketplace Leafly to go ...

"Leafly is the OG … they were the first to do it this way," added that it was one of the first cannabis marketplaces online. The company was originally founded as a website with curated information on various cannabis strains in 2010 by Seattle-based Scott Vickers, Cy Scott, and Brian Wansolich.

Cannabis giant Leafly is going public through a SPAC ...

Leafly is turning to a SPAC with Merida Merger Corp. I to go public. The deal, valued at about $532 million and expected to generate proceeds of up to $161.5

Cannabis Public Offerings Are Lighting Up - Crunchbase News

The Leafly deal is interesting on a number of levels. The company's CEO, Yoko Miyashita, is a lawyer who joined two years ago with a mission to "navigate complicated regulatory frameworks" and "reinforce Leafly's compliance first culture," per the company's post-deal presentation to investors.

Cannabis huge Leafly goes public by a SPAC merger | Berapa

Leafly is turning to a SPAC with Merida Merger Corp. I to go public. The deal, valued at about $532 million and expected to generate proceeds of up to $161.5 million, includes Leafly’s recent capital raise of $31.5 million from investors, including Merida Capital Holdings. The company is expected to list on Nasdaq under the…

Cannabis giant Leafly is going public through a SPAC ...

Leafly is turning to a SPAC with Merdia Merger Corp. I to go public. The deal, valued at about $532 million and expected to generate proceeds of up to $161.5 million, includes Leafly’s recent capital raise of $31.5 million from investors, including Merida Capital Holdings.te The company is expected to list on Nasdaq under the […]

4 ways to make cannabis more environmentally friendly ...

Leafly to Go Public Through Business Combination with Merida Merger Corp. I Oklahoma is the new "Wild West of weed" — and Colorado marijuana entrepreneurs are helping fuel the green rush

4 ways to make cannabis more environmentally friendly ...

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Can Cannabis Avoid Alcohol's 3-Tier Distribution System ...

Weed Delivery by Wee-delivery.com. Latest News and Update from the Cannabis Industry. The Latest and Greatest. Call 888-422-9658 Now!

Ex-L Catterton Asia Chief Thakran Said to Explore ...

(Bloomberg) -- Turmeric Capital, an investment firm led by former L Catterton Asia head Ravi Thakran, is exploring listing a special purpose acquisition company in Singapore, according to people with knowledge of the matter.The Singapore-based buyout firm is working with an adviser on the potential SPAC initial public offering, said the people, who asked not to be named as the process is private. The blank-check firm could raise about S$300 million ($221 million) and Thakran will be its chairman

The pandemic has changed Canadian cannabis ... - leafly.ca

Cannabis retail in Canada was hit hard by the pandemic, even as an essential service. But there is a silver lining!

Here's where New York's next governor stands on marijuana ...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced this morning that he would resign, days after the release of a damning report found that he had sexually harassed multiple women and may face criminal charges. With Cuomo's departure, New York Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul will step into the spotlight in Albany. So what does that mean for

Honey Pot Topicals - Leafly Reviews - WeedNews4U

Welcome to Leafly Reviews, where we take a closer look at a cannabis gadget, accessory, or consumable, and give it

Marijuana Strains Explained | Leafly - Cannabis247News

Marijuana Strains Explained | Leafly. What is a marijuana strain? What is the best way to pick a strain? To answer these questions and more, we start at the beginning. This episode explores the …

HotelPlanner and Reservations.com Enter Three-Way Merger ...

HotelPlanner and Reservations.com, industry leaders in travel technology and online hotel bookings, today announced a three-way merger agreement with Astrea Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: ASAXU), a special purpose acquisition company, that will result in their combining as a publicly listed company on NASDAQ under the new ticker symbol “HOTP.”. The combined...

Save $5 On I Love Growing Marijuana Exclusive Coupon 2021

Growing marijuana yourself just got easier as you can save money when buying cannabis seeds and resources using our ILGM coupons 2021.

Former Twitter and DreamWorks exec joins Acorns as CFO ...

As fintech Acorns plans to go public later this year, it has named former Twitter and DreamWorks animation exec Rich Sullivan to serve as its new chief financial officer. Irvine, California-based Acorns announced in May its intent to go public by merging with publicly traded special purpose acquisition company Pioneer Merger Corp. The SPAC values the fintech company at $2.2 billion. Sullivan joins Acorns from Twitter, where he led corporate finance and FP&A. Prior to Twitter, he held executive positions at STX Entertainment and DreamWorks Animation, where he served as the company’s Deputy CFO.

Leafly To Go Public Through SPAC Merger with Merida Merger ...

Leafly is a well-known resource in the cannabis world, perfect to track down information on cannabis strains and help consumers and cannabis companies alike discover and share…

大麻 マリファナ カンナビス - Cannabis in Japan - Weed legal

大麻合法化活動を行う、日本のトップアクティビストの秘密集会に潜入! 古来日本と大麻の意外な接点、大麻規制法、医療 ...

「大麻=悪」は日本だけ!世界の"大麻経済"はここまできている『世界大麻経済戦争』(集英社刊)、8月17日(火)発売 ...

[株式会社集英社]いつまで日本は「大麻」をタブー視するのか。世界各国は大麻を続々と合法化し、様々なビジネスを展開している。その現状を紹介し、「大麻=悪」と思考停止した日本に一石を投じる一冊!◆書籍情報書名:世界大麻経済戦争著者:矢部武発売日:2021年8月17日(火)定価:924円(10%税込)判型:新書判ページ数:240ページISBN 978-4-08-721181-8集英社新書 https://books.shueisha.co.jp/items/contents.html?isbn=978…

大麻产品致2岁儿童误食住院!伪造疫苗接种卡被猖獗贩卖!芝加哥203学区教师疑罢工!芝市70%以上成年人已接种一剂新冠 ...

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女兒寄「大麻巧克力」包裹回台 母簽收涉十年重罪 | 焦點事件 | 社會 | 聯合新聞網


「大麻=悪」は日本だけ!世界の"大麻経済"はここまできている『世界大麻経済戦争』(集英社刊)、8月17日(火)発売 ...


「大麻=悪」は日本だけ!世界の"大麻経済"はここまできている『世界大麻経済戦争』(集英社刊)、8月17日(火)発売 ...

株式会社集英社のプレスリリース(2021年8月11日 14時00分)[大麻=悪]は日本だけ!世界の“大麻経済”はここまできている『世界大麻経済戦争』(集英社刊)、8月17日(火)発売

Gary Payton(ゲイリー・ペイトン、大麻のハイブリッド種) - PotNavi

Gary Payton(ゲイリー・ペイトン)はCookiesとPowerzzz Geneticsによる大麻のハイブリッド種であり、The YとSnowmanを掛け合わせたものです。Gary Paytonは効力の強い品種で、心身をリラックスさせる効果があり、使用者は立ち上がって動き回るよりも座ってゆっくりすることを好むでしょう。 この品種名も ...

「大麻=悪」は日本だけ!世界の"大麻経済"はここまできている『世界大麻経済戦争』(集英社刊)、8月17日(火)発売 ...



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Cannabis als Rauschmittel - Wikipedia

Cannabis als Rauschmittel. Werden Pflanzenteile der weiblichen Hanfpflanze (meist Cannabis sativa, Cannabis indica oder deren Kreuzungen) konsumiert, können sie eine berauschende Wirkung hervorrufen. Umgangssprachliche Namen für diese Pflanzenprodukte sind etwa Gras, Weed oder Marihuana (für die weiblichen Blüten) und Haschisch (für das ...


大麻解禁まで我慢してる大麻愛好家予備軍がすげえ迷惑してる 8 風吹けば名無し 2021/08/12(木) 00:49:00.61 ID:GO4++90H0 神奈川県

「大麻=悪」は日本だけ!世界の"大麻経済"はここまできている『世界大麻経済戦争』(集英社刊)、8月17日(火)発売 ...

株式会社集英社いつまで日本は「大麻」をタブー視するのか。世界各国は大麻を続々と合法化し、様々なビジネスを展開している。その現状を紹介し、「大麻=悪」と思考停止した日本に一石を投じる一冊!◆書籍情報書名:世界大麻経済戦争著者:矢部武発売日:2021年8月17日(火)定価:924円(10%税込)判型:新書判ページ数:240ページISBN 978-4-08-721181-8集英社新書 https://books.shueisha.co.jp/items/contents.html?isbn=978-…

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「勤務態度に問題はなかった」 病院内のロッカーに覚醒剤や大麻を所持していた救急救命士の川田雅人さん35歳が逮捕される ...

大麻解禁まだ? 6 番組の途中ですがアフィサイトへの転載は禁止です (ワッチョイW 1362-Vq8G) 2021/08/11(水) 15:10:56.68 ID:dqAiAnuW0.

大麻エディブル - houensha88.com


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大麻大手のLeaflyがSPAC合併経由で上場へ、評価額は約590億円 | TechCrunch Japan

Leaflyは公開企業となるのにMerdia Merger Corp. IとのSPAC合併に目を向けている。Leaflyを約5億3200万ドル(約590億円)と評価し、上場で1億6150万ドル(約180億円)の調達を見込んでいるこの取引には、同社がMerida Capital Holdingsなどの投資家からこのほ..



世界の大麻市場規模調査ー製品タイプ別(花、濃縮物など)、用途別(医療、レクリエーション)、化合物別 ...

Kenneth ResearchKenneth Researchは調査レポート「世界の大麻市場:世界的な需要の分析及び機会展望2030年」2021年08月 09…

世界の大麻市場規模調査ー製品タイプ別(花、濃縮物など)、用途別(医療、レクリエーション)、化合物別 ...


【キマる】takuzooo Part12【大麻コスメ】


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米国ニューヨーク州のアンドリュー・クオモ(Andrew Cuomo)知事が複数の女性にセクハラ行為を行っていたことが判明しました。 刑事責任を問われる可能性があるという衝撃的な報告書が発表され、...


(许海波 张旭)寄包裹表面寄的是中性笔盒子,里面也有真的中性笔“打掩护”,实际运送的却是毒品“大麻油”。重庆海关供图  查验关员根据经验判断,该批烟油高度疑似“大麻油”。


勤務先の病院内で違法薬物を所持したとして、大阪府警が聖(せい)隷(れい)横浜病院(横浜市)の救急救命士の男(35)を覚醒剤取締法違反(所持)と大麻取締法違反(所持)などの疑いで逮捕したことがわかった。逮捕は10日。 捜査関係者によると、男は7月16日、病院内の自分のロッカーに、覚醒剤約3グラムのほか、乾…

#架空書店210811 ⑪みどり一色 ? 世界大麻経済戦争 矢部 武 | 【まだ売ってない本しか紹介しない】架空書店

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ファッション通販【piece life】 on Instagram: " 夏でも快適!サニーノマドの靴下コーデ 本日 ...

5 Likes, 0 Comments - ファッション通販【piece life】 (@piecelife_pu2le) on Instagram: " 夏でも快適!サニーノマドの靴下コーデ 本日は @piecelife_pu2le でも人気の #sunnynomado の靴下をピックアップ!…"

Report: To SPAC or Not to SPAC? | DealFlow's SPAC News

The question on many software founders’ minds these days echoes Hamlet’s famous soliloquy: To SPAC or not to SPAC? The growth in SPACs, at least before the recent regulatory pushback, is astounding, Forbes reports. U.S.-based SPACs raised $87.9 billion in the first quarter of 2021, beating the total amount raised in 2020 in just 3…

Joby Aviation begins trading on NYSE after SPAC merger

Joby Aviation started trading under the ticker "JOBY" after combining with Reinvent Technology Partners, a SPAC run by LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and Zynga founder Marc Pincus. Joby is the ...

The Latest SPAC News and Rumors: August 11, 2021 | SPACInsider

Latest SPAC News: Voya looks to acquire Alight, Wilbur Ross's SPAC is in talks to merge with GaN Systems, and Ex-L Catterton Asia Chief

To SPAC Or Not To SPAC? The Question In Today's Technology ...

SPACs are popular with retail investors who want in on growing companies that aren’t otherwise publicly available.

SPAC deals face mounting lawsuits and regulation risks

SPAC lawsuits jump in another sign of suspect deal-making for the once red-hot space. SPACs are getting hit by a rising number of class-action lawsuits as more hyped-up deals turn out to be flops.

Wilbur Ross's SPAC in Talks to Merge With GaN Systems ...

GaN Systems, which specializes in gallium-nitride technology for products such as semiconductors and transistors, is in talks to go public through Wilbur Ross’s Ross Acquisition Corp. II, Bloomberg reports, citing people with knowledge of the matter. Terms could change and the talks could fall apart, the sources said. The SPAC raised $300 million in a March…

ESG SPAC Deal with ADS-TEC Energy Picked by EUSG ...

An ESG SPAC deal fuels even more competition in the EV charging space. SPACs have been active, and successful, so far in the market.

Fintech Startup Acorns Hires Twitter Executive as CFO ...

The company expects to have a cash balance of about $450 million when the SPAC deal closes. Acorns plans to use those funds to attract new customers, including by spending on advertising and brand ...

Is the SPAC Boom Dead?

Special-purpose acquisition companies seem to be entering a slow period. Is the end here, or is it just a glitch?

What is the difference between IPO, DPO & SPAC?

A company’s public listing is a defining event for its growth. While enterprises may go public for a number of reasons, its debut on stock ex...

Joby Aviation Stock Rises in First Trade After SPAC Merger ...

Joby Aviation, a startup air-taxi ride-sharing company, went public through a SPAC merger. The stock opened higher.

Simon Property SPAC is said in talks to security services ...

A SPAC started by Simon Property Group (SPG) is said in talks to take security services provider Kastle Systems public.SPAC Simon Property Group Acquisition (SPGS.U) is discussing a...

Ex-L Catterton Asia Chief Thakran Said to Explore ...

The Singapore-based buyout firm is working with an adviser on the potential SPAC initial public offering, said the people, who asked not to be named as the process is private. The blank-check firm ...

How Millennial Investors Lost Millions on Bill Ackman's SPAC

“Trading options was addictive, like cocaine. It was instant gratification.”

Core Scientific: A Must Own Bitcoin Miner And Crypto Stock ...

Bitcoin miner Core Scientific will go public through a SPAC merger with Power & Digital Infrastructure. Transaction details imply current valuation at a significant discount to peers.

AppHarvest's Spac forecasts go splat - swiftheadline

Remember the Spac craze? Back in February, it seemed we could barely open our inbox without a fresh press release from yet another blank cheque company announcing a merger with a pre-revenue business with unknown economics. Nearly every time, their merger decks promised the world. And by the world, we mean highly optimistic forecasts of 2025 ...

AppHarvest's Spac forecasts go splat - Investors News Blog

Remember the Spac craze? Back in February, it seemed we could barely open our inbox without a fresh press release from yet another blank cheque company announcing a merger with a pre-revenue business with unknown economics. Nearly every time, their merger decks promised the world. And by the world, we mean highly optimistic forecasts of 2025 ...

SPAC deals face mounting lawsuits and regulation risks ...

SPAC lawsuits jump in another sign of suspect deal-making for the once red-hot space SPACs are getting hit by a rising number of class-action lawsuits as more hyped-up deals turn out to be flops. Shareholder lawsuits against post-merger special purpose acquisition companies rose to 15 through the first half of 2021, tripling from just five in ...

Joby Aviation begins trading on NYSE after SPAC merger ...

The SPAC deal will convey Joby greater than $1 billion, which the corporate intends to make use of to earn Federal Aviation Administration certifications, construct electrical plane and make its air taxi service operational within the U.S.

Joby Aviation begins trading on NYSE after SPAC merger | U ...

The SPAC deal will bring Joby more than $1 billion, which the company intends to use to earn Federal Aviation Administration certifications, build electric aircraft and make its air taxi service operational in the U.S. Bonny Simi, a three-decade pilot and former president of the JetBlue venture arm, heads Joby's air operations and is leading ...

Electric air taxi start-up Joby Aviation begins trading on ...

Electric air taxi start-up Joby Aviation begins trading on NYSE after SPAC merger Today World Latest News

3 Nasdaq 100 Stocks to Buy Hand Over Fist in August | The ...

Despite handily outperforming the broader market, the Nasdaq 100 is home to three exceptional bargains.

MannKind Q2 21 Earnings Conference Call At 5:00 PM ET | Nasdaq

Aug 11, 2021 6:15AM EDT. (RTTNews) - MannKind Corp. (MNKD) will host a conference call at 5:00 PM ET on August 11, 2021, to discuss Q2 21 earnings results. To access the live webcast, log on to ...

Perrigo Q2 21 Earnings Conference Call At 8:00 AM ET | Nasdaq

Perrigo Q2 21 Earnings Conference Call At 8:00 AM ET. (RTTNews) - Perrigo Company plc. (PRGO) will host a conference call at 8:00 AM ET on Aug. 11, 2021, to discuss Q2 21 earnings results. To ...

Investors | McAfee, Inc.

The Investor Relations website contains information about McAfee, Inc.'s business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts.

PetVivo announces Nasdaq uplisting; prices $11M stock ...

PetVivo announces Nasdaq uplisting; prices $11M stock offering. PetVivo Holdings ( OTCQB:PETV) has priced its public offering of 2.5M units, each unit consisting of one common share and one ...

Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull—The challenge of China ...

La Trobe University is honoured and delighted that Kevin Rudd AC and Malcolm Turnbull AC, two respected and perceptive former Australian Prime Ministers, have agreed to come together online with Dr Bec Strating, Executive Director of La Trobe Asia, to discuss some of the most critical questions posed for Australia and the world by China’s rapid rise.

Nasdaq futures dip; Dow Jones, S&P futures drift as yields ...

The Labor Department will release the numbers at 8:30 a.m. ET. Economists expect the CPI to have risen 0.5% for the month, with the annual rate ticking down to 5.3%. Core CPI is forecast to have ...



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