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ここ1年間程度でAnimoca Brands(アニモカブランズ)という名を耳にしたことがないという読者は勉強不足だ。デジタルエンターテインメント、ブロックチェーン、ゲームなどさまざまなコンテンツを提供し、香港に拠点を置く創業8年目、従業員600人の同社は、ますます多くの関係者が次世代のウェブと考える世界で最も活動的な1社となっている。

LAを拠点とするFan Controlled Football League(ファン・コントロールド・フットボール・リーグ)は、ファンがチームに関する決定をリアルタイムで投票するスポーツリーグで、米国時間1月13日、Animocaが共同リードするシリーズAの資金調達で4000万ドル(約45億9000万円)を調達したと発表した。スマートフォンやタブレット向けのゲーム開発からスタートしたAnimocaは、2017年頃にブロックチェーンゲームに進出して以来、150社以上の企業に投資を行っている。

それはまるで運命の出会いのようなもので、Animocaの創業者であるYat Siu(蕭逸)氏にとっては一目惚れともいえるものだった。当時Animocaは、ベンチャースタジオのAxiom Zen(アクシオム・ゼン)とオフィスを共有していたFuel Powered(フュエル・パワード)という会社を買収しようとしていたのだが、その際Axiomが取り組んでいた CryptoKitties (クリプトキティーズ)というブロックチェーンゲームに蕭氏は強く惹かれたのである。Axiomの創業者であるRoham Gharegozlou(ローハム・ガレゴズロウ)に助言をしていたFuel Poweredの共同創業者、Mikhael Naayem(ミカエル・ナイエム)を通してその存在を知ったという。

その直後の2018年初頭、AnimocaはAxiom Zenと1年更新の独占ライセンスおよび販売契約を結び、CryptoKittiesの出版契約を結ぶことになる。これが大反響を呼んだため、ナイエム氏とガレゴズロウ氏はチームを組んでDapper Labs(ダッパー・ラブズ)を設立し、Animocaが初期バッカーとなったのだ。現在Dapper LabsはNBA Top Shot(NBAトップショット)マーケットプレイスでさらに有名になっている。

それ以来、Animocaはすばらしい業績を上げている。パブリッシャーとして、また最近ではブロックチェーン資産やトークンの買い手としても活動しており、その膨らみ続けるポートフォリオには、10月に30億ドル(約3436億8000万円)の評価額で約1億5000万ドル(約171億9000万円)の資金調達を完了した世界的大ヒット作Axie Infinity(アクシー・インフィニティ)の開発元Sky Mavis(スカイメイビス)や、プレイヤーがゲーム内資産を作成して収益化できるゲームで、11月にSoftBank(ソフトバンク)が主導して9300万ドル(約106億6000万円)でシリーズBの資金調達を完了した人気メタバーススタートアップThe Sandbox(ザサンドボックス)などが含まれている(2022年1月初旬時点で、ユーザーがSandboxで購入できる最も小さな土地の価格は1万1000ドル[約126万円]以上だった)。

またAnimocaは、現在133億ドル(約1兆5218億円)もの評価を受けているNFTマーケットプレイスOpenSea(オープンシー)に早くから出資し、2021年ブレイクしたプロジェクトの1つであるBored Ape Yacht Club(ボアード・エイプ・ヨット・クラブ)と協力してBored Apeをテーマにしたゲームを制作するなど、常に活動的な姿勢をアピールしている。

こういったことすべてが積み上げられ、1月初旬に蕭氏と話したところによると、2021年11月下旬の時点ではAnimocaの保有資産は約160億ドル(約1兆8297億円)になっていたという。これはAnimocaがSequoia Capital China(セコイア・キャピタル・チャイナ)も参加した6500万ドル(約74億3000万円)の資金調達ラウンドで22億ドル(約2516億円)と評価されてから間もなくのことである。


一方、OpenSeaとDapper Labsの株式は同社の資産の一部とみなされており、その価値は今のところ理論上のものとなっている。「貸借対照表科目と同じで、基本的にAnimoca Brandsの資本価値に回っていきます」と蕭氏は話している。



例えばBox(ボックス)のCEOであるAaron Levie(アーロン・レヴィ)氏は最近Twitter(ツイッター)で、コミュニティの意見に依存する分散型組織が常に合意形成の試みに追われていては、どう競争できるのかと疑問を呈している。

Harder: with web3 ideals, we’ve likely added community governance and tokenomics into the mix, which adds a new negotiation vector. Not all parties may believe the same thing as you, and now you’re essentially debating feature releases with *shareholders* that may bail. Slow!

— Aaron Levie (@levie) December 31, 2021




「企業がゲーム資産やNFTを立ち上げる際、例えばEthereum(イーサリアム)でも立ち上げて欲しいのですが、同時に(Dapper Labsによって設計されたブロックチェーンの)Flow(フロー)も検討するべきなのです。またSolana(ソラナ)でも開始して欲しいですし、HBAR(ヘデラハッシュグラフ)も検討して欲しいのです。つまり、できるだけ多くのプラットフォームかつできるだけ多くのプロトコルで、資産を展開することを推奨しているのです。それはこの独立性が非常に重要であると私たちは考えているからで、チェーンを国と同じように考えています。もし、ある国でしか製品を発売できないのであれば、その国の文化や可能性に制限されることになるからです」。

オーストリアで中国系として育ち、若干10代でドイツのAtari(アタリ)に就職し、その後同氏が初めて立ち上げたスタートアップを魚油会社に売却した蕭氏との対談は、ここから聞いていただける。Facebook(フェイスブック)のメタバース計画、Jack Dorsey(ジャック・ドーシー)氏のWeb3に関する考え、中国が境界線を引き直す中で香港のビジネス界がどのように変化しているかなど、さまざまなことを話し合った。


画像クレジット:South China Morning Post / Getty Images


If you haven’t heard of Animoca Brands over the last year or so, you haven’t been paying close attention. With a long and growing list of digital entertainment, blockchain and gaming properties, the eight-year-old, 600-person Hong Kong-based outfit has quietly become one of the most active participants in a world that more and more stakeholders believe is the next iteration of the web.

Just today, an LA outfit called Fan Controlled Football League — a sports league where fans vote on real-time decisions for their team — announced $40 million in Series A funding co-led by Animoca. And the outfit, which got its start by developing games for smartphones and tablets, has invested in more than 150 other outfits since bumping into the blockchain around 2017.

It was as serendipitous as it sounds. For Animoca founder Yat Siu, it also appears to have been love at first sight. At the time, Animoca was on its way to acquiring a company called Fuel Powered, which shared an office with venture studio Axiom Zen, and Siu was intrigued with a blockchain game that Axiom was working on called “CryptoKitties.” He learned of it from Fuel Powered’s co-founder, Mikhael Naayem, who was advising Axiom’s founder, Roham Gharegozlou.

Soon after, in early 2018, Animoca struck a deal: a one-year renewable exclusive licensing and distribution agreement with Axiom Zen to publish “CryptoKitties.” It took off in such a big way that Naayem and Gharegozlou teamed up to form Dapper Labs (now known even better for its “NBA Top Shot” marketplace), and Animoca became of its earliest backers.

Animoca has been on an impressive tear since. Operating as both a publisher and, increasingly, a buyer of blockchain assets and tokens, its ballooning portfolio includes Sky Mavis, the developer of global sensation “Axie Infinity,” which closed on roughly $150 million in funding back in October at a $3 billion valuation, and the popular metaverse startup The Sandbox, a game where players can create and monetize in-game assets and that closed on $93 million in Series B funding back in November led by SoftBank. (As of last week, the smallest chunk of land users could buy in Sandbox was more than $11,000.)

Animoca also nabbed an early stake in the NFT marketplace OpenSea, now valued at a stunning $13.3 billion, and, underscoring that it’s never far from the action, more recently teamed up with one of the breakout projects of last year, the Bored Apes Yacht Club, to create a Bored Apes-themed game.

It’s all adding up. Indeed, in a conversation late last week with Siu, he said Animoca’s holdings were worth around $16 billion as of late November, not long after Animoca was itself being valued at $2.2 billion in a $65 million funding round that included Sequoia Capital China.

Interestingly, Sequoia and the rest of the syndicate bought up publicly traded shares. As Siu explains it, Animoca, which previously traded on the Australian Securities Exchange, was delisted in March of 2020 because “it didn’t like the fact that we were dealing with crypto,” he says. Now it operates as an unlisted public company. That means it can communicate with shareholders via its own site and mailing lists, and that its roughly 2,500 shareholders can sell their shares privately to other individuals. (You just have to know who owns some.)

The stakes in OpenSea and Dapper Labs are meanwhile considered part of the company’s assets, with their value remaining theoretical for now. “They would be really what you describe as balance sheet items; they basically just accrue to the value of the equity of Animoca Brands,” said Siu.

Animoca’s success hasn’t been without speed bumps. On Monday, an Animoca subsidiary that mints sports NFTs suffered a security breach that caused users to lose $18.7 million worth in tokens and for the subsidiary’s tokens’ price to tumble 92%. (This brave new world comes with its own specific downsides.)

Still, Siu, who is today Animoca’s group executive chairman and managing director, is obviously very much a believer in web3 and unsurprisingly, doesn’t put much stock in recent criticisms to surface, including around the practicality of creating fully decentralized businesses.

On Twitter, for example, Box CEO Aaron Levie recently questioned how decentralized organizations that rely on the input of their communities can compete if they’re always busy trying to build consensus.

Harder: with web3 ideals, we’ve likely added community governance and tokenomics into the mix, which adds a new negotiation vector. Not all parties may believe the same thing as you, and now you’re essentially debating feature releases with *shareholders* that may bail. Slow!

— Aaron Levie (@levie) December 31, 2021

Asked about this, Siu said, “We’re not asking that users are all visionaries,” and that “people will know what is best for them when there’s something to compare against.”

Animoca is far more focused on the investments and partnerships it might strike in 2022, he suggests. On this front, Siu said the company continues to acquire game studios in order to “move them onto the blockchain and provide essentially digital property rights to the end users.” From the investing side, he added that the outfit is also drawn to infrastructure that can help  develop and grow the network effects of digital properties like NFTs.

As for what that means, it’s “lending, DeFi, fractionalization, protocols, and Layer 1 [blockchains], and Layer 2 [blockchains].” In fact, Animoca very much believes in “cross chains” as necessary for fast-growing outfits to keep growing.

“We want to encourage companies, when they launch their gaming assets or NFTs, to launch it on, let’s say, Ethereum, But they should also consider putting it on Flow [the blockchain designed by Dapper Labs]. And they should also put it on Solana and they should also put it on HBAR. The whole idea is to encourage people to roll out their assets on as many platforms as possible, in as many protocols, as possible, because to us, this independence is really critical. We view chains very much like countries. If you are only able to launch a product in one place, in one country, then you’re limited to the culture and the potential of that particular place.”

For much more from that conversation with Siu — who grew up ethnically Chinese in Austria, landed his first job with Atari in Germany as a gangly teenager, and sold one of his first startups to a fish oil company — you can hear the whole thing here. Among other things, we discussed Facebook’s metaverse plans, Jack Dorsey’s thoughts about web3 and how the business world in Hong Kong is changing as China redraws the lines.

(文:Connie Loizos、翻訳:Dragonfly)



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