Mirantis、Docker Enterpriseの資産買収から2年間でランレート約115.6億円超えの大成功

今回は「Mirantis、Docker Enterpriseの資産買収から2年間でランレート約115.6億円超えの大成功」についてご紹介します。

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2019年、DockerがDocker Enterpriseを売却すると発表したときは誰もが驚いた。もっと大きな驚きは、買い手がMirantisだったことだろう。同社はそれまで、OpenStackプロジェクトの商用化で知られていた。

売却後のDockerは開発者を主対象とする企業へと方向性を変え、先週、5000万ドル(約57億8000万円)の年間経常収益を報告した。今週、MirantisのCEOであるAdrian Ionel(アドリアン・イオネル)氏がTechCrunchに、同社が前四半期に2800万ドル(約32億4000万円)の経常収益を得て、ランレートは1億ドル(約115億6000万円)をゆうに超えるだろうと語った。

イオネル氏によると、その売上はおよそ半分がDockerから得た資産、具体的にはDocker Enterprise Engine、Docker Trusted Registry、Docker Unified Control PlaneそしてDocker CLIなどとなる。そして残り半分が同社の買収前の本業だったKuberentes上のクラウドプラットフォームツールだ。なお、同社は2020年にKubernetes用のIDEであるLensを買収しており、これも売上に貢献している。



「多くの人が、プロダクトのビジョンをとても早く、理解し共有してくれました。私たちがこれから新しい企業を作ろうとしていること、それが私の考える中心的なテーマであることをみんな理解しました。それは単に、MirantisがDocker Enterpriseを買収したという話ではありません。むしろ、両社のアセットを有効利用して新しい企業を作り、フレッシュでより強力な企業として立ち上がることでした」。





イオネル氏自身も、Docker Enterpriseの買収がこれほどうまくいくとは考えなかった。「すばらしい旅路だったが、ときには難題もあった。それは主に、Docker Enterpriseの事業を再構築する過程だったが、決断力を重視して迅速にそれを行った。現状の好結果を見れば、成功だったといえるでしょう」。

画像クレジット:Suriyapong Thongsawang/Getty Images


When Docker announced it was selling Docker Enterprise in 2019, it was a big surprise to industry watchers. Perhaps an even bigger surprise was that the buyer was Mirantis, a company best known for commercializing the OpenStack project.

After the sale, Docker pivoted to a developer-focused company and reported last week it had $50 million in ARR last year. In a conversation with TechCrunch this week, Mirantis CEO Adrian Ionel said the company made $28 million in ARR last quarter, putting it on a run rate of well over $100 million.

Ionel says that the revenue split is about 50/50 when it comes to the assets it bought from Docker and rebranded as Mirantis — including Docker Enterprise Engine, Docker Trusted Registry, Docker Unified Control Plane and Docker CLI — and the cloud platform tools all built on Kuberentes that the company had prior to that purchase. It’s worth noting that it also purchased Lens in 2020, an IDE (integrated development environment) designed specifically for Kubernetes, and that also helped.

But essentially both Docker and Mirantis came in at $50 million ARR in terms of what Docker was able to create on its own after selling the enterprise product, and what Mirantis turned those Docker enterprise assets into. It’s a rare deal that matches up so well for both parties two years after it happened, but Ionel says he certainly couldn’t have known that at the time.

“It’s been a fantastic journey, an unbelievable journey. It started with signing the deal in November 2019. But it was far from clear to everybody at the time how this was going to work out,” he said. For starters, it created some confusion for customers about what the acquisition meant for the future of the company, but he says that it didn’t take long for them to see the vision the company had for the combined product sets.

“It turned out that people very, very quickly understood what our shared product vision was, and how we were creating a new company and I think this is the key theme. It’s really not just about Mirantis acquiring Docker Enterprise. It’s much more about us building a company that leverages the assets of both companies and emerging as a fresh and stronger company,” Ionel explained.

The board also debated the merits of buying these assets. “It was heavily debated in our board prior to the acquisition, as you can imagine, because a lot of acquisitions can go wrong, but it’s been super successful. It’s added tremendous shareholder value. It’s been definitely a fantastic bet for us that really accelerated our journey with Kubernetes and into the future,” he said.

It wasn’t all smooth sailing, though, after the deal closed. It began with laying off 40% of the company it had acquired, which Ionel acknowledged was a painful way to start. But by consolidating engineering and some other business functions under one umbrella, the company was able to save money that would lead to its eventual success.

Ionel reports that Mirantis has been cashflow positive for the past two years, generating over $19 million in cash in that time. It expanded relationships with 300 customers in place at the time of the merger, including Apple, Visa and Booking.com, while adding 100 new ones along the way.

Overall, Ionel couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome than he got from the Docker Enterprise deal. “It’s been a fantastic journey, challenging at times because we did have to restructure the Docker Enterprise business, but we did it quickly and decisively and I think successfully and the net result is that we have a thriving business on our hands now.”

(文:Ron Miller、翻訳:Hiroshi Iwatani)



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