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広報担当者によると、サービス開始時期は、取得する認証の種類と認証をいつ取得できるか次第だ。2023年後半から暮れの間にすべてが完了すれば、最初の都市での商業開始は2024年になる可能性が高い。VolocopterのCEO、Florian Reuter(フロリアン・ロイター)氏は2021年3月に「サービス開始は2年後(つまり2023年)」と話していた。



今回の最初のトランシェは韓国からの新たな投資家であるWP Investmentがリードし、戦略的投資家のHoneywell(こちらも新規投資家)、既存投資家からはAtlantia、Whysol、btov Partnersなどが参加した。現在までにVolocopterは総額5億7900万ドル(約666億円)を調達していて、他の投資家にはGeely、Mercedes-Benz Group、Intel Capital、BlackRockが含まれる。





Volocopterは現在、同社のエアタクシーに使われる3種の機体、VoloCity、VoloConnect、VoloDroneに注力している。欧州連合航空安全局(EASA)から設計組織承認(DOA)を取得した「最初で唯一の」電動垂直離着陸(eVTOL)企業だという。つまり、この分野での成功を狙うLilium、Kitty Hawk、Joby Aviationなどの競合他社が参入する前に、うまくすれば単独ブランドの商業プロバイダーとして、あるいは他の都市交通企業のパートナーとして、市場参入できる可能性があるということだ。

今回のシリーズEはすべて株式による調達だが、Volocopterはより大きな航空機の建造のために多くを負債によっても調達している。2022年初めには、Aviation Capital Group(ACG)と10億ドル(約1150億円)の契約を結び、Volocopterの航空機の販売とリース運用のための資金調達を行った(時機が来れば最大10億ドル=約1150億円を借りられることを意味する)。これは、同社が航空機の完全な認証を取得した後に開始する。



「Volocopterには世界中からすばらしい投資家が集まっており、上場への道を歩み出す前に、いち早く認証を受け、いち早く市場に出るという戦略に集中できるすばらしい立場にあります」とVolocopterのCCO、Christian Bauer(クリスチャン・バウアー)氏は声明で述べた。


「Volocopterは2021年、ソウルでUAMを飛ばし、世界の都市にいち早くUAMを導入することができると確信しています。ESG投資のリーダーとして、Volocopterを通じて都市の持続可能性を高められることをうれしく思います」と、WP Investmentの会長Lei Wang(レイ・ワン)博士は声明で述べた。また、同社の共同会長であるTiffany Park(ティファニー・パク)氏は、韓国も商業運転開始の一翼を担うことになると付け加えた。



Volocopter, the startup out of southern Germany (Bruchsal) that has been developing electric VTOL (vertical takeoff and landing) aircraft and a business model for operating them in taxi-style fleets in urban areas, has picked up another big round of funding as it inches closer to its first commercial launches.

It raised $170 million, funding that it said it will be using to kick off its first air taxi services, which it noted in an announcement would be “in cities like Singapore, Rome, and Paris.”

A spokesperson said the commercial launch will depend on the type of certification it gets and when. If fully achieved in the latter half of 2023, the commercial launch in the first cities is expected to be 2024. Florian Reuter, CEO of Volocopter, told us in March 2021 that the services were two years out (so, 2023).

“Our target is to start commercial flights by Paris Olympics 2024,” said a spokesperson for the company.

The money is part of a Series E, and Volocopter describes it at a first closing made at a pre-money valuation of $1.7 billion, which works out to a post-money valuation of $1.87 billion. Volocoper has confirmed to me that the full target for the Series E is €300 million to €500 million ($330 million to $550 million). “We have other investors in the due diligence phase, but we do not know the timing of the next signing round nor the full amount yet,” a spokesperson said.

This first tranche is being led by WP Investment, a new backer of the company from South Korea, with strategic investor Honeywell (also a new investor) and previous backers Atlantia, Whysol, btov Partners, and other unnamed existing investors also participating. It has raised $579 million to date, and other investors include Geely, Mercedes-Benz Group, Intel Capital and BlackRock.

In 2017, Volocopter made a big mark in the autonomous vehicle space when — backed by giants like Intel — it ran its first autonomous flying car test in Dubai. (Intel also imported and showed off the Volopter’s self-flying capabilities at an over-the-top event of its own.)

Notably, the announcement of the funding today doesn’t have a single mention of autonomy or self-driving capabilities, underscoring some more realistic framing as these services get closer to being rolled out.

Volocopter confirmed to me that first commercial services will be piloted. “The VoloCity will have the technical capability to fly crewed, remotely piloted, and autonomous at the time of commercial launch,” a spokesperson said. “However, we feel that public acceptance will be easier with a piloted flight. Once urban air mobility [UAM] adoption increases and cities have regulations allowing non-crewed forms of flight, we will gradually move towards remotely or autonomous flights.” That will also depend on individual city regulations.

“This funding round is a testament to Volocopter’s leading position in what is a highly attractive emerging market. We continue to make significant technical and commercial progress as we work toward bringing urban air mobility to life at scale in cities worldwide,” Reuter said in a statement.

Currently, Volocopter highlights three craft that will appear in its taxi fleets: VoloCity, VoloConnect and VoloDrone. It said that it is the “first and only” electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) company to receive Design Organisation Approval from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency. That means, if it plays its cards right, it could have a clear shot at the market either as a standalone branded commercial provider or as a partner to other urban transportation companies before competitors move in. Others hoping to make a mark in this space include Lilium, Kitty Hawk and Joby Aviation.

This Series E is an all-equity round, but Volocopter has also been raising a lot of debt for the building of that bigger fleet. Earlier this year it inked a $1 billion deal “in principle” with Aviation Capital Group to finance the sale and leasing operation of Volocopter aircraft (that will mean that it could borrow up to $1 billion in debt when the time comes). This will kick in only once Volocopter has full aircraft certification.

It has so far completed some 1,000 public and private test flights.

The company also noted in the announcement that it plans to use the funding to get to launch, but also to eventually go public.

“Volocopter has spectacular investors from around the globe, which puts us in an excellent position to focus on our first-to-certification and first-to-market strategies before we embark on the path to public listing,” Christian Bauer, CCO of Volocopter, said in a statement.

That fist-mover advantage and the work that it’s been doing for the last 10 years developing its air vehicles seem to be the two factors that are lending it a lot of credibility right now with investors, even though it has yet to prove a market for the product.

“We are confident that Volocopter will be among the first to bring UAM to cities globally, since seeing its aircraft fly in Seoul last year. As a leader in ESG investment, we are excited to empower city sustainability through Volocopter,” Lei Wang, chairman of WP Investment, said in a statement. The firm’s co-chairman, Tiffany Park, added that South Korea will be a part of the commercial launch as well.

(文:Ingrid Lunden、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)



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