フードデリバリーのFavorを設立した2人が不動産賃貸のSunroom Rentalsで11.6億円を調達

今回は「フードデリバリーのFavorを設立した2人が不動産賃貸のSunroom Rentalsで11.6億円を調達」についてご紹介します。

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不動産テックのスタートアップSunroom Rentals(サンルーム・レンタルズ)は、不動産管理者やアパートのオーナーに代わって賃貸を行う会社だ。このほどシリーズAで1100万ドル(約11億6000万円)を調達した。Gigafundがラウンドをリードした。

Ben Doherty(ベン・ドハティ)氏とZachary Maurais(ザカリー・モーライス)氏は、フードデリバリーアプリであるFavorの共同ファウンダーで、2018年5月に中規模の不動産管理者とアパートオーナーに賃貸業務をアウトソーシングする手段を提供することで「収益性を高める」ことをミッションとしてSunroomを設立した。





Sunroom Rentalsは、設立以来2000件の賃貸契約を完了し、10万以上の賃貸者が急成長するオースチン市で同サービスに登録した。会社が最初にビジネスの焦点を当てた場所だ。


Sunroom Rentalsは、市場平均よりも5日早く物件を貸し出しているという。これは不動産管理者にとって成長を早め「賃貸効率を高められる」恩恵があるとドハティ氏はいう。


Sunroom Rentalsの社員は現在18名で、2021年中に2倍以上にすることを目標にしている。中でもエンジニアリング、プロダクト、営業の各部門に力を入れている。

先に述べたように、シリーズAラウンドはGigafundがリードし、NextGen Venture Partners、Calpoly Venturesの他、GoolgeおよびSquareのGokul Rajaram(ゴクール・ラージャーラム)氏、HomewardのTim Heyl(ティム・ヘイル)氏をはじめ多数のエンジェル投資家が参加した。既存の出資者には、Founders Fund Seed、Draper Associates、Boost VC、Capital Factoryらが名を連なる。このラウンドはSunroomにとって初めての「Priced Round(株価を決定した上で株式による調達)」であり、初めて株を手放したことを意味している。

NextGen Venture PartnersのマネージングパートナーであるJonathan Basset(ジョナサン・バセット)氏は、Sunroomはまさしく正しい位置に正しい時にいる「新型コロナ以前から非接触賃貸のトレンドに乗っていた」と評している。


先週、TechCrunchはこの益々競争の激しくなる分野で新たなスタートアップが育っていることを報じた。シアトル拠点のKnock は、不動産管理会社に競争力を与えるツールを開発し、最近Fifth Wall Venturesがリードしたグロースファンディング(成長のための資金調達)ラウントで2000万ドル(約21億1000万円)を調達した 。




画像クレジット:Sunroom Rentals


Real estate tech startup Sunroom Rentals, which leases units on behalf of property managers and apartment owners, has raised $11 million in a Series A round of funding led by Gigafund.

Ben Doherty and Zachary Maurais, former founders of the delivery app Favor, launched Sunroom in May 2018 with the mission of “boosting the profitability” of mid-size property managers and apartment owners by giving them a way to outsource their leasing operations.

The pair sold Favor to Texas grocer H-E-B in 2018 and soon after shifted their focus on building out Sunroom. The Austin-based company has developed an app that it says gives renters a way to tour, apply for and lease a unit “entirely online.” COVID-19 has led to more renters wanting virtual ways to explore and secure rental units. Mobile-first, Maurais noted, is particularly appealing to millennials and Gen Zers.

“Personally, we love to create products that fulfill consumer’s most basic needs,” said Maurais, the company’s president. “With food under our belt, we decided to focus on housing.”

While one might wonder what the parallels between food delivery and housing might be beyond fulfilling consumers’ needs, CEO Doherty said the rental market in 2021 looks a lot like the food delivery market in 2013.

“In 2013, Grubhub had successfully put many restaurant menus online, but most of the transactions and delivery process was still offline,” he told TechCrunch. “We’re in a similar position with the rental market, as the majority of rental listings are online, but touring, applying or leasing units is still done offline.”

Since its launch, Sunroom Rentals has signed more than 2,000 leases and had over 100,000 renters sign up for its services in fast-growing Austin, where it focused its initial efforts.

“According to the U.S. Census, that represents roughly 10% of renters in the greater Austin metro,” Maurais said. “Instead of going shallow and wide nationally, we decided to go deep in markets, in an effort to gain network effects, which was a strategy that worked well for us at Favor.”

Sunroom Rentals claims that it’s leasing units five days faster than the market average. This benefits property managers, Doherty said, because they can grow quicker “while improving leasing performance.”

Looking ahead, the company will use the funding to expand across Texas, including in Houston, San Antonio and Dallas. It will also invest in its partner portal, which aims to give owners and property managers a way to view real-time data on leasing performance.

Sunroom Rentals currently has 18 employees with the goal of more than doubling its headcount this year. It’s in particular looking to hire across its engineering, product and sales departments.

As mentioned above, Gigafund led the Series A financing, which included participation from NextGen Venture Partners, Calpoly Ventures and a slew of angel investors, including Gokul Rajaram (Google & Square) and Homeward’s Tim Heyl, among others. Existing backers include Founders Fund Seed, Draper Associates, Boost VC and Capital Factory (among many others). The round marked Sunroom’s first “priced” round, meaning the first time it’s given up stock.

Jon Basset, managing partner at NextGen Venture Partners, believes Sunroom was essentially in the right place at the right time and “on trend with touchless leasing even before COVID hit.”

“I watched them build a profitable consumer marketplace in a competitive market with Favor and was impressed with them as operators,” he said. “These businesses have a surprising amount of similarities and I’m confident they can rise to the challenge.

Last week, TechCrunch reported on the raise of another startup operating in this increasingly crowded space. Seattle-based Knock — a company that has developed tools to give property management companies a competitive edge — raised $20 million in a growth funding round led by Fifth Wall Ventures.

Knock’s goal is to provide CRM tools to modernize front office operations for these companies so they can do things like offer virtual tours and communicate with renters via text, email or social media from “a single conversation screen.” For renters, it offers an easier way to communicate and engage with landlords.

Maurais said the two differ in that Knock is a CRM built for leasing agents with a SAAS model where as Sunroom is a marketplace, where renters match, tour and apply with partnered properties.

“Sunroom also provides a suite of leasing & analytics software to its partners and generates both transactional and subscription revenues,” he added.

(文:Mary Ann Azevedo、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )


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