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フランスのスタートアップであるResilience(レジリエンス)は、中央ヨーロッパ時間1月25日、Cathay Innovationが主導するシリーズAラウンドで4000万ユーロ(約51億6000万円)を調達したと発表した。同社は、がんと診断されたときの治療の道のりを改善し、より健康で長い人生を送れるように支援することを目指している。
このラウンドには、Cathay Innovationに加え、既存投資家であるSingularも参加した。Exor Seeds、Picus Capital、Seaya Venturesなどのファンドもこのラウンドに参加している。さらに、Fondation Santé Service、MACSF、Ramsay Santé、Vivalto Venturesといったヘルスケア分野の投資家も参加している。
Resilienceについては2021年3月にすでに紹介しているので、ぜひ前回の記事を読んで、この会社のことをもっと知っていただきたい。同社は、シリアルアントレプレナーであるCéline Lazorthes(セリーヌ・ラゾルテス)氏とJonathan Benhamou(ジョナサン・ベンハモウ)氏が共同設立した会社で、がん治療において患者と医療提供者の両方を支援したいと考えている。
だが、Resilienceは自宅で使用するアプリだけではない。病院が治療をよりパーソナライズするための、病院向けのSaaSソリューションでもあるのだ。Resilienceは、世界有数のがん研究機関であるGustave Roussy(ギュスターヴ・ルシー研究所)とのパートナーシップにより設立された。
French startup Resilience announced yesterday that it has raised a $45 million (€40 million) Series A round led by Cathay Innovation. The startup wants to improve the treatment journey when you’re diagnosed with cancer so that you live a healthier and longer life.
In addition to Cathay Innovation, existing investor Singular is also participating. Other funds are joining the round, such as Exor Seeds, Picus Capital and Seaya Ventures. Finally, some healthcare investors are rounding up the round — Fondation Santé Service, MACSF, Ramsay Santé and Vivalto Ventures.
I already profiled Resilience in March 2021 so I encourage you to read my previous article to learn more about the company. Co-founded by two serial entrepreneurs, Céline Lazorthes and Jonathan Benhamou, the company wants to help both patients and caregivers when it comes to cancer care.
On the patient side, Resilience helps you measure, understand and deal with the effects and side effects of cancer and cancer treatments. Users can track various data points in the app and find content and information about their illness.
But Resilience isn’t just an app that you use at home. It is also a software-as-a-service solution for hospitals so they can better personalize their treatments. Resilience has been founded in partnership with Gustave Roussy, one of the leading cancer research institutes in the world.
Practitioners will be able to take advantage of all the data that patients have gathered from the app. This way, cancer treatment facilities understand the patient better and can adapt their care more quickly. Resilience has acquired Betterise to gain a head start when it comes to data-driven cancer care.
The long-term vision is even more ambitious than that. If you talk with a caregiver working for a cancer treatment facility, they’ll tell you they never have enough time.
And it’s even more difficult to keep track of new treatments that are becoming more and more specialized. Resilience doesn’t want to replace doctors. But it wants to help them overcome blindspots.
The result should be better care for patients, as well as more support through the Resilience app. Cancer care is a long and painful process, so anything that can improve this process is a good thing.
(文:Romain Dillet、翻訳:Aya Nakazato)