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現在、同国のiOS App Storeでは、プライベートメッセンジャーのSignal、メッセージングアプリのTelegram、Twitter、オフラインメッセンジャーのZelloやBridgefyがトップ5にランクインしている。その他トップ10にはWhatsApp、そしてオフライン地図アプリのMaps.Meが入っている。Maps.MeはGoogle Mapsよりも6つ上にランクインしていて、Google Mapsは現在、リアルタイムの交通状況(セキュリティリスクとされる情報)の提供を停止している。そしてSpaceXのStarlinkアプリが入っていて、Elon Musk(イーロン・マスク)氏が衛星インターネットサービスが現在ウクライナで利用できるようになっていると発表してから39ランクアップした(もちろん、このサービスが必要とされる場所で実際にどの程度利用可能であるかは、今後のアプリの順位に反映されるかもしれない)。



2022年2月24日のロシアの侵攻開始から2月27日までの間、Telegramの新規インストール数はApp StoreとGoogle Play合計で5万4200回とトップで、1月の同時期から25%増加した。一方、オフラインメッセージングアプリのBridgefyは、新規インストール数の増加率が最も高く、1月同時期にわずか591回だったダウンロードが、ここ数日で2万8550回と、前月比で4730.8%増という大幅な伸びを記録した。



Signalは最も安全なアプリで、エンド・ツー・エンドの暗号化を提供し、アカウント作成日以降のデータは収集されない。一方、Telegramはデフォルトではエンド・ツー・エンドの暗号化を提供していないが、ユーザーが暗号化された「秘密のチャット」機能を手動で有効にすることができる。ただし、TelegramはSignalの創業者Moxie Marlinspike(モクシー・マーリンスパイク)氏から、主張するほど安全ではないとの批判を受けており、その主張は長年にわたり他のセキュリティ研究者や暗号技術者などによっても支持されている。


Telegram is the most popular messenger in urban Ukraine. After a decade of misleading marketing and press, most ppl there believe it’s an “encrypted app”

The reality is the opposite-TG is by default a cloud database w/ a plaintext copy of every msg everyone has ever sent/recvd. https://t.co/6eRGIyXyje

— Moxie Marlinspike (@moxie) February 25, 2022




通常、TwitterはiOSのNewsカテゴリで1位だが、総合順位は90位から130位程度に落ち着いている。しかし、2月27日時点で、ウクライナのiOS App Store総合チャートでは前日から2ランクアップして4位、Google Playでは15ランクアップして28位となった。2月27日にTwitterはiOSとAndroidで約7000回ダウンロードされ、これは1日のダウンロード数としては過去最多だ。

画像クレジット:Apptopia ウクライナのアプリストア 2022年2月27日

ストリーミングラジオアプリのRadios UkraineとSimple RadioはApp Storeでも順位を上げ、現在それぞれ19位と21位につけている(Facebookが20位で、その間に入っている)。

Google Playのウクライナのトップチャートは、少し様子が違う。

Signal、Bridgefy、Telegram、Zelloもトップ5に入っているが、エンド・ツー・エンドの暗号化を提供するAndroid専用のピア・ツー・ピアメッセンジャーBriarもランクインしている。オフライン地図アプリのMaps.Meは11位、Two Wayとシンプルな名前の別の双方向トランシーバーアプリは15位で、WhatsAppがそれに続く。

ウクライナのGoogle Playストア、2022年2月27日(画像クレジット:Apptopia)



米国では、ニュースアプリのCNNとFox Newsがここ数日で急上昇し、ワシントンポストでは、国家間の緊張が高まる中、2月19日の侵攻に先立って1日のインストール数が過去最高(1万5000回)を記録した。

画像クレジット:Apptopia 米国ユーザーのニュースアプリダウンロード数



画像クレジット:Anna Fedorenko / Getty Images


Ukrainians have turned to offline mapping and encrypted communication apps in the wake of the Russian invasion of their country, which is displacing millions who have left their homes to either fight back or flee to neighboring countries. According to data from app store intelligence firm Apptopia, over the past several days Ukrainians have been downloading various communication apps, offline maps and more where they can keep up with the latest news and information, like Twitter and streaming radio apps.

Currently, the top five apps in the country’s iOS App Store include the private messenger Signal, messaging app Telegram, Twitter and offline messengers Zello and Bridgefy. Elsewhere in the top 10 is WhatsApp; Maps.Me, an offline maps app that’s now ranking a half dozen spots higher than Google Maps, which has now just pulled its live traffic (info dubbed a security risk); and Starlink’s app from SpaceX — the latter which jumped up 39 spots after Elon Musk announced the satellite internet service was now active in the country. (Of course, to what extent the service is actually viable in the places it’s needed may be reflected in the app’s rank going forward.)

Among the top messaging apps, some saw greater adoption than others.

From the start of the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022, through Sunday, Februaru 27, 2022 Telegram topped the charts with 54,200 new installs across both the App Store and Google Play combined — a 25% increase from the same time period in January. Meanwhile, the offline messaging app Bridgefy saw the largest percentage increase in new installs, growing a whopping 4,730.8% month-over-month from just 591 downloads during the same period last month to now 28,550 new installs over the past few days.

Another walkie-talkie app, Zello, grew downloads 99.3% from 12,540 January 24-27 to 24,990 during February 24-27. Signal’s gains percentage-wise were a more modest 20.6%, but it has fairly strong adoption, with 39,780 installs during the same time last month and 47,990 during the past several days.

Of course, not all messaging apps are created equally when it comes to security.

Signal is the most secure app, offering end-to-end encryption, with no data collected beyond an account creation date. Telegram, meanwhile, doesn’t offer end-to-end encryption by default, but it allows users to manually enable an encrypted “secret chats” feature. However, Telegram has been criticized by Signal’s founder Moxie Marlinspike for not being as secure as it claims, and those claims have been backed up by other security researchers and cryptographers over the years.

Recently, Marlinspike took to Twitter to again remind Ukrainians that Telegram was not secure, tweeting that Telegram is by default a cloud database with a plaintext copy of every message everyone has ever sent or received.

Walkie-talkie app Zello is allegedly end-to-end encrypted in one-to-one and group conversations, but it’s worth noting the company had faced a security breach in 2020. The popular protest app Bridgefy, which relies on Bluetooth and mesh network routing, has also faced a host of security issues over the past years. The app spiked in usage during protests in Hong Kong, India, Iran, Lebanon, Zimbabwe and the U.S., but in 2020 was found to have serious vulnerabilities that led to it being dubbed a “privacy disaster.”

Though the company later rolled out support for end-to-end encryption, cryptographers who analyzed the app in 2021 found those fixes to be insufficient.

Outside of messengers, other apps that have surged in Ukraine in recent days include those for streaming radio and Twitter.

Typically, Twitter ranks No. 1 in the News category on iOS, but its Overall rank tends to be around No. 90-130. As of Sunday, however, it’s No. 4 on Ukraine’s iOS App Store Top Overall chart, up two ranks from the day prior, and it’s No. 28 on Google Play, up 15 ranks. On that day, Twitter saw around 7,000 more downloads on iOS and Android, a lifetime high in terms of daily downloads.

Image Credits: Apptopia: Ukraine App Store 2/27/22

Streaming radio apps, Radios Ukraine and Simple Radio, have moved higher on the App Store as well, now sitting at No. 19 and No. 21, respectively. (Facebook is in between at No. 20.)

Google Play’s Top Charts in the country look a little different.

Signal, Bridgefy, Telegram and Zello are also in the top five here, but so is Briar, an Android-only peer-to-peer messenger offering end-to-end encryption. Offline maps app Maps.Me is No. 11, and another two-way walkie-talkie, called simply Two Way, is No. 15, followed by WhatsApp.

Image Credits: Apptopia: Ukraine Google Play Store 2/27/22

On both app stores, a number of games sit in the top charts as well — likely downloaded to entertain the kids while families hide in makeshift bomb shelters or travel long distances to safety.

Elsewhere in the world, the Russia-Ukraine war is driving other apps to the top charts, Apptopia also noted.

In the U.S., news apps CNN and Fox News both spiked in recent days, while The Washington Post saw a record number of daily installs (15,000) ahead of the invasion on February 19, as tensions between the countries were rising.

Image Credits: Apptopia: US users download news apps

And now that Russia has locked down access to news and social media, demand for VPN apps has grown. The top five VPN apps saw a sizable jump in daily downloads after Russia began restricting access to social media apps like Facebook and Twitter in the country, Apptopia found, as users downloaded tens of thousands more VPN apps per day than is usual. Russians should note, however, that VPNs aren’t necessarily good for security. As they just route internet traffic through someone other than your ISP, your security really depends on how much you trust your VPN provider.

Image Credits: Apptopia: Russian VPN apps spike

Additional reporting: Zack Whittaker

(文:Sarah Perez、翻訳:Nariko Mizoguchi)



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