College Cashを設立したダラスの起業家が学資ローンの返済に苦しむ人々を支援するために奮闘中

今回は「College Cashを設立したダラスの起業家が学資ローンの返済に苦しむ人々を支援するために奮闘中」についてご紹介します。

関連ワード (College Cash、ローン、学生等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


Demetrius Curry(デメトリウス・カリー)氏はこの数年間、夢を追いかけてきた。

彼の起こしたスタートアップCollege Cash(カレッジ・キャッシュ)では、企業がユーザーに頼んで、自社の製品やサービスを強調する写真や動画のマーケティングコンテンツを作成してもらうことができるのだが、コンテンツの作成者は、学資ローンの借金返済に直接つながるクレジットというかたちで企業から報酬を得る。このモデルは、関係する企業に社会的な善意と税制上のメリットを与えるものだ。


College Cashはこれまでに10万5000ドル(約1100万円)を調達しており、最終的にはシードラウンドで100万ドル(約1億500万円)の資金調達を目指している。


College CashのCEOであるデメトリウス・カリー氏






学資ローンの負債に苦しんでいる人々に、返済の機会を拡大するというCollege Cashの使命は、学業に戻れたことで人生の好転を経験したカリー氏にとって他人事ではない。

数十年前、軍を退役したばかりのカリー氏は、Hardee’s(ハーディーズ)で食事をしているときに見知らぬ人と無作為な会話をしたという。彼が人生にもっと望んでいるものは何かということについて話し合ったこの議論は、彼が学業に戻ってGED(後期中等教育修了程度認定試験)に合格し、後にビジネスの学位を取得するための後押しとなった。その後、金融業界でキャリアを積み、最終的にはCollege Cashを設立して起業家としての目標を追求することにつながったのだ。

College Cashは、現時点では明らかに初期段階のベンチャーだが、カリー氏はこの先に向けて大きな野望を抱いている。彼の次の取り組みは、College Cashのチップ機能をギグエコノミーのプラットフォームと統合すること。その目的は、ユーザーである企業が労働者の学生にチップを渡せるようにし、その人の学資ローンの返済に直接お金を回すことができる仕組みを作ることだ。

カリー氏によれば、College Cashのチームは、この統合を試験的に実行するために「全国のギグエコノミープラットフォーム」と協力し、そのお金が学資ローンの返済に使われることを知った企業はチップを支払う可能性が高くなることを示すフォーカスグループを行っているという。

画像クレジット:DNY59 / Getty Images


Demetrius Curry has spent the last couple years chasing a dream.

His startup, College Cash, allows brands to petition users to create photo and video marketing content highlighting their product or service, with the wrinkle being that content creators are paid by the brands in the form of credits that go directly toward paying down their student loan debt. This model awards the brands involved a level of social good will and tax benefits.

The Dallas-area founder was inspired to tackle the student loan debt crisis after talking with his daughter about the prospect of eventually paying down her own loan debt. Curry has spent the past two years building out the nascent platform, tracking down brand partners, navigating accelerator programs, enticing users and pounding the pavement to find investors willing to bet on his vision.

College Cash has raised $105,000 to date, and is hoping to eventually wrap the funding into a $1 million seed round.

Filling out the round has been its own challenge for Curry, who has struggled at times to find opportunity, even among historic levels of capital flowing into the startup ecosystem, a distinction that has been less noticeable for black founders that still make up just a small percentage of VC allocation. In the aftermath of last summer’s protests against police brutality, a number of venture capital firms issued statements decrying institutional racism and pledging to back more underserved founders, spinning up new programs for diverse founders.

Demetrius Curry, CEO of College Cash

While Curry says he appreciates the scope of the problem and the good intentions of those making the statements, he believes that venture capital networks still have a lot to learn about what being an “underserved” founder means, and that plenty of the existing efforts feel like “lip service.” He says that even as Silicon Valley continues to idolize dropouts from prestigious universities, stakeholders have less interest in recognizing the accomplishments of founders who fought their way through poverty or found opportunity in geographies where opportunities are harder to come by.

“You can’t look for something different if you’re looking in the same places,” Curry tells TechCrunch. “When you look at the topic of ‘underserved founders,’ it’s not only a skin color thing, it’s also about where they came from and what they’ve been through.”

Curry says that it can be frustrating to compete for early-stage opportunities when investors aren’t willing to meaningfully adjust their parameters. Of particular frustration to Curry has been navigating the world of “warm introductions” to even get a foot in the door for programs meant for diverse founders, or applying for early-stage programs geared toward the “underserved” only to be told that they weren’t far enough along to qualify.

“Think about how much we had to go through to even get in the room with you,” Curry says. “I’ve sold plasma to pay a web hosting fee, nothing is going to stop me.”

College Cash’s mission of expanding opportunities for people struggling to manage their student loan debt is personal to Curry, who saw his life turn around after going back to school.

Decades ago, fresh out of the military, Curry said he had a random conversation with a stranger while eating at a Hardee’s — the discussion about what more he wanted from life ended up pushing him to to go back and get his GED and later a business degree. What followed was a career in finance that eventually led toward his recent entrepreneurial pursuits with College Cash.

The platform is firmly an early-stage venture at the moment, but Curry has big ambitions he’s building toward. His next effort is building out a College Cash tipping integration with gig economy platforms, with the aim that users of those platforms could ultimately opt to tip a worker and route that money directly toward paying down that person’s student loan debt.

Curry says the team at College Cash has been working with a “national gig economy platform” to run a pilot of the integration and has run focus groups showing that users are more likely to tip when they know that money goes toward erasing loan debt.

(文:Lucas Matney、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)

A Dallas-based founder looks to tackle the student loan ...

Demetrius Curry has spent the last couple years chasing a dream. His startup, College Cash, allows brands to petition users to create photo and video marketing content highlighting their product or service, with the wrinkle being that content creators are paid by the brands in the form of credits that go directly toward paying down […]

A Dallas-based founder looks to tackle the student loan ...

College Cash has raised $105,000 to date, and is hoping to eventually wrap the funding into a $1 million seed round. Filling out the round has been its own challenge for Curry, who has struggled at times to find opportunity, even among historic levels of capital flowing into the startup ecosystem, a distinction that has been less noticeable for black founders that still make up just a small ...

A Dallas-based founder looks to tackle the student loan ...

Demetrius Curry has spent the last couple years chasing a dream. His startup, College Cash, allows brands to petition users to create photo and video marketing content highlighting their product or service, with the wrinkle being that content creators are paid by the brands in the form of credits that go directly toward paying down their student loan debt.

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A Dallas-based founder looks to tackle the student loan ...

Demetrius Curry has spent the last couple years chasing a dream. His startup, College Cash, allows brands to petition users to create photo and video marketing content highlighting their product or service, with the wrinkle being that content creators are paid by the brands in the form of credits that go directly towards paying down […]

A Dallas-based founder looks to tackle the student loan ...

College Cash has raised $105,000 to date, and is hoping to eventually wrap the funding into a $1 million seed round. Filling out the round has been its own challenge for Curry who has struggled at times to find opportunity, even among historic levels of capital flowing into the startup ecosystem, a distinction that has been less noticeable for black founders that still make up just a small ...

A Dallas-primarily based mostly mostly founder appears to ...

Demetrius Curry has spent the last couple years chasing a dream. His startup, College Cash, permits producers to petition customers to provide portray and video…

A Dallas-based founder looks to tackle the student loan ...

College Cash has raised $105,000 to date, and is hoping to eventually wrap the funding into a $1 million seed round. Filling out the round has been its own challenge for Curry who has struggled at times to find opportunity, even among historic levels of capital flowing into the startup ecosystem, a distinction that has been less noticeable for ...

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In 1973, Kristofferson received an honorary doctorate in fine arts from Pomona College during Alumni Weekend, where he was accompanied by his fellow performers Johnny Cash and Rita Coolidge. His award was presented to him by one of his Pomona mentors, Professor Fred Sontag.

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BLACK HISTORY MONTH — Pat Avery breaking barriers & paving ...

Pat Avery has made it a goal to break as many barriers in her lifetime as she can — and in her 30-plus year career she had done what many aspire to do. The Atlanta, Ga., native, who's been in Texas longer than she was in the Peach State, broke racial and gender barriers, smashing stereotypes and shattering the proverbial glass ceiling while paving the way for others to follow. Through her career she has served as an employee relations representative for Mobil and moved up the corporate ladder. She became the first woman and first minority manager of employee relations at Mobil's Chemical Specialty Division in Beaumont in 1991, the first woman and first minority manager of employee relations at Mobil's Mining and Minerals Company in Pasadena in 1993 and manager of human resources at Mobil's Polyethylene Plant in Beaumont in 1996. Moving on, she joined TOTAL's Petrochemical's & Refining USA Port Arthur Refinery in March 1998 and served as the administrative manager and human resource and communication manager. She managed the refinery's human resources department, payroll, training, labor relations, community, government and public affairs activities, security, finance, purchasing and warehousing departments. Before she could settle into retirement she joined Griffith Moseley Johnson & Associates in early 2013 as the vice president, global business development where she represented numerous petrochemicals and refining industry clients. She tried to retire again and actually turned down a number of jobs, that is until she was asked to come to the Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce as president and CEO and for this, she didn't hesitate. She entered the current phase of her long career in March 2019 and totally enjoys it. Pat Avery sits in her office at the Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce. (Mary Meaux/The News) Where it began Avery attended an all African-American high school and one day her guidance counselor Carol Cash — who became a mentor — told her "the world does not look like this. You need to stretch yourself. Your need to think about going somewhere to challenge yourself to be able to compete with all people." "When it came down to picking colleges she helped me, and one of the colleges we picked out was Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, which is like a 180 degree difference from my world," Avery said recently from her office at the Chamber of Commerce. "I accepted, and they gave me more money than anybody else. When you're poor and a minority, you have to figure out everything by yourself. I had to figure out the financial aid packet by myself. None of my parents or anybody in my family knew anything about college. I had to do all that." And when it came time to leave for college she went alone. "We couldn't afford for my family to go to college. That meant I had to get on a plane by myself — at 18 years old to go to a place where I knew no one and a place I had never been before and it was really hard," she said. And while her story may seem a bit sad at this point — a young woman leaving the comforts and familiarity of home to travel across country to a college with a minority of African Americans — she has different feelings on the topic. "It was the best thing that ever happened to me," she said. Avery earned her undergraduates degree in biology in 1978 and even taught on a wildlife trail, but something was missing. Then it finally dawned on her — she wanted to go into industrial relations. She reconnected with Donald V. Adams, PhD, at Drake, who guided her through her next educational journey, a master's in public administration, and beyond. Pat Avery introduces Beaumont District Engineer Chad Bohne at the Carl Parker Center in Port Arthur. (Chris Moore/The News) Professional career Avery came to Texas for the first time in 1988 when she was hired at Mobil in Houston. At that time Mobil had four sites. "They told me when I was in Houston they had hired me to send a message to Beaumont, and that message is that women and minorities were going to be part of this organization," she said. She worked in Houston for 20 months, then moved up the ladder and was sent to New York for 22 months. "Then they said, ready or not here you go, to Beaumont," she said. But Beaumont was not ready, and this was 1991. "A lot of people ask me which barrier was harder to break, and I really believe being a woman was harder than being an African American," she said. The petrochemical plants at that time were male-dominated. When Avery came on board in Beaumont, there may have been one female operator, there were administrative assistants and maybe one or two female lab employees. Avery continued to move up the career ladder to human resources manager at the Beaumont facility, saying it was hard. "But you know it's amazing when you get older and you look at things differently," she said. "Back then I wondered is it my race? Is it my gender? I didn't know but as I look back at it now, it was all about gaining credibility and having them recognize you had something of value to bring to the table." But did this issue bother her? "You have to remember that I was completely alone," she said, adding sometimes you can see what seems like a small town mentality and if you are not from that area you may be treated a little differently until people trust you or you have built your credibility," Avery said. "I didn't have the African American community. I didn't have the white community. I was completely alone and it was very hard. My husband was still in New York and our careers were both on a trajectory of success, and all I did was work at that time, trying to become credible in the organization. It was hard. As a matter of fact, after 14 months I felt like a failure. I really did." Credibility & confidence At one point a plant manager from Beaumont invited her to an Occupational Safety and Health Administration voluntary protection ceremony and the manager, Jim Willis, gave the most beautiful words about her work. And that, she said, gave her confidence. She made several other moves in her career and soon began to work with the union, but this relationship took a bit to form. By the time she left there, there was trust. Not complete trust but there was trust and it was a completely different plant going from union being hostile to management to working very closely with management — this is the relationship she is proud of. This liaison task, communicator, is what she does well. "I'm blue collar. I grew up; well I wouldn't even call it blue collar. I'd call it no collar," she said. "You'd think like people in blue collar, so it was easy to see the facade of what they're saying and what was actually in their hearts." By the time she got to TOTAL she no longer felt race or gender were issues. She had gained enough credibility to not be concerned about those things. Pat Avery, left, hugs Arthur E. Stilwell recipient Verna Rutherford in 2020. (Mary Meaux/The News) Adapted Avery made it through some unpleasant encounters but used those as stepping-stones. "You have to get yourself included because sometimes the lack of inclusion is a form of discrimination," she said. She looked back to a time when her boss would leave after work and was followed, shortly thereafter, by her male coworkers. Avery worked hard and stayed late every night to improve herself."There were my white friends, all friends that played golf with the boss, and that was kind of a thing and you see the pattern of behavior when the boss leaves and five minutes later they're out the door," she said. So one day she said something to her boss about her job performance and got the distinct impression he was telling her that they played golf, which she didn't. So she learned to play golf. Advise to others "My advise (to other African Americans) is to leave your comfort zone," she said. "You can't grow unless you stretch yourself. The other thing I would say to African Americans is sometimes it's not all about race, there can be other factors like being a female. And sometimes it is about race and if it is, one of the things I had to do, in a manner that is non-threatening in a non-confrontational way, is to subtly share those thoughts by not calling someone a racist or anything like that but simply saying 'can I tell you how your actions are making me feel?'" By using this type of dialogue, Avery is dealing with feelings or behavior as opposed to the confrontation. She has promised herself she will never stop trying to change what someone thinks of her until her last breath. "If I know someone has a hatred for me because of the color of my skin, to my last breath I would still try to get them to see the individual, not the race" she said. "And you become so unsuccessful the minute you let anger take over because then you can't be strategic in how you deal with a person's actions." The good part of this, she said, is that during her career she has changed a lot of people's perceptions about African Americans, "not everybody but a lot of people," she said. Role models Avery has an ease about herself, fitting in with whatever crowd she may encounter, from blue collar workers to the suit-and-tie executives and everyone in between. Her former professor called her a phenomenal, talented human being. "This is an unstoppable person in terms of high standards, high expectations and the fulfillment of any responsibility she was given," Adams said, adding he has nothing but the highest respect for her. Avery's mother, now deceased, was her first role model and one who had a hand in her developing a strong work ethic. In the book "Just So you Know: Spicy Wisdom for Young Christian Women," by Karen Bourdier, Avery penned a page called Tenacious! which was dedicated to her mother whom she lost in 2008. She tells of how her mother worked for $15 per week at a laundry when Avery was about 6. Her mother had the courage to take the Postal Service Clerk's test — a detailed test with lots of memorization. She studied and studied and did not pass the test at least twice. Avery chalked it up to nerves because her mother had a photographic memory. Her mother eventually passed the test and their lives were changed drastically. They weren't middle class but they felt rich considering where they started. "How mother handled this situation taught me a great life lesson, never give up, always have a positive attitude; and when you fall down, put yourself back in the race and work harder than anyone else," Avery said in the book. This, she said, was her first lesson in developing a strong work ethic. Source link

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融資(ゆうし、英語: loan )とは、お金を必要とする者に貸し、資金を融通すること 。. 消費者金融などでは「ローン」と呼ばれることが多い。個人向けの小額融資(クレジットカードの付帯サービスなど)では「キャッシング」と呼ばれることも多い。

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西シ銀、住宅ローン完済時の年齢上限を引き上げ |【西日本新聞ニュース】


家を買う、長期の住宅ローンを組むか組まないか - シンクグローバリー税理士事務所 平林夕佳

税理士 平林夕佳前回は「家を買った方がいいのか、買わない方がいいのか」ブログで書きました。家を買うことにして、長期の住宅ローンを組むか組まないかを検討します。東京駅にある東京ステーションギャラリーで開催予定。看板見て行きたくなりました。 家を買う、まず住宅ローンについて説明される家を買うのに預貯金をおろして現金買いするという人は、おそらく少数派だと思います。一般的には、住宅ローンを紹介されて、月々の返済可能な額から返済

福岡銀行住宅ローンは利用するべき?メリット・デメリットを紹介 | ナビナビ住宅ローン(エイチームグループ)

福岡銀行のローンセンターは土日も営業しているため、平日が仕事の人でも対面して住宅ローンの借り入れに関する相談をすることができます。 あらかじめ電話で予約をしておくことで、店舗で待機する必要もありません。

住宅ローン控除は確定申告が必要です | 【昭和住宅岡山支店】


【比較】 法人なら購入よりカーリースがお得? メリットや仕組みを徹底解説|クラウド車両管理システムなら ...


カーローンの借り換えってどうやってやるの?おすすめのカーローンはどこ? - タスマガジン:副業を頑張る人のお金の情報マガジン


住宅ローン借入時に加入する「団体信用生命保険(団信)」の特徴、メリット、加入時の注意点をご説明します! | 株式会社ブルーム

こんにちは、フィオレハウス販売窓口・ライフコミュニティ販売スタッフの松本です。 マイホームを購入するとき、住宅ローンを利用する方が多いと思いますが、その際に加入するのが、団体信用生命保険(団信)。 「何となく知っているが、あまり詳しいことは知らない」という方も多いのではないでしょうか。

頭金をたくさん入れるのは間違い! | 静岡のファイナンシャルプランナー住宅ローン相談・住宅購入専門 | 静岡住まいの ...

    静岡のファイナンシャルプランナー、住宅ローン相談・住宅購入専門FPが頭金をたくさん入れるのは間違い!な理由についてお伝えしますね。    「頭金はどのくらい入れた方が良いですか??」住宅ローンでよく聞かれる質問。家を買うときはほとんどの人が住宅ローンを利用するので、「ローンをたくさん借りると利息

アデニウム上麻生 ザ・レジデンス【アットホーム】新築マンション・分譲マンション購入情報

アデニウム上麻生 ザ・レジデンス[株式会社 長谷工不動産]の詳細情報です。(神奈川県川崎市麻生区上麻生5丁目1126-1他(地番))の最新の販売情報を公開しています。間取りや写真などのイメージ情報から、独自に取材した特別企画、設備や周辺情報などが満載です。マンションデベロッパーへの資料請求やモデルルームの情報を順次更新しています。株式会社 長谷工不動産の情報や人気ブランドのアデニウムを多数掲載!あなたにピッタリの新築マンション・分譲マンションの購入を徹底サポート

クルンシィオート、ローン残高5%増目指す - Nna Asia・タイ・自動車・二輪車


PDF 第48 ローン推 進 -

第 ローン推 進 2021年2月6日 実施 48 答案を作成する前に,この冊子の裏表紙に印刷してある「答案作成上の ご注意」をよく読んでください。 解答用紙に記載されている受験番号・氏名が正しいかどうかを確認して ください。


Перевод '学生' с китайского на русский: ученик, учащийся, студент 女学生 ученица; студентка 大学生 студент университета

学生 - Translation in English -

Translation for '学生' in the free Chinese-English dictionary and many other English translations.

学生 - Wiktionary

From Middle Chinese 學生 (MC ɦˠʌk̚ ʃˠæŋ). The use of the 呉音 (goon, literally "Wu sound") reading for the first character and the 漢音 (kan'on, literally "Han sound") reading for the second character suggests either an innovation within Japanese, or later influence from another dialect of Chinese. On'yomi.

大学生自习曲 - YouTube


董总《中学生》 - Home | Facebook

董总《中学生》, Kajang, Malaysia. See more of 董总《中学生》 on Facebook.

word choice - Difference between 学生・生徒・児童 - Japanese...

学生 student (esp. a university student) 生徒 pupil 児童 children, juvenile. which is quite accurate I'd say. 生徒 is pupil, not just for elementary school. If you want to be more specific about the level, there are.

Карточка иероглифа 学 - "gaku", "учить, изучать"; 5-й уровень JLPT

Японский язык он-лайн: здесь представлены уроки по японскому языку и иероглифики по материалам учебника Минна но Нихонго. Японская азбука. Он-лайн словарь иероглифов. Тесты по японскому языку. Материал для нихонго норёку сикен.


港澳台侨研究生报名. 外国留学生研究生报名.



学生自治 - Wikipedia

学生自治(がくせいじち)とは、学生が学生自身に関することについて、自主的かつ主体的に協議・意思決定・実施することである。現代では、学校の教職員に完全従属しない関係を指すことが多い。 学生自治については、自治の対象が何かであるかによって、学生自治という用語の解釈が分かれる。

Beijing Jiaotong University - Online Service Platform for International...

关于2020-2021学年第一学期学生网上评教的通知 Notice on Online Teaching Quality Evaluation for 1st Semester of 2020-2021 Academic Year.




除非另有明确规定,增强或强化目前服务的任何新功能,包括新产品,均无条件地适用本服务条款。 (2) 学生在线系统对网络服务不承担任何责任,即用户对网络服务的使用承担风险。 学生在线系统不...

横浜国立大学 - Initiative for Global Arts & Sciences

横浜国立大学へのご支援や学生の就職について. 研究や学生支援に対するご寄附などのご支援、学生の就職の窓口を紹介します。


全国大学生电子设计竞赛组委会授权的唯一官方技术交流平台,设有信息发布、培训资源、活动专区、往届回顾、电赛论坛等板块,旨在通过专家指导与学生讨论,创造共同学习、实践创新的氛围,鼓励同学们理论联系实践、提高解决问题的能力及团队协作能力;同时也将通过比赛获得的经验运用于教改中, 推动高校教改工作。

創価大学 - Discover your potential 自分力の発見


首页 | 香港城市大学

作为全球领先的大学,城大秉承新理念,并不断寻求新方法来改善世界。 城大在QS排名中目前在全球大学中排名第48位。

免费教育许可证 - 社区支持

欢迎来自正规教育机构(高中、学院和大学)的学生和教职员工申请。 学生必须参加正规教育计划,该计划需要一年或多年全日制学习才能完成计划。 我们需要您提供最近 6...



学生データ | 通信制大学 | サイバー大学


学生——Microsoft 教育

学生可以免费获得 Office 365 教育版,包括 Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OneNote、Microsoft Teams 和课堂工具。 探索 Microsoft 面向学生的资源.

入学案内 | 東京大学

大学院学生の研究指導の委託・受託. 大学院学生の単位互換の派遣・受入. 学部卒業者の卒業後の状況. 帰国生徒・留学生について. 入学者選抜方法等の概要.


学生生活 Student life 社会貢献・連携 Social Contribution and Cooperation



山梨学院大学 | トップページ

日本学生支援機構(JASSO)貸与奨学金の返還手続について. 新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響に 留学生向け情報. 山梨学院大学・短期大学 地震防災マニュアル. 交通安全. 山梨学院 デジタルパンフレ...


化学生命工学部. 【在学生・受験生の方へ】2021年1月7日からの大雪により被害に遭われたみなさまへのお見舞いと...

Урок №12 - Китайские профессии. Как обращаться к китайцам?

Уроки китайского языка на сайте разбиты на три уровня: начальный, средний и продвинутый, которые также соответствуют уровням международного экзамена HSK1-6. «Интересное» содержит статьи о Китае, необычные ситуации и особенности китайской культуры, источником которых является жизнь


2021-02-13 22:04


2021-02-13 21:30

ご応募ありがとうございます✨ 抽選結果は動画の最後にあるよ♪ 当選した場合はDMで 賞品が届くのでチェックしてね? 2021/2/14まで1日1回応募可能✨ 毎日応募してね! 学生も、社会人も 新生…

2021-02-13 21:28

ご応募ありがとうございます✨ 抽選結果は動画の最後にあるよ♪ 当選した場合はDMで 賞品が届くのでチェックしてね? 2021/2/14まで1日1回応募可能✨ 毎日応募してね! 学生も、社会人も 新生活の住…

2021-02-13 20:44

誰か全部のつづり教えて SAR -- ??? 女子学生っぽくて難解

2021-02-13 18:37

コピペ 教授「いいかい学生さん。Linuxを、Linuxをいつでも使えるくらいになりなよ。それとな、Terminal、Coreutils、SSH、Shellもできるようになりなよ。そしたらな、RaspberryPi、notePC、Wine、Ap…

2021-02-13 12:50

これまでに受講した人数は計4000人以上、満足度95%以上という超人気セミナーで 起業成功に欠かせないセールスやマーケティングの基礎知識だけでなく、起業家としてのスキルが身に付く サラリーマンや学生にも、非常に学びの多いセミナーです。 そ…

2021-02-13 11:58

AO(Admissions Office)入試は出願者の人物像を大学の求める学生像(Admission policy)と照合する入試方法です。AO入試は点数よりも人物を重視する入試であり、最近では一般入試入学者に比べ成績が劣る傾向を危惧し、AO入試制度を見直す大学も増えています。

2021-02-13 10:20

ごちうさ三期見終わった!! やっぱりごちうさ面白いし 癒されるし こんな学生時代過ごしたかったなぁって 思えるいい作品

2021-02-13 10:16

えぇ学生さんじゃん?? 前髪パッツン揃ってかわゆい?

2021-02-13 06:35


2021-02-13 06:00

__【好きな物事】/osu!/一番くじ/PSO2/アニメ/猫/LOL/VOCALOID/趣味の合う方は是非フォローお願いします!仕事は学生です( *`ω´)

2021-02-13 05:46

荒野行動アカウント交換‼️ 出)kof95 進撃の巨人翼パラシュート   進撃の巨人バイク   アホ馬金ストラップ   その他金枠スキン(服、銃)多数 入)同等かそれ以上   エヴァ95銃剣垢   レイ学生服垢…

2021-02-13 00:59

【サンシャイン】 南草津駅周辺でお部屋探ししている学生さんにオススメ‼ JR南草津駅徒歩3分!通学に便利な立地になっています‼ Wi-Fiが無料で利用でき、なんと仲介手数料・礼金・敷金・更新料0円で家賃48,000円‼ 詳しくは?…


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