

関連ワード (Robinhood等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。


米国時間2月18日、下院金融サービス委員会は議場にRedditのCEO、Cato wonk、ソーシャルメディアの象徴であるDeepFuckingValue、およびRobinhood CEOのVlad Tenev(ウラジミール・テネフ)氏を(バーチャル)で呼び出した。テネフ氏は、個人投資家たちがDeepFuckingValueのヘッジファンドつぶしに乗っかった結果、彼の会社の資産要件が増大し、市場の混沌を引き起こした。



一部の議員はこの成り行きをあざ笑い、政治劇場だと評した。その発言は下院金融サービス委員会議長、Maxine Waters(マクシーン・ウォーターズ)氏の叱責を買った。


どうすればよかったのか?私が思うに、議会は本物のエキスパートを何人か呼び、ゲストの人数を減らし、PFOF(Payment for order flow)の倫理性、Robinhoodアプリの仕組み、そして目新しい証券ツールをいかに簡単に提供しているかなどに関する質問を浴びせることもできただろう。


"I believe that investing is investing" – Steve Huffman

— alex (@alex) February 18, 2021



"Did you buy GameStock because you were not aware of payment for order flow" is an incredible series of words to put one after the other

— Myles Udland (@MylesUdland) February 18, 2021


Really? An actual green screen?

— Lisa Fleisher (@lisafleisher) February 18, 2021

ほんとに? 本物のグリーンスクリーン?

Just waiting for “why doesn’t Robinhood take responsibility for customers losses?” from these incompetent boomers

— litquidity (@litcapital) February 18, 2021




【更新2】聴聞会は延々と続いた。本稿執筆中も。しかし、報告すべきことが出てきた!議会はRobinhood CEOのウラジミール・テネフ氏に、彼の会社が売上の50%以上が 「payment for order flow(PFOF)」すなわち顧客の注文データの売却によるものであることを認めさせた。RobinhoodのPFOF売上が前四半期に約2億2000万ドル(約232億3000万円)だったことを踏まえると、会社の2020年第4四半期の最大売上は4億4000万ドル(約464億6000万円)になるはずだが、実際には3億ドル(約316億8000万円)台くらいと推測しておこう。



Update: There’s an entire second session of this? My lord.

Update two: The hearing went on and on — it continues as I write to you! — but something did come out that was worth sharing. Namely that Congress got Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev to report that his company generates at least 50% of its revenue from payment for order flow, or PFOF. Given that Robinhood’s PFOF incomes were around $220 million last quarter, we can place a max cap of the company’s Q4 2020 revenue at $440 million, though I would hazard a guess that it was more in the $3xx million range. 

Today the House Financial Services Committee dragged before them (virtually) for questioning the CEO of Reddit, a Cato wonk, the social media icon DeepFuckingValue, the CEO of Citadel Kenneth Griffin, a hedge fund bro who got whomped by DeepFuckingValue and the CEO of Robinhood Vlad Tenev, who got womped when individual investors joined DeepFuckingValue in his womping of the hedge fund and thus womped his capital requirements leading to general market chaos.

It was not very useful. Between a cascade of Zoom failures — mutings, incorrect unmutings, a green screen that was not actually in use and an actual gavel — members of Congress largely took five-minute slots to embarrass themselves, and not make material points.

The format was not conducive to real questioning, and most questions were both too long and either too precise and misguided in their direction, or too imprecise, even if they landed in the strike zone. Sitting here I am trying to recall a single thing that I learned. I suppose that Robinhood’s CEO was not sure on the details of his company’s arbitration agreement with users. And perhaps a little bit about how many of its users trade options. And that Reddit’s CEO has a nice suit.

Some members of Congress mocked the proceedings, calling them political theater. That earned a rebuke by Maxine Waters, chair of the House Financial Services Committee.

Some members of Congress nearly got around to asking something useful. But largely the method of asking questions was bilge, the responses canned and nothing much uncovered.

What would have worked? I suppose Congress could have brought in a few actual experts and a more limited number of guests, and then hammered them with questions about the ethical reality of payment for order flow, Robinhood’s app mechanics and how easily it offers access to exotic trading tools, and the like. That would have helped.

Instead, we got great stuff like this:

Which was not very helpful. That said, there were some good memes and jokes, so, let’s have some fun instead of being annoyed with our elected representatives:

The rest of it was a waste of time. As I write this sentence to you, a member of Congress just asked how Robinhood got its name. Which is dumb, as the name is so obvious it nearly makes your head hurt with how earnest it is.

So there’s that. This was a waste. Real questions remain. They largely didn’t get asked, and certainly didn’t get answered.

(文:Alex Wilhelm、翻訳:Nob Takahashi / facebook )

Robinhood and Citadel come under fire during Reddit Rally hearing

The Reddit Rally saga made its way to Capitol Hill on Thursday with key players like billionaire Ken Griffin getting reamed out by lawmakers probing whether small investors are given a fair shake in investing.

Robinhood CEO, hedge fund execs defend their role in GameStop frenzy - CBS News

Robinhood's Tenev said the company discloses the practice "in multiple places" to its customers. Tenev and Citadel's Griffin and defended the practice by noting that it has allowed companies like ...

Robinhood, Reddit, Citadel Defend Their Actions Before Congress

CEOs of Robinhood, Reddit, and Citadel testified before the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services, in a virtual hearing on Feb. 18, 2021.

GameStop congressional hearing: Robinhood, Reddit CEOs to testify

The biggest players involved in the GameStop frenzy face a congressional hearing Thursday. "Roaring Kitty" is sued by Massachusetts as well.

Robinhood CEO Testifies: 'We Don't Answer to Hedge Funds' | ThinkAdvisor

At the same congressional hearing ex-MassMutual employee Keith Gill defended his viral GameStop posts.

Robinhood CEO defends actions in GameStop saga at hearing - Boston Herald

WASHINGTON (AP) — The CEO of Robinhood defended the trading platform to Congress Thursday for its actions during the GameStop trading saga, while apologizing to customers for restricting their ability to trade at the height of the frenzy.

Watch GameStop hearing live: Robinhood, Citadel, Reddit CEOs testify

The U.S. House Financial Services Committee GameStop hearing kicks off at 12 p.m. ET. on Thursday.

GameStop hearing: Robinhood founder defends halt to trading | Business | The Guardian

Robinhood is required to place a deposit using its own funds at a clearinghouse to cover risks until trades are settled between a buyer and seller. On 28 January, the company was informed by its ...

Robinhood Crypto News: 8 Things to Know About Crypto Transfer Changes | InvestorPlace

The latest Robinhood crypto news includes an update that the platform will allow customers to deposit and withdraw cryptocurrencies.

Daily Markets: Robinhood, Reddit CEOs Prepare to Testify in Front of Congress | Nasdaq

At 12 PM ET today, financial technology company Robinhood's Vlad Tenev, Melvin Capital's Gabe Plotkin, Reddit's Steve Huffman, and Citadel's Kenneth Griffin and Keith Gill are all set to testify ...

Watch lawmakers grill Robinhood's CEO - CNN Video

At the House Financial Services Committee hearing on GameStop, lawmakers aimed some of their harshest questions at Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev.

Dogecoin whale? Why Robinhood may be the biggest owner, according to reports - MarketWatch

Parts of the cryptocurrency market are all abuzz about a large owner of dogecoin, following a spectacular surge in prices of the joke currency. Is Robinhood...

Robinhood, Reddit and 'Roaring Kitty' to face a grilling for the GameStop 'stonk' frenzy | Fortune

U.S. futures are stuck in the red ahead of today's big hearing in Washington.

Robinhood Couldn't Have Met $3B Clearinghouse Requirement: CEO - Bloomberg

Chief Executive Officer Vlad Tenev says Robinhood Markets would not have been able to meet the $3 billion deposit call that Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. made against Robinhood on Jan. 28. He ...

Daily chart - Sorry, Robinhood: legacy brokers won from the GameStop frenzy | Graphic detail | The Economist

Retail investors are unlikely to see their fortunes improve

LIVE STREAM: Robinhood, Reddit CEOs testify in House hearing on GameStop stock saga

The House Financial Services Committee is holding a hearing Thursday following January’s GameStop saga during which shares soared 1,600% before falling back to Earth. Watch it live here.

'The casino tends to win': Democrats rip Robinhood, Citadel CEOs over GameStop - POLITICO

The SEC concluded that Robinhood's claim of "commission-free" trades hid a larger cost from selling customer trades at high fees to other brokers. "Due in large part to its unusually high ...

Robinhood C.E.O. Faces Scrutiny From House Lawmakers - The New York Times

new video loaded: Robinhood C.E.O. Faces Scrutiny From House Lawmakers transcript Vlad Tenev, the chief executive of Robinhood, apologized for temporarily limiting trading of GameStop after Jan ...

Robinhood, hedge fund chiefs grilled in GameStop hearing

The head of trading app Robinhood and Wall Street hedge fund managers on Thursday fielded a barrage of questions in the U.S. Congress about their role in the GameStop trading frenzy, at times being cut off by irate lawmakers. This report produced by Lisa Bernhard.

GameStop hearing: CEOs of Robinhood, Citadel, Reddit, Melvin Capital testify before House Financial Services ...

The virtual hearing was titled “Game Stopped? Who Wins and Loses When Short Sellers, Social Media, and Retail Investors Collide.”

Democrats attack Robinhood for its halt to GameStop trading - Roll Call

House Democrats complained that Robinhood's funding model relies on passing information about retail trades to brokerages.

Robinhood CEO defends trading limits at GameStop hearing - Chicago Tribune

Key players in the GameStop stock saga are testifying to a House panel.“Many Americans feel that the system is stacked against them and no matter what Wall Street always wins," said Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.

A fraction of Robinhood's users are driving its runaway growth - TechCrunch

Borrowing a term from the casino trade, these whales generate the bulk of the company's revenue stream.

GameStop Post-Game: Congress, Regulators Probe Robinhood And Reddit - Forbes Advisor

Robinhood, Reddit and GameStop have grabbed the attention of Congress and federal regulators over the last month. By this point, the GameStop saga has become an excessively familiar story if you follow markets. Scrappy day traders who congregated in Reddit’s WallStreetBets chatroom saw big, vulne

Robinhood, Citadel reject conspiracies they halted 'meme' trades | Hindustan Times

Robinhood Markets and Citadel, central players in the GameStop Corp. saga that gripped markets last month, are using congressional testimony to push back against conspiracy theories circulating in ...

Robinhood to allow customers to deposit, withdraw cryptocurrencies - The Hindu

The trading app popular with young investors currently allows customers to buy, sell and hold cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin on its platform, but users cannot withdraw their assets to transfer to other wallets.

Robinhood, Reddit CEOs Testify In Gamestop Hearings | Crypto Briefing

The House Financial Services Committee held a hearing today, questioning those involved in Gamestop short selling last month.



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