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米国時間3月22日〜23日にサンフランシスコでWorld Agri-Tech Innovation Summit 2022が開催されており、ロボットも気になるところだ。米国時間3月22日、このイベントでGrowmarkとSolinftecがまだ名前の決まっていないアグリテックのロボットの発売に向けた提携を発表した。このプロダクトは2022年に実地試験が実施され、両社は2023年中の発売を計画し、目指している。
このロボットの機能は、他社の多くのプロダクトと似ている。最近でいうと、Verdantや農業機械大手のJohn Deereが買収している多くのスタートアップなどが、可能性の大きい市場に向けて取り組んでいるプロダクトだ。ロボットは畑を効率よく自律運転で動き回り、農作物の健康や栄養の状態を調べ、害虫や雑草などの問題が発生しそうな範囲を見つける。収集された情報は、対策のために農家に送られる。
SolinftecのCOOであるDaniel Padrão(ダニエル・パドラン)氏は発表の中で「我々のロボットを畑に持ち込み、実用化します。最先端のテクノロジーによって農業のソリューションを構築し持続可能な農業の実践を支援します。Growmarkという革新的なパートナーを得て最初の発売に向けて前進できることを光栄に思い、農家が農業のチャンスをつかめるよう引き続き支援していきます」と述べた。
I’ve suddenly found myself writing a lot about agtech of late. Maybe it’s because spring officially sprung over the weekend – or perhaps it’s that pesky impending environmental collapse that’s frequently top of mind.
Whatever the case, I’ve mostly been lamenting a general lack of traction among robotics in the category, so I’m always happy to see a new contender emerge.
A lot of this stuff is also probably top of mind given that the World Agri-Tech Summit is currently happening in San Francisco. Today at the event, Growmark and Solinftec announced a partnership set to bring an unnamed agtech robot to the market. The product is being field-tested for the remainder of the year, and the companies are planning/hoping to bring it to market at some point in 2023.
The robot functions similarly to a number of products we’ve seen attempting to address a potentially large market, including recent addition Verdant and a bunch of startups John Deere keeps buying. It effectively rides around the field autonomously, scanning for things like crop health and nutrition, along with potential trouble areas like pests and weeds. That information is collated and sent to the farmer for action.
“We’re taking our robot directly to the fields for practical implications,” Solinftec COO Daniel Padrão said in a release. “This cutting-edge technology will help develop agricultural solutions and support sustainable farm practices. We are honored to have such a progressive partner as Growmark to move forward with this first launch as we continue to work together to support farmers on seizing the opportunities in agriculture.”
As a base-level functionality, I think this makes sense. Attempting to monitor vast swaths of land on a micro-level is extremely difficult work, and many times it means waiting for problem areas to balloon into actual problems before properly addressing them. There are a number of different angles being taken here, from robots to drones to satellite imaging. The companies are also competing with robotics that monitor crops while performing other functions, be it weeding, picking or plowing.
(文:Brian Heater、翻訳:Kaori Koyama)