

関連ワード (Google、Google Fit、Google Health、Google Pixel、呼吸、心拍数等) についても参考にしながら、ぜひ本記事について議論していってくださいね。



通常これらの数値を測定するためには、専用のハードウェアが必要だ。たとえばApple Watch(アップルウォッチ)や、Googleが買収したFitbitが製造しているフィットネストラッカーに搭載されている、赤や緑の光を使った心拍数モニターなどだ。Googleのハードウェアとソフトウェアのチームは、健康テクノロジーディレクターのShwetak Patel(シュウェタク・パテル)氏が率いるGoogle Health(グーグルヘルス)部門とともに、コンピュータビジョンを利用することで、スマートフォンのカメラだけでこれらの測定を可能にする方法の開発に成功した。同社によれば、その測定結果は臨床グレードの測定機器に匹敵するという(Googleはその測定結果を証明するための調査を行っている。学術誌を介して査読を求めているこの論文は、プレプリントとして公開されている)。



Googleは、これらの測定機能を3月中に、ユーザーがGoogle Fit(グーグルフィット)アプリを介して利用できるようにする予定だという。最初はGoogle自社製のスマートフォンであるPixelシリーズのデバイスのみで利用可能だが、その後「数カ月以内に」Android 6以降のOSを搭載する他社のスマートフォンにも適応機種を拡大する計画だと、同社は述べている。


ワシントン大学のコンピュータサイエンス教授であり、デジタルヘルスに関する研究でACM Prize in Computing Award(コンピューテングの技術開発に貢献した個人を称えるAMC賞)を受賞したパテル氏は、ユビキタスな消費者向けデバイスに搭載されている強力なセンサーが利用できるようになったことと、AIの進歩が相まって、日々の健康モニタリングがこれまで以上に身近なものになり得る、と語っている。


Googleがこれらの機能について、人々が自分自身で健康状態を監視するための使用を意図したものであると明示していることは注目に値する。つまりそれは診断や医療ツールとしての使用を意図したものではないということだ。それはこの種の機能にとってごく普通のことである。一般消費者の使用を意図したツールに、米国食品医薬品局による医療グレードのデバイス認証を取得することによる責務を引き受けたいと考えている企業は多くないからだ。そのため、Google Fitはこれらの測定結果に基づくガイダンスやアドバイスを一切提供していない。その代わりに、測定結果が医療用に意図されていないという一般的な免責事項を提示し、さらにユーザーがこれらの数値を確認した方がよい理由のいくつかについて、非常に高レベルの説明を提供している。

市場に出回っているウェルネスやヘルストラッキング専用の製品の多くは、たとえばOura Ring(オーラリング)のように、測定値に基づいてより多くのガイダンスと実用的なインサイトを提供している。Googleはこれらの機能について、情報の利用を完全にユーザーの手に委ねることにし、そこまで関与するつもりはないようだ。とはいえ、この測定値は、医師と共有するべき貴重なリソースになる可能性がある。特に潜在的な健康問題について懸念している場合は、従来の方法よりも便利で継続的に使用しやすい健康モニタリングの一手段となるだろう。


関連記事:Google Fitにホーム画面化など新機能追加――呼吸エクササイズはWear OSオンリー



Google is introducing features that will allow users to take vital health measurements using just the camera they already have on their smartphone, expanding to a whole new group of people health and fitness features typically only available on dedicated wearables. Beginning next month, and available initially on Google Pixel phones exclusively (but with plans to offer it for other Android devices in the future), users will be able to measure both their heart rate and their respiratory rate using just their device’s camera.

Typically, taking these measurements has required specialized hardware, including red or green light-based heart-rate monitors like those found on the Apple Watch or on fitness trackers like those made by Google-acquired Fitbit. Google’s hardware and software teams, including the Google Health unit led by Director of Health Technologies Shwetak Patel, have managed to develop computer vision-based methods for taking these measurements using only smartphone cameras, which it says can produce results that are comparable to clinical-grade measurement hardware (it has produced a study to validate these results, which it’s making available in pre-print format while it seeks peer review through an academic journal).

For respiratory rate, the technology relies on a technique known as “optical flow,” which monitors movements in a person’s chest as they breathe and uses that to determine their breathing rate. In its clinical validation study, which covered both typical individuals in good health and people with existing respiratory conditions, Google’s data indicates that it’s accurate to within 1 breath per minute across all participants.

For heart rate, Google is initially using the camera to detect “subtle color changes” in a user’s finger tip, which provide an indicator about when oxygenated blood flows from your heart through to the rest of your body. The company’s validation data (again, still subject to external review) has shown accuracy within 2% margin of error, on average, across people with a range of different skin types. Google is also working on making this same technology work using color changes in a person’s face, it says, though that work is still in the exploratory phase.

Google is going to make these measurement features available to users within the next month, it says, via the Google Fit app, and initially on currently available Pixel devices made by the company itself. The plan is then to expand the features to different Android devices running Android 6 or later, sometime “in the coming months.”

Image Credits: Google

“My team has been working on ways that we can unlock the potential of everyday smart devices,” Patel said in a press briefing regarding the new features. This would include smart devices in the home, or a mobile phone, and how we leverage the sensors that are starting to become more and more ubiquitous within those devices, to support health and wellness.”

Patel, who is also a computer science professor at the University of Washington and who has been recognized with an ACM Prize in Computing Award for his work in digital health, said that the availability of powerful sensors in ubiquitous consumer devices, combined with advances in AI, have meant that daily health monitoring can be much more accessible than ever before.

“I really think that’s going to be a really important area moving forward given that if you think about health care, the journey just doesn’t end at the hospital, the four walls of the hospital,” he said. “It’s really this continuous journey, as you’re living your daily life, and being able to give you feedback and be able to measure your general wellness is an important thing.”

It’s worth noting that Google is explicit about these features being intended for use in a person’s own tracking of their general wellbeing — meaning it’s not meant as a diagnostic or medical tool. That’s pretty standard for these kinds of features, since few of these companies want to take on the task of getting full FDA medical-grade device certification for tools that are meant for general consumer use. To that end, Google Fit also doesn’t provide any guidance or advice based on the results of these measurements; instead, the app provides a general disclaimer that the results aren’t intended for medical use, and also offers up some very high-level description of why you’d even want to track these stats at all.

Many of the existing dedicated wellness and health-tracking products on the market, like the Oura ring, for instance, provide more guidance and actionable insight based on the measurements it takes. Google seems intent on steering well clear of that line with these features, instead leaving the use of this information fully within the hands of users. That said, it could be a valuable resource to share with your physician, particularly if you’re concerned about potential health issues already, in place of other less convenient and available continuous health monitoring.

Patel said that Google is interested in potentially exploring how sensor fusion could further enhance tracking capabilities on existing devices, and in response to a question about potentially offering this on iPhones, he said that while the focus is currently on Android, the ultimate goal is indeed to get it “to as many people as possible.”

(文:Darrell Etherington、翻訳:Hirokazu Kusakabe)


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